Cincinnati Edition show

Cincinnati Edition

Summary: Cincinnati Edition covers topics from regional government to business, education, health, technology and the arts.


 UC Physician Is Among The First In Cincinnati To Receive The COVID-19 Vaccine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 692

Dr. Suzanne Bennett got a very welcome shot in the arm on Monday. She is among the first 20 frontline health care workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at UC Medical Center. It was the first Cincinnati hospital to receive a shipment of the Pfizer vaccine.

 Advocacy Groups Call For Investigation Into Archdiocese Of Cincinnati | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1067

The trial for a Cincinnati priest accused of raping a child is set for April of 2021. Former Father Geoffrey Drew is accused of raping an altar boy between 1988 and 1991 when he was the music minister at St. Jude School in Green Township.

 Restaurants Join Effort To Feed Hungry, Even As Business Slows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 950

The restaurant industry has been significantly impacted by social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, but locally, some of the businesses have joined an effort to feed those in need while their own receipts decline.

 Virtual Gigs And Drive-Thru Performances: Entertainers In The Age Of COVID | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2872

The theaters are closed, the stages are dark and the seats are empty. Local entertainers are struggling under the COVID-19 pandemic. But they're also finding ways to modify their act from virtual gigs to outdoor concerts, to drive-thru performances.

 Richard Cordray On The Future Of Protecting American Consumers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1279

Consumers may see a new financial watchdog when President-elect Joe Biden takes office. A recent Supreme Court ruling paves the way for the Biden administration to appoint a new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau . The agency protects consumers in the financial marketplace from abuse and predatory practices.

 Pediatricians Pass Out Gun Locks As Deadly Unintentional Shootings By Kids Spike | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 899

Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43% in March and April of this year, according to advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. At the same time, gun sales were surging during coronavirus lockdowns.

 'A Christmas Carol' Moves From Stage To Radio With One Actor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 776

Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is a decades-long tradition on the stage of Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, but COVID-19 - being the Scrooge that it is - prevents another time-honored pleasure. Almost.

 The Bengal Behind Council Arrests; Lawmakers On Brent Spence Future & More Top Stories This Week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2936

On Cincinnati Edition's weekly news review, Friday at noon:

 Supernatural Lore: Ohio's Ghosts, Witches And Frights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1174

Ever heard of a local colony of settlers in Clermont County washed away and killed by the river, only to remain at that site in a new specter form?

 New Investment In Improving Health Outcomes And Opportunities In Avondale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1101

The neighborhood of Avondale has been without a grocery, making it a food desert, since Aldi closed in 2008. But big changes are underway in the community and now the opening of a new grocery appears to be just around the corner.

 Writing More Under The Pandemic? Author Dani McClain Has Tips On Publishing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 676

If you've ever toyed with the notion of writing the next bestseller, now may be the time. The pandemic is ripe for inspiration, and now you finally have the time to hideaway for months typing on your laptop.

 Anderson High School Choosing New Mascot After Retiring Controversial Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1099

Anderson High School is looking for a new logo and mascot after the Forest Hills School Board voted out a controversial race-based name for Native Americans in July. Students, staff, alumni and community members have a chance to vote on several new mascots, including the Anderson Phoenix, Lions and Dragons.

 A Doctor Addresses Your Pandemic Injuries, Aches And Pains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 958

Let's face it, these past few months have been anything but normal. We've been locked away in our pandemic hideouts, glued to our devices, masked, hunched over, jumping from one Zoom meeting to the next, barely sleeping and always eating. Our bodies ache, our joints crack and our eyes strain. The pandemic has done a number on us.

 Cincinnati Opera Auditions Look Different During A Pandemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 899

The Cincinnati Opera recently held auditions for its 2021 Summer Festival Chorus. In any typical year, the event would bring dozens of singers to Music Hall, performing nearly back-to-back for several days in a row. This is anything but a typical year.

 How Can We Protect Our Freedom In The Absence Of Privacy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1245

We are increasingly under surveillance in our society. Online, we willingly surrender our privacy, granting corporations and our government huge privileges over us. But in his new book, Life After Privacy , Firmin DeBrabander questions whether privacy is really so important to political liberty and asks, "if not with privacy, how else can we protect democracy?"


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