The Stack Overflow Podcast show

The Stack Overflow Podcast

Summary: Hosted by Joel Spolsky, Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, and Ilana Yitzhaki, The Stack Overflow Podcast lets you listen in on discussions and decisions concerning the world's largest developer community. About Stack Overflow: Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. More than 50 million professional and aspiring programmers visit Stack Overflow each month to help solve coding problems, develop new skills, and find job opportunities.

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 Podcast #123 – Jon Skeet Wants You To Be a Feminist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's a Stack Overflow Podcast not-so-hostile takeover! Jon Skeet in the NYC Stack Overflow HQ to celebrate One Million Rep, so we gave him the podcast reins to talk about whatever he wants! And mwhahahaha he wants to talk about... diversity and inclusion in tech and his work educating others on how to be better allies! Wait, that's not diabolical at all. That's actually... a really thoughtful and much needed topic to discuss in the tech space... especially now. Is he really that great a guy? Yes. The answer is yes. So, for this episode we've invited Casey Ashenhurst (SO Inclusion Manager & Senior People Ops Partner) and Cassie Montrose (SO Executive Assistant extraordinaire) to chat on these topics along with Jess, Ilana, and sometimes Jay. Seriously, this is the quietest Jay's ever been. You're welcome, world. You'll also get: A much nicer rant than we're used to (Jon is British after all) about a regrettable trip to the Times Square Applebee's; NY heating makes no sense; and the fact that Broadway etiquette is not a universal trait. "Jon is a time expert" is said more than once. Cool stats from Dr Julia Silge about how many people Jon has reached on Stack Overflow on his journey to a million rep. *Spoiler Alert* It's a LOT. We read Jon Skeet Facts to Jon Skeet mainly just to watch him blush. Back to that diversity and inclusion talk from the intro: In today's Dev Story, Jon is interviewed by Casey, Cassie, Ilana, and I about his journey to outspoken feminism and how he applies it to the tech sphere. What opened his eyes? What are his policies about conferences? Who inspires him? What happens when you inevitably mess up? What can and should be done in the tech spaces right now? It's a fascinating and educational discussion that we hope to continue in the future. We have a new Constitution question but before that, we have our very first Constitutional Decree! The Jon Skeet Decree: When adding a comment to your code, you must add a space and a capital letter (if it doesn't specifically call for lowercase) in order to make the comment more readable. New Constitution question: During the musical Hamilton, when King George sings, "Everybody!" are you allowed to then sing along with the next part? Vote PRO if you think that Yes, you can sing along; or CON if No, you are not Lin-Manuel Miranda and should not sing along under any circumstances. Let us know your thoughts by posting to twitter with #stackoverflowpodcast. Last week's winner is Aakash Verma, @theUtopianHoe Thanks for listening, and see you next time! So many important links this week: Jon's recs to be a better feminist and ally: Geek Feminist Wikia Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates Girls Will be Girls by Emer O'Toole Learn about the UK Women's Equality Party 10 Ways to be a Better Male Feminist You Will F*ck Up by Ronda Bergman Restored Relationships UK Jon's personal blogs and books: Coding Blog Feminism and Me Faith Blog C# in Depth, 3rd Edition @jonskeet Oh hey the Dev Survey Results are here! Check em out.

 Podcast #122 – Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer, and Dasher, and Prancer, and Vixen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to the entirely too jolly holiday episode of the Stack Overflow Podcast, recorded Friday, December 15, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. On today's island of misfit toys, we have EVP of Culture Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, Dir. of Community Ops and Mgmt Abby T. Mars, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, and me, Producer Jess Pardue. We would like to thank our sponsor Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at   Today's festivities include: Elf on the Shelf: Fun addition to holiday cheer or nefarious North Pole spy? Is the Santa myth hurting our children? News at 11. Abby raves rants about Sonos, but their customer service is magic! It's hat season! We discuss the details of this year's Winter Bash 2017, happening now on all Stack Exchange sites. This year's theme: Greatest Hits Hats! How many hats can you earn before it comes to a close on January 2nd? Abby Reads Nice Tweets! - To put a cap on this season's ongoing discussion of "Making Stack Overflow a Better Place for Users" we discuss some of the things that we are focusing on right now in the community/engineering team (*cough cough* channels *cough*) and Abby reads tweets of appreciation from the community. In the NEWS: Is this the end of Net Neutrality? And the new Imac Pro is available, so, yay? This week's Candy Cane Constitution question: Eggnog? Is it delicious? Is it even food? Post your thoughts to twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO if you're a fan of eggnog or CON if you give eggnog a big fat NOPE. The wittiest answer, whether on the winning or losing side will win a set of SO stickers. Last week's winner is Mordechai Zuber (@mordzuber). Congrats Mordechai, and thanks for listening! We'll be back early next year. In the meantime, you can listen to our backlog HERE or keep up with us by following @stackpodcast on Twitter. Have a safe and happy holiday season! Links: Thanks again Oracle! Sonos speaker solutions Eggnog recipe - Coquito recipe Winter Bash 2017 is here! What's this? Read Abby's blog post for a full explanation. Nice tweet appreciation gif! Channels is in alpha! Click that link to sign up. Wanna simply learn more? Read about it here: Why Channels? - Chance Heath How we're designing Channels - Kurtis Beavers NEWS links: FCC voted to gut net neutrality New Imac Pro is available now Recs: Elf, Heavyweight and Reply All - both from Gimlet Media

 Podcast # 121 – Another Ducking Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast episode #121 recorded Thursday, November 9, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today's crew includes VP of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman, and me, Producer Jess. Joel is away getting fitted for gutter-drains and tap dancing shoes! Special thanks to our sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at Digital Ocean just launched Spaces – a beautifully simple Object Storage service designed for developers who want a simple way to store and serve vast amounts of data. Digital Ocean thinks developers who try spaces will love it, so they’re making trying it easy. New and existing DigitalOcean customers can you can get a free 2 month trial of spaces by going to This week's hijinks include: Our Developer Story is Ben Kamens; longtime friend of the company and former VP of Engineering at Fog Creek and Khan Acadamy, where he was also the first employee. He joins us to chat about how he became interested in programming, some of his philosophies behind engineering management, and wanting to leave Khan Academy in order to work on building something that can help reduce the burdens of disease. He also may or may not have been responsible for the greatest desk-based prank ever, played on our very own David Fullerton. Disclaimer: Ben's also TOTALLY not Batman. Here's the video of said greatest desk-based prank ever. Jess, along with everyone else on iOS 11, are ranting about the Apple autocorrect bug. We talk way too much about Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. (Can you really talk too much about it though? Shatner's hair is amazing!) We discuss a new academic paper about How to Ask a Question on Stack Overflow. We play another installment of Start Up or Shut Up. Does Jay come in last this time? Maaaaybe... Today's Constitution Question comes from Stack Overflow SRE Manager Tom Limoncelli: Khan (full name "Khan Noonien Singh") was the best villain on Star Trek: Pro: Khan Con: Not Khan I'm sure there's nothing at all confusing about that. Post your thoughts to twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO if you think Khan was the greatest Star Trek villain of all time or CON if you're more of a Q or T'Kuvma type of person. The wittiest answer, whether on the winning or losing side will win a set of SO stickers. Last week's winner, to the question of candy corn's edibility, is Adam Rcheimer. Thanks Adam! Look for a DM from Ilana in the coming days. Also thanks to everyone else for listening. Because of the holidays, we'll only be back for one more episode in 2017. Look for us in mid December. Follow @stackpodcast on Twitter for all Stack Overflow Podcast news! Links: Apple fixed the bug! (FINALLY. - Jess) Follow @yesthattom on Twitter, and buy his book about Network Administration! Ben Kamens on Twitter: @kamens. Follow him to see what happens next. We do public data dumps so that people (like the Italian researchers above) can play with the data and come up with awesome things! Visit for our past dumps.

 Podcast #120 – Halloween Spooktacular with Anil Slash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #120 recorded Thursday, October 26, 2017 at our Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. As a special treat (or is it a trick?) your hosts today include Fog Creek CEO Anil Slash, self-described Glitch-Witch Jenn Schiffer, podcast Executive Producer Kaitlin (head-on-a) Pike, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman Munster, and News Editor Ill-ana Yitzhaki. Special thanks to this week's sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at   Digital Ocean just launched Spaces - a beautifully simple Object Storage service designed for developers who want a simple way to store and serve vast amounts of data. Digital Ocean thinks developers who try spaces will love it, so they're making trying it easy. New and existing DigitalOcean customers can you can get a free 2 month trial of spaces by going to Today's Spooky Segments include: What is the best Halloween candy and why is it definitely Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? (and not Skittles lentils…) This week's Developer Story is Leon Young, founder and CEO of Cogniss, a platform anyone can use to create sophisticated educational apps, and 2and2, an award-winning educational games company. He explains how Cogniss is using its Cognition Engine AI in order to optimize learning experiences for people of all ages, not just younger folks. In our ongoing discussion about making Stack Overflow a more welcoming place, Anil and Jenn tell us about how Glitch was made specifically to be a supportive, expressive, and inclusive community, and what Stack Overflow may be able to learn from that. Is Amazon Key a scary prospect? This week's Constitution proposal was very controversial in the SO offices. Candy Corn: PRO or CON? Post your thoughts to twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO if you're wrong (according to Anil) and think that candy corn is delicious or CON if you think they are disgusting and no one should eat them ever. The wittiest answer, whether on the winning or losing side will win a set of SO stickers. Last week's winner, on the subject of "Yay or Nay Treadmill Desks" is David @toonarmycaptain: Thanks David, look for a DM from Ilana. Links! LOTS of different kinds of Candy Corn. If you would like to help Code to Inspire reach their goal of teaching programming to girls in Afghanistan, please visit their Generosity page and donate to the IndieGoGo campaign. Leon Young is doing some really awesome things. Check it out: 2and2 Follow @CognissHQ on Twitter Glitch! It's fun and easy. Build (or remix) the app of your dreams. Follow Anil and Jenn on Twitter!, for all of your knitting and crocheting needs. Your First PR NEWS links: Amazon Key, Netflix is spending 8b in 2018 Thanks again to Oracle and Digital Ocean!

 Podcast #119 – This Podcast is Definitely a Simulation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #119 recorded Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today's motley crew includes VP and GM of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, me, Producer Jess.  Joining us are very special guests Michael Ludden, Director of Product at IBM Developer labs for IBM Watson, and SO Content Marketing Manager Rachel Ferrigno. Special thanks to this week's sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at   Digital Ocean just launched Spaces - a beautifully simple Object Storage service designed for developers who want a simple way to store and serve vast amounts of data. Digital Ocean thinks developers who try spaces will love it, so they're making trying it easy. New and existing DigitalOcean customers can you can get a free 2 month trial of spaces by going to On this episode: Today's Developer Story (and so much more) is Michael Ludden, a self proclaimed script kiddie who has an amazing vision for what AR and VR could be. We chat about how he is trying to bring that vision to life with IBM's Watson, as well as some of the philosophies of futurism, with a healthy dose of pop culture thrown in for good measure. "Use your imagination to invision a future powered by AI and even maybe taking the form of AR or VR that is hopeful and can augment human ability and help to future-proof the world from being dystopian." The NYC Developer Hiring Ecosystem report is here! Rachel Ferrigno gives us a rundown of her findings, including the fact that 10% of the nation's developers are located in the NYC metro area. You can download your own report here. After 20 years, AIM is shutting down. We take a few minutes to mourn the messaging service before pointing and laughing at each other's embarrassing screen names. This week's Constitution question comes from our very own David Fullerton. It's called the Nick Craver amendment, because of reasons. "It is forbidden to participate in a Hangout or other video conference while working at a treadmill desk or any other form of treadmill." Post your answer to twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO if you think that treadmill desks should be banned when in a video call or CON if you think that exercising while in a meeting is fair game. The wittiest answer, whether on the winning or losing side will win a set of SO stickers. Last week's winner, for the proposal: "One must always use rebasing instead of merging branches in Git." is @TheOnlyMego with: Thanks Mego, you win some stickers. And thanks to all of you for listening, we'll be back in 2 weeks. Links for the lazy: Awesome stuff from Michael Ludden: @Michael_Ludden Watson and Waffles (best name ever) VR Speech Sandbox Developerworks On Github: IBM, vr-speech-sandbox-vive Doraemon! NYC Dev Hiring Ecosystem report blog post, and available for download We're definitely living in a simulation. In the News: AIM is shutting down, Article on Age of Empires mentioned by David. Zach Holman: The Depression Thing

 Podcast #118 – What’s a Travel-Hacker, Anyway? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #118 recorded Thursday, October 5 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Even without Joel, who's still out working on NamCoin, there's still a full house! Including VP Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, me, Producer Jess, and a whole slew of guests. Today's episode is sponsored by Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at On Today's show: Apparently this is a thing, and Jay hates it. Special guests Todd Sullivan and Wojciech Borkowski, co-founders of FlightFox, join us to chat about Todd's background in programming for the Australian DoD, their fully remote startup, and how you can pay less to fly first class. Hint: fly to Toronto. In our ongoing discussions about trying to make Stack Overflow a more welcoming place, former Stack Overflow mods turned Stack Overflow developers Adam Lear and Jeremy Banks are here to explain the SO moderator process, and how important mods are to making our communities function. In the News: Ikea will now put your furniture together for you, it seems. Is this a good thing? And Apple was right about the headphone jack all along. This week's Constitution proposal is: When working in git, one must always use rebasing instead of merging branches. Post your answer to Twitter using #stackoverflowpodcast with PRO if you prefer rebasing over merge and CON if its merge over rebasing all the way. Keep them short and sassy, just like Jay. Last week's winner is: Thanks, Corey! You'll be getting some stickers. See you next week! Links: Follow @flightfox on twitter, and go to to check out what a travel-hacker can do for you. Thanks again to Oracle for their sponsorship. Books: Oryx and Crake, The Goblin Emperor News: Ikea has bought Task Rabbit, and Apple was right!

 Podcast #117 – Your Friendly Neighborhood Code Mentor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome, welcome, welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast #117, recorded Thursday, September 28 in our beautiful SO NYC HQ. That's a lot of letters. This episode is brought to you by Oracle. Stack Overflow greatly appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about everything that Oracle does for open source, java, and developers like you at This week, we're visited by Gitlab CEO, and former personal submarine programmer, Sid Sijbrandij. And yet another visitor! Our own Kristina Lustig comes by to talk about our experimental mentorship program. This week's Constitution question comes from Twitterer Kevin Arvai,‏ @arvkevi: In line at the supermarket, which customer is responsible for placing the divider bar between items? Listen to what our hosts have to say and then post your answer to Twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast with either PRO or CON and your explanation, short but punny. The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a Stack Overflow sticker. Last week’s winner, for the question, "Is it ok to take your shoes off at the office?" is Sean Ennis,‏ @ennis0: See you all next week!

 Podcast #116 – What is Technology? Do We Even Know? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thanks for tuning in for Stack Overflow podcast # 116 recorded Thursday, September 21. We usually record at our Stack Overflow HQ in NYC, but today, in true remote-first fashion, we are being recorded from Florida, Utah, Washington, and NYC. This episode is brought to you by Oracle. Stack Overflow greatly appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about everything that Oracle does for open source, java, and developers like you at Today is full of firsts: Both Joel and Jay are away (probably off in a corner somewhere talking about David behind his back) so David is in the driver's seat along with first-time co-host and SO VP of Marketing Alexa Scordato. The Developer Story this week comes with a song, literally. We welcome Jonathan Lipps, Director of Open Source at Sauce Labs and former philosophy major, to chat about what inspired him to pursue a career in technology, what it's like maintaining healthy communities on the internet, and what are some of the biggest philosophical problems facing the tech world today. Joe Friend, Product Manager for the newly minted Stack Overflow DAG Team, is here to continue our conversation from last week tackling the problem of improving the user experience on Stack Overflow. No mean tweets this week though; we already ran out of tissues. We are excited to launch the new Salary Calculator for both developers and employers! In the News: Someone built Tetris in Conway's Game of Life?!? This week's Constitution question comes from Twitterer @jbforth4: "Is it ok to take your shoes off at the office?" Pro: Take 'em off!  CON: Shoes are required Listen to what our hosts have to say and then post your answer to Twitter using the hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast with either PRO or CON and your explanation, short but punny. The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a Stack Overflow sticker. Last week’s winner, for the question "Is an OS background process ("D-A-E-M-O-N") pronounced "demon" or "damon"?" is our very own Nick Craver. Sorry Nick, we are NOT sending you more stickers… Today's Links: Thanks again Oracle for your support. Check out Jonathan Lipps: Twitter: @jlipps Sauce Labs, Appium Books recs: The Shallows and Reclaiming Conversation How much has it actually cost to save Matt Damon? Someone did the math. Python traffic blog post New Salary Calculator blog post Tetris question in Stack Exchange Programming Puzzles & Code Golf  

 Podcast #115 – Stack Overflow Reads Mean Tweets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome (back!) to The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday, September 14 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Joining us today are the usual crew: VP of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, and me, producer Jess Pardue. Special guest today is Stack Overflow Podcast producer alum, bow-tie enthusiast, and Director of Community Abby Mars. Today's episode is brought to you by Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at Today, behold the majesty of: Stack Overflow reads mean tweets! In this first installment of a special multi-episode discussion, we get called "assholes" a lot. We try to delve into why that is and what we are planning to do about it. One-Minute Tech Review: Florida-Man David Fullerton is very thankful for hurricane shutters. (Well, ones that fit anyway…) [caption id="attachment_7865" align="aligncenter" width="300"] David's mismatched shutters ^^[/caption] In the News: A new study shows that banning hateful and racist subreddits decreased the overall use of hate speech across Reddit, and hold on a sec, the iPhone X does what with your face? As long-time listeners know, we are preparing a constitution for Stack Overflow where each week we bring you a proposal, and you, our listeners, decide on whether that proposal becomes a part of our new constitution. This week's questions is: "Is an OS background process ("D-A-E-M-O-N") pronounced "demon" or "damon"?" Post your answer to twitter using the Hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO (if you pronounce it  "DEE-mon") or CON (if you pronounce it "DAY-mon") along with your short but hilarious explanation, just like Matt Damon! The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a STACK OVERFLOW STICKER, courtesy of us! Last week's winner is @daegemynd: Thanks, Nat Knight; you get some stickers. Thanks for listening. We'll be back next week. Links for the lazy: Thanks again Oracle! See what they can do for you at Need hurricane shutters? We got you. GenCon was amazing and everyone should go. News: New Reddit studies on banned subreddits, and info on the iPhone X security. Don't forget to tell someone that they're awesome!

 Podcast #114 – Every Conference Needs a Break-Dancing Greeter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

NOTE: We will be on podcast hiatus for the month of August. Look for new episodes in September. Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #114 recorded Thursday July 27, at Stack Overflow Headquarters in NYC. Your hosts today are Assistant to Cobra Commander (and less importantly VP of Stack Overflow) Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzaki, and Stack Overflow's own "Bananager" Kevin Montrose. Our sponsor today is Stack Overflow Jobs. No spam. No fake job listings. Find the perfect job so that you can build something awesome. Listen today for nuggets such as: Special guest Saron Yitbarek joins us with her amazingly interesting and insightful Developer Story. She started with a failed attempt at learning to code, but came back, eventually founding CodeNewbie, the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. She also produces the Codeland tech conference and hosts the CodeNewbie Podcast. On CodeNewbie users, "Little touches… have really helped make a community that enjoys really over-the-top positivity." She also wore a t-shirt to her wedding. Not all heroes wear capes. Kevin's rant is all about… Kevin. "Why? Why everything?" David bought the new Kindle Voyage. Verdict: Meh, it ain't worth it. Just get a Paperwhite. Introducing the Stack Overflow Mentorship Research Project. Tell us what you think on Meta! This week's Constitution question comes from Twitter user @_tbirrell. "When commenting code, comments should be inline, instead of above the line." Vote PRO if you think that comments should be inline, and CON if you think it can be above the line. Post your answer to twitter using the Hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO or CON and your explanation, short but deadly, like a smurf with a black belt in krav maga. The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a STACK OVERFLOW STICKER, courtesy of the us. Last week's winner is longtime SO contributor @MonicaCellio! Thanks Monica, you get some stuff. Thanks everyone for listening. We'll be back in September! Links! Saron's Awesomeness: Codeland conference Twitter: @CodeNewbies CodeNewbie Podcast Most important: the amazing wedding video OMTR - Kindle Voyage vs. Paperwhite Mentorship Meta post In The News: Girl Scouts and STEM From Kevin's new business card:  

 Podcast #113 – Frustrating Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to the Stack Overflow podcast recorded Thursday July 20 at Stack Overflow Headquearters in NYC. Your hosts today are podcast regulars Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, and Ilana Yitzhaki, plus the quite irregular Matt Sherman (Stack Overflow Engineering Manager extraordinaire). This week's episode is brought to you by Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers as well as Stack Overflow Channels. Everything you love about Stack Overflow, in a private space just for your team. Sign up today at to learn more or get your team in line for the beta. Today's highlights: For this week's Developer Story, we are proud to have Linux Academy Founder and CEO Anthony James chatting about his circuitous route from authoring the Pinehead tutorial blog as a teenager, then jumping to creativity-sapping accounting and finance roles (we all know how much Jay loves Finance) and then to his current passion "changing lives through interactive training" with Linux Academy. Matt's Rant™ is about everything and nothing; basically "Computers shouldn't work..." OMTR - David has a new phone with a *gasp* analog silence button. We play Fake News: David Fullerton edition. Did we mention that he lives in Florida now? Google Glass is... back? New Constitution Question, this week from our very own Jason Punyon (@JasonPunyon): When reading code, would you pronounce the parentheses in a function call as "bananas"? PRO = Yes, I would call them bananas; CON = No, Jason Punyon is bananas. Post your answer to twitter using the Hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO or CON and your explanation, short but insightful. The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a Stack Overflow Sticker, courtesy of us! Last week's winner: Thanks Ari for participating, and thank you all for listening. See you next week! Clicky clicky: Linux Academy's brand new platform Follow Linux Academy on Twitter and Facebook (and check out our Linux job postings here!) Sign up for Stack Overflow Channels! Reduce single-source-of-information bottlenecks by sharing any dev's knowledge with every dev on your team. The OnePlus 5 In the News: Google Glass

 Podcast #112 – Please Direct All Hate Mail to Jay Hanlon c/o Stack Overflow… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome back to the Stack Overflow podcast episode #112 recorded Thursday, July 13th at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today's hosting duties fall to Jay Hanlon as Joel is still busy alphabetizing his socks. Joining him is newly minted CTO David Fullerton, Fog Creek Community Engineer and Star Wars scholar Jenn Schiffer, and can-totally-tell-the-difference-between-Moff-and-Mon-Mothma podcast producer Jess Pardue. Our sponsor today is CircleCI. Build Faster. Test More. Fail Less. CircleCI’s continuous integration and delivery platform helps engineering teams of all sizes do more. Help your development team work smarter, with features like SSH into builds, first-class Docker support, and super fast builds. All with support for Linux, Android, and macOS. Starting this week, CircleCI 2.0 is generally available and features Workflows, allowing teams to build faster and fully configure their build pipelines. To learn more, go to, sign up with GitHub or Bitbucket and start building for free! Today's highlights:: We are honored to have special guest Sarah Clatterbuck share her Developer Story; from generating "random" numbers in middle school to studying applied design in college and then directing the Presentation Infrastructure teams at LinkedIn. She also works with high school CS classes and sits on the board of the Girl Scouts of Northern California in order to help develop girls' early interest in STEM fields. Jay gets quite indignant about Jess and Jenn's lack of Star Wars recall. Jenn rants about how bad voice recognition really is. Her Echo Dot is cowering in fear under her bed... David 's new oven is weirdly specific: Introducing Stack Overflow Channels! Everything you love about Stack Overflow, in a Private space just for your team. Be one of the first to try it. In the News: Is it ethical to automate your job and not tell your company? Also, Jenn is definitely an anarchist... This week's Constitution Question is brought to you by User Diederik Hattingh via Twitter where you can follow him as@Diederik_za: "In markdown, when adding to the middle of a numbered list, do you fix the subsequent numbers?" Answer with PRO if you must correct the numbers, or CON if you think "Why bother? The syntax will straighten itself out." Chime in using #stackoverflowpodcast on twitter. The answer that makes us chuckle, whether on the winning or losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a few SO stickers. This week's winner, for the first time ever, is also the amendment proposer! It's not rigged, we promise. Thanks for listening! We'll be back next week. Links and socials: For Sarah's awesomeness: Glimmer, Ember, Women in Tech, GS of Northern California Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn and twitter: @girodchatterbox Follow Jenn Schiffer on Twitter @jennschiffer and stop by Glitch! Thanks again CircleCI for sponsoring. BTW, there are so many Mon Mothra's...

 Podcast #111 – SRE: Occasionally Maintaining Infrastructure That You Hate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to a very special episode of The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday, June 8 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Why is this a very special episode, you ask? It's all about Site Reliability Engineers (SRE). Joel and Jay are away (slackers) so David is running the show along with Ilana and 3 members of our very own SRE team. Tom Limoncelli, Mark Henderson, and Jason Harvey are here to discuss how we build and maintain Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. So much great stuff in this episode: Tom's rants are much calmer than Joel's, but just as infuriating. Stop hiding buttons, Google! Always tip your bartender and use a "USB condom". Tom and David are fascinated by our Ping Pong Buddy, for some reason. We're still waiting for Tom's protocol droid. I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. Differences between Stack Overflow and other SRE teams. *cough, we're NOT in the cloud, cough* Special SRE edition of Failure is Not an Option. (Apparently Mark is a master criminal. We're not sure that he moved out of Australia voluntarily…) In the News: How not to react when someone makes a mistake. Oh, and btw, the SRE team is hiring! As you know we are preparing a Constitution for Stack Overflow. This week's question comes from listener Kase (@kasey_orourke1): Is it okay to throw things in other people's trash cans when walking down a row of cubicles? Post to twitter #stackoverflowpodcast with PRO if you should be able to use the trash can with no stink-eyes from coworkers, and CON if you think you should keep your Doritos bags out of other people's bins. Wittiest answer will win Stack Podcast stickers! Last week's winner, for the question "Pro or Con, If I say ‘June 1st at midnight,’ am I referring to the morning of June 1st or the evening?" is @ariporad. Congrats Ari! You win things! Watch for a Twitter DM from Ilana. Thanks for listening! We'll be back with new episodes in July. Until then you can catch up on our back catalog HERE. Links for the lazy: Joel on Software post referenced in Tom's rant. Short and to the point. Web Pages That Suck is still a thing, albeit outdated (2015). OMTR - Otterbox uniVERSE and Resurgence battery cases. Did we mention that we're hiring! Buy Tom's Book: The Practice of System and Network Administration: Vol 1 and Vol 2 From the News: via Reddit - First Day Database Destruction. Who's fault was it, really?

 Podcast #110 – IBM, You’re Wrong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday May 18, 2017 at the same place they are always recorded: Stack Overflow HQ in NYC! Today's episode is brought to you by Shabbos Goy, Maori face markings, and the brand new Stack Overflow App! (And no, Windows phone is still not supported…) On today's show: We learn that Vienna is really pretty! Thanks Joel, who knew? Here's the "St Paul's of Apple Streudel" as it is most certainly called, probably: August door locks: "OMG no, just no." - Joel Spolsky Special guest Wade Foster, co-founder and CEO of Zapier, joins us to chat about building a company that is fully remote, as well as some of the advantages and challenges of Zapier's remote-first philosophy. BTW, they're hiring and they'll pay you to "de-locate" from SF. Speaking of remote work, IBM is dismantling its popular remote work policy, giving many workers the choice of relocating to the nearest office, or leave the company altogether. Not surprisingly, Joel and Jay have a few things to say about that… Stack Overflow en Español just graduated! CM Juan Garza is here to tell us about the site, its amazing stats, and the SO community building process. Stack Overflow is now fully converted to HTTPS and Nick Craver has a new blog post chronicling the process:  HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road (12,000 words? Well he did say it was a loooong road.) This week's Constitution question comes from a listener. The Shaylon Moquett Amendment: If I say "June 1st at midnight," am I referring to the morning of June 1st or the evening? Vote PRO if you are referring to the morning, and CON if you are referring to the evening. Post your answer to twitter using the Hashtag #stackoverflowpodcast, with either PRO or CON and your explanation, short but deep. The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week's podcast and win a STACK OVERFLOW STICKER, courtesy of us! But really courtesy of Ilana because she is the one who sends them... Last week's winner, answering the question "If you live in a touristy city, like NYC, is it rude to say 'no' if someone asks you to take a picture of them?" is Thanks Tim! Watch your DM's for sticker info. Show notes: The Third Man is a cool movie. The St Paul's of Apple Struedel is actually called "Kunst Historisches Museum" Joel's words of wisdom: "When faced with a problem, ask yourself, 'Is there anything that I can throw away that will fix the problem?'" Los invitamos a las celebraciones de nuestra graduación en Madrid y en la Cuidad de México.  Para el evento en Madrid, favor de visitar este enlace: . La celebración tomará lugar el 25 de mayo. Para el event en la Ciudad de México, [vean esta publicación en Meta]( donde habrá más información.  La celebración tomará lugar el 16 de junio. ¡Espero verlos en vivo y en persona! Jay's blog post from 2014 "Can't we all be reasonable and speak English?" News items: "IBM orders its remote workers back into the office" and "HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road"

 Podcast #109 – Nick hates making people cry, but… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday, May 11, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Joel is in Vienna this week at the WeAreDevs conference, so Jay is taking the reigns along with David "Rexalicious" Fullerton, Ilana Yitzaki, and me, your friendly neighborhood podcast producer! This episode is brought to you by Stack Overflow Jobs. Join the thousand other developers who have created Developer Story profiles, and see what it’s like to use a Jobs platform that actually puts developers needs first. Today you will learn the secret of life, as well as: Everyone except David remembers the Tomy family of 80's robots. Jay can't unsubscribe from MailChimp properly, and is quite cross about it. Today's Developer Story features our very own data team rocketeur Nick Larsen, who started his career by memorizing code snippets from 3-2-1 Contact (you know, like you do). We discuss Nick's latest blog post, "How to Talk About Yourself in an Interview" where he lays out exactly how to prepare for questions. TLDR: Practice and be prepared to talk! You can also take programs like Nick's interview boot camp at Digital Crafts, where they may make you cry, but that's ok. Should cover letters be ridiculous? No, but quirky can be a plus depending on the company. Please don't ever EVER send glitter. Stack Overflow Trends launched last week and is already charting a lot of really fun stats based on the number of question tags on Stack Overflow per month. Take a look and chart your favorite language! This week's constitution question comes from me! It's the Jess Amendment: If you live in a touristy city, like NYC, is it rude to say "no" if someone asks you to take a picture of them? Post your answer to Twitter using #stackoverflowpodcast along with PRO if you think that you are obligated to say yes, and CON if you think that it is perfectly ok to say "no" and get on with your day. The funniest answer from either the winning or losing side will be read on the podcast and the winner will get awesome SO and SO Podcast stickers. Here is last week's winner, answering the question: Should you leave the useless subliner on yogurt or hummus containers? Congrats Ru! You get a sticker or two. Links: Make your own lattes with Delonghi, just like David! How to Talk About Yourself in Interviews by Nick Larsen Stack Overflow Trends blog post by Dave Robinson and the Trends Tool Follow us on Twitter @stackpodcast for updates and special segment questions!


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