Practice Portuguese show

Practice Portuguese

Summary: Practice Portuguese is for the European Portuguese learner who wants to take the next step towards improving their listening and speaking skills. Don't worry if you can't understand everything at first. Just keep listening and your comprehension will improve with each episode. ~ A melhor forma de aprender uma língua é ser exposto a diálogos da vida real com pessoas nativas dessa língua. Practice Portuguese é para estudantes de português europeu que procuram dar o próximo passo em conversação e compreensão oral.

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  • Artist: Rui Coimbra / Joel Rendall
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Practice Portuguese


 Artigo 18 – Tradições de Natal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:39

O Natal em Portugal. Os hábitos, as tradições e os pratos típicos. Descobre tudo num texto a duas velocidades. Lento pra que possas entender, rápido pra que possas praticar!

 Artigo 18 – Tradições de Natal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:39

Christmas in Portugal — the habits, the traditions, and the typical dishes. Discover everything in a two-speed text. Slow so you can understand, fast so you can practice!

 A Lenda do Galo de Barcelos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:58

February 2017 Update: Wayne, the talented animator and good friend of Practice Portuguese, is back at it again with this animated reimagining of this formerly audio-only episode. Hope you like! A verdade faz milagres. Descubra como em mais uma lenda Portuguesa. Será verdade ou apenas um mito?

 A Lenda do Galo de Barcelos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:58

February 2017 Update: Wayne, the talented animator and good friend of Practice Portuguese, is back at it again with this animated reimagining of this formerly audio-only episode. Hope you like! The truth works miracles. Discover how in another Portuguese legend.

 Diálogo 19 – O Joel Vai Ao Hospital | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:37

Update: January 12, 2018 – As a gift to us and all Practice Portuguese fans, our friend Wayne Wilson has turned this episode into a fully-animated cartoon. The video is free for everyone to watch, plus our supporting Members get access to a special version with subtitles for improving comprehension. ~~~ Getting sick can cause pain and suffering, but it’s often not as bad as the hours spent in the waiting room of a hospital! In this episode you’ll find out what to expect from your first Portuguese hospital visit.

 Diálogo 19 – O Joel Vai Ao Hospital | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:37

Update: January 12, 2018 – As a gift to us and all Practice Portuguese fans, our friend Wayne Wilson has turned this episode into a fully-animated cartoon. The video is free for everyone to watch, plus our supporting Members get access to a special version with subtitles for improving comprehension. ~~~ Getting sick can cause pain and suffering, but it’s often not as bad as the hours spent in the waiting room of a hospital! In this episode you’ll find out what to expect from your first Portuguese hospital visit.

 Artigo 17 – Grécia: Passado, Presente e Futuro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:49

Como o berço da civilização ocidental se transformou numa das maiores preocupações mundiais do momento.

 Artigo 17 – Grécia: Passado, Presente e Futuro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:49

How the cradle of Western civilization became one of the greatest concerns of the world at the moment.

 Amendoeiras Em Flôr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:35

Este episódio conta-nos uma história onde o amor transforma o impossível em possível. Apesar de se tratar de uma lenda gostamos de acreditar que amores destes podem existir.

 Amendoeiras Em Flôr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:35

This episode tells us a story in which love transforms the impossible into the possible. Although it is a legend, we like to believe that love like this can exist.

 Artigo 16 – Sismo No Nepal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:24

Neste artigo ouve a descrição em português da tragédia que ocorreu no Nepal. Estas foram as notícias que chegaram a Portugal. Se quiseres ajudar aqueles que foram afetados pelo terramoto, vai ao site da Cruz vermelha do Nepal, e faz o teu donativo.

 Artigo 16 – Sismo No Nepal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:24

In this article you will hear the description in Portuguese of the tragedy that occurred in Nepal. This was the news that arrived in Portugal. If you want to help those affected by the earthquake, go to the Nepal Red Cross website,, and make your donation.  

 Diálogo 18 – O Joel Quer Comprar Uma Mota | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:06

Acompanha o novo projeto do Joel. Comprar uma mota para conduzir em Lisboa. Será mais fácil que apanhar um táxi? Será que o Joel já sabe fazer negócios em português? Vrum vrum!

 Diálogo 18 – O Joel Quer Comprar Uma Mota | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:06

Joel has a new project — buying a motorcycle to drive in Lisbon! Will it be easier than taking a taxi? Does Joel know how to do business in Portuguese? Vrum vrum!

 A História de Amor de Pedro e Inês | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:33

Um episódio que conta a história de amor de Pedro e Inês, tão tragica quanto verdadeira. Um episódio com reis princesas e castelo onde toda a família se juntou para dar voz as personagens!


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