Evolutionary Parenting Podcast show

Evolutionary Parenting Podcast

Summary: The Evolutionary Parenting Podcast with Tracy Cassels, PhD focuses on topics and research relevant to parents today. Using developmental psychology, biology, anthropology, and evolution as a basis for all discussion, the podcast explores parenting issues like sleep (including sleep training, co-sleeping, and bedsharing), breastfeeding and feeding, discipline, and more. Tracy interviews both professionals who are in the parenting world and researchers whose research is relevant to today's parents. For parents who want to understand how our children have evolved to develop, how we as parents can help them thrive, and the role of science in all of this.

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  • Artist: Tracy Cassels, PhD
  • Copyright: ©2016-2021 Tracy Cassels, PhD


 Ep. 20: What does breastfeeding advocacy look like in the era of fed is best? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:37

This week we delve into the world of breastfeeding advocacy with none other than the Badass Breastfeeder herself, Abby Theuring. It feels like no matter where you turn today, breastfeeding has become politicized beyond belief, and the voice of those whom breastfeeding directly impacts is left out. Whether it's women sharing stories of feeling shamed or bullied into breastfeeding or the polar opposite of the fed is best movement that moves us away from the support that individuals need to reach their breastfeeding goals, advocacy today is a landmine. Luckily it's one Abby is willing to enter and one that we explore in this hour. Join me as we get talking about breastfeeding advocacy. The Badass Breastfeeder: https://www.thebadassbreastfeeder.com/ The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast: https://www.thebadassbreastfeeder.com/podcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBadassBreastfeeder/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebadassbreastfeeder/ To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 19: Do dyslexics experience emotions differently? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:52

Most people conceptualize dyslexia as an intellectual disorder, but that simply isn't the case. Although dyslexia is a struggle with reading, reading isn't all there is to our intelligence, just one component of our neurological profile. And as with most things in the brain, if one area is less reactive, chances are other areas are even more reactive. This week, we explore research into the emotional world of children with dyslexia with Drs. Virginia Sturm and Christa Watson, co-authors of a new paper examining how children with dyslexia process emotional stimuli and what this might mean socially for them. The findings might just surprise you. The Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010945220304081 Dr. Virginia Sturm's Page: https://profiles.ucsf.edu/virginia.sturm UCSF Clinical Affective Neuroscience Lab: https://canlab.ucsf.edu/ Dr. Christa Watson's Page: https://profiles.ucsf.edu/christa.watson The UCSF Dyslexia Center: https://dyslexia.ucsf.edu/ To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 18: How early is too early for empathy in infancy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:57

For years we have assumed that babies were incapable of complex empathy. We thought they could react to others' distress through emotion contagion but that was it. It turns out, we were wrong. This week we explore the empathic life of infants through the amazing work of Dr. Maayan Davidov who has been showing the world exactly how capable of empathy infants are. Join us as we talk about these discoveries and what it means for us parents. Papers Discussed: https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bjop.12402 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/desc.13016 Dr. Maayan Davidov's Lab: https://www.davidovlab.com/ Dr. Davidov's University Page: https://en.sw.huji.ac.il/people/maayan-davidov To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 17: What is an "infant sleep problem"? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:16

Most parents are led to believe that something is wrong with their babies (or toddlers) because they are waking at night, requiring assistance from parents to settle, or taking a while to fall asleep at night. The common solution is to "sleep train" to "fix" these problems. But what if these aren't actually problems? In this episode, Dr. Levita D'Souza and I discuss the reality of infant sleep and why parents need not be worried about many of these common infant behaviours. Knowing what is a sleep problem and what isn't - and why sleep training still isn't the answer to real problems - can help families make the right choices for everyone involved. To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 16: How can we help reduce the risk of asthma, eczema, and allergies in our kids? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:29

Did you know that half of all babies born today will develop allergies? Up to a third will become asthmatic or suffer from eczema? Chronic disease is something most families are facing with their children and it shouldn't be this way. Join me as I talk to Michelle Henning co-author of Growing Healthy Babies - an evidence based guide to helping reduce our children's risk for chronic disease - about what is going on and what parents can do to lower the odds. Growing Healthy Babies Website: https://www.growhealthybabies.com Michelle Henning's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growhealthybabies/ To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 15: How does sleep-disordered breathing affect your child? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:45

Does your child snore? Breathe through their mouth? Seem to stop breathing for parts of the night? These are all examples of sleep-disordered breathing, something that can have a large impact on our children's quality of life but is often misunderstood or ignored by parents and medical professionals alike. In this episode, I speak with Dr. David McIntosh, a pediatric ENT who specializes in sleep-disordered breathing. He goes over why we need to care about these issues and what can be done to help families who are struggling. Dr. McIntosh's clinic: http://entspecialists.com.au/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drdavidmcintosh Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/dr_david_mcintosh_ent/ Snored to Death*: https://amzn.to/38Q3hMA Don't Ignore the Snore*: https://amzn.to/3eS0jLm (*Amazon Affiliate Link) To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 14: How can we hold space for pregnancy loss? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:11

Approximately 1 in 3 pregnancies will end in pregnancy loss and the risks are higher for women of colour. This is devastating for those who experience it and yet our culture and many of the people tasked with caring for us during pregnancy are not equipped to help families through these times. This episode I talk with Amy Wright Glenn, the founder of the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death and the creator of Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss, a course designed for professionals to help them learn to care for those struggling with this loss. Not only do we touch on pregnancy loss, but our cultural struggles to cope with grief and death more generally. The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death: https://birthbreathanddeath.com/ The Institute on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/birthbreathanddeath The Course: https://birthbreathanddeath.com/holding-space-for-pregnancy-loss/ Birth Breath and Death*: https://amzn.to/3lvByWN Holding Space: On Loving, Dying, and Letting Go*: https://amzn.to/2QjhL13 *Amazon affiliate link To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 13: How did cry-it-out become authoritative in our culture? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:44

It seems like you can't talk to anyone about your baby and their sleep without being told that you have to cry it out or use a modified version, like controlled crying. In our culture, it's the go-to for all sleep problems or even pre-emptive sleep problems. How did we get here? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Jennie Rosier, a professor at James Madison University and my co-author on a paper in the Journal of Family Issues on the same topic. How we got here is an interesting story, albeit one that has nothing to do with science. Dr. Jennie Rosier: https://www.jmu.edu/news/media/faculty-experts/experts/rosier-jennie/ The Relationship, Love, Happiness Project: http://www.relationshipslovehappiness.com/ Love Matters Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2NrlJggsXrfVNgp5Ycu1JY Jennie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/relationshipslovehappiness Jennie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipsLoveHappiness Our Academic Paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0192513X20949891 To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 12: What can we learn about parenting from dead babies from the past? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:10

We can only understand our present when we understand our past, right? But how can we do that when the evidence of that past is gone? When the stories aren't passed down or recorded? This week we explore this question with bioarchaeologist Dr. Sian Halcrow of the University of Otago who does just this. She studies the bones of dead babies to help us better understand the practices and environments in pre-history eras. From weaning behaviours to the effects of fertility to how inequality played into parenting, we cover what is known - and what isn't - from these early times. For more on Dr. Halcrow's work: https://childhoodbioarchaeology.org/about/ Some of Dr. Halcrow's work we discussed: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.24033 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/evolutionary-human-sciences/article/care-of-infants-in-the-past-bridging-evolutionary-anthropological-and-bioarchaeological-approaches/C4BA1819159896C951B207DF630D0CE2 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-27393-4_1 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02805-z?fbclid=IwAR29OK5Km8Wu8P6u0QkoTrJQKOMkHiCROLqyxU90VZOni3pGgaB6wYckNGM To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 11: How does child anxiety affect sleep training? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:01

How does child anxiety affect sleep training? It's a question I've thought a lot about and always been frustrated that no one has ever thought to consider these children. This week I got to talk to Dr. Michal Kahn, the first researcher I know to consider the experience of anxiety - in this case separation anxiety - in the effectiveness of different sleep training methods. And while we don't agree on sleep training more generally, the concern for this subgroup was a shared point of interest. You can see the paper here (and email Dr. Kahn for a copy): https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article-abstract/43/4/zsz268/5611128 Here is her clinic's Facebook page if you want to find out more or seek any services: https://www.facebook.com/cascsleep/

 Ep. 10: Does artificial sweetener use in pregnancy affect babies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:55

Do you use artificial sweeteners? Did you use them while you were pregnant? In our quest to curb sugar, we've moved towards a high use of these sweeteners without necessarily thinking about the effects. This week I had the chance to chat with Dr. Meghan Azad, a lead researcher in the field of understanding the effects of artificial sweeteners (or non-nutritive sweeteners as I learned they should be called) to talk about the effects of their use in pregnancy on our babies - yes, our babies! Our discussion was based on a series of papers she's published which you can check out below. For more information on Dr. Azad's work and lab (and I hope to get her on again to talk about her breastfeeding work!), please check out her site here: https://www.azadlab.ca/ Relevant articles: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19490976.2020.1857513 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41366-020-0575-x https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/10/2/194 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2521471

 Ep. 9: Does sleep training affect attachment? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:19

Why does research not find a relationship between sleep training and attachment? Isn't the idea that we need to be responsive regularly to foster secure attachment? And isn't sleep training the opposite of that? This week, Dr. Levita D'Souza, a counselling psychologist and attachment researcher, joins me to discuss the many reasons why we may not find a relationship in the research. Or at least not as it's been studied. To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

 Ep. 8: What happens to the brain during pregnancy and beyond? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:47

What happens to the brain during pregnancy and beyond? How does our parenting impact our children's neurological development for life? This week, I speak to Dr. Greer Kirshenbaum, the world's first neuroscientist-doula, about the research on how pregnancy affects our brains and how it primes us to parent in particular ways. Not only that, but how this neurological priming impacts our babies' development and what kinds of parenting our babies are looking for. A must-listen for anyone interested in pregnancy, parenting, and the brain.

 Ep. 7: What is education outside the modern school system? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:47

In this episode, Tracy Gillett (of Raised Good) and I discuss the issue of alternative schooling. Specifically, what does education look like when you aren't using modern schools? What kinds of struggles can you face and what are the benefits to things like forest schooling, homeschooling, unschooling, and more? Drawing on our own experiences and a discussion of the research on education, I hope this conversation will help families who are looking for alternatives gain a better understanding of the options out there.

 Ep 6: How does sleep training in infancy impact infant behaviour at 1 year? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:06

In this episode, I had the chance to chat with Dr. Gerald Giesbrecht of the University of Calgary about a recent study looking at the factors associated with and outcomes of delaying our responsiveness to our babies cries. Is this something that is beneficial? What are the nuances in the research that often don't get the space in mainstream science reporting? We go into all of this here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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