Productivity Paradox show

Productivity Paradox

Summary: We all have 168 hours in a week, so why is it we feel we don’t have the time to focus on the things that matter most? It’s not you - it’s the systems that are failing. Productivity Paradox is a weekly podcast specifically designed to give you ACTIONABLE strategies and exercises to help you create a life centered around YOUR own personal PRIORITIES. Tonya Dalton is a leading expert in harnessing your productivity and streamlining systems to help you discover the strategies that work for YOUR life. Through time proven tactics, you can discover your own customized productivity system and achieve life changing results in business, relationships and personal growth.

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  • Artist: Tonya Dalton of inkWELL Press
  • Copyright: © Tonya Dalton of inkWELL Press


 017: Removing Obstacles: The Lost Art of Quitting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:55

There’s a lot of guilt that comes with the idea of quitting something. But in today’s modern world, it’s actually imperative that we quit certain things that don’t align with our goals and priorities. I’m giving an overview of why quitting something huge in my life was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and how you can apply those lessons learned in your own life. You’ll also get a free download in helping you decide if you need to quit something and how to plan and cope in that process.

 016: How to Make Better Decisions: Sunk Cost Bias | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:55

We sometimes invest so much time, money, energy and more into something. Whether it be a project, a person or a simple task, it can be hard to admit that it’s just not working out and producing the results you want and need. This is called sunk cost bias, and in this episode I’ll be explaining how it creates a vicious cycle and what questions you need to ask yourself to know whether to keep going in your investments or to start over.  

 015: Compartmentalize Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:05

Today I’m sharing my personal favorite strategies to compartmentalize your life for work, home and personal. Learn about these three main categories and how compartmentalizing can help us gage the importance and urgency of various tasks. By the end, you’ll be able to implement these strategies so that you feel less stressed and more focused on one category at a time.

 014: Get Over FOMO: Focus on What’s Important | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

Discover how you can hone in and focus on your priorities without getting FOMO about missing other opportunities. For today’s episode, I’m talking about how FOMO is a major factor to developing trends and to how we perceive the many situations around us. I’ll discuss a few of my favorite tips to start breaking that feeling many of us get when we have to choose between what to do. 

 013: Gain the Life You Love: Interview with Alex Mandossian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:46

While Alex Mandossian is a man known by many titles - productivity expert, entrepreneur, business coach and, in his opinion, his most important role of being a dad. In today's show, we're talking about why you need to focus on your priorities over your productivity. Alex gives some of his best productivity secrets including a rundown of his daily ritual, tips for controlling your inbox and more.

 012: Creating Your Ideal Planning System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:00

My most frequently asked question is what system of planning I use, so today I’m talking about everything I do to plan my days and week both at work and at home with my family. You’ll learn why the system I use works for me and gain some ideas as to how you might be able to use some of the same systems to incorporate both paper planning and technology.

 011: The Paperless Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:17

Let’s talk about technology and planning. Is it helping or hindering you? We’ll take a look at how our brains work, what type of learner you are, and how that changes the effectiveness of technology. We’ll also talk about the choices we need to make when incorporating technology into our personal planning systems.

 010: The Magic of Monotasking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:34

Today we’re talking all about monotasking. Practicing monotasking puts the focus on one task at a time. When you shift your mindset from being efficient to being effective, you will truly begin to feel more productive. You’ll learn some real ways you can implement monotasking in your daily life and start being more productive with your time.

 009: Why Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:49

As a recovered multitasker myself, I understand the pride many people feel about their multitasking abilities, but you might be surprised to learn that multitasking is the ONE biggest mistake you can make with productivity. Today we’re learn how the brain handles multitasking, or rather, how it really can’t handle multitasking. The true cost of multitasking might scare you a little but it’s something we need to talk about to get past it and start being truly productive.

 008: Finding YOUR Yes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:41

When opportunities pop up, it’s sometimes hard to know when to say ‘no’ and when to say ‘yes.’ Since everyone’s priorities are different, everyone’s ‘yes’ is different too. In this episode we will go in-depth, walking through an easy strategy that will help you find your own ‘yes.’ It’s not always about saying no - sometimes yes can be the best answer.

 007: The Surprising Way ‘No’ Can Really Mean Yes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:40

Today’s episode is all about the power of the word “no” and how to cut through the clutter in our daily to-do list. There’s a lot of guilt associated with saying no to tasks so I’m going to be walking you through how to filter out the lowest priority tasks, what saying no really means for your happiness and easy ways can say no guilt-free.

 006: The Power of Priorities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:12

Let’s rethink the to-do list. Today’s episode is about finding a method to prioritize your daily tasks to help you focus on the tasks that are truly important to you and your goals. I’ll be sharing my method to help sort your daily tasks and helping you take real steps toward achieving your goals by working on your priorities. 

 005: How a Mission Statement Can Create Household Harmony | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

In this episode we will be talking about shared mission statements. Mission statements aren’t just for individuals or companies, they can also help add clarity to families. And, just to be clear, families look many different ways - not just people with children - it includes people in committed relationships, single people who live or work closely with others - even our teams at work. The strategies we are covering will help any group of people to work stronger together.  

 004: Find Your North Star: How To Create A Personal Mission Statement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

In this episode we will be talking about the importance of mission statements. Having a mission statement is the key element in focusing on your priorities and will help you find your purpose. Having a personal mission statement gives you permission to get rid of the distractions and go for the goals that are important to you

 003: Creating an Action Plan for Goal Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:00

In this episode, we will create an action plan for our goal setting.  We will be building off the Reflection and Projection exercises we completed as part of episodes 1 and 2 in order to create a road map for reaching those goals. Using the free downloadable Action worksheet, we will work together to break down big goals into easy to manage mini goals.


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