Summary: What’s better than learning and laughing and being inspired while multi-tasking? Cookies. But other than that, you can’t beat listening along to these 30 minute episodes as you learn to apply biblical Truth to every day situations. The SPF Podcast is all about giving you truth and encouragement to live out gospel-centered lives right where you are at so you can prove faithful in what God has asked you to do. It’s meaty, yet bite sized discipleship sessions for anyone ready to answer some questions with Truth. Mom jeans totally encouraged. Follow Lauren on IG @sheprovesfaithful.

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  • Artist: Lauren Hlushak: Wife | Mom | Disciple Maker | Biblical Femininity | Practical Living


 Episode 8: Three Communication Tips for Marriage Conflict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:12

Is conflict in a marriage ok? How can we use conflict to draw us closer to our husbands instead of using it as a repellent? Today we have three communication tips when things get a little heated in marriage.

 Episode 7: #DailyGrind on Family Worship, Budgets, and a Marriage Win | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:22

It’s a #DailyGrind podcast today! I’m talking through some highs and lows in the Hlushak household an doc course dishing out practical ways to live gospel centers lives. Today’s daily grind is all about ideas for Family Worship, friendships, budgeting, and one big way to win in marriage.

 Episode 6: How to Take a Family Vacation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:58

Vacations are an incredible reprieve from the daily grind, until you have to take them with kids. Then the daily grind just seems to happen in another location you had to shell out money for. Today’s episode we will learn 5 tips on how to take a family vacation so that no matter the age of the kids, you too can recreate and re-create on your vacation.

 Episode 5: Time Wasters and the Will of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:26

God calls us to live wisely with our time, making the most of your time. Today we will discuss three of the biggest time wasters and how we can trade them for the will of God.

 Episode 4: Praying with Intention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:29

Being intentional about praying can be difficult. There are a million distractions and our prayers can sometimes feel flat and dry. If prayer is about communicating with the God of the universe can’t they be more real and deep? Today you’ll learn a creative way to be intentional about prayer so you may know God and engage with Him in a deeper way.

 Episode 3: Sharing Your Story: How and Why to Share Your Testimony | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:55

You have a story to tell! One of God's redemptive work in your life. Learn an easy method to sharing your story and five reasons why you should be sharing it more often.

 Episode 2: How to Maximize your Living Space (through trust and contentment) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:22

Today’s show is all about trusting God and practicing contentment with the living space He’s provided for us. Plus, you’ll get three practical tips on how to live with less and still lived blessed.

 Episode 1: Setting the Atmosphere of Your Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:17

Do you want more joy and peace in your home? Well, as ladies of the household you are instrumental in setting the atmosphere of the home. Today we’ll learn three ways you can cultivate more joy and peace inside those walls. Plus learn how to make 6 freezer meals in 60 minutes!

 Introduction: What's the She Proves Faithful Podcast All About? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:01

What does gospel-centered living mean? What makes us distinctively Christian? Find out the answer to these questions AND get a money saving life hack on preserving fresh herbs.


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