Ready Your Future - A Prepper Podcast show

Ready Your Future - A Prepper Podcast

Summary: Welcome to the Ready Your Future Podcast - your resource for preparedness, survival, homesteading, and more, designed to help you build a better future. We understand that life can be unpredictable, and our podcast offers valuable insights, practical tips, and actionable advice to help you prepare for any situation that may arise. We provide essential information and guidance on how to prepare for emergencies, disasters, and other unexpected events, so you can stay safe and secure in any situation. So, if you are an experienced prepper, or just starting out, join us on this journey of common-sense preparedness, as we help you unlock your full potential and prepare for a brighter tomorrow, no matter what the future holds.

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 Real Prep Planning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2173

Being prepared is so much more than just acquiring some stuff. Real preparedness is taking a look at your needs and preparing along those needs.

 Eight Plus Survival Uses for Bones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1339

We are so far removed from the food that we hunt, that we don’t realize the benefit of using the whole animal. One part we don’t necessarily consider are animal bones. There are survival uses for bones that we might not consider in our modern society, but the would come in very handy in a survival situation.

 Moves to Make Before You Find Yourself in a Collapsed Economy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2551

There are moves that you can make now that will help mitigate the financial and mental stress that you and your family might go through during this type of scenario.

 Important to Know – Emergency Numbers and Oxygen Absorbers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2497

There is a lot of information in the preparedness community. Some of this information is important to know for your preparedness. Although it may seem random, it could be very important in an emergency.

 Small and Affordable Power and Lights when You are Off the Grid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4791

One question that I always get is how can I have Affordable Power and Lights when the power goes out or maybe even rolling blackouts?

 Where Did All the Christians Go? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2896

The Bible talks about a time when things will get really bad on the Earth. There will be pestilience, famines, economic and pollitical turmoil and more. It will be a time like no other in history. But before that happens, Christians will disappear.

 Covid: Thinking Through a Year of Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6586

Being able to stay calm and think through problems in a crisis is an important skill. One thing that this last year has done for everyone is to bring multiple crisis situations to the forefront all at the same time.

 Your EDC Knife | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2322

An EDC knife is a tool to have on you at all times. Whether it’s for self-defense, cutting food, or just opening boxes. Whatever the situation, there are knives that will fit the need with a size and weight for almost anyone.

 Prepper Health - Boosting Your Immune System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2116

Being prepared means so much more than having some skills and buying some gear. Your health is important factor in dealing with the uncertainties of what many may experience. And a big part of being in good health means you have a healthy immune system. Your immune systems can have a limited reserve. If your body is overly stressed or compromised, certain diseases might be a potential issue. As a result, you should be proactive in boosting your immune system to be better prepared. Prepper health is just as important as water, food and any other topic in preparedness.

 When Poop Has No Where to Go! Poop in a Grid Down Situation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2162

Most of the time preppers talk about poop in a grid down situation, they either talk about making something like an out house or something temporary, like using trash bags temporarily. But what happens when you need another solution? This episode is going to get messy. But you might hear some things you haven’t had to consider ever before!

 Your Personalized Get Home Bag | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2738

Everyone should have a Get Home Bag. This episode will talk about why you should have a get home bag and what you should have in it.

 Preparing for Shortages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3586

If you are paying attention to prepper or alternative news sources, you have heard about coming shortages. Most of the talk is about food, but there are other items where we are starting to see shortages and costs go up too. Ultimately, you are going to feel it either in your pocketbook because of higher prices due to demand, or you will go without because your local stores can’t get them. Now is the time that you should be preparing for shortages.

 Soda Can Hacks for Survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2226

Being resourceful in an emergency situation is an important skill to have. But part of being resourceful is first having some sort of background knowledge of what is possible. Soda cans are trash to most people, but in a survival situation, they can be very useful. They can also be used for more than just survival if you want to be a little creative. Either way, having a little knowledge of these hacks is a good thing.

 The Slow Burn Of Society and What You Should Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2289

We’ve all looked for the “big event,” the one thing that will cause everything to change. The problem is that change, the slow burn of society, is happening right in front of us and most are missing it. Most are missing the fact that society is changing for the worse. As self-reliant minded people, we need to be prepared for this and help others along the way.

 Internet Safety and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2062

Internet Safety and More


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