Faith Church - Audio Podcast show

Faith Church - Audio Podcast

Summary: Audio sermons by Pastors David and Nicole Crank of Faith Church. Come join us in worship! Visit for details.

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  • Artist: David & Nicole Crank
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2021


 Clarity For 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:05

This isn't just a new year. We're expecting a "banner year". The best is yet to come! We will walk through how to make change happen and to accomplish the things we've dreamed of. By activating our Faith and writing out our visions, we'll watch our plans come to life. You'll find what you need to equip yourself against the things that might try to kill your dream.

 The War To Love Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:59

Join us on this journey to discover God's truths and experience the life-change you need to become the SELF you are supposed to be... Episode: The War To Love Yourself From the Self Wars Series at

 Afraid Are You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:08

Join us on this journey to discover God's truths and experience the life-change you need to become the SELF you are supposed to be... Episode: Afraid Are You? From the Self Wars Series at

 Priming Your Dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:45

Ever resisted writing down goals because you didn't know where to start, you weren't sure what they were and you didn't know if it would make a difference anyway? Almost everybody just said YES! 97% of Americans don't write down goals. We have a goal oriented God with BIG PLANS for your life. He NEEDS us to fulfill His purposes for us and not get comfortable in the mediocrity of today. He doesn't want us to get stuck where we started, He wants us to live out our dreams! Need a jump start on dreaming again and goal setting? This is the message for you.

 Clarity For 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:05

This isn't just a new year. We're expecting a "banner year". The best is yet to come! We will walk through how to make change happen and to accomplish the things we've dreamed of. By activating our Faith and writing out our visions, we'll watch our plans come to life. You'll find what you need to equip yourself against the things that might try to kill your dreams.

 Under Supernatural Discouragement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:14

Most of the problems we face in life happen in our mind. Struggles with depression and discouragement are an attack from the enemy. This teaching will bring the truth of the Word to life and show how great God's supernatural power is to overcome our circumstances. We will learn how to "take captive every thought" and love to live free.

 Live The Unlimited Life! No More Limits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:24

Tired of people telling you what you can't do? Sick of hitting your head on the proverbial glass ceiling? Feel like if you stay here - it isn't your favorite, but it's comfortable enough? Don't get comfortable in the confines of what "YOU" can do. You live for comfort or live for your call. God wants you to believe for the impossible and move forward doing the improbable. You can live for comfort or leave a legacy. STOP DISQUALIFYING YOURSELF - let God do what He want to do with you!

 A December To Remember | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:50

Getting a word from God is always exciting, especially when that word is so RIGHT NOW! A December to Remember is what our Father is asking us to expect to receive from Him. Need help getting in that frame of mind? Listen to this!!!

 Don't Give Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:25

Failure is just a step toward success. Not the first thing we think of when things don't work out. If we give up now, we lose. But IF we stay in faith... NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We need faith NOW. When it doesn't feel good and it isn't convenient. No one said faith was easy, but it is the way out. The way to better. The way to blessing. Whatever you don - DON'T GIVE UP and listen to this teaching!

 I'm Not What I Did, I'm What I Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:01

Grace. What does that even mean? If you're not sure, or if you wish you had a better understanding, this message is for you!!!! Learning to live in how God sees us (what we do with that now) and not in the what we have done (our past) frees our thinking and our life to be all that God created us to be!

 Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:22

I got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my...well...where did I put it? I can't find it. I lost it somewhere between "I'm running late" and "not traffic again". The Bible says it's possible to live in joy REGARDLESS of our circumstances. SERIOUSLY? Seriously. Serious. Joy. If you need more joy in your life, you want this teaching!

 I'm Not Crazy, I'm Prazy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:02

You might find that you have something in common with Job, fear, or "False Evidence Appearing Real". Things like "How will I pay my rent?", "Will my marriage work out?", or "I'll probably get laid off." have a tendency to swarm your mind. Fear tolerated is Faith contaminated. Once you start doing the math on the miracle you need, fear will find it's place. God can turn it around, let God do the math. Once Job started to pray, "God gave Job twice as much as he had before." He can do the same for you. So kick fear out the door and get PRAZY!

 God Wants You Blessed Financially | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:36

God created us to be a blessing to others. Nobody disagrees with that. But it's hard to be a blessing to others if we aren't blessed ourselves. That's the part we forget about. We are celled to be salt and light. Attract attention. Attract others to Christ. Which is hard to do when our car is broken down, there are holes in our clothes and we are asking for someone to help us. Want to know more about the life that God wants you to have? This teaching is for you.

 There's Power In Your Words | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:55

If God turned up the power in your mouth and you got everything you said exactly the way you say it...would you be happy with the result? There is power in your words. Science backs up the fact that your subconscious goes to work trying to make what you are saying come to pass. God votes for you. The enemy votes against you. And all of heaven leans down to see if you will say what heave says about you. There is power in your words. Don't know what to say? We can help.

 It Didn't Take God By Surprise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:15

No matter what comes your way, even if it feels like a sucker punch, it didn't take God by surprise. He is there. He is able. And he is willing. As a matter of fact, He's already out there before you. Had a rough surprise lately? Listen to this message to pick you up!


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