Consciously Speaking show

Consciously Speaking

Summary: Consciously Speaking is your spot to listen in on guests from all walks of the mindful evolution. You'll be introduced to premiere thought leaders in conscious development while receiving insights on how to live with more integrity, work with greater passion, and lead an extraordinary life. Topics will range from financial matters to relationships, and dieting to divorce. A variety of guest coaches will be on hand to inspire you, as well as your regular host, Michael Neeley.

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  • Artist: Michael Neeley
  • Copyright: ©2015 - 2020 Consciously Speaking, All Rights Reserved


 412: Natasha Todorovic-Cowan breaks down Spiral Dynamics for us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:18

Whether it is resistance to change, cultures in conflict, or dysfunctional teams, Natasha Todorovic-Cowan’s expertise includes unraveling people messes from C-suite to shop floor. Rooted in 70 years of research and application, Natasha has more than 25 years of experience applying SPIRAL DYNAMICS® assessments, tools and programs to reveal the root causes of people problems. She has impacted clients around the globe seeking to dig into their cultural DNA, leadership, and to effect change.

 411: Sharla Jacobs joins Michael for a discussion on the coronavirus and the conscious business pivots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:27

Sharla Jacobs, along with Jesse Koren, have been called the #1 Source for turning Coaches and Holistic Practitioners into 6-Figure Transformational Leaders. They’re also recognized as authorities when it comes to teaching how to attract more clients. While on the surface, it may seem like they’re just teaching practical skills; what they’re best known for is providing transformational experiences for people who know they’ve also got to work on their inner game if they want to create a thriving bu

 410: Junie Moon Schreiber shows you how to magnetize your man! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:15

Junie Moon Schreiber, known as The Love Coach, teaches women in midlife how to magnetize their man & experience Next Level Love. With her dating strategies & powerful mindset tools that help squash negative beliefs, women can fully embrace this precious stage of life with confidence, ease & excitement.  Junie’s a speaker and author of Loving the Whole Package: Shed the Shame and Live Life Out Loud, director of the film Shed the Shame, host of Midlife Love Out Loud & a Certified Shadow Work® Facilitat

 409: Rosie Aiello and her daughter make a great and harrowing escape | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:32

Rosie Aiello is an Award-winning entrepreneur, Best-selling author, Speaker, Women’s Empowerment Mentor & Transformational Leader She is the author of upcoming mother & daughter memoir: 11 Hours to Freedom which is about the unbreakable bond of love between a passionate mother and her strong-willed daughter that carries them through an international escape from domestic abuse and leads them on a tumultuous journey of freedom, healing and a global movement to help save 1M women and their children.

 408: Sharón Lynn Wyeth reveals the secret of Neimology® | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:58

Sharón Lynn Wyeth is recognized internationally as an expert on names as she can determine one's strengths, challenges and the purpose of one's life by deciphering a person's name. Sharón created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research followed by 3 years of testing her theories in over 70 countries, including Russia, India and China. She has since developed a useful method to interpret names, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate toda

 407: Theresa Sue Seabaugh Memorial Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:19

This Episode is a Memorial to my sister, Theresa Sue (Neeley) Seabaugh, and an inside look at her life from those who knew and loved her dearly. In it, you will hear pieces taken from the funeral services, as well as casual stories being shared at family gatherings. This may not be of interest to you and I completely understand if it is not. If so, just ignore this episode and enjoy a different one. However, if you are dealing with the death of of loved one, perhaps you’ll find some solace in this show

 406: Rhoberta Shaler can open your eyes to the "Hijackals" in your life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:28

Dr. Roberta Shaler, a relationship consultant, mediator, speaker & author, aka The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent & ongoing care for relationships in crisis. Her mission is to help people stop tolerating abuse. Even the United States Marines have sought her help.  Dr. Shaler focuses on helping the partners, exes & adult children of the relentlessly difficult people she calls “Hijackals®.” She offers strategies for dealing with the constant uncertainty & jaw-dropping behaviors of toxic p

 405: Joyce Dales shows us how to "put a little honey on it" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Joyce Dales is the President of Buzzagogo and the inventor of Cold Bee Gone, a homeopathic, Manuka Honey based remedy that you swab in your nose to fight cold, flu, allergies and to protect the nasal biome.  Joyce is a mom to two beautiful girls through the gift of international adoption. She and her husband Jeffrey run their company, while homeschooling. Cold Bee Gone is now sold nationwide in CVS and independent retailers.  You can learn more about her and her cold product at

 404: Adalina East and Michael explore multi-dimensionality, vibrational frequency and more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:57

Adalina East is a transformational healer and intuitive channel, bringing forth healing modalities to support others through this current time and space. Using Transformational Healing, Adalina is able to locate and release the inner obstacles to trauma recovery, replacing them with vibrant health and joy. Channeling light and sound key codes from Ascended Masters, Angels and Teachers, she uncovers and transforms patterned beliefs that no longer serve the client in reaching their best selves. 

 403: Scot Conway wants to spread the word (and the power) of Heroic Masculinity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:58

In 1988, Scot Conway's father told him, “You’re not much of a man. I can’t help you, because I never figured it out. You’re smart. You’ll have to figure it out.” On the way to discovering what it really means to be a man, Scot has become an accomplished martial artist, earning 7 black belts in varying degrees & is the founder of his own style: Guardian Martial Arts.  He is on a mission to create a world where Gentlemen Knights come alongside Warrior Queens to exponentially up-level how th

 402: Devin Galaudet shares his stories, his travels, and... his Bride? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:23

Devin Galaudet is the publisher of In The Know Bride, which chronicles his endeavor to marry his wife in 100 countries around the world. He has been teaching Kabbalah and the Western Mystery tradition for over 20 years & is a bishop for the Temple of the Silver Star. Devin has written for HuffPo, Good Men Project, Citron Review, & many other’s, and his memoir 10,000 Miles with My Dead Father’s Ashes answers the question "what do you do when you lose your father’s ashes and want to stop being a con

 401: Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly reveals the teachings of our furry friends! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly is a vegan intuitive veterinarian who empowers animals and humans to live in balance, as One, with the web of life. Dr. Joanne guides families in tuning in with their pets, themselves, nature & the Universe to make better, fair and personalized medical decisions, prevent diseases and accidents, speed up healing and allow for a peaceful and dignified passing. She authored the book "Animal Teachings from Hayley's Angels Methods" and is currently working on her second book.

 400: Ram Dass Documentary by Gay Dillingham Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:02

This 400th episode of Consciously Speaking is a timely replay of a 2015 episode with documentary filmmaker, Gay Dillingham. It is also a fitting tribute to the memory of Ram Dass who recently completed his "walk" home. This episode will also act as the intro point for the upcoming series on the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Featuring interviews with the founders, shamans, and participants - this series will enlighten you about the potential that plant medicine has for us all.

 399: Petia Kolibova explores personal evolution through both mind and body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:14

Petia Kolibova is an outstanding expert in the area of meditation teaching, fitness and confidence coaching. Through her journey as a fitness competitor, she helped transform the vitality and minds of countless clients. Strengthening and empowering their spirit, bodies, and minds. Petia is a devoted self-love advocate and offers practical tips and tools on how to gain and maintain a healthy body, self-confidence, and spiritual well-being.

 398: Jane Guyn joins us for a look at the factors behind our sex drive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:25

Dr. Jane Guyn was a Super Mom with her life filled with soccer, science projects, Girl Scout cookies, homework and lots and lots of driving - in her minivan. She was so caught up in the role that she totally forgot about the rest of her identity - her intellect, her femininity and her sexuality. That's when she went on a journey to learn about sex. She became a Professional Sex Coach and wrote the Amazon #1 Bestseller "Too Busy to Get Busy" so that other women could avoid the pitfalls she'd discovered.


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