Matt O'Grady Coaching Podcast show

Matt O'Grady Coaching Podcast

Summary: This two-time author of the Law of Attraction Workbook and the motivational book Living Gratitude, Matt O’Grady welcomes you to join him on his podcast show where he teaches his clients how to live happier, more successful and gratitude filled lives. He is a former co-host on the Matt and Phil LOA Show which aired for four years. Matt is also a co-founder of a non-profit organization, Soul Brothers, that supports adults and children in need. A Psychology graduate from Hofstra University, Matt O’Grady has always been intrigued by things unseen by our human eyes, rather felt or experienced on a deeper level. In his quest to discover this deeper meaning to life, to himself and his existence in this world, he began studying and practicing the law of attraction, learning about emotional awareness and delving deeper into the idea of consciousness and spirituality. He currently lives with his wife and 8 year old son in Huntington, New York.

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  • Artist: Matt OGrady Coaching
  • Copyright: Copyright Matthew David O'Grady (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Dreaming it Into Life: How Imagination and Science Intersect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

This is what we are all doing with our Imagination without even knowing it, dreaming, focusing, allowing, attracting all of our experiences in as we live life, as we sleep, as we speak, as we think, as we feel, we are paving the way for the next big experience, the next moment, next week and next year. Yet, we don't think that way most of the time do we? We want things to be different now, and we can do just that but not while we keep staring at the past and calling it the present! Matt and Phil will dive DEEP down the rabbit hole to discuss the Image-I-nation, Quantum Science and much more....

 Wellness Special - What's The Deal With Raw Milk? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

For thousands of years raw (unpasturized) milk from cows, goats and other animals has been a staple of the human diet around the world. Yet in many states in the US raw milk is either completely or partially banned. Why? Matt and Phil will discuss the many benefits of fresh, grass-fed raw milk and the controversy surrounding it.

 Course in Miracles?! Sign me up! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

"A Course In Miracles" has been a highly debated subject in spiritual circles for many years. Brought to popularity by celebs such as Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson, ACIM is growing in the American and International Spiritual Community faster now than ever before. Joining us to explore this life altering work for millions around the globe, we will have 2 great Spiritual Brothers joining us to discuss the topic: Bill King, author of "Stinkin' Thinkin' Stinks" a book for parents, teachers and children on positive thinking and self esteem education for young people. We also have Joe Iadanza, Founder and Director of The Living Room Studio, a spiritual meeting place, dedicated to inner work, meditation and the healing arts in Port Washington, NY. 

 Living A Yoga Life With Stacy Plaske | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Tonight Matt and Phil will be talking Yoga with master teacher Stacy Plaske. Stacy owns Balance Yoga studio in Huntington NY. We will discuss the power of yoga as a life transforming tool and Stacy's many years of experience learning and teaching yoga, her path that took her to India and back and her love for Ashtanga Yoga. About Stacy:

 Is Your Life Real? Exploring the so called "Illusion of Life" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

For many thousands of years spiritual teachers have been talking about the idea that this human, earthly life is an "Illusion" yet, most of us live life as if all of it is very real. The spirtual adage as its quoted in the movie Waking Life:  "The worst mistake that you could make is to think that you are alive when really you’re asleep in life's waiting room."  Teachers have been saying things just like this and more, such as: Dont judge by appearances, dont trust the senses, only love is real and so on. Life As Illusion: What does this mean? Is it true? What are they really getting at? How can this idea help our lives?  

 Selfish or Selfless - Which Should I Be? With Jeannette Maw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Many spiritual traditions advise selflessness as the road to enlightenment. Think not of yourself but of others and you shall be rewarded. Others say that if we don't put ourselves first we likely won't have anything to give to another. So which is the right path? Do we have to chose one or the other? Matt, Phil and special guest, Good Vibe University's Jeannette Maw will take on these tough questions - you won't want to miss it!

 What Really Makes Us Happy? Things and People vs. Feelings and Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

What matters most in your life? Things, People or Your Thoughts and Feelings? We all have goals, people we want in our lives, wishes, and dreams. Why are these important to you? Hows it going? Are you motivated? Confident? How about Happiness? How much do you have? how often are you TRULY Joyous and Happy? Would you like more of that in your life? Hows that going so far? What will help you get there? More things, more people doing what you want them to, OR how you approach your own inner world, how you think and feel about all aspects of your life instead of specific material, external and people expressing as we would like. Does our Inner World REALLY reflect the outer? Is this whole "As Above, So Below" and "As a person thinks in his heart so is he." idea really true? Its definitely a 'Rabbit Hole' question and we are going to jump right down in it!

 Understanding Allowing - What Is It? Why Is It Important? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Ever wonder why some manifestations seem to happen so easily while others are painfully slow? Ever notice that when you're having a great day other great things always seem to follow? Ever hear Abraham-Hicks or other LOA teachers talk about "letting it in" and wonder what they heck they're talking about? Well, Matt and Phil have been thinking about all of this and are quite hyped to let it flow! 

 Aiming for Peace: Your Perspective and Happiness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Peace is often only thought of in the context of war. However, there is a much different kind of Peace available that is spoken to us from ancient and current teachers.  Inner Peace. They all seem to be saying the same thing: To Change your Perspective(Beliefs/Thoughts) you need to Aim for Inner Peace and from that will spring True Happiness. Sounds great, we know. How in the holy heck do we achieve such a thing?! Well, the first step is in taking Aim. Not with a rifle, or missile but with our Minds and Hearts.

 New Year, New Intentions, Old Vibrations? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

The New Year is traditionally seen as a time of resoultions, new intentions and fresh starts.  Yet most people break their resolution within 2 weeks of declaring them! Is it just laziness, bad habits or maybe something else? Is it perhaps that the new intentions are being torpedoed by old vibrations? Are we trying to pour "new wine into old skins"? Matt and Phil have a few ideas about this and are excited to get the new intentions rolling in the right direction!

 Have Your Quantum Cake and Eat it Too! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Have you ever wondered what life REALLY is? Since we are in it, we are often living from appearances, patterns, and thoughts that are not even our own. Living a quantum life, an aware life, a spiritual life can often be an extremely powerful path to being in the world, living our dreams, but not of it. Knowing more about how the laws of the universe work helps making choices that serve us rather than hold us back from our true potential . Dive down the rabbit hole with us tonight as Matt and Phil explore the Quantum Reality, The Field, The Divine Matrix and how all of this knowledge can help us live happier, healthier, more abundant lives.

 Jesus It's Christmas! Encore Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Christmas is the perfect time to refelct upon the teachings of the man known as the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ.

 Be Unreasonable! (If You Want To Be Happier) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

One of the best ways to make sure you feel happy is to free yourself from making happiness a reaction to a set of circumstances and make it a state of being. If you need a reason to be happy, you will NOT be a lot of the time as contrast (unwanted things) is hard wired into our physical reality. Matt and Phil are very prepared to be most UNreasonable!

 Better Relationships With LOA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

We know we can use LOA to attract what we want in our lives, but what about relationships? Can I use LOA to attract a relationship? How about improving relationships I already have - with a spouse, a friend, a family member or work relationship? How do I create changes without imposing my will on others - and is that even really possible? Matt and Phil will tackle these tough questions and share their insights on how LOA can be a powerful relationships tool.

 Appreciation!: Your Divine Super Power, How to Access... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Expand and Live from the place of vibrating Appreciation, Gratitude, Joy, and Love. This our annual Thanksgiving Show, join us to feel the CRAZY BIG COSMIC LOVE! Doing all this with our favorite, Jeannette Maw from Good Vibe University. You will be glad you did! Happy Thanksgiving!


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