Body Kindness show

Body Kindness

Summary: Because real health is about being good to yourself. Body Kindness is the place where all bodies fit - and weight is just a number. I’m your host Rebecca Scritchfield RDN, author of the book Body Kindness. I believe we all have an enormous power to change diet culture - one voice at a time. I talk to people from all walks of life about their journey to a better wellbeing. From food to family to sex, you never know what will come up in an episode. Plus, once a month, my good friend Bernie Salazar, the Season 5 At Home winner of NBC’s The Biggest Loser, I check in with each other on how we're doing at our own Body Kindness practice for mutual support and accountability. Changing habits isn’t easy. But when your goals come from a place of kindness you really can become your healthiest and happiest self. Tune in to start your journey!

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 #7 - The Loser Letter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:52

Today we’re talking about The Loser Letter. As Bernie watched the confetti drop on the recent Biggest Loser finale, he was filled with a complex mix of emotions. This inspired him to write a powerful open letter about all he’s learned in the eight years since his time on the Ranch. His thoughtful advice is not only for his Biggest Loser Alumni - but for all us striving to live a healthier life and practice Body Kindness. For those who don’t know Bernie was the At-Home Winner of NBC’s The Biggest Loser, Season 5. His goal was to transform his life and get healthy, but if you know the show at all, you know the focus is on who can lose the most weight through extreme exercise and dieting. Bernie lost a lot of weight on the show, but also lost who he was in the process. He didn’t really become the healthy person he hoped, especially when he obsessed over excessive exercise and rigid food rules in the name of “health.” If you’ve ever been through significant changes in your habits, weight loss or not, you may be able to relate to what Bernie went through in his personal life. Have a question or comment for us? You can get in touch here - Want to join our Body Kindness challenges, book clubs, and get my Feel Great Guide free to your inbox? Jump on my email list here. - === Here’s what we talked about... - Bernie shared his Letter To My Fellow Losers. You can read the full transcript in the show notes at, and here’s a summary: -- Take time to unpack. After the whirlwind of information and emotions on the show, Bernie strongly recommends finding a therapist or other professional to help you understand the full impact of your transformation and ensure your long-term success. -- Out with the old, in with the new (sort of) - Bernie suggests examining your environment and relationships to identify any changes needed in order to support your new lifestyle. -- Redefine your definition of health. You’ve gone through an extreme experience - from your pre-weight loss life to an intense TV competition with strict diet and exercise regime. It’s time to decide what sustainable good health will look like for you now. - I shared my thoughts about Bernie’s letter. I emphasised that The Biggest Loser is an entertainment show, and that the competition and gameplay can overshadow doing what it takes to truly get healthy from the inside out. - We talked about inspiration. It is up to you to choose who and what inspires you, but the best inspiration comes from a place of love - you can’t hate yourself healthy. - I challenged Bernie on his point about avoiding difficult “food occasions”. It’s natural to want to run from discomfort, but avoiding the party doesn’t solve the issue. The way to become the kind of person who says no cake when they don’t want to cake, is to practice being the person who says no to cake when they don’t want cake! - This led us to our current book club selection, The Upside of Stress (you can read more here - As Dr. McGonigal writes, stress is energy. Dealing with food pushers will create stress. If you choose to avoid the party, you’re not using the energy the stress gives you. If you go to the party and practice tolerating discomfort, the energy of stress can help you grow stronger. - We wrapped up by talking about one of my favourite words… fear. You can choose what this word means to you: Face Everything And Recover, or F*** Everything And Run! Which one will you choose? === What did you think of Bernie’s letter? Get in touch - We'd love if you could rate us on iTunes - it only takes a few seconds and helps spread the Body Kindness message. Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #6 - It's All About The Habit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:01

In today’s episode of Body Kindness we’re diving into habits. We spill the secrets on how to build habits that you’ll love and stick to. Bernie and I also have updates on our Body Kindness goals, and we talk about how to get a wayward habit back on track. How do you build a habit the Body Kindness way? Here’s an overview of the framework: - First, think about your values. What are the things you care about? - Set a goal based on your values. It needs to be about behaviors, not a number like a clothing size or scale reading, because numbers are not in your control - Commit to taking actions that are in line with your values and goals - Repeat, repeat, repeat... - With time and consistency, you’ll form a habit! Have a question or comment for us? You can get in touch here - Want to join the #MindfulMarch challenge and get my free Feel Great Guide? Hop on my email list here. - === Here’s what we talked about... - Bernie shared an update on his Body Kindness goals. He’s dedicated himself to good hydration. After a few weeks he’s noticed big improvements in his energy and complexion, plus fewer headaches! - He also took up my Episode 3 suggestion to count the minutes he works out, instead of focusing on workout intensity. He says it’s changed his outlook on exercise and he’s giving himself credit for his current actions rather than comparing it to his past self. - We broke down the components of how to build a healthy habit. The Body Kindness way starts with accepting you’re human and that it won’t be perfect. Then it’s all about setting a goal, taking action, then repeating those actions - repetition is what allows a habit to form. - I explained the importance of choosing an achievable goal that feels exciting and/or energising. This sets you up for the right mindset to take action. - I emphasized the difference between No Pain No Gain habits and Body Kindness habits. Approaching a habit with a tough love, all-or-nothing mindset lacks self-compassion and is a recipe for disaster! The Body Kindness approach is about listening to and respecting your body, being flexible, and trusting your inner wisdom. - In my own Body Kindness update, I shared that while exercise and good nutrition are now both autopilot habits for me after years of consistent practice, I had a bump in the road with my #YearOfKindess challenge. I told Bernie about my frustrations at missing a week of posts, despite setting a doable challenge that excited me. - I explained that this is a classic part in the habit building process. When a new action is not yet a habit it takes more effort. The key is to be kind and compassionate, remember why you care about this new habit and get back on the horse RIGHT AWAY. So I took action and posted a new #YearOfKindess update as we were recording! - This sparked a conversation about the difference between feeling guilt or shame about something we’ve done (or haven’t done!). In a nutshell, guilt = I did a bad thing, whereas shame = I’m a bad person. - I then summarised how to create habits the Body Kindness way, as outlined above. === Tell us about your habits! What habits feel easy as breathing for you? What habits feel harder to hold onto than a slippery salmon? We’d love to hear all about it. Get in touch here - If you enjoyed the show we'd love if you could rate us on iTunes - it only takes a few seconds and helps spread the Body Kindness word! - Tune in for Episode 7 on Monday April 4th when we'll talk about the “Loser Letter.” You don’t want to miss what Bernie has to say 8 years after he became the At-Home Winner of Biggest Loser. --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #5 - Mindfulness Practice - How Paying Attention Leads To Body Kindness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:59

Today we’re tuned in and fully present to talk to you about mindfulness. To help you along in my #MindfulMarch challenge, we’ll explain what mindfulness is, how super simple it is to get started, and why it’s a brilliant practice to get you on the road to Body Kindness. Plus, we announce our next book for the Body Kindness book club. Have a question or comment? Get in touch here - Want to join the #MindfulMarch challenge and get my free Feel Great Guide? Just hop on my email list here. - ===== Here’s what we talked about... - What is mindfulness? It is awareness. It’s about being present in the here and now. Studies have shown we spend only about 5% of our time in the present. - I explained that the core of Body Kindness is about trust and a commitment to self awareness - a mindfulness-based practice. This means feeling all our feelings and making room for them all without judgement. - Starting a mindfulness practice is simple - you just need to start noticing things in the present moment. Ask yourself one simple question: what the heck is going on? Check out my Grow Better Health Through Mindfulness post for some great and easy-to-do ideas for being more mindful - - We revisited the feeling of numbness that Bernie described in our Emotional Eating episode. I suggested this was a natural and perfectly understandable reaction to his post-Biggest Loser quest for diet and fitness perfection. I helped him to see the numbness in a new light as it actually played a helpful role to protect him from overdoing things. - I explained how mindfulness is the starting point for long-term behavior change. As you notice things without judgement, you can ask yourself questions like - what am I doing? How do I feel about this? How is this impacting what I care about? It can remind you of the benefits of positive action. - is one of my favourite resources for mindfulness information and inspiration. Here’s two great articles to check out: —- Getting Started with Mindfulness Meditation - —- Why daily practice matters - - I mentioned a New York Times article about a mindfulness study one conducted with a group of unemployed people that showed just three days of mindfulness and meditation practice showed changed brain activity - - I announced the latest title for the Body Kindness Book Club: The Upside of Stress by Dr Kelly McGonigal. Rather than something to be stressed about it, stress can help you grow stronger - - We had a spirited discussion about 70s supermodel Cheryl Teigs and her recent criticisms of Ashley Graham’s appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated: —- Cheryl Teigs Body Bashes Ashley Graham (Model v. Model) - —- Ashley Graham on Being Healthy at Any Size - —- Ashley Graham's 5 Rules for Loving Your Body - - I mentioned The Illusionists, a documentary about the globalization for beauty standards. As long as they’re making us feel bad and not good enough, they’ll always have a market - --- Tell us about your adventures in Mindfulness We’d love you to try mindfulness for #MindfulMarch! Write and let us know how it goes - If you enjoyed the show we'd love if you could rate us on iTunes - it only takes a few seconds and helps spread the Body Kindness word! - Tune in for Episode 6 on Monday 21 March when we'll talk about Habits, and how to form them the Body Kindness way. --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #4 - Where Food And Feelings Collide - How You Can Stop Eating Your Emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:10

Today’s episode of Body Kindness is all about emotional eating. Whether it’s happy, sad or anything between, we’re having a real honest conversation about the challenging relationship between how we feel and what we eat. Plus, we’re starting a Body Kindness book club! Have a question or comment for us? You can get in touch here - Want to join the BodyKindness challenge and get my free Feel Great Guide? Just hop on my email list here - Here’s what we talked about... - We discuss what’s wrong with labeling foods as “good” and “bad” and why you should fire the food police. - I explain why all emotions, good and bad, are actually good for you. - Bernie talked about his relationship with food since his time on The Biggest Loser, from feeling a responsibility to be a weight loss “ambassador”, to the challenges of everyday life and family food rituals. - I shared how lack of self-compassion can be self-sabotaging when it comes to practicing body kindness and creating new healthy habits that last. - I gave Bernie practical and simple ideas for bringing more planning and body kindness into his day to help him practicing being the person he wants to become. - Bernie and I discussed how unhelpful thoughts overpower the best intentions for changing - and how to handle them so they don’t run roughshod over you. - We begin to touch on the idea of food addiction - is it real or is it just a habit? - We tackled a great a question from a listener in Sad in Chicago, who wanted to know: how she can embrace intuitive eating if she doesn’t trust herself to make healthy choices? - I share a story about a new client who struggles with perfectionism and how it gets in the way of her body kindness practice. And I invite listeners to share their challenges with emotional eating to address in a future show. - Bernie has been working on his appetite awareness using my Hunger Scale - - In the news this week: A new study has found that negative messages about “bad” foods (e.g. “Red meat is bad for you!”) can trigger feelings of rebellion and make you want to eat those foods. - - We announced our new monthly Body Kindness Book Club… join us! Our first selection is of course... Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Grab a copy of the book, or take the audio version for a walk , and tune in next episode for our discussion - --- Boost Your Mood With Body Kindness Challenge Continuing this month’s challenge of Boost Your Mood With Body Kindness, I gave some tips on how to boost your mood with exercise. When our mood is low a workout is often the first thing we drop from our to do list. But that’s actually when it can help the most, delivering energy and endorphins. I’ve got a new challenge in store for March challenge, so be sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you haven't already to get Body Kindness weekly updates straight to your inbox, along with my free Feel Great Guide and health and happiness journal. --- What’s your experience of emotional eating? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this hot topic, or fire away with any questions. Drop me a line here - If you enjoyed the show we'd love if you could rate us on iTunes - it only takes a few seconds and helps spread the Body Kindness message - Tune in for Episode 5 on Monday 7 March when we'll talk about how pay attention leads to body kindness. --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #3 - Intuitive Eating 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:28

In Episode 3 of Body Kindness we’re starting a conversation about intuitive eating – an evidence based model for structured eating that has been shown to improve health without dieting, calorie counting, or following food rules. If you’ve ever felt confused about what the heck intuitive eating is, don’t miss this episode. We unpack myths and misconceptions and give you the real story, to help you figure out if it’s right for you. So what is intuitive eating? It’s not a diet. It’s a way to reconnect with your body and listen to its signals, so you can meet your body’s needs. It’s not a quick fix – it’s a beautiful practice that you can learn and use for the rest of your life. We also chat about this month’s challenge – Boost Your Mood With Body Kindness. Be sure to get in on the action. (It’s free!) Plus we tackle another wonderful listener question. Have a question or comment for us? You can get in touch here - Want to join the BodyKindness challenge and get my free Feel Great Guide? Just hop on my email list here - Here’s what we talked about... - We talked through the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating - - The introduction of this study details the challenges with “weight control” interventions, including half of the participants regain all the weight lost and more within 5 years - - Why do those Italians look so happy? This article discusses the virtues of the Mediterranean diet. It’s not just about the food, it’s the lifestyle - - Why it's crazy to think a mastiff can become a poodle - this Poodle Science video has a great take on size diversity - - Bernie's trying a new Body Kindness experiment - he's counting minutes of movement, rather than worrying about intensity. He's now on Instagram - drop by and cheer him on! - In the news this week: * Diet Foods Are Tanking. So The Diet Industry Is Now Selling 'Health' - * Barbie is finally moving with the times! - - After listening to Episode 2, Deb from L.A. wrote in to ask how she can learn to feel okay with doing exercise that's not crazy intense and I gave her some advice on dealing with those unhelpful thoughts. - Here's some great resources for getting started with intuitive eating: * Join the Intuitive Eating Community for free support - * Check out my hunger scale and learn a super simple exercise to help you make more mindful choices. - * Are you still calorie counting? Why you may want to stop. - February's #BodyKindness Challenge #BodyKindness 30-day challenge is go! Our first monthly challenge is Boosting Your Mood With Body Kindness - February is a notoriously dark and dreary month, so I've got loads of great tips and advice in store to help boost your mood. One thing you can do is get those foods that give you essential fatty acids, omega-3’s. Here’s a list and reasons why they are a good idea - Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you haven't already as you'll get those updates each week straight to your inbox, along with my free Feel Great Guide and health and happiness journal - Tell us what you think... Are you curious to try intuitive eating? Got any burning questions? Drop me a line here, I'd love to hear from you! - If you enjoyed the show we'd love if you could rate us on iTunes - it only takes a few seconds and helps spread the Body Kindness message - --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #2 - Is Extreme Exercise Really Necessary? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:13

This week Bernie and I catch up on our year-long efforts to practice Body Kindness – while Bernie channels his inner fashionista, I remember the importance of rest when illness strikes. We also have some great real talk about what’s going down in The Biggest Loser gym, and I announce a brand new challenge for you. Have a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us here - Learn more about the Feel Great Guide and join my email list here - Here’s what we talked about… - In Bernie’s Body Kindness update he shares how taking the time to look sharp in the body he has right now is having a positive impact. - I talked about how my #YearOfKindess journey is rocking my world – follow my daily updates on Instagram! - - Speaking of kindness, check out this great article from the New York Times – When Can Women Stop Trying To Be Perfect? - - Bernie talks about how eating more meals at home is proving to be a great act of Body Kindness. If you want to make eating at home easier, check out my post How To Stress Less On Family Dinner - - We answer a listener question – even when we know better, why is a new diet so darn alluring? - Here’s the tongue-in-cheek Taco Diet/Jennifer Aniston story that I mention - - We started to delve into the topic of intuitive eating. We’ll explore this more in Episode 3, but in the meantime you can learn more here - - I also shared a great article from The Guardian No Diet or Detox; Relearn the Art of Eating - - Here’s the fascinating new study that compares intuitive eating to mindful eating and restrained eating - Join us for #DitchTheDiet in 2016! With just a few days to go in the #30DayDrop challenge I’ve cooked up something new to keep that awesome momentum going. My new #DitchTheDiet challenge will run throughout 2016. Each month there’ll be a new theme and I’ll give you a fun, positive action you can take instead of dieting. We’ll kick off in February with Boosting Your Mood With Body Kindness. It’s free to join in – simply subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t already - We’d love to hear from you… Thanks for your fantastic feedback on Episode 1, and a big hello to all our new subscribers! Bernie and I appreciate your support and we love hearing from you. Drop us a line here and tell us what you like and how we can help you! - Visit for full show notes and to download my free Feel Great Guide. --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.

 #1 - Turning Over A New Leaf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:35

Welcome to Body Kindness! In our first episode, Bernie and I talk about starting fresh, turning over a new leaf and how to create a wellness vision so you can build lasting habits and a healthy life you love. Here’s what we talked about... - What's Bernie been up to since his confetti shower on The Biggest Loser? He opens up about the reality of life after a weight loss reality show, including his latest challenge - being a brand new Dad! - I reveal how my own weight loss philosophy took a dramatic turn - both as a health professional RD and former serial dieter... - We talk about the Body Kindness concept and why I passionately believe health is about much more than your weight. Learn the principles of Health At Any Size and read the FAQs here - - Bernie talks about his goals for 2016 and I ask him some big, deep questions to help him get ready for lasting change… and we invite you to ask yourself those big questions, too! - Join the#30DayDrop Challenge - I'll email you a challenge every Friday in January, to "drop" something (aka a distracting or unhelpful habit) and replace it with an energizing, uplifting and positive activity. It's free, fun, and completely on your own time! When you sign up you’ll also get a copy of my Feel-Great Guide, straight to your inbox. Sign up here - Did you enjoy the show? Share your goals for the new year. Hit me up with your body kindness questions. We’d love to hear from you and may even use your question on the show! Get in touch here - Visit for full show notes and to download my free Feel Great Guide. --- Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.


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