Indie Film Hustle Podcast: Filmmaking | Film School | Screenwriting | Film Marketing | Independent Film | Cinematography | Film Festival | Filmmaking Podcasts I Moviemaker show

Indie Film Hustle Podcast: Filmmaking | Film School | Screenwriting | Film Marketing | Independent Film | Cinematography | Film Festival | Filmmaking Podcasts I Moviemaker

Summary: Indie Film Hustle is dedicated to showing you how to hack filmmaking & the film business. Interviews with Acadamy Award® / Oscar nominees and industry professionals giving you the real deal from the inside with no BS, just the truth on what it takes to survive and thrive doing what you love. We discuss cinematography, RED Camera, Arri Alexa, Blackmagic camera, post production, color grading, filmmaking, visual effects, motion graphics, film festivals, editing, film crews, directing, producing, film business, screenwriting, movie scripts, film distribution, film marketing, VOD, VHX, iTunes distribution, DIY filmmaking stuff, short films, feature films, video training courses, web series and much more in this podcast, all in an effort for you to survive and thrive in the jungles of the film business. Hosted by Filmmaker Alex Ferrari

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  • Artist: Alex Ferrari | Filmmaker, Directing, Visual Effects, Crowdfunding, DP, Film Distribution & Film Business
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 IFH 020: Why Indie Filmmakers Should NOT Shoot 4k! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:57

An issue I see come up again and again is indie filmmakers shooting a format that they can't handle in post production. Currently the big buzz word is "Ultra High Definition." Technically, "Ultra High Definition" is actually a derivation of the 4K digital cinema standard. However while your local multiplex shows images in native 4096 x 2160 4K resolution, the new Ultra HD consumer format has a slightly lower resolution of 3840 X 2160. Now while having a larger image to play with is better it does bring a ton of baggage along with it. RED Cameras started popularizing 4k with it's first camera the RED ONE. It was so far beyond anything else on the market at the time that it ignited the imagination of indie filmmakers everywhere. Now shooting 4k in todays world is a bit different. It cost much more than you'd expect once you factor in all the things you'll be dealing with down the pipeline. In this episode I go over a ton of info on why you shouldn't shoot 4k if you're an indie filmmaker.

 IFH 021: Wakaliwood: Introducing Uganda's Quentin Tarantino Isaac Nabwana with Alan Hofmanis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:25

Imagine you were back in the early 1900’s, when the film industry was a newborn. People were learning and experimenting with the new technology of moving pictures. Craftsmen were excited about discovering new ways of creating art with this powerful and amazing new technology. You would think that could never be recreated in todays high tech world but you would be mistaken. May I introduce you to Wakaliwood. A remarkable filmmaker by the name of Isaac Nabwana from Ramon Film Productions has created the Ugandan film industry, almost single handily without having any of the filmmaking knowledge or updated filmmaking technology. As we get to study the giants that came before us like Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, and Akira Kurosawa, Isaac only had his imagination and his undeniable passion for telling stories. Isaac is easily one of the most passionate filmmakers I’ve ever met. With all the opportunities and technology we in the United States take for granted, he created an entire film industry with basically string and tape. On this podcast we get a true understanding of what the definition of “passion” is. Alan Hofmanis and Isaac Nabwana open up on how they make a Wakaliwood action film, how Isaac taught himself every aspect of the filmmaking process and what he would like to see Ramon Films Production and Wakaliwood become on the world stage. I alway hear excuses why indie filmmakers don’t pull the trigger on making their independent film. Like not enough money, I don’t know any screenwriters, don’t have the camera I want, can’t get name actors, don’t understand post production, can’t find people to help and the list goes on and on. I hope this podcast lights a fire under the asses of every indie filmmaker that listens to it.

 IFH 019: How to Make a Terrifying Horror Film with Edwin Pagan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:00

IFH 019: How to Make a Terrifying Horror Film with Edwin Pagan by Alex Ferrari | Filmmaker, Directing, Visual Effects, Crowdfunding, DP, Film Distribution & Film Business

 IFH 018: Don't Only Hire a DP because they own a RED Camera! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:54

Now before I get a bunch of hate mail please let me explain. I love cinematographers. You can;t make a movie without on. It's by far one of the toughest positions on set. The pressure is immense. With that said the explosion of low cost cameras and lighting gear has thrown a huge amount of "cinematographers" into the market place. This podcast is a warning to young and inexperienced filmmakers not to hire not just a director of photography but any top level crew member solely because they on some of the latest gear. This advice also goes for sound department, editorial, lighting, visual effects and definitely color grading. When hiring any top level positions in a film production it should be based on resume, demo reel, or reputation. All I'm saying is don't hire a crew member just because of the gear he or she owns. You'll thank me. Take a listen to this episode to hear my horror story that cost me over $50,000. OUCH! Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcas

 IFH 017: Indie Film Distribution on VOD with Linda Nelson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:47

The world of film distribution is filled with unknown land mines. Even more mysterious is how an indie filmmaker can get their film placed on these elusive VOD or Video on Demand platforms? That's where this episode comes in, we have video on demand expert Linda Nelson from Indie Film Rights, the film distribution arm of Nelson Madison Films. Linda walks us through the maze of VOD and film distribution options and explains what it takes to get your film placed in the potentially very lucrative platforms. Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcas

 IFH 016: Getting Attention from Influencers – My Roger Ebert Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:20

I always get asked by indie filmmakers: “How do I get attention for my indie film?” This is one of the major challenges facing indie filmmakers/entrepreneurs in today’s noisy independent film landscape. One fast way is to get an “influencer” to focus a little light onto you or your project. Now this is much easier said than done. When I promote my projects I approach every online indie film influencer I can. This includes indie film sites, niche sites (around your subject matter), industry news outlets, film magazines, movie fan websites, film festivals, podcasters, conventions, and movie reviewers. In this podcast I tell the story of how the legendary film critic Roger Ebert was so amazingly kind to a young filmmaker. Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 015: Selling Your Film at the American Film Market with Ben Yennie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:56

If you have ever looked into selling your film at a film market then you more than likely have heard of the North America's largest film market, AFM or the American Film Market. The American Film Market is a labyrinth of crazy characters, thieves, wannabes, filmmakers hustling their latest film, distributors, industry professionals and of course buyers and sellers from around the globe. My guest this week is Ben Yennie who has written the only real guide to this carnival called "The Guerilla Rep: American Film Market Distribution Success on No Budget." You should not go to the American Film Market or any film market for that matter without reading this book. Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 013: Inside the Edit with Paddy Bird | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:42

I've been an editor now for over twenty years. When I was starting out I looked everywhere for some course, book, video, or anything that could teach me the black art of creative editing. There are many courses design to teach you AVID, Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro software but nothing on the creative process. One day I was surfing the net and found this site called "Inside the Edit." The site was boasting the it was the world's first "creative editing course," which I found very hard to believe. I took the course for a test ride and OH MY GOD, they did it, they cracked the code. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Inside the Edit - 10% OFF email: Inside the Edit Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Software for Mac/Win/Linux Adobe Premiere Pro CC Final Cut Pro X (Your FREE Audio Book) Six Secrets to get into Film Festivals for FREE! Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 014: Post Production Workflow - Understand it or DIE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:37

I know I'm being a bit dramatic when I say "Understand Post Production Workflow or DIE!" but I've seen and been involved with sooooooo many independent films that just die in post production because of one simple thing, they didn't understand post production workflow. Post Production Workflow is not a black art that only a few understand, granted it is getting more and more complicated these days but you as a indie filmmaker can still understand the basics. Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 012: How to Turn Your Independent Film into a Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:27

How to Turn Your Independent Film into a Money Making Business So many independent film creators just want to think of themselves as artists. That's fine but it's called show business for a reason. If you don't understand the business you won't be able to create the show. In this episode I share with you what it takes to change your mindset and start thinking of your independent film not just as a precious piece of art but to also think of it as a product that needs to do well in the marketplace in order for you as the filmmaker to continue putting on that show! LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE (Your FREE Audio Book) Six Secrets to get into Film Festivals for FREE! Action Items: Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or via RSS. If you like this show take a listen to Dov Simens Interview: America's Greatest and Quentin's Tarantino's Film Teacher Enjoyed this blog post? Please share it in your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, email etc) by using social media buttons at the side or bottom of the blog. Or post to your blog and anywhere else you feel it would be a good fit. Thanks. I welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the comments section below... Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 011: Suzanne Lyons Pt 2: How to Produce Your First Feature Film | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:02

Here's Part Two of my interview with Suzanne Lyons. This week on the show I'm excited to have uber independent film producer Suzanne Lyons. She has been living in the indie film space for over twenty years. Working on SAG Ultra Low Budgets to over $15,000,000 budgets she has seen it all. Suzanne Lyons takes you by the hand and walks you through what it takes to produce your first feature film. She goes over the pitfalls, legal concerns, deliverables, selling to foreign countries and most importantly of all how she gets her financing for her feature films. She laid out such amazing information that I had to break the episode up into two parts. I spoke at one of her famous indie film producing workshop and learned a ton while I was there. Suzanne Lyons also wrote an amazing book called Indie Film Producing: The Craft of Low Budget Filmmaking. I suggest you all pick it up. It's better than film school! LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Suzanne Lyons IMDB Suzanne Lyons Production Company Indie Film Producing: The Craft of Low Budget Filmmaking (Your FREE Audio Book) Six Secrets to get into Film Festivals for FREE!

 IFH 010: Suzanne Lyons Pt 1: How to Produce Your First Feature Film | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:29

This week on the show I'm excited to have uber independent film producer Suzanne Lyons. She has been living in the indie film space for over twenty years. Working on SAG Ultra Low Budgets to over $15,000,000 budgets she has seen it all. Suzanne Lyons takes you by the hand and walks you through what it takes to produce your first feature film. She goes over the pitfalls, legal concerns, deliverables, selling to foreign countries and most importantly of all how she gets her financing for her feature films. She laid out such amazing information that I had to break the episode up into two parts. I spoke at one of her famous indie film producing workshop and learned a ton while I was there. Suzanne Lyons also wrote an amazing book called Indie Film Producing: The Craft of Low Budget Filmmaking. I suggest you all pick it up. It's better than film school! LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Suzanne Lyons IMDB Suzanne Lyons Production Company Indie Film Producing: The Craft of Low Budget Filmmaking (Your FREE Audio Book) Six Secrets to get into Film Festivals for FREE!

 IFH 009: Suki Medencevic ASC & the Art of Cinematography | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:15

Suki Medencevic ASC and the Art of Cinematography I have found over the years that is one of the biggest technical issues in independent film. Someone borrows a friends RED Camera or Arri Alexa and thinks that's all you need. Cinematography is not only a mystical art but imperitive in today's gluttony of indie films in the market place. Good cinematography can really make your independent film project rise out of the gutter of poorly produced indie films. Today on the show I interview Suki Medencevic ASC (American Society of Cinematographers). For all the show notes goto:

 IFH 004: What is a Producer's Rep & How not to be Ripped Off! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:18

On this week's episode we discuss a dirty indie film distribution secret, Producer's Reps. Like all things in life not all producer's reps are evil, scam artists or scumbags. Many do a great job and are more than fair with the filmmakers they work for. I'm hear to warn you about the other kind of producer's rep, the predatory, conman that loves to promise the world and deliver nothing to the already broke filmmaker. I was burned by one of these grifters early in my journey as a indie filmmaker and producer. Get Social with Indie Film Hustle: Facebook: Indie Film Hustle Twitter: @indiefilmhustle Instagram: @ifilmhustle YouTube: Indie Film Hustle TV Podcast: IFH Podcast

 IFH 022: Does Your Indie Film Have a Audience? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:34

I'm never surprised anymore when I speak to filmmakers and ask them one simple but powerful question, does your film have an audience? I usually just get a blank stare. This is probably the most important question you can ask yourself as a indie filmmaker. Now if you are making film as art and have no intention or care at all about making money with your film then should stop reading this email. Now, there's nothing wrong with that but that is not what I'm discussing here today. For the rest of us that want and need to make money with our films these few little words should be your mantra in the development process. Does Your Indie Film Have a Audience? Most filmmakers get so excited by the concept of a story, the emotion or just with the idea of making a feature film that they never ask the question. They are scared to because it might stop the fun they are having. Trust me I know the feeling. Listen to this episode and find out some tips and tricks to see if your film has an audience.


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