Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 THR 11/12/16: The Deplorables Win | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:57

Hillary Clinton was supposed to crush The Donald in a landslide win. What happened? Hugh Hewitt talks with Chuck Todd of Meet the Press. Former Senator John DeMint speaks with Mike Gallagher about the historic win and what Trump should prioritize first as president. The Never Trumpers were wrong—National Review’s Jonah Goldberg was one of them. He admits that he’s eating a little crow on the Hugh Hewitt Show. You saw it with your own eyes on Election Day—mainstream media talking heads with downcast faces and complete meltdowns. Michael Medved plays audio of one such looney moment on CNN. The election is over, but Hillary Clinton is still being investigated by the FBI. Larry Elder speaks with J. Christian Adams, a former employee of the Dept. of Justice under George W. Bush. With the Republicans’ giant win on Tuesday, what can the party do to solidify its majorities for the years to come? George Will talks with Michael Medved.

 THR 11/5/16: FBI Probes Hillary--the October Thermonuclear Explosion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:19

Hugh Hewitt talks with John Burns about the U.K. perspective on the U.S. election and the downward trend toward corruption. Mike Gallagher and the RNC’s Sean Spicer discusss the media’s dishonesty in covering the presidential race. Hewitt and Speaker Paul Ryan look at the disaster that Obamacare has become. Michael Medved speaks with Senator Kelly Ayotte about her Senate race and how her constituents are being financially damaged by Obamacare. Hewitt interviews Senator Pat Toomey about his race. Dennis Prager weighs in on the FBI taking another close look at Hillary Clinton’s e-mail discovered on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Larry Elder chats with pollster and author Dick Morris about the Clintons’ long history of corruption.

 THR 10/29/16: Obamacare's Troubles and Hillary's Dirty Deeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:19

Hugh Hewitt speaks with vice presidential candidate Mike Pence about the prospects of winning on November 8 and the reliability of the polls. Larry Elder uncovers one particularly disturbing e-mail leaked by Wikileaks regarding Hillary Clinton. Hewitt and Senator Tom Cotton discuss Obamacare’s skyrocketing premiums. Politico’s Mike Allen joins Hewitt to talk about whether the GOP will hold the Senate. Guy Benson, sitting in for Michael Medved, looks at where the Iran deal stands today with military expert Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters. Dennis Prager weighs in on the NFL’s sagging ratings. Hewitt and former senior advisor to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod, trade barbs over the Cubs and Indians World Series.

 THR 10/22/16: Donald and Hillary Face Off One Last Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:09

Hugh Hewitt talks with Chuck Todd, host of Meet the Press, about the third and final presidential debate. Donald Trump joins Mike Gallagher to rail on mainstream media bias. Dennis Prager is upset by the MSM bias that he sees as well. Michael Medved highlights problems with the NAACP in relation to education policy. Gallagher speaks with the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel about the odd media response to a firebombing of a Republican headquarters in North Carolina. Larry Elder takes on the latest case of political correctness in Los Angeles.

 THR 10/15/16: Can The Donald Regain His Momentum and Win? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:03

Bill Bennett, sitting in for his friend Michael Medved, was joined by Robert Costa to discuss where Donald Trump is at in the polls and whether he can win. The infamous tape of Trump is causing a whole lot of unjustified hysteria, argues Dennis Prager. Bennett spoke with Byron York about the state of the polls. Bennett also talked with Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence about the huge enthusiasm factor for Trump. Hugh Hewitt interviewed Senator Tom Cotton to talk about the importance of protecting down ballot candidates on Election Day. Hewitt spoke with Michael Shear about the recent Podesta e-mails that lend insight into the Clinton campaign. Medved wraps up the show on a lighter note talking about the momentarily famous “red sweater” man, Ken Bone, from the last presidential debate.

 THR 10/8/16: Voters Find Hillary's VP Also Unlikeable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:17

The Washington Examiner's Byron York joined Hugh Hewitt on his show to talk about Tim Kaine's primary goal to interrupt Gov. Mike Pence at the Vice Presidential debate. Dennis Prager says that Kaine was like a wind-up toy. How will the GOP heal its divisions? Hewitt spoke with National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg. Prager discusses why America needs to be the world's policeman with former Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Rasmussen. Medved reports that too many guys are having more fun playing videos games and living in mom's basement than getting a job. Dodgers' announcer Vin Scully recently signed off for the last time. Hewitt sat down with Scully a few years ago. In the wake of former President of Israel Shimon Pares' death, Medved invited on his show former ambassador to Israel Michael Oren.

 THR 10/1/16: Donald and Hillary in Full Attack Mode at Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

Dennis Prager provides his insight into the debate between Trump and Clinton. Hugh Hewitt talks with Ted Cruz and why he decided to finally back Trump. Medved offers his thoughts on the presidential debate. Mike Gallagher talks with Heather Mac Donald about stop and frisk and the black community in relation to crime. Larry Elder says that the primary cause of black crime is the lack of fathers in the home. Hewitt chats with Senator Tom Cotton about immigration. Larry Elder talks with author and economist Thomas Sowell about the necessity of human capital in order to build a flourishing economy. Hewitt interacts with audio of Senator Ben Sasse and FBI Director James Comey.

 THR 9/24/16: Terror Attacks in U.S. Cause Problems for Democrats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

Mike Gallagher discusses the Democratic response to the terror attacks in New Jersey and New York with national security expert Sebastian Gorka. Larry Elder explains how the liberal media tried to cover for Hillary Clinton in the aftermath of the attacks. Susan Crabtree, White House correspondent at the Washington Examiner, speaks with Gallagher about Barack Obama’s promise to let more Syrian refugees into the United States. Hugh Hewitt discusses Hillary Clinton’s harsh words for Donald Trump following the terror attacks. Dennis Prager explains how Democrats have abused the word “racist” to slander their opponents. Michael Medved talks about inequality with Edward Conard, author of “The Upside of Inequality." Dennis Prager speaks on the misguided example of Colin Kaepernick.

 THR 9/17/16: Hillary Takes a Fall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:44

Hillary had tough week as she fell literally and in the polls. We also look at her insult to millions of Americans whom she declared "irredeemable."

 THR 9/10/16: Hillary Trouble Benefits Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:49

Hillary's scandals plus Trump's immigration efforts helped pull the two into a virtual tie a month before the election

 THR 9/3/16: ALT RIGHT, Breitbart and the Republican Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

Mike Gallagher turns to Donald Trump's Chief Policy Advisor Sam Clovis to discuss immigration and Trump's visit to Mexico. Hugh Hewitt speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about the continuing problems with Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Hewitt continues this line of conversation about the controversial dealings of the Clinton Foundation with Glenn Thrush of Politico. Michael Medved explains that Hillary has no right to label Trump a "white extremist." Larry Elder tackles the 49ers' Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the nation anthem. Medved addresses France's recent move to force Muslim women to remove their burkinis at the beach. Jonah Goldberg and Hewitt discuss the plague of ALT RIGHT on the conservative, Republican movement.

 THR 8/27/16: Trump Makes His Pitch to the Black & Hispanic Communities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:24

Mike Gallagher speaks with James Toranto of the Wall Street Journal about Donald Trump's strategy of actively courting the black and Hispanic vote. Michael Medved takes a look at how Trump has been pursuing minority voters and how that could impact his campaign. Hugh Hewitt talks with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, about the flood that has devastated areas of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Michael Medved believes that America is still the greatest nation on God's green earth, and the Olympic games in Rio help prove it. The Wall Street Journal's Jason Riley, sitting in for Larry Elder, interviews Roland Warren, Care Net President & CEO, about the Black Lives Matter movement that undermines the institution of the family. Dennis Prager says why he believes that the Democratic Party encourages addition to free stuff.

 THR 8/20/16: Trump Shakes Up His Campaign Staff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

White House Correspondent for the New York Times Michael Shearer joins Hugh Hewitt to discuss Donald Trump's shake up among his campaign staff. Larry Elder addresses the Milwaukee violence. Dennis Prager and the Wall Street Journal's Daniel Henninger talk about the election cycle. Mike Gallagher turns to Pete Hegseth to look into the CENTCOM scandal. Michael Medved takes a closer look at the population decline in the United States. Author J.D. Vance talks about his book, "Hillbilly Elegy" on the Hugh Hewitt Show.

 THR 8/13/16: Hillary Clinton's Leftwing SCOTUS and John Kerry's Deceit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:48

Hugh Hewitt talks with Donald Trump about his chances of winning the election 90 days out from Election Day. Dennis Prager compares Trump’s likely policy positions and Hillary’s likely policy positions side by side. Hewitt has a candid conversation with the former CIA operative Evan McMullin, the latest on the third party/independent challenger front. Salem host Sam Malone—out of 1070 The Answer in Houston—has been sitting in for Mike Gallagher. He turns to Fox News national security expert KT McFarland to discuss Obama’s ransom for our hostages in Iran. Hewitt turns to Politico’s Mike Allen to discuss the same topic. Michael Medved explains that a shift is taking place among America’s young regarding sex and the number of intimate partners. Hewitt interviews Gordon Corera, security correspondent for BBC News and the author of the very important book “Cyberspies: The Secret History of Surveillance, Hacking and Digital Espionage.” Prager brings to you the latest university absurdity.

 THR 8/6/16: Obama Gives Iranian Mullahs $400 Million in Ransom for U.S. Hostages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

Sam Malone, sitting in for Mike Gallagher, talked about the U.S.’s current worst economic recovery since the Great Depression with the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore. Hugh Hewitt spoke with Governor Mike Pence about Donald Trump’s foreign policy credentials. Kristen Welker of MSNBC’s Meet the Press Today sat down with Hewitt to discuss the Trump versus Khan controversy. Hewitt interviewed Michael Crowley about the Obama administration’s apparent ransom money for U.S. hostages held illegally in Iran. Michael Medved critiqued Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention last week. What’s wrong with socialism? Dennis Prager spoke with author Thomas DiLorenzo. Larry Elder wraps up the show with a few thoughts on Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisies.


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