Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Congress Shirks War Responsibility - What Are The Costs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:29

Although we are seemingly in a permanent war, the US Congress has been AWOL in fulfilling its Constitutional responsibilities. They would rather hide behind the false idea that the president as commander-in-chief somehow has the ability to authorize war on his own. The costs to the American people are very high -- and can be found in unexpected places. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Fixing The Intelligence Around The Policy...In Syria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:58

US Central Command intelligence analysts claim the military has punished them for coming to conclusions at odds with Pentagon leadership over the viability of US-backed rebel groups in Syria. Are we seeing the Iraq fiasco all over again? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Trump & Sanders To Raise Taxes On The Poor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:48

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders find themselves as allies in their attempts to "help" blue-collar American workers. Would they really help, or cause even more harm to an economy that has been strangled by government? Ron Paul focuses on the folly of two popular presidential candidates. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: Central Planning Is A Hopeless Charade | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:37

Today, Ron Paul smashes the idea of central planning in all of its various forms. The Fed only distorts the economy by printing money and manipulating interest rates. If you've ever had a yearning for socialized healthcare, visit a VA hospital. You'll quickly change your mind. It's time for NATO to go, and much more. Don't miss it! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 US Troops To Russia's Border - To Fight 'Russian Aggression' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:57

The US Commander of NATO's European Command announced that Washington will deploy thousands of US troops to Russia's border early next year to fight "Russian aggression." The move -- harkening back to the Cold War -- will carry an initial price tag of $3.4 billion. What could go wrong? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Japan Goes Neocon - Dumps Antiwar Constitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:01

Tens of thousands of Japanese are demonstrating over changes to the constitution overturning more than half a century's prohibition on war. The Japanese government wants a more central role in Obama's "pivot to Asia," which is a cover for more US militarization of the region and a US challenge to China in the South China Sea. Is Japan going neocon? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Greatest Terror Attack In Modern History - Guess Where? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:47

Last week marked the 13th anniversary of what should be considered one of the greatest terrorist attacks in history. The media will not report it that way and you may be surprised where it took place... Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 No Matter How You Vote, The Insiders Decide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:03

Super-delegates, rules committees meeting in secret, backroom vote-counting -- is it any wonder less than half of Americans bother to vote? The deep state manipulates elections overseas, so should we be surprised to see them involved in our own electoral process? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Busting Myths: Trump Is NOT A Non-Interventionist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:06

Can you believe the Washington Post actually thinks Trump has outlined a "non-interventionist foreign policy"? That's light years away from the truth. Are the days of The Republican Party numbered? Would that solve our problems? Ted Cruz uses the blowback in Brussels to call for a police state here. Ron Paul smashes some serious fallacies on today's edition of Myth-Busters. Don't miss it! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Should Europeans Sacrifice Liberty For Promises Of Security? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:24

Anyone could predict this: just days after the Brussels attacks the security "experts" warned Europeans that they must give up some more of their liberties so that their governments can keep them safe. It's the same old refrain, but does it ever work? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Trade Deficits: Will Protectionism Help? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:15

Is the US trade deficit a problem that only protectionism and tariffs can solve? What are the real economics of free trade versus protectionism? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Brussels Attack, Back To Iraq - What Would Reagan Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:44

In Washington (and among its European allies) the foreign policy playbook contains only one play: military escalation. If ISIS emerged as a result of the US attack on Iraq, the only solution is more attacks. More attacks bring more blowback. Does it make sense to continue doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Obama in Cuba - Too Soon Or Too Late? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:52

President Obama arrives in Cuba for an historic visit - it's been 90 years since a US president visited. But critics claim the visit should not come before Cuba's human rights record improves. Is this a good idea? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Relax! ... "Creeping Sharia Law" Is A Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:54

Civilization rests on private property and voluntary trade. Yet Donald Trump treats trade like a zero-sum game. Is Wall Street inherently evil? Is the Supreme Court "above politics"? And finally, two presidential candidates have hitched their wagons to the ideas of Frank Gaffney. Should you be afraid of "Creeping Sharia Law"? Ron Paul smashes these myths on today's edition of Myth-Busters! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Kurds Declare Autonomous Region: Self-Determination Or Foreign Mischief? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:01

The surprise declaration by Syria's Kurds of an autonomous region inside Syria has added a surprising new complication to the hopes for a political settlement of the five year old crisis. What might be behind the decision? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.


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