Podcasts – Grattan Institute show

Podcasts – Grattan Institute

Summary: Our podcasts cover a range of public policy topics focusing on the main issues facing Australia. We aim to further the debate, sometimes by presenting controversial viewpoints. Our podcasts concentrate on the current Grattan Programs, but also go more broadly on occasion.

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 A crisis of trust: The rise of protest politics in Australia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:24

A conversation with Budget Policy and Institutional Reform Program Director, Danielle Wood and Associate Carmela Chivers. Protest politics is on the rise in Australia, and the main cause is collapsing trust in politicians and the major parties. If the major parties and politicians want to rebuild trust with voters, they'll need to change the way they do politics.

 Innovation policy in Australia: never a better time? – Melbourne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:09

Event podcast: Innovation and Science Australia has just released its plan for Australia’s innovation, science and research system, Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation. How big is the opportunity for Australia? Who really benefits from rapid innovation? Should policymakers follow ISA’s recommendations? At this Policy Pitch event, a panel that included the authors of the report used these questions to form the basis for an engaging discussion on innovation policy.

 Gonski 2.0 Review: What the Commonwealth should do (and not do) to drive improvement in school education – Canberra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:50

Event podcast: In this Capital Ideas event, Dr Peter Goss, Grattan Institute School Education Program Director, hosted a panel of leading policy thinkers to explore what is needed to lift educational outcomes at scale, what are the benefits, challenges and risks of Commonwealth interventions and where should the Commonwealth focus its efforts, and why?

 What’s the best way to close the gender gap in retirement incomes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:20

A conversation with Australian Perspectives Fellow, Brendan Coates. Australia’s retirement income system is not working for the poorest Australians, who are disproportionately women. Australia has a persistent gender gap in retirement savings and incomes. This means that women, particularly single women, are at greater risk of poverty, housing stress and homelessness in retirement.

 Innovation policy in Australia: never a better time? – Sydney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:18

Event Recording: Innovation and Science Australia has just released its plan for Australia’s innovation, science and research system, Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation. How big is the opportunity for Australia? Who really benefits from rapid innovation? Should policymakers follow ISA’s recommendations? At this Forward Thinking event, a panel that included the authors of the report used these questions to form the basis for an engaging discussion on innovation policy

 Housing affordability: re-imagining the Australian dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:46

A conversation with Grattan CEO, John Daley and Australian Perspectives Fellow Brendan Coates about their latest report. Low interest rates, policy changes and restrictive planning have doubled house prices in 20 years. It's time for governments to open the gate to more housing and stem rising public anxiety about housing affordability.

 The demand driven higher education funding system: frozen or finished? – Sydney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:07

Event recording: In this Forward Thinking event, a panel of experts will discussed if the demand driven system be restored. Its supporters argue that it increased access to higher education, fixed skills shortages caused by too few graduates, and encouraged innovation in teaching. Its detractors argue that admission standards fell, that we now have too many graduates, and that it cost taxpayers far too much.

 The Commonwealth’s role in improving schools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:57

A conversation with School Education Fellow, Julie Sonnemann. The Commonwealth should not use the extra money it is spending on schools as an excuse to intervene in school education. The danger is that the 'Gonski 2.0 Review' could be used as a platform for Commonwealth interventions that sound good, but don't actually help on the ground.

 The shocking truth about Australia’s efforts to ‘close the gap’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:18

A conversation with School Education Program Director Pete Goss. The "gap" between Indigenous and other school students is even bigger than official figures show. Grattan research reveals that Year 9 Indigenous students in very remote areas are five years behind in numeracy, six years behind in reading, and seven-to-eight years behind in writing. Even in the cities and regions - where most Indigenous students live - the gap is three to four years by Year 9.

 All complications should count: using our data to make hospitals safer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:04

A conversation with Health Program Director, Stephen Duckett. One in nine patients who go into hospital suffers a complication, and the risk varies dramatically depending on the hospital. An extra 250,000 patients would leave hospital complication-free each year if all hospitals lifted their performance to match the best 10 per cent of hospitals. A Grattan Institute Report Podcast.

 The history and future of Medicare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

A conversation with Health Program Director Stephen Duckett and Fellow Hal Swerissen. February 1, 2018 marks the 34th anniversary of the beginning of Medicare. How did it begin, how has it been used politically and what challenges will it continue to face?

 The ten-year story of Australia’s Electricity price rise crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:15

A conversation with Energy Fellow, David Blowers. Australia’s electricity sector is in crisis, or something close to it. But electricity shortages are just one part of the story - for most Australians a more visible and perhaps crucial part of this crisis is our ever-increasing electricity bills and everyone wants to blame someone else for the problem. Is there a single factor responsible for our electricity pricing woes? Or is the story more complex than that?

 What’s the latest research on housing affordability? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:33

A conversation with Australian Perspectives fellow, Brendan Coates and Associate Trent Wiltshire. Unsurprisingly, housing affordability continues to remain in focus for media, politicians and researchers. In recent weeks, two papers have been released discussing regional housing supply and demand in Australia and housing accessibility for first home buyers.

 Prime Minister’s Summer Reading List 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:03

Event podcast: at this Policy Pitch event, Grattan Institute launched our annual Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister at the State Library Victoria. Melbourne broadcaster Sally Warhaft joined Grattan Institute CEO John Daley in Melbourne to discuss how this year's titles illuminate some of Australia’s most important debates.

 Competition in Australia: Too little of a good thing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:34

A conversation with Grattan Program Director Jim Minifie, Senior Associate Cameron Chisholm and Associate Lucy Percival. The widely held belief that powerful firms control the Australian economy is a myth. But where a few firms dominate markets, such as in the supermarket and banking sectors, they earn higher profits.


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