The PHP Roundtable show

The PHP Roundtable

Summary: The PHP Roundtable is a podcast of web developers discussing PHP, JavaScript, community, open source, and anything else PHP nerds care about. It is broadcast live from Google Hangouts On-Air. For complete show notes or to watch the episodes in video format visit And join the conversation live! Just subscribe to the newsletter and never miss a live show.

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 064: PHP 7 Source Code: A Deep Dive | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4512

We take a deep-dive into the underlaying structure of the the PHP source code and talk about the scanner, parser, the new AST layer (and the evil things we can do with it), and the Zend engine. Let's see how the PHP sausage is made!

 063: A php[tek] 2017 Special | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3712

We have a mashup recording with PHPUgly and PHP Town Hall during the community night at php[tek] 2017. We chat about OSMI, UUID's, git, product development, getting involved in the PHP community and funky socks.

 062: All things Laravel | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3506

We chat all things about the Laravel ecosystem.

 061: Dependency Injection | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3886

Dependency Injection has been a design principle that the PHP community has embraced more fully than a lot of other programming communities. There's even an official PHP-FIG standard being discussed called PSR-11 which will standardize dependency injection containers. Today we chat all things dependency injection.

 060: Logging & Crash Reporting in PHP | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3574

No matter how experienced you are as a programmer, at some point your app will generate errors and crash. Fixing problems with your app quickly is paramount in order to affect as little of your user base as possible. We discuss what is involved with implementing effective logging and crash reporting techniques in PHP to help you keep your apps up and running like a well-oiled machine.

 059: PHP 7.1 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3718

PHP 7.1, the latest minor version of PHP, was released on December 1st. We discuss some things that went on behind-the-scenes that brought this new version to a stable release and we look at some new features that we can start taking advantage of today.

 058: HTTPlug, Guzzle & API's | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3259

Guzzle has become the de-facto HTTP-client library for PHP. But recently a number of open source projects have been switching to HTTPlug which boasts itself as an HTTP-client abstraction. We chat about the problems HTTPlug aims to solve, the plans for its future and the reasons behind why some library maintainers have chosen to adopt it or not.

 057: All things Zend | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3914

There's a lot more going on at Zend other than Zend Framework. We chat about the Zend ecosystem, from Apigility to Zend Certification and what Zend's role is in PHP internals.

 056: Hourly vs Value-Based Pricing | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3041

There are two seemingly contradicting philosophies about how to charge clients for programming work. The hourly camp suggests that the client is paying for your skill and hiring you for your time. The value-based pricing camp suggests that the programmer should price a project based on its value to the client instead of the hours it will take to build it. Today we chat about these two ideas and discuss the pros and cons of both.

 055: Acceptance Testing with Behat | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4204

We chat about the open-source Behavior-Driven Development framework called Behat. We get a brief overview of how Behat can help us write more reliable code and also explore some best-practices when writing automated tests.

 054: Security: Encryption, Hashing and PHP | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4222

We chat about security in the the PHP community, encryption & hashing in PHP and a new-hotness crypto library called libsodium.

 053: Why I'm Afraid To Admit I Use PHP | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4362

So you spend most of your time programming in PHP. You meet another programmer out in the wild. You begin explaining what you do. Do you find yourself using vague terms and actively trying to avoid the word "PHP?" Do you dread the question, "What language do you primarily code in?" Do you anticipate them scoffing at you when you say, "PHP?" We discuss why PHP has such a bad rep in the eyes of many and why some of us feel the need to start conversations with, "I use PHP but let me explain..."

 052: Happy Birthday PHP Roundtable! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4180

Today the PHP Roundtable celebrates 2 years of generating nerdy discussions! We take a look behind the scenes of the PHP Roundtable podcast and chat with some nerds about what's going on the world of PHP.

 051: What happened to PHP 6? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3170

Despite the fact that there was never an official release of PHP 6, it was going to be a real thing with a lot of great improvements to the engine and language. But why was this version of PHP never released? We talk with some previous and current internals developers to hear the story of what happened to PHP 6.

 050: PHP For Beginners | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3457

If you're just starting with programming & PHP, this episode is for you. We discuss some helpful tips to get you started with PHP programming such as some helpful learning resources and some common pitfalls to watch out for when learning to program.


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