The Tapping Solution Podcast show

The Tapping Solution Podcast

Summary: The Tapping’s “Bits and Pieces” podcast is where we share information designed to change your LIFE. Whether you’re new to EFT Tapping, or an old hand, you’ll find SIMPLE, inspiring information to BRIGHTEN your day, motivate you, and help you live your best life. To learn more about Tapping, visit

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 TS 019 Letting Go Of The Past with Nick Ortner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:05

Perhaps the greatest power in Tapping comes from releasing events from the past. If we have experiences that haven’t fully healed, that we haven’t let go of, the reality is, they ARE affecting us on a daily basis, often unconsciously. Has something happened to you in the past, that when you think about the event, it still holds an emotional charge? Perhaps a broken heart that still aches? Difficult financial events that you can’t seem to let go of? Did you do something that you can’t seem to forgive yourself or others for? One of the fastest ways to let go of these past events is to use “The Movie Technique”. So if today, you want to feel a little lighter, let go of a little more, find that energy and joy again, then I have a free Tapping Meditation for you. This meditation is designed as a companion to my new book, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, but even if you’re NOT in pain, you’ll find the meditation applies to letting go of any event from the past. To purchase my new book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain” Click Here

 TS 018 How a “Diagnosis” Can Alter Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:47

Millions of people receive diagnoses like Vickie’s everyday, and the experience in itself is traumatic. The second you hear those words, your amygdala, an almond-shaped part of the mid-brain, goes on high alert, sending out distress signals throughout your body. In my new book, “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief”, I lead you through that same pain relief process that allowed Vickie, and so many others, to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again. Learn more about “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief”- here

 TS 017 Tapping With Prison Inmates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:45

I was so excited to get an email from Martha, a prison nurse. She shared some remarkable information on how she is using Tapping with inmates in prisons and the positive results she is seeing both in her own life and the lives of the prison inmates.

 TS 016 What Tony Robbins Taught Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:08

Tony Robbins needs no introduction, but if you’ve just arrived from Mars or perhaps are joining us from a country that just got an internet connection (it’s possible- the world is expanding at all times!), Tony Robbins has been known for the past thirty years as an inspirational/motivational speaker, writing books, leading packed seminars around the country, and coaching Presidents and celebrities alike. I got to spend some time with him recently and I want to share three simple things I learned from being with him, and which you might find helpful in your life. They all start with “P” and you can apply them to your life in minutes.

 TS 015 Overcoming Procrastination – Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:00

In this tapping meditation, we will overcome a common block to productivity – and that’s procrastination. Even if it is a task or project we want to do, even one we enjoy, getting going can be challenging. Instead of getting started, we make a phone call, check social media, start laundry, work on a different project – really anything that allows us to continue procrastinating. The real reason we procrastinate though is not the task itself but often the emotions that we are feeling around the task. Sometimes the task may just seem too hard and there is some fear or resistance to exerting ourselves in that way, or perhaps we feel anxiety around having to learn a new skill or make a decision we are uncomfortable making. Other times we may be afraid we won’t do a good enough job and worry what other people will think. There are lots of reasons we procrastinate and we are not always even aware of those reasons. But at the root of procrastination we usually find unresolved emotions. In this tapping meditation we will focus on releasing those emotions so we can stop procrastinating and get going on whatever it is we need to do. This meditation is meant to serve as a guide to get you tapping on this topic and give you some general language and ideas on how to tap. As always, if the language doesn’t apply to you, you can change it to fit your needs. As you tap, notice any ideas, thoughts, impressions, emotions, specific memories that you can tap on either during this meditation or on your own. The more specific you can be with your particular experience, what you’re feeling exactly, what happened, what you believe, the better your results are going to be. Let’s start by focusing on what you’re currently feeling. We will spend a few minutes doing negative or truth tapping, not to anchor it in but rather to acknowledge it and let it go. Feeling safe to acknowledge how we feel, to speak the truth about our current experience is one of the most powerful things you can do.

 TS 014 Quieting the I’m Not Good Enough Voice – Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:33

If you are new to tapping, visit our website to learn the basics of this process before doing this tapping meditation. In this tapping meditation we will be tapping to overcome that voice in your head that most of us face at some point. The voice that tells you, ‘You are not enough.’ You may hear that voice when you try something new or put yourself out there when you are work or in a relationship. That voice can also get louder when something traumatic happens. That voice can also get louder when something traumatic or upsetting happens, whether it is a job loss, a divorce, or something else. Many of us have had that voice in us since childhood and even if we know it’s not true, it can be hard to quiet that voice that has been inside you from a young age. Whatever the case is for you, we are going to use tapping to begin to quiet that voice. If you have had that voice inside of you telling you you are not enough for a long time, know that it is a process and we may not quiet it completely in ten minutes of tapping. In that case, make a point of returning to this tapping meditation once a day or more. If you are feeling worried about something specific, maybe a job you are applying for, a date you are going on, or something like that, this tapping meditation will be equally powerful in moving you beyond that feeling that you are not enough to take that risk.

 TS 013 From Overwhelm to Calm – Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:58

Have you ever had one of those days where the “To-Do” list seems endless? Where the demands on your time and energy are constant? Where deep down inside, some part of you is begging for some calm, some peace, some release from the feelings of overwhelm you’re feeling? If so, you’re not alone. In this busy world, that seems to be speeding up every minute, many people struggle with feelings of overwhelm. Sadly, when you’re in this “state”, when you’re feeling these feelings, you’re actually LESS productive, LESS resourceful, LESS able to deal with the challenges that life brings you. So step #1 towards getting your life on track is not to find ways to get more done, it’s not to push harder and faster, it’s to take a moment, pause, breathe and reset your mind, body and spirit. Once you do that, and when you use the powerful, brain-resetting technology of EFT Tapping, then everything changes, sometimes in magical ways. As many wise men have said, if you feel like you don’t have time to stop, to breathe, to tap, to meditate, then you’re the one that needs it MOST.

 TS 012 Dr. Christiane Northrup Talks With Jessica Ortner About the Power of Tapping, Beliefs and Your Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:07

Jessica Ortner recently sat down with Dr. Christiane Northrup as part of the pre-launch celebration of the 7th Annual Tapping World Summit and what Dr. Northrup shared is simply stunning. Dr. Northrup is the best selling author of a number of groundbreaking books, from “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom,” to her latest success, “Goddesses Never Age.” A board-certified OB Gyn physician with over 25 years of experience, she came to the realization that she wanted to dedicate her life not to just treating problems, but to teaching people how to really thrive.

 TS 011 Change is Possible with Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:58

Do you believe that…You can be happy? You can be healthy? You can feel fulfilled? You can experience daily love, peace, kindness and joy? Do you have something deep inside you that longs for more from life and more from yourself? The reason the answers to these questions are controversial is that the reality is, most people don’t believe they can have these things. They’ve been programed, and maybe you have been as well, by old experiences and traumas, by things learned from society, from parents, from friends and from teachers. This programming, these old patterns, are sadly running our daily lives, and robbing us of the richness we most want and deserve. That’s the bad news. The good news is, there’s a way to completely CHANGE these patterns, to rewrite our past and create a new future, and it’s now possible to do this faster than ever before. BUT…as magical a pill as tapping may be, it’s not a pill. A pill is easy – swallow and done! This requires you to make a choice, NOW, in this moment, to say: ENOUGH. Enough of those old patterns. Enough of not living up to who you know you can be. Enough of not giving your greatest gifts to the world. Over the next three weeks, we’re gearing up for our 7th Annual Tapping World Summit. This weeks podcast is part of our pre-summit celebration series. Please listen in and enjoy and then register for our 7th Annual Tapping World Summit that is 10 day free event, you can register here –

 TS 010 Connect to Your Creativity – Tapping Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:07

Are you feeling uncreative, unable to think of new ideas and don’t know what to do to change? If you would like to change this pattern and reconnect to our creativity please listen and tap along with this Tapping Meditation on “Connecting to Your Creativity”, and see if new ideas and creative energy flow your way.

 TS 009 Resistance to Exercise – Tapping Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:12

Are you trying to start the New Year by exercising more and finding yourself busy doing everything else to avoid having to exercise? We all do this from time to time and if you want to change this pattern please listen and tap along with this Tapping Meditation on “Resistance to Exercise”, and see how things shift for you.

 TS 008 Louise Hay Talks Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:33

In this Podcast Nick Ortner taps with Louise Hay as she shares how to use Tapping to allow forgiveness, love and self-acceptance into your life…  She’ll also share with you her personal struggle with growing up and feeling that she wasn’t good enough and will open up about how certain past emotional traumas were manifesting in her body and creating physical challenges (and how the same thing may be happening with you). You’ll get to tap along with Louise, share in her experience and have your own as you tap along with her. Get ready for a powerful, emotional and very moving shift that will help you to finally move forward past any blocks that have been holding you back…

 TS 007 From Doubt to a Seed of Hope – Tapping Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:53

Enjoy this tapping meditation: “From Doubt to a Seed of Hope”. If you find it helpful, please comment and let me know below, and also let me know other topics you could use tapping meditations on! (and share it with your friends!) – Nick Ortner

 TS 006 Tapping Meditation for a Stress-Free Family Gathering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:13

The holiday season is upon us! It’s a time that’s often met with as much dread as joy. For many, getting a big family together doesn’t always reflect the pretty picture we see in all the Thanksgiving and Christmas commercials. It can feel downright overwhelming. Will my mother-in-law judge my cooking again? Will that annoying uncle make another inappropriate comment? Will I have to deal with the tension between relative A and relative B? What’s meant to be a joyous experience leaves us holding our breath and wishing for the best. But it turns out we have more power than we think to create a great experience. Here are 4 tips to support you, and a tapping meditation to set you up for a wonderful holiday gathering.

 TS 005 Shhhh… Don’t Tell Anyone…(How to nurture an idea) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:26

Have you ever had a great idea that perhaps you shared a little too soon, and weren’t happy with the reaction of others? How did that make you feel? Did you tap on it?  What do you think about keeping the idea to yourself until it grows and strengthens?


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