Patriot to the Core show

Patriot to the Core

Summary: Patriot to the Core is a project where I interview patriots who serve not only our country but also their fellow man. This provides an opportunity to learn about everyday Americans who go above and beyond to protect us all and to help others. Many of my guests are military but not all. We talk fighting terrorism, self protection, exercise, mental toughness, charity, parenting and occasionally pop culture and politics. Although we rarely talk deep politics, opinions are shared. I think all interviews are uplifting and positive. Please follow and subscribe so we can have many seasons to come. Send suggestions and questions to me at Hope you enjoy!

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 Ep 050 – Tim Larkin | Sometimes Violence is the Answer – Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:30

The Most Effective Self-Protection Training in the World If you don’t know the name Tim Larkin (@TFTTimLarkin), that’s probably a good thing.  Why?  Because most civilians who come to him have already had a violent encounter and been a victim. Tim Larkin is the founder & creator of Target Focus Training, the world leader in personal-protection training. For more than 25 years he’s taught everyone from US Navy SEALS to regular citizens how to survive unavoidable violent attacks. Tim gave me a lot of time and went into detail about his background and why he started Target Focus Training.  He also explains why he uses the methods he does, because they are unique.  He emphasizes the tools he teaches have nothing to do with your athleticism, size or strength. Here in episode 1, you’ll understand how he prepared himself for this type of work, for his military career and why in the world he was taking cold showers as a young teenager.  In episode 2 he’ll go into more detail about how to protect yourself and provide real-world examples both by his students and other random acts of violence.  Then you’ll understand why it’s absolutely crucial to know how to survive the most critical 5 seconds of your life. Visit Target Focus Training and sign up for 10 free videos Buy When Violence is the Answer Buy Survive the Unthinkable: A Total Guide to Women’s Self-Protection *My podcast is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2018 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:    

 Ep 049 – MSGT Israel Del Toro | Man on Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:08

Israel Del Toro (aka DT) was angry that he wasn’t left to die on the battlefield.  Later when he saw his face in the hospital, he went thru his darkest hour. After losing his parents as a young boy, DT joined the Air Force and became a Tactical Air Control Party member.  Then, in 2005, his vehicle hit a roadside bomb and over 80% of his body was severely burned (third degree) and he lost most of his fingers. The doctors told him he would never breath on his own and wouldn’t walk again.  Two months later he walked out of the hospital unassisted.  But the moment of truth was yet to come.  How would his son react after seeing his dad, wrapped up like a mummy, for the first time since deploying? His reaction; he hugged and squeezed his dad like he never had.  DT said that was the greatest feeling in the world.  All his son wanted was his dad. Del Toro has accomplished much since that day:  he’s the only person to return to active duty in the Air Force after being 100% disabled, was awarded the Pat Tillman Award for Service in 2017, jumped out of planes, won medals in the Invictus Games, and become a mentor and role model to many. And why did I almost title this “Stairway to Heaven”?  Well, it’s his favorite song and each time he goes under the knife, they play that song in the pre-op room.  I mean, he’s only had 120+ surgeries. Read more about Israel Del Toro Follow him on social: @ideltoro21 on Twitter @idt21 on Instagram *Please consider visiting my Patreon page where you can support and get something in return.  Copyright 2018 Thad Forester email questions to Rambo Theme Song – Jerry Goldsmith

 Episode 048 – Bart Decker | Original Horse Soldier in Afghanistan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:08

  With the release of “12 Strong“, I’m replaying my interview with Bart Decker (Episode 008).  He and his Special Operations team were some of the first men inserted into Afghanistan after 9/11.  They arrived by helicopter and then realized horseback was the only way to move to their target location since many of the ledges were 2′-3′ wide.  These men were covert operators named Task Force Dagger that joined up with the Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban. The team rode on horseback to capture the city of Mazar-i-Sharif.  Once they arrived, the Taliban had moved out and his team were welcomed as liberators.  Bart also tells us how he controlled his emotions when interacting with John Walker Lindh, the American who converted to Islam and took part in a violent uprising after his capture in Afghanistan. Decker is now retired after 20+ years serving in the Air Force.  He said he wouldn’t go back and change a thing.  He loved his time serving his country and has no regrets. He and his team are forever honored at One World Trade center with a 13’ bronze statue of an American Commando on a horse.  Glad to see this story finally making the big screen.  I’m sure Decker won’t be mentioned or portrayed in the movie.  After all, would you be surprised that an AF guy be highlighted whenever there are SF and/or SEALs in the picture?  I don’t think Bart is complaining. And here is a good article by Jack Murphy describing some controversies with the movie. More info here: “First In” by Gary Schroen “Horse Soldiers” by Doug Stanton Americas Response Monument at One World Trade Center Sgt Macs Bar on Horse Soldiers and Bart Decker *PTC is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2018 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

 Episode 047 – Darren Sapp | Fire on the Flight Deck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:31

What would a fire on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier that’s miles from land be like?  You have nowhere to go and it’s up to you (the crew, especially those trained) to handle it. There have only been 5 major flight deck fires in our history and fortunately Darren Sapp never experienced one, but he did write about it.  After many years of being asked about the dangers and adventures of working on an aircraft carrier, he wrote a novel that explores that experience and climatic nature of a huge fire on the flight deck. Before this interview, I’d never heard of the different color shirts on aircraft carriers (yellow, red, blue, etc).  Sapp was on the inaugural crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the 80’s and we cover several topics: * naval aviation in late 1980’s * being plankowner of USS Roosevelt * Darren’s in-depth study of Aaron Bank, Father of the Special Forces (Green Berets) * death of shipmates – blown off deck and another hit by propeller (very sad) * his work with orphans and trafficked children in Ghana * his connection with former guest Ron White on the Afghanistan Memorial Wall and creation of book * Sapp’s other books * WWII history Visit Update from interview:  Darren later corrected the date of the Green Beret’s birth to 1952 *PTC is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2018 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

 Episode 046 – Roger Long – From Cane to Conquering Kilimanjaro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:41

Roger Long was living the American dream in his 30’s–good, stable job with very profitable company, home like they’d always wanted, 2 healthy boys and married to the love of his life.  Then, Young onset Parkinson’s disease attacked and changed his life forever. He gained a lot of weight, walked with a cane and medically retired.  Then, a phone call from his deployed son in Afghanistan gave him the kick in the tail he needed.  When his oldest said “Dad, I don’t think I’m going to make it out of here alive”, Roger knew he had to be available to walk with his son when/if he came home. So, he started walking with a goal in mind – to walk a continuous 10 miles in his neighborhood.  He dropped his cane and did it.  He also quit all his meds and got to the point where the effects of Parkinson’s would come back only when he didn’t exercise regularly.  Roger had to walk most days of the week in order to feel good. In 2012 he completed the Bataan Memorial Death March with this oldest son, physically aiding him across the finish line.  Later, reaching the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro ten years after his Parkinson’s diagnosis was the culmination of a life-changing turnaround that set him on a new life course.  Africa changed him.  It showed Long what’s really possible and to think beyond himself.  In the end Roger said goals help us recover. He documented his diagnosis and journey climaxing with standing on top of Kili in his book: Push the Rock: Second Chances on the Road to Kilimanjaro Read more about Roger at First Summit Project *PTC is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2018 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:  

 Week off for Christmas, Upcoming Guests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53

I’m taking this week off to enjoy Christmas with my family.  This means eating too much sugar and wrestling with the boys. Got some very interesting guests coming up – I’ll describe them in the audio of this one. If you’re looking for some Christmas cheer, here is the link to last year’s episode on this day: “Christmas from Heaven” with Hal Halvorsen, aka, “The Candy Bomber”. In addition, here are links to some of my most popular episodes over the last year and a half: CCT Mark Lauren – You are your own Gym Bobby Escorting Mark’s body to Dover – Angel Flight Kyle Defoor – former SEAL, sniper CCT Bart Decker – Horse Soldier in Afghanistan Dave Grossman – Killology 101 Tune in next week for Roger Long – Marine dad and still kicking Parkinson’s butt. If you’re still in the spirit of giving, check out my Patreon page to see how a very small donation can help with my mission here at Patriot to the Core podcast.  

 Ep 045 – BONUS: Michael Andrew Finally Leaving Puerto Rico | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:46

  After being in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for over 3-1/2 months, Michael Andrew is sitting at the airport saying “Service is the ultimate drug with no negative side effects.” This was an early morning call while Michael was at the airport waiting to fly back to the states after “leaving it all on the field in Puerto Rico.”  He’s been a volunteer, working mostly with the Salvation Army.  They ended up making him an Operations Chief.  Michael is leaving the island exhausted and said his soul is on fire. Here are some things we discuss: -What he learned as a leader -His weaknesses that were exposed and that he was able to make strengths -Delivering food and water was really delivering hope -Miracles he witnessed, almost daily -How he’s the luckiest and richest man in the world and it has nothing to do with money Great episode, especially since he didn’t have much time to think about it.  It’s really his raw answers and thoughts.  He’ll elaborate much more on his podcast and future videos and blog posts. Here is my last interview with Michael Andrew after he arrived in St. Martin to help after Hurricane Irma, before going to PR, but he tells me in that interview that he needs to get to PR.  Below are more links to follow him: Michael the Maven Red Lightning On Instagram @michaelthemaven On Twitter @michaelthemaven Hear our first interview on Episode 002 You can also follow Michael on his podcast The Maven Nation

 Episode 044 – Will Bardenwerper | Saddam Hussein: Psychological Exploration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:57

A few weeks after the attacks of 9/11, Will quit his finance job in Midtown Manhattan to join the military.  Turns out quitting his job may have been premature since it took about a year to get in the Army. This Princeton graduate entered basic training 10 years older than most and knew what he wanted to do.  He became an Airborne Ranger qualified infantry officer in the US Army. After leaving the Army and a few other jobs, he pitched the idea to a publisher on a book about “The Twelve” American soldiers who guarded Saddam Hussein during his trial.  They liked it and we finish up our discussion about his book “The Prisoner in his Palace“. “The Twelve” committed not to speak to anyone about their job, nor to write about it.  Living alongside, and caring for, their “high value detainee” in a former palace dubbed The Rock and regularly transporting him to his trial, they learned Hussein actually had some charm.  He’d have angry outbursts in court cursing Americans, only to tell his guards in the elevator later not to pay attention to that. Bardenwerper doesn’t skip the fact that the American guards knew Saddam was a killer and deserved what he got.  However, they saw another side of him that few Americans have.  In fact, as they were taking him to be hanged, Saddam Hussein gave one soldier a significant gift–one that probably wasn’t appropriate to accept, but he didn’t want to do anything that could potentially make the execution not go as planned. Intriguing book that “shows two Saddams coexisting in one person: the defiant tyrant who uses torture and murder as tools, and a shrewd but contemplative prisoner who exhibits surprising affection, dignity, and courage in the face of looming death.” Learn more about Will below: My book tour stop at San Quentin Hear Will on Team RWB Podcast Hear Will on Ep 22 of Hazard Ground Podcast *PTC is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:  

 Episode 043 – MAJ GEN Vinny Boles | Is your Best Getting Better? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:05

After 33 years as an Army officer, Vinny Boles is getting paid to travel the globe to speak on topics he loves- leadership and supply chain. This 2-star General shed some light on how to lead in a crisis (which applies to any profession) and how do you take bad news.  The later is the most critical leadership skill. I asked him how to keep morale up when your company is downsizing.  He has interesting advice.  A portion of that was that it’s critical to show empathy. Other topics: Management vs leadership:  What’s the difference?  Vinny elaborates. Millennials: Why they are the 21st century’s greatest generation. I had a great time meeting this warrior and got solid advice that’s applicable to anyone. Learn more about Vinny and purchase his book “4-3-2-1 Leadership” from his website. Also mentioned in this episode is Thad’s recent 2-day Scoped Rifle Class with Kyle Defoor. Also appreciate Southeastern Skin Cancer & Dermatology for letting us do the interview in their office. *PTC is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

 Episode 042 – TACP “George” on Healing, Forgiving, and Resiliency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:39

On George’s 9th deployment in 2010, his Humvee rolled over on him a few times, which shattered his hip, broke bones in his back and screwed up his shoulder.  He woke up on his way to Walter Reed where he’d spend the next seven months. We talk in person about his recovery – not physical, but his mental and emotional recovery.  Of course, George wasn’t immune to self-medicating because he didn’t want to dream.  After talking with a professional, she convinced him that he suffered from Survivor’s Guilt, not Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). George tells us of his darkest time, lashing out at his nurses and sister, drinking way too much, and then being told by a Priest that he was “being an ass.”  That was a wake up call. This is just a good interview with an American Hero who has seen hell and suffered tremendous injuries and come out even stronger physically, and especially emotionally. Whether you’re dealing with your own trials or know someone who is, George shares some great insight on overcoming. If you want to hear more from George, he was my guest on Episode 031. *PTC is now on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

 Episode 041 – Hershel “Woody” Williams, Medal of Honor Recipient from Iwo Jima | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:56

Woody Williams will never forget the odor of burning human remains. “There are some things about that 4 hours that have bothered me my whole life… I can’t remember going back and getting the other 5 flamethrowers.  It was so horrific, I didn’t want to remember.” Today’s guest is our first Medal of Honor recipient on Patriot to the Core.  I was introduced to death by flamethrower after learning of Mr. Williams.  He went thru 5 – 70 lb flamethrowers in a 4-hour battle on Iwo Jima.  Two of the Marines assigned to him were killed that day protecting his life.  He is the last surviving recipient of the Medal of Honor from that battle, and the last surviving Marine to receive the MOH for heroism in World War II. You could say Mr. Williams lived a sheltered life up until his time in the military.  Prior, he’d never heard of Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Ocean, or Japan.  He joined the Marines to protect his country and protect his freedom.  He thought he’d be staying in the U.S., but after boot camp he learned they’d be fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. I asked, “What did you know about Iwo Jima before you got there?”  His response, “Not a thing!”  Later he saw the flag raised on Mount Suribachi, but didn’t consider the significance at that time.  He had a job to do and wasn’t reveling in the moment. His story is remarkable.  He was awarded the MOH by Pres. Truman, but admits being more nervous to meet the Commandant of the Marine Corp than the President.  He shares with us what both these men told him regarding the medal.  He didn’t know anything about the MOH.  Even the day he received it he didn’t know what it was about. I even get his opinion on the NFL controversies over kneeling during the National Anthem.  Awesome interview.  You should read his medal citation below and learn more about him at these links: Read his Medal of Honor Citation Learn about his foundation: Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation *PTC is now on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:  

 Episode 040 – CCT Mark Lauren | You Are Your Own Gym | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:45

Mark Lauren is a bodyweight expert.  His fitness method is for “real men and women with real lives …  giving the ability to train alone anywhere, any time, without the crutch of personal trainers and gyms.” Mark honed the programs and myriad exercises in his book, “You Are Your Own Gym“, while preparing hundreds of trainees for the extreme demands of the most elite levels of the US Special Operations community.  The military’s most advanced forces – from Navy SEALs to Army Green Berets to Air Force Special Tactics Operators – use these exercises as the backbone to their strength training. Lauren says, “What if I told you that you already have the most advanced fitness machine ever created?  Your own body.” We have a great discussion about his time in the Air Force combat control pipeline, failing by one push up and having to start over.  Then becoming an instructor in that same pipeline and developing a specific physical training program for AFSOC warriors. A few topics we cover: * What movements do you need in order to survive? * Developing skills not muscles * Mobility and stability * Spending more time on the ground * His thoughts on CrossFit * One dumb decision in Thailand got his mouth wired shut This guy is unique.  This guy is cyborg.  I really like what he teaches.  Maybe you will too.  And I can’t wait for his app to come out in Jan 2018. Learn more about Mark, his programs, books and videos below: YouTube Give Mark a shoutout on Instagram and Twitter *PTC is now on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:  

 Episode 039 – Noah Galloway | Living with No Excuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:44

“You wanna be a leader?  It starts at home.” When I say Noah Galloway quit college to join the Army after the attacks of 9/11, he literally didn’t go back to class and joined officially in October of 2001. He was in shape and felt impressed to do his part by taking the fight to the enemy.  On his second deployment to Iraq, he was hit with an IED and lost his left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee. Fast forward just a little: he went thru two divorces, depression, and got out of shape.  Thanks to his children, he finally made the decision to get back in shape, be healthier and inspire others.  That’s exactly what he’s done. I remember in 2014 when he was working to be on the cover of Men’s Health magazine.  I voted for him and so did countless others.  He was chosen for the cover and as Men’s Health magazine’s 2014 Ultimate Guy. Life for him exploded after this – Dancing with the Stars finalist, talk show appearances and a cadre on Fox’s American Grit, where his team won Season 1. Here are a few questions I ask Noah Galloway today: -Why quit college (mid-semester) to join military? -Who was your rock during your darkest times? -Did you talk openly about your struggles? -What can someone who is suffering with depression or anxiety do right now to ease their pain? -How did exercise help you recover mentally? His children are his priority.  He turns down opportunities regularly if it takes him away from his kids too long. Hear him talk about future plans.  I recommended he do a show with Bear Grylls’ (my dream).  I had a great time with Noah.  Watch out, you may see him and one of his sons on the professional bowlers circuit soon. We talked in person at Sheepdog Firearms.  I really appreciate their support of the podcast and The Mark Forester Foundation. Learn more about Noah, his book, his charity or give him a shout-out below: No Excuses Charitable Fund His book – Living with No Excuses On Instagram On Twitter @Noah_Galloway *Patriot to the Core is on Patreon.  Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and guests like Noah.*  Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

 Episode 038 – SPECIAL: Bobby Bonello Escorting Mark’s Body to Dover – Angel Flight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:41

Today Mark’s friend and teammate tells us what it was like to get the news of Mark’s death, how he got a risky flight out of his FOB and met up with Mark so he could escort back to the states as part of the Angel Flight. September 29, 2017 makes seven years since Mark was killed in Afghanistan.  This episode is solely about Bobby Bonello and Mark Forester.  Even though much of what is discussed is written in my book, I wanted to have an oral history and capture Bobby’s feelings and some details that were left out of the book. Seeing Bobby at Dover AFB for the Dignified Transfer was somewhat comforting.  He knew Mark and knew us.  Up until then, our notifications had been from those who knew Mark, but we didn’t really know. Bobby was visibly shaken and had a sort of blank look in his face when we first saw him.  Probably how we looked too. The picture above is Bobby at Mark’s casket/transfer case in a C-17 in Kandahar, just before leaving for Dover AFB.  Although barely being able to see Bobby’s face, he looks shaken, worn and upset.  I still can’t tell you who took these pictures, but they were a friend of a family friend who happened to be there.  Amazingly this person found out who it was and made the connection, got the pics to his friend, who then sent to me.  It was only a matter a days after this happened. And hope you enjoy clips of the song used.  Credit to Radney Foster, Angel Flight. *PTC is now on Patreon.  If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on! Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to

 SPECIAL: Michael Andrew on the ground in US Virgin Islands | Hurricane Irma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:37

In my second interview with someone on the ground, in the action, helping with hurricane relief, Michael Andrew talks with me from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands following the destruction of Hurricane Irma.  This is the kind of work he was made for.  Michael thrives in these environments. He arrived there Wednesday via charter flight and is on a disaster aid trip, partnering with The Salvation Army and his organization Red Lightning. He was recently asked if he wanted to evacuate since another hurricane is headed that way (Maria), but he’s staying put so he can help. Michael tells us what work he’s specifically doing, how he geotags specific locations, what supplies are needed, etc.  He’s doing great work – something he feels he was born to do and was blessed with necessary skills to accomplish. Michael also explains why sending supplies isn’t the best action right now, but donate to an organization who knows the needs in real time- since the needs can change quickly. We talk sanitation, security, water, clothing and how taking a few days to serve will make your problems seem so small. To learn more about Michael and if you want to donate to his non-profit, which will directly help people in the areas he’s serving, see links below: Michael the Maven Red Lightning On Instagram @michaelthemaven On Twitter @michaelthemaven The Salvation Army Hear our first interview on Episode 002 You can also follow Michael on his podcast The Maven Nation   Copyright 2017 Thad Forester email questions to Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:  


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