Unanimous Dissent show

Unanimous Dissent

Summary: Unanimous Dissent is a progressive news show covering US policy and legislation from Washington, DC. It is produced by Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, the co-founders of the District Sentinel News Co-op. Join us in dissent every Monday through Friday.

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 Fighting Cop Surveillance City by City | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3177

President Obama has sold more arms to Saudi Arabia than any other president in US history. But some lawmakers are growing wary of the weapons shipments--particularly in light of alleged war crimes being carried out by the Saudi military in Yemen. Also, Charlotte is just the latest city on edge following the shooting death of another black man at the hands of police. But we take a look at a new effort launched this week to keep the police in check by requiring the community’s approval before certain surveillance technologies are deployed. We speak to the ACLU’s Chad Marlow on the initiative. And finally, it’s Friday, which means someone is going in our damn disgusting garbage candidates. We got seven nominees for you. Find out who gets punished for delivering the worst take of the week.

 Trump Isn’t the First (Or the Last) To Attack Due-Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3179

Trump proposes eliminating due-process for terror suspects causing liberals to freak out. They seem unaware that other Republicans have pushed this same idea, and the Obama administration has also flirted with it.Then, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) is setting up a showdown between Congress and the White House. But even if the legislative branch overrides the veto, 9/11 victims don’t seem likely to get justice, under the law. Just Security’s Steve Vladeck joins us to discuss the matter.And, one Democratic lawmaker has introduced legislation to force the Department of Homeland Security to designate voting machines as “critical infrastructure”--we discuss in a classified session.

 Trump Isn’t the First (Or the Last) To Attack Due-Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3179

Trump proposes eliminating due-process for terror suspects causing liberals to freak out. They seem unaware that other Republicans have pushed this same idea, and the Obama administration has also flirted with it.Then, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) is setting up a showdown between Congress and the White House. But even if the legislative branch overrides the veto, 9/11 victims don’t seem likely to get justice, under the law. Just Security’s Steve Vladeck joins us to discuss the matter.And, one Democratic lawmaker has introduced legislation to force the Department of Homeland Security to designate voting machines as “critical infrastructure”--we discuss in a classified session.

 Time For Some Traffic Problems in the Trump Campaign | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3136

Aides of Gov. Chris Christie are on trial this week for their role in the politically-motivated lane closure of the George Washington Bridge, and already Christie has been fingered for his role in the scandal.Congressional hearings can be boring as hell, but not when Senator after Senator is owning the head of a major bank. We breakdown Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf’s appearance before the Senate Banking Committee.Finally, the HRC Email story is leading officials to Reddit. Did one of Clinton’s IT staffers use the social networking website to seek advice on data scrubbing? It is a question you can expect from House Republicans in the next few months.

 Time For Some Traffic Problems in the Trump Campaign | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3136

Aides of Gov. Chris Christie are on trial this week for their role in the politically-motivated lane closure of the George Washington Bridge, and already Christie has been fingered for his role in the scandal.Congressional hearings can be boring as hell, but not when Senator after Senator is owning the head of a major bank. We breakdown Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf’s appearance before the Senate Banking Committee.Finally, the HRC Email story is leading officials to Reddit. Did one of Clinton’s IT staffers use the social networking website to seek advice on data scrubbing? It is a question you can expect from House Republicans in the next few months.

 Bombs Overseas Won’t Stop New York Lone Wolves. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3110

Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton pointed to the US bombing campaign against the Islamic State as a strategy to prevent terrorism stateside. And although their statements were more coherent than the GOP nominee, Donald Trump, they still miss the mark on what’s actually motivating domestic attacks.Also, DCist’s Rachel Kurzius stops by to discuss dealings in the nation’s capital--including a number of business that have popped up to cater exclusively to the lazy stoner. We also talk life imitating art as a comedy show about politics picks up an Emmy Award.

 Bombs Overseas Won’t Stop New York Lone Wolves. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3110

Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton pointed to the US bombing campaign against the Islamic State as a strategy to prevent terrorism stateside. And although their statements were more coherent than the GOP nominee, Donald Trump, they still miss the mark on what’s actually motivating domestic attacks.Also, DCist’s Rachel Kurzius stops by to discuss dealings in the nation’s capital--including a number of business that have popped up to cater exclusively to the lazy stoner. We also talk life imitating art as a comedy show about politics picks up an Emmy Award.

 Trump Tries to Put Birther Baby to Bed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3062

Donald Trump is trying to put his birther past behind him now that he’s tantalizingly close to winning the White House. The best way to do that might be by starting a new scandal. Also, what should Hillary Clinton do now that she’s losing voters to far-right Libertarian Gary Johnson. And we report on a bit of good news. Migrant farmworkers in Washington State won recognition of their union last week. We discuss it with Maru Mora Villalpando, communications coordinator of their union, Familias Unidas Por La Justicia.Finally, John Boehner is loving life right now: drinking wine, chain-smoking cigarettes and taunting his enemies on Twitter for their embarrassing failures. He’ll have less time to do that, however, now that he has taken a job as a tobacco lobbyist. At least he’s practicing what he preaches!

 Trump Tries to Put Birther Baby to Bed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3062

Donald Trump is trying to put his birther past behind him now that he’s tantalizingly close to winning the White House. The best way to do that might be by starting a new scandal. Also, what should Hillary Clinton do now that she’s losing voters to far-right Libertarian Gary Johnson. And we report on a bit of good news. Migrant farmworkers in Washington State won recognition of their union last week. We discuss it with Maru Mora Villalpando, communications coordinator of their union, Familias Unidas Por La Justicia.Finally, John Boehner is loving life right now: drinking wine, chain-smoking cigarettes and taunting his enemies on Twitter for their embarrassing failures. He’ll have less time to do that, however, now that he has taken a job as a tobacco lobbyist. At least he’s practicing what he preaches!

 Sen. Warren Asks Why Clinton Ally Wasn’t Investigated for Role in 2008 Financial Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3155

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is demanding that the Department of Justice Inspector General launch an internal investigation into why the DOJ never prosecuted people who were accused of wrongdoing in the run up to the financial meltdown. One of the accused is Bill Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin.Then, Wells Fargo could be cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Though the bank settled with the CFPB--for opening 2 million fake accounts, to pad performance numbers--the Justice Department said that it is looking into the matter. And it hasn’t taken criminal prosecution off the table.Finally, folks, Friday means it’s Garbage Can Day. If you’ve been frustrated by the Clinton campaign’s tendency to react with indignation to credible claims of unethical behavior, you might like this one.

 Sen. Warren Asks Why Clinton Ally Wasn’t Investigated for Role in 2008 Financial Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3155

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is demanding that the Department of Justice Inspector General launch an internal investigation into why the DOJ never prosecuted people who were accused of wrongdoing in the run up to the financial meltdown. One of the accused is Bill Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin.Then, Wells Fargo could be cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Though the bank settled with the CFPB--for opening 2 million fake accounts, to pad performance numbers--the Justice Department said that it is looking into the matter. And it hasn’t taken criminal prosecution off the table.Finally, folks, Friday means it’s Garbage Can Day. If you’ve been frustrated by the Clinton campaign’s tendency to react with indignation to credible claims of unethical behavior, you might like this one.

 Being President Could Help Trump Slap His Name on More Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3041

There are reports that Trump doesn’t really want to win the White House. A new examination of his international business dealings around the world, however, does provide one reason why he might want to be victorious in November: to boost his family’s wealth.Also documents released to The Guardian appear to show Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker engaged in illegal campaign activity. We discuss the matter with the Campaign Legal Center’s Brendan Fischer. And later, We break down a government watchdog report that has some surprising news about at least one component of the national security state that is shrinking.

 Being President Could Help Trump Slap His Name on More Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3041

There are reports that Trump doesn’t really want to win the White House. A new examination of his international business dealings around the world, however, does provide one reason why he might want to be victorious in November: to boost his family’s wealth.Also documents released to The Guardian appear to show Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker engaged in illegal campaign activity. We discuss the matter with the Campaign Legal Center’s Brendan Fischer. And later, We break down a government watchdog report that has some surprising news about at least one component of the national security state that is shrinking.

 This is How You Actually Rig an Election in the U.S. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3036

Alas, the Two Sams never received their invitation to the preview for Oliver Stone’s Edward Snowden movie. This could be evidence that the US Postal System is broken. Either way, the ACLU of Massachusetts’ Kade Crockford got a sneak peak, and talked to us about this movie--and the related campaign to have Snowden pardoned.Then, investigative reporter Greg Palast joins us to chat about how Republicans are trying to steal the election--again. Remember Florida 2000? It’s deja vu all over again--all around the country.Finally, John McCain is mad. While this might not be news, the subject of his anger is: the President is considering separating Cyber Command from the National Security Agency.

 This is How You Actually Rig an Election in the U.S. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3036

Alas, the Two Sams never received their invitation to the preview for Oliver Stone’s Edward Snowden movie. This could be evidence that the US Postal System is broken. Either way, the ACLU of Massachusetts’ Kade Crockford got a sneak peak, and talked to us about this movie--and the related campaign to have Snowden pardoned.Then, investigative reporter Greg Palast joins us to chat about how Republicans are trying to steal the election--again. Remember Florida 2000? It’s deja vu all over again--all around the country.Finally, John McCain is mad. While this might not be news, the subject of his anger is: the President is considering separating Cyber Command from the National Security Agency.


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