VOX Podcast with Mike Erre show

VOX Podcast with Mike Erre

Summary: In October of 2015, Mike Erre launched the VOX Podcast upon a season of struggling with the church's efforts to represent who Jesus is, what he's done, and what he is doing on this earth today. Committed to Talk About Anything, Mike quickly engaged into many of culture's most challenging conversations around the LGBTQ community, American politics, church politics, and Christian culture's catastrophe of marginalizing the very people that Jesus himself would associate with. Learn more at www.voxpodcast.com

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 44 - How to Read the New Testament - Women, Islam, Slavery and Homosexuality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:34

In this episode we kindly observe some iTunes reviews, discuss deeper issues regarding Pearl Jam, and offer a thought experiment and observation about a way that we can approach the New Testament through the life of Islam, a woman, slaves, and consider homosexuality in our day. In light of such suggestions like; Jesus failed to present his mission of grace and love clearly during his time (Ref: How to talk with an Atheist - Guest Godless), we would build a case to suggest that it was quite the contrary. What began as a small movement among 1 messiah and 12 followers that became 3 million over approximately 3 years, might suggest Jesus' revolution to bring freedom to the oppressed and exist beyond the demise of the Roman Empire, was indeed successful and very clear. What seems unclear, contradicting, and confusing is when we take our western American worldview and try to apply it to the shame and guilt culture of the middle east. So, today we look at the cultural narrative of the New Testament, and consider truly what made Jesus so radical to the peers and status quo of his day. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 43 - Seismic Mike Responds to Godless Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:40

In this episode we uncover the next hot religion that has A LOT to do with Harry Potter. In Pt. 2 of "Seismic Mike Responds to Godless" we discuss the sermon on the mount and present it's critical context to see how Jesus offers correction to the way the laws of the Torah were being upheld. While there are many conversations to be had in regards to the questions left on the table by Godless, the claim that "Jesus failed to communicate what it is that he wanted to communicate.", is especially important to address because, if we go as far to consider the depth of the contextual value of Jesus' Jewish heritage and identity it may possibly clear up many misconceptions, across the entire Bible, held not only by atheists but also Christians who've presented a less beautiful Jesus. Disclaimer*: We clearly understand the perceived unfairness of this format in which we are having the chance to respond to very big questions asked by our friends here, without them present on the show. However, this day and age it seems rare that we get to listen to a complete thought before it is interrupted by your opposing debator. Furthermore, permission has been granted to respond in this way in which we will offer the last word for our guests as they have the opportunity to digest these thoughts in full presentation while not engaged in partial conversation. A bit about Godless: Godless is the co-host on the Metal Sucks Podcast, and identifies as a agnostic atheist. Tweet Godless on Twitter at @Godlessspeaks and you can engage in his content at www.chuckandgodless.com. Check out the previous episodes regarding Godless: "How to Talk with an Atheist with guest Godless" Listen Here: User-188492964 – 39-how-to-talk-with-an-athiest-guest-godless "How NOT to Talk to an Atheist with guest Mark Salomon" Listen Here: User-188492964 – 25-how-not-to-talk-to-an-atheist-guest-mark-salomon - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 42 - Seismic Mike Responds to Godless Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:04

In this episode we re-visit some questions asked by our agnostic atheist friend Godless, from our previous podcast with him. In addition, we also read an email response from "Jeremy", who was the topic of our last episode responding to his questions around the controversial non-affirming opinion used against folks in the LGBTQ community. Mike has never heard of the movie RAD from 1986, also mentioned in this show. It's reference is below for your enjoyment in the producer notes. Disclaimer*: We clearly understand the perceived unfairness of this format in which we are having the chance to respond to very big questions asked by our friends here, without them present on the show. However, this day and age it seems rare that we get to listen to a complete thought before it is interrupted by your opposing debater. Furthermore, permission has been granted to respond in this way in which we will offer the last word for our guests as they have the opportunity to digest these thoughts in full presentation while not engaged in partial conversation. A bit about Godless: Godless is the co-host on the Metal Sucks Podcast, and identifies as a agnostic atheist. Tweet Godless on Twitter at @Godlessspeaks and you can engage in his content at www.chuckandgodless.com. Check out the previous episodes regarding Godless: "How to Talk with an Atheist with guest Godless" Listen Here: https://soundcloud.com/user-188492964/39-how-to-talk-with-an-athiest-guest-godless "How NOT to Talk to an Atheist with guest Mark Salomon" Listen Here: https://soundcloud.com/user-188492964/25-how-not-to-talk-to-an-atheist-guest-mark-salomon - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 41 - Revisiting the LGBTQ Conversationl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:36

In this episode we take a moment to respond to an email advocating for the defense of the affirming LGBTQ view. We read an email from a Christian, 20 year old, homosexual male who presented some great thoughts and insights to one of our earlier podcasts, "Was Jesus Pro-Gay? And the Difficulty with LGBTQ Questions" (https://soundcloud.com/user-188492964/5-was-jesus-pro-gay-and-the-difficulty-with-lgbtq-questions) In addition to his thoughts, his story captivated us and we felt honored to take the time to comment and push the conversation forward by sharing his experience on the podcast. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 39 - How to Talk with an Athiest - Guest Godless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:52

In this episode we enjoy the pleasure of speaking with Godless, co-host on the the Metal Sucks Podcast and writer at www.chuckandgodless.com. Godless identifies as a agnostic atheist and after an explosive podcast episode with He and Mark Salomon in heated debate on the https://soundcloud.com/pastor-with-no-answers podcast, we discussed the interaction with Mark and thought it would be exciting to talk to Godless ourselves. While we left many things unsaid, we look forward to going further on the issues and challenges discussed in this show. Please, leave your thoughts and comments below! Enjoy! Godless on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/godlessspeaks - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 40 - We're Not Voting for a Pastor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:11

In this episode we visit the message I wrote on social media on July 22nd. Here is the complete message below: Dear World, Myself, and many of my fellow Christians, are adamantly opposed to Trump and what he stands for. HE DOES NOT SPEAK FOR US. I simply cannot, in good conscience, vote for someone whose platform appeals to our basest fears. You would think that following a rabbi who conquered death would cause Christians to be the least afraid people on the planet, and the last ones to be taken in by fear. I am ashamed of Trump's boast that evangelical Christians are a large part of his success. Instead of political activism based on faith, hope and love, many of my brothers and sisters have opted for fear, threat and scarcity. I have never - ever - publicly stood for or against a candidate - but evangelicalism's wholesale embrace of trump demands countering voices.We lose the ability to speak the reality of hope into the world when the world sees us so fearfully and viciously protect our comfort, security, and wealth, and compromise our convictions simply b/c some say Trump is the lesser of two evils. Mike Erre Due to the amount of comments, shares, and overall conversation this post generated it seemed absolutely necessary to address it with the nuance that podcasting offers as social media offers none. My hope is that we can close the door on the question about where my stance is regarding the issue of the Evangelical Christian marriage to the fear being sold in this election season. Truly as it seems, the lesser of two evils is not one candidate or another, but rather to vote or NOT to vote. As always, we'd enjoy your thoughts below. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 38 - Jesus, Race, and Privilege | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:27

In this episode we discuss God's version of justice in light of the national uproar around Jesus, race, and privilege in our current age. #TheBlackLivesMatter movement began almost a year ago in response to the death of Mike Brown Jr., killed by officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. And either things have gotten worse or we just know more now because of social media and expanded communication platforms. How God presents justice in not how America presents justice. God calls upon his people to be a whole existence of forgiveness, reconciliation, and voice for the marginalized of our days. In these days, we must be bearers of peace in His name. We think it's highly unlikely that any policy or social campaign will ultimately resolve these issues without a body of people primarily committed to reconciliation, while celebrating our differences, as an outworking of the embodiment of a radical, graceful, and beautiful Jesus. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre Producer Notes To my Filipino brothers and sisters. I apologize for each time I am asked if I speak Tagalog, and reply that I do not. I believe that I am a second generation bi-product to post mid century Americanization where people of multiple ethnic origins wanted to be more accepted by American culture by opting out of raising their children in their cultural traditions and languages, for fear of being perceived as "different" and unable to thrive in our country. Because of this I am greatly detached from my heritage, and I often personally lament this fact. I can barely make adobo well...I think I'll try tonight. Yum.

 37- Does God Cause Suffering - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:03

In this episode we revisit the challenging question, "Does God Cause Suffering?" through observing the poetic narrative of the book of Job. In recent weeks I have been in a discussion on Twitter regarding this topic in response to The Gospel Coalition video posted at the end of this summary, that suggests that God not only causes suffering but, ordains it. Job is a commonly misunderstood book in it's writing style and is often used to defend the stance that God ordains evil works. We actually believe it presents a convincing counterpoint. Enjoy! We're looking forward to your thoughts and comments below.

 36 - Trump and Evangelical Inferiority Complex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:10

In this episode we talk about the politics of fear, again. Recently I had tweeted "I'm glad the version of Christianity represented here will soon perish: Trump Announces Evangelical Advisory Board shar.es/1JQvI5", as a reference to the appointing of a republican supported evangelical board of advisors. Since then, a "neutral" closed-door meeting of 1000+/- evangelicals were gathered to discuss issues with Donald Trump, and we take the time to read through some of the transcript of the items addressed. We strongly believe someone was not represented at this gathering, and His name is Jesus. However, strongly present in the meeting were comments of how inferior the church is, and how we need to get our "power" back, according to Trump. Looking forward to you thoughts! For your own reading, here is the transcript: https://www.yahoo.com/news/transcript-donald-trumps-closed-door-meeting-with-evangelical-leaders-195810824.html - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 35 - Does God Cause Suffering - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:05

In this episode we talk about the common question, "Does God Cause Suffering?". In recent weeks I have been in a discussion on Twitter regarding this topic in response to The Gospel Coalition video posted at the end of this summary, that suggests that God not only causes suffering but, ordains it. We look at Jesus' account and encounters with evil and suffering to understand the reality of this view. We take some time to go over this view of God in podcast form to give it the time and discussion it needs. Enjoy! We're looking forward to your thoughts and comments below. View The Gospel Coalition's video that we hold in contention here: https://vimeo.com/71931147 - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 34 - Orlando, Outrage, and the Lost Art of Lament | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:47

In this episode we discuss the term of lament and it's great value in public display. Orlando, Kenya, Chicago, and many more experienced horrific violent tragedies within the last two weeks. We felt it necessary to step back and consider how Jesus might have us pause, observe a world filled with grief and sorrow, and stand along side them and reflect that the world is a much different place for them now. And will never be the same. Andy and I have taken the action to black out our profile images on our social media accounts as a symbol of our pause for the next 7 days in lament for these horrific events and the thousands of people it effects. We invite you to join us if you should feel so led. Even then, it still does not feel like that is even enough. We hope it starts a conversation. And a way for the church to make Jesus beautiful as we weep, stay present, and offer our time and acknowledgement for those who have lost so much in these events. Jesus come quickly.

 33 - Angry Jesus and Outraged Christians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:35

In this episode we talk about the angry Jesus and Christians who blow up the internet when something bad happens. In a handful of episodes, Jesus is at odds with situations in which he reveals incredible solutions. In relationship to the weekend we are deeply saddened by the events in Orlando both the mass murder at Pulse and the murder of Christina Grimmie. We want to preface that this was recorded prior to those events, so please consider this is a conversation around anger relating beyond these events and are not limited to them. Our prayers go out to the families and people effected by these tragic events, and hope to see Jesus' love, association, and overwhelming grace extended to those who need, patience, time to grieve and empathy in these very moments. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 32 - Toxic Authority - Spiritual Abuse Part 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:55

In this episode we talk about ways to identify toxic authority both in Jesus' day and in our current culture. We present ways in which the church/authority burdens it's people in a way that Jesus would call into question. This should be the last episode on Spiritual Abuse. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 31 - High on Loving You - Spiritual Abuse Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:53

In this episode we talk about what it means to be H.O.L.Y. according to the Pharisees. Andy sings High On Loving You and has rants. Mike has rants. In addition, we talk about hypocrisy and personal experiences around it. We take a little bit of time to lament Mrs. Erre's new musical interest, Justin Timberlake. At least she's no longer a belieBer. Check out Larry Osborne's book, Accidental Pharisees as mentioned on the show. - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre

 30 - Science Mike and Seismic Mike - Guest Mike McHargue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:35

In this episode we get the wonderful opportunity to hang out with special guest Mike McHargue. Mike currently co-hosts The Liturgists Podcast with Michael Gungor, in addition to his own show where you can ask him anything you want called, Ask Science Mike. We discuss some very important things such as more qualified versions of the Starship Enterprise, the science of a sexy voice, and an entire buffet round of questions, where he graciously responds with answers you've gotta hear. You don't want to miss this episode. It's a big one! Seismic even! Please check out and support Mike at this website here: www.mikemchargue.com Check out his podcast Here>> Ask Science Mike Podcast : http://mikemchargue.com/ask-science-mike/ Check out The Liturgists Podcast here: http://www.theliturgists.com/podcast/ - Mike Erre Learn more about the VOX Podcast: www.voxpodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes - http://apple.co/1Lla1Nj Follow Mike on Twitter www.twitter.com/mikeerre Like Mike on Facebook www.facebook.com/officialmikeerre


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