Theology For the Rest of Us | Quick Answers to the Questions About God and the Bible show

Theology For the Rest of Us | Quick Answers to the Questions About God and the Bible

Summary: Theology For The Rest of Us gives quick simple answers to some of the toughest questions about God, theology, religion, and the Bible. The show is designed to be a resource to help any person who wants to know more about God, regardless of background or denomination. This podcast is hosted by Kenneth Ortiz and a variety of guest co-hosts. Kenneth is an author, pastor, and self-proclaimed aspiring reformer. We answer questions from listeners on a variety of topics related to theology, but we do it in a way that any person can understand, not just the Ph.D. seminarians. This show covers topics such as the Bible, systematic theology, prayer, new covenants, baptism, tithing, love, dating, sex, homosexuality, church leadership, speaking in tongues, relationships, eschatology, abortion, legalism, gambling, fasting, Calvinism and Arminianism, the sovereignty of God, common heresies, the importance of global missions, and even some political topics. Some of the episodes feature subject matter experts such as Barnabas Piper, Hugh Ross, C. John Collins, Tullian Tchividjian, Blaise Foret, Casey Cease, Ricky Jones, Aubrey Sampson, Courtney Reissig, Tony Merida, Don Whitney, Preston Sprinkle, Jonathan Parnell, executive editor of Desiring God David Mathis, several Gospel Coalition contributors, Acts 29 pastors, several Crossway authors, and many others.

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  • Artist: Kenneth Ortiz
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2015-2020 Kenneth E. Ortiz. All Rights Reserved.


 20: Regret vs. Repentance with Mary Butler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

Many people walk around in life with regret, carrying the wait of their past sins and mistakes. Often times there are people who even allow the potential fear of regret to govern how they make choices in their every day lives. In this episode, our guest Mary Butler tackles the importance of having a "big view" of God because that is the only thing that leads to genuine repentance and joy, but having a "small view" of God leads to regret and sucks the life right out of us. Mary is a student at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, MN.

 19: If God is Good, Why is There Evil in the World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:52

Some times people challenge God on the sole basis that there is evil in the world. The question has been asked, "If God is so good, then why is there so much evil in the world? Why does He allow evil to still exist in the world? Why doesn't He intervene?" This is a great question, worthy of a thoughtful Biblical answer. In this episode Kenny gives five responses to this important question: 1- Sometimes evil is the consequence of our own actions. 2- Maybe God is restraining some evil, but we just don't realize it. 3- How much should God intervene, because eliminating all evil could mean eliminating all people on the planet. 4- God has a purpose in allowing some evil to continue. 5- God actually has already responded to evil in the best manner possible: By sending Jesus!   Highlighted Passages: Genesis 1:28 Romans 5:12 Ephesians 2:3 Genesis 3:17-18 Romans 8:22 James 1:13-17 Colossians 1:16-17 Isaiah 55:8-9 Romans 5:3 Romans 8:28 John 3:16 Romans 10:9-10   Recommended Books: "Problem with Pain" (C.S. Lewis) "If God Is Good" (Randy Alcorn)

 18: Why Doesn’t God Kill Satan Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:47

Sometimes Christians wonder why God has not already gotten rid of Satan? I think most of us would agree that the world would be better without Satan, so if God continually allows him to live, then there must be a reason. In this episode, Kenny makes the Biblical argument that God is, by His own sovereignty and providence, using Satan's attacks and schemes for the betterment and development of the people of God and, ultimately, for the expansion of the glory of God. Highlighted Passages: Revelation 20:10 2 Corinthians 12:6-8 Luke 13

 17: Who is Satan? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:45

For as long as humans have been on the planet, Satan has been working hard at tempting us to sin and he seeks to wreak havoc. But who is this creature? Who is this character we often call the devil? In this episode, Kenny gives us Biblical insights into who this character is, where he came from, and what his goals are today. Kenny also highlights several Scriptures that encourage us to never be afraid of Satan and trust in the power of God that indwells us. Highlighted Passages: Ezekiel 28:12-19 Isaiah 14:12-15 1 Timothy 3:6 Ephesians 6:10-18 1 Peter 5:7 Job 1 Genesis 3 Revelation 20:10 John 10:10 James 1:13-17 John 14:30 1 John 4:4

 16: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:24

This question has been asked many times, whenever tragedy strikes; asked by many different people, from all different walks of life. But, unfortunately, it is the wrong question to ask. In this episode, Kenny gives very clear and bold response to this question, that is surely likely to offend some people. But this episode is laced with pastoral love and packed with clear Biblical exposition that is essential for all of us to hear and embrace. Highlighted Passages: Psalm 14:1-3 Psalm 53:1-3 Romans 3:10-18, 23 Romans 6:23 James 1:13-17 Luke 13:1-5 Romans 8:28

 15: What About the Separation of Church & State? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:49

Often times, certain secular progressives attack Christians by asserting that any person of faith should not ever use their faith or religious beliefs to determine their political ideologies. There is supposedly a "separation of church and state" and that's supposed to keep Christians from using the Bible to determine how they vote in the United States of America; or this concept is aimed at keeping Christians from using the Bible to determine which political policies they choose to support or challenge. The challenge usually includes a demand for a secular moral code, separate from the Bible, or the challenge includes a demand that Christians back up their moral beliefs with something other than the Bible. Is this challenge consistent with the beliefs of our founding fathers? In this episode, Kenny examines the origin and meaning of the phrase "separation of church and state" in its historical context, highlighting that the term never appears anywhere in our founding documents. Kenny clearly explains that the First Amendment was designed to protect the people from the government, not keep religious ideology out of the legislative process; and by using quotes from the Founding Fathers, Kenny makes the case that we are expected to use our religiously-informed morality to develop our political ideologies. Recommended: Words of the Founding Fathers (ed. Steve Coffman)  

 14: Is Masturbation Really a Sin? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:47

Many people have been told by their pastors or parents that masturbation is bad and sinful, while there are some other church leaders that have told their flocks that masturbation is normal and maybe even helpful. So, is masturbation really a sin or not? This is a question often asked by many people, particularly young unmarried men. The Bible never clearly or explicitly condemns the act of masturbation, but it does give us some ideas and insights into how we ought to approach this topic. In this episode, Kenny seeks to examine God's original design for human beings and our sexual cravings, and examines the ideal design for the satisfaction of those cravings. While the Bible does not clearly condemn masturbation, Kenny makes the point that we probably should still seek to avoid it, and he also gives us some additional thoughts on the topic that we ought to consider. Highlighted Passages: Song of Solomon 2:6 1 Corinthians 7 Matthew 5:27-28

 13: What’s the Trinity? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:40

Many Christians often ask about the Trinity. It can be a very difficult doctrine to understand because it defies our human logic and transcends our human understanding. In this episode, Kenny makes a clear case for the Trinity; the fact that God is made up of three co-equal persons, but He is still just one God. Highlighted Passages: Deuteronomy 6:4 Revelation 4, 5, & 6 Colossians 2:9-10 Philippians 1:2 John 1:1 Acts 5:3-4 Genesis 1 Isaiah 64 Job 33:4, 14-15 Genesis 18 & 19

 12: Overcoming Shame with Aubrey Sampson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:35

Whenever we discuss shame, we are typically referring to feeling embarrassed or humiliated because of something wrong we did, but shame actually goes much deeper than that. Shame is not just feeling guilty for something foolish you did, but shame is feeling bad for who you are. If you are ever feeling ashamed, your spiritual health is at risk. But the beauty of the Gospel is that we can overcome our shame. We know that shame reminds us of our character flaws, our inadequacies, and our patterns of foolish choices. Simply put, shame reminds us that we are "not enough." Shame can be an incredible determinant to our lives, to our relationships with others, and to our friendship with God. But the Gospel shatters our shame. The Gospel shatters our "not enough-ness." In this episode, Kenny interviews Aubrey Sampson (author of Overcomer) and she gives us some incredible insights on how to overcome our shame through embracing the truth of the Gospel! Connect with Aubrey Sampson: Recommended Book: Overcomer (by Aubrey Sampson)  

 11: Why is Premarital Sex Sin? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:26

Sex is most certainly the juiciest topic. It's the topic that everyone is interested in. Our church leaders and pastors often do a very good job of telling people to abstain from sex before marriage, but overall most of our leaders and preachers don't give us a decent "why" with that thought. The question has been asked often: "Why is Premarital sex sin?" Sometimes scare tactics are used when answering this question, other times the question is simple ignored or neglected. In this episode, Kenny gives us a clear Biblically founded answer. Highlighted Passages: - Songs of Solomon 2:7 - Songs of Solomon 3:5 - Songs of Solomon 8:4 - Matthew 19:4-5 - Ezekiel 11:18 - 1 Corinthians 6 & 7 - Hebrews 13:4 - Proverbs 5:15-19 - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 - Ephesians 5 - Galatians 5:16 - Leviticus 18, 19, 20 Recommended Books: - Every Man's Battle (Fred Stoeker and Steve Arterburn) - Every Young Man's Battle (Fred Stoeker and Steve Arterburn) - Every Woman's Battle (Shannon Ethridge) - Sexually Confident Wife (Shannon Ethridge) - Sex and The Supremacy of Christ (ed. John Piper and Justin Taylor) - Sacred Sex (Tim Gardner)

 10: Why Do You Oppose Abortion if the Babies go to Heaven? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:57

Most Christians believe that aborted babies go to heaven. And most Christians are vehemently against the practice of abortion. So that leads some people to ask the question, "Why oppose abortion if those babies go right to heaven?" In this episode, Kenny gives seven reasons: 1) Sin should never be condoned no matter what. 2) Abortion is murder, and this argument could be used to justify the murder of all small children. 3) This same logic could be used to justify the murder of all Christians. 4) We ought to never choose to sin just so that we can see grace exhibited. 5) Abortion kills the beauty of potential. 6) This logic presumes to rob another human of their opportunity to choose God. 7) This logic presumes to take the place of God.

 09: Why is Abortion Wrong? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:15

Abortion is one of the hot button topics in our nation, often argued as an issue of choice or equality for women. However, these views are skewed and miss the bigger picture. God is grieved by the mass killing of our unborn babies. But why does this grieve God? And why is it some important that Christians stand against the practice of abortion? In this episode, Kenny gives three reasons: 1) Life begins at conception 2) Abortion is inhumane 3) The foundation of abortion is the opposite of the Gospel Highlighted Passages: - Jeremiah 1:5 - Exodus 21:22-25 Additional Resources: - Hope After Abortion: - Abort 73:  

 08: Do Babies Go to Heaven When They Die? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:40

There are few things in this life that are more painful for a parent than the lost of a child. So, when an infant dies, we're left with the question: What happens to them when they die? Do they go to heaven? In this episode, Kenny gives a clear and simple answer to this very important question. Highlighted Passages: Romans 5:12-19 Psalm 51:5 2 Samuel 12:23 Romans 1:18-21  

 07: Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:55

In this episode, Kenny clearly points out the Bible verses and passages that give us confidence that Jesus really is the only way to get to heaven. Highlighted Passages: John 11:25 John 8:24 John 8:58 Exodus 3:14 John 10:30 John 14:6 Matthew 7:13-14 Acts 4:12 Romans 10:9

 06: Should Christians only read the KJV? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:13

The King James Version (KJV) was the "gold standard" of all English translations around the world for nearly 350 years. Originally published in 1612, it has past the test of time. It has an incredible legacy. However, with newer more modern English translations, most Christians have gone away from using the KJV. But there are some people within Christianity that believe that the KJV is the only English Bible that we should read; others even go as far as to say that all other English translations are nothing more than a corruption of God's Word. How should we respond to the KJV-only debate?


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