Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Summary: Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


 12/14/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Donald Trump really screwed up over the weekend. He attacked Justice Antonin Scalia, defended ethanol and sided with the Republican establishment while bashing Ted Cruz. Running a populist campaign by abandoning conservative principles is nothing more than liberalism. If Trump is a conservative, he should not be attacking other conservatives from the left. This election isn't about any individual candidate, it's about getting the most conservative candidate to save the republic. Also, immigration officials weren't allowed to check the social media of CA. terrorist Tashfeen Malik during the visa process over fear of a civil liberty backlash. What civil liberties does this violate? Somebody needs to be punished for this.

 12/11/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

The Republican establishment is prepared to lose this election if they can't get their nominee because a constitutional conservative or outsider as President is a greater threat to them than a democrat as President. They don't have contempt for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump or Ben Carson - they have contempt for us. They hate the tea party and the conservative movement. Also, Obama's advisers are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval. Why isn't this treated with the same contempt as the media gives to the presidential candidates? Finally, Larry Kudlow has changed his position on immigration. He now believes there should be no immigration or visa waivers until we have a new system to stop radical Islamic terrorists - a wartime lockdown. We are now in a war and the borders need to be sealed.

 12/10/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

The Republican establishment is secretly trying to figure out what they can do to stop anyone thet don't support for President, like Donald Trump, Rand Paul or Ben Carson. They are talking about the possibility of a brokered convention to empower themselves. Also, Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, calls in to make a case for Muslims assimilating in America. Reform can't take off while the Western world ignores the problems with Islam. Finally, Rand Paul calls in to discuss his refugee proposal and the secret meeting, which he wasn't invited to, for a contested convention.

 12/9/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson haven't been managing the destruction of our country - President Obama has. Instead of bashing the Republican candidates why doesn't the media turn their attention to the people who are destroying our institutions? The left and the Republican leadership is responsible for open borders, not building up our military and not protecting the police from an out of control President. Also, Obama has been a very successful man, not President, in what he's wanted to do. He wanted to take this country down and he has; he wanted to turn American against American and he has. The only way to stop what is going on in the country is to use Article V and call for a Convention of States. It's time to restore the legislative process. Finally, Obama talks about what happened 150 years ago when slavery was ended but he won't talk about what he'll do to end slavery today. There is real life slavery in the world today and we know where they live and who they are, it's the Islamo-nazis / ISIS, and Obama does the minimum amount to confront it.

 12/8/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Once again Donald Trump has opened the way to have national discussion, this time about Islam, Sharia law and immigration from the Middle East. The vast majority of Muslims are good like everyone else, however a large minority of Muslims follow Sharia in a way that is incompatible with American values. Donald Trump's comments about temporarily not letting Muslims into the country were not unconstitutional, but have precedent. Also, Andy McCarthy calls in to talk about Islam's political ideology. Later, Sen. Ted Cruz calls in to discuss national security, Islam and defends himself against team Rubio attacks. Why is it that Rubio insists on smearing Ted Cruz? Reagan sought a true battle over ideas with Democrats and Republicans which is unlike Rubio. Rubio is a talented man but he will only get elected if he treats conservatives like Ted Cruz and the conservative electorate with respect.

 12/7/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Truman used to say "the buck stops here" but not with President Obama. Obama is a fraud when it comes to defending America from the ISIS terrorist threat. There will be more attacks because Obama and Democrats refuse to acknowledge the terrorist and radical Islamic threat. Gun control, no fly lists, the NSA metadata collection is all nonsense. None of this would have stopped San Bernardino terrorists despite the leftist claim that they are effective measures against would be terrorists. They refuse to take some crucial steps that would limit the carnage, including lawful profiling, border security and strict immigration limits. Also, Obama is using Islamic and CAIR propaganda to say that Muslims will be victims of antimuslim hate. However, recent statistics show that America has a bigger problem with anti-Semitism than hatred of Muslims. Instead, the President should address hatred of Jews and should look at Muslim countries to find hate crimes against Muslims as they have a greater number. Finally, Rick Santorum calls in to discuss when Bill Clinton accused the Santorum family of having an abortion and lying about it. This was 20 years ago but a left wing newspaper is bringing it up again to trash Santorum.

 12/4/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:23

Dan Bongino, contributing editor for Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. For conservatives to fight back effectively they have to understand why liberals do what they do. Today, it is impossible for the narrative of the left and the narrative of the right to coexist. People on the right do what they do for God, their family, and then their community. The narrative on the left is that Americans are too stupid to live their own lives and that the government leaders and bureaucrats know better. Also, the left sees terrorism as a result of global inequality caused by free markets. President Obama doesn't want to call terrorism for what it is because it doesn't advance the liberal socialist agenda. The left blames terrorism on America's capitalism, freedom and liberty. Calling out terrorism distracts from the propaganda that America's capitalism and freedom are to blame. Conservatives know poverty or global inequality did not motivate Osama bin Laden and the San Bernardino terrorists to do what they did - it was radical Islamic terrorism.

 12/3/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

The real cause of the shooting in California was radical Islamic terrorism. There were repeated red flags from these terrorists which were ignored because this administration cares more about their agenda than our safety. Also, instead of talking about the terrorist threat that America faces, President Obama decides to talk about the dangers of the gun show loophole. However, neither more background checks or fixing this loop hole is going to save innocent Americans from shootings by terrorists and other violent people. California has universal background checks yet could not stop materials from getting into the hands of the San Bernardino terrorists. Later, Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss his support of Rand Paul's bill to halt refugees coming in from countries that are at a high risk of exporting terrorism to America and his re-election bid in 2016. Later, Mike Huckabee calls in to talk about his support of Article V and the fair tax.

 12/2/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Fourteen people were confirmed killed and more wounded in a shooting at a San Bernardino community social services building. While the situation is still playing out politicians and the media are already speculating. What happened to good old fashioned facts? News and opinion are starting to overlap; the media should be in a news reporting period and not in a speculation period. Why is it that President Obama , a few hours into the shooting, is already talking about gun control when the situation is still fluid? Also, Americans should be thanking law enforcement instead of attacking them like politicians do. Police are constantly vilified by the left and need to be given credit for how they are handling the San Bernardino shooting. In addition, Police have armored cars for cases like this shooting and yet liberals and some Republicans want to "demilitarize" them.

 12/1/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Consent of the governed is all but dead, and our government no longer represents us. The bureaucracy has grown to become so massive and the people have become disregarded. Education and highway bills that are filled with massive new programs and mindless social engineering are being rushed through Congress by the left. Americans did not vote for members of Congress to create massive government and pass omnibus bills. More government centralization and overreach has happened as a result of massive federal bureaucracy controlled by the left. Congress and especially, Republican members should be putting a stop to liberals devouring Reagan's prosperity with its own permanent fixtures. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress are surrendering to President Obama and seek to make peace with those who promote tyranny, instead of defending the Constitution and American's freedoms. Later, leftist billionaires are benefiting from the climate deal President Obama is pushing. This is the statism of the left and not capitalism. Leftists hate the Industrial Revolution which created the vast middle class and now they rob the middle class with their green initiatives. Finally, the FDA is a disaster for people and is forcing some Americans to get their drugs and treatments outside of America. The FDA has made it hard for Americans to gain access to life saving drugs and may be responsible for the deaths of many. The media should be focusing on this and not Trump's 9/11 claim.

 11/30/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

This international climate pact being pushed is all about President Obama's legacy. Climate change isn't about bettering the climate, it's about pretending to manage mother nature and is being used to advance centralized government and globalism. Obama is using the American people to promote climate change as part of his social engineering scheme. It should be noticed that climate change has nothing to do with the actual weather but with the Marxist and degrowth ideologies that seek to remake America. Climate change through degrowth is a direct assault on free market capitalism, property rights and the Industrial revolution. Obama and his degrowth friends seek to redistribute wealth on a large scale, set a maximum income, have open borders, and create a police state. Also, the FBI is using elite surveillance teams to track at least 48 high risk ISIS suspects domestically. How did they get here? I thought we had a vetting process? Finally, liberals are again using a mass shooting situation to exploit Americans' 2nd Amendment rights, and John Lott calls in to discuss it.

 11/27/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:22

Tom Marr of WCBM fills in for Mark. There are dark times for America and abroad. The Middle East is also an Obama muddle and Continental Europe is turning into Arabia with the import of Syrian refugees. America should not want to capture ISIS, but destroy them. They want to spread their caliphate worldwide and are, unlike President Obama's claim, varsity terrorists. America offers the chance of freedom to all but not to draft age males who want to kill and terrorize us. Also, civil rights groups are at it again in protesting in Chicago. It's true that the officer who had 18 complaints filed against him should have been fired even before he had a chance to shoot the African American teen. It is hypocrisy, however, when Jesse Jackson, and civil rights organizations, focus on only one shooting, when Chicago is a shooting gallery for black on black crime. Later, Prince Charles is like Al Gore when it comes to climate change. Social activists for climate change are dead wrong and are using fake science to promote their claims. Instead of listening to Prince Charles or Gore, Americans should listen to John Coleman, who confirms with scientists around the world that there is no man made climate change. Finally, America's Black Friday antics are an embarrassment to the rest of the world with Americans brawling and stampeding each other.

 11/26/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:22

We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! 63 Republicans sold us out and voted against an amendment to ban Export-Import subsidies for Iran and other terror-sponsor states. Iran was directly involved in the slaughter of American soldiers and they vote against this amendment? Also, Exxon Mobil is under investigation by an Attorney General in NY for possible lies about climate change - yet climate change itself isn't even a scientific proof. We now have a criminal assault on those that produce electricity and gas in the country because the Democrat Party doesn't believe in capitalism or America. Also, instead of debating about the security of America, we're talking about how racist Republicans are and how America should allow Syrian refugees in. The debate we need to have is why won't President Obama secure this county and unleash hell on ISIS; let's debate how to win this war! Also, Donald Trump calls in to talk about his debate performance, policy positions and a question if Hillary Clinton wear a wig. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to discuss his plans to block the Syrian refugees and Obama's cheap shots towards him.

 11/25/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:23

Dan Bongino, contributing editor for Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. We are being hosed again over the vetting process by our "fearless" leader President Obama. Instead of focusing on the Syrian refugee crisis and the ISIS threat, Obama decides to spend his last year in office on gun control. What the President prioritizes has a dramatic effect on the rest of the country. Unfortunately, Obama is choosing to engage in straw man arguments and concentrate on America's problem with Islamaphobia. He fails to address Americans concerns over the vetting process of the Syrian refugees. The FBI and other credible people are saying that if we don't have them in a database, they can't be vetted. If the FBI is concerned that the Syrians can't be vetted, the everyday American has the right to be concerned too. However, President Obama and his administration, treat American's who oppose letting the Syrian refugees in like fools. Obama should pay attention to what the people want instead of creating misdirection and division. Finally, America is in the midst of a full-blown Obamacare crisis. The president is doubling down on efforts to preserve his flagship legislation. No matter how much Obama spins his health care plan, he can't make it work.

 11/24/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

WW3 continues to get uglier as Vladimir Putin violates Turkish airspace and his fighter is shot down by Turkey. Putin has been violating other countries' airspace for years and is the aggressor. It's his fault that the fighter was shot down. Also, President Obama's foreign policy plan of appeasement has enabled Russia to threaten U.S. airspace and get into Syria. What Obama needs to do is bolster the military to send a strong message to our enemies, but instead continues like China and Russia are increasing their military buildup. When you have a weak U.S. President who condemns his country, the enemies of America see this and act to take advantage. Later, Victor Davis Hansen calls in talk about how Obama is going to do more damage in his last year. After, David Limbaugh discusses his new book, The Emmaus Code. Finally, Obamacare is causing health insurers to raise premiums by double digits and United Health Care is threatening to leave the exchanges. This shows that Obamacare, a design for redistributing wealth, is nothing more than a failing Ponzi scheme.


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