Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition show

Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition

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 “Misunderstanding Terrorism”: How the Us vs. Them Mentality Will Never Stop Attacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 629

Finding and stopping terrorists before they strike is often compared tolooking for a needle in a haystack, a cliché that speaks to the difficulty of preventing a crime that, while deadly, is uncommon.Counterterrorism officials still suggest that the task would become easier if they could use profiling to target Muslim communities.In other words, if they could shrink the size of the haystack. But a new book by Dr.

 For Donald Trump, A Short History of Presidential Obstruction of Justice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 689

What exactly is obstruction of justice? And has President Trump engaged in it, by reportedly telling FBI Director James Comey that he hoped Comey would “let go” of the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and then firing Comey months later? The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S.

 Chelsea Manning is a Free Woman: Her Heroism Has Expanded Beyond Her Initial Whistle-Blowing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 828

Ever since Chelsea Manningwas revealed as the whistleblower of one of the most important journalistic archives in history, her heroism was manifest. She was the classic leaker of conscience: someone who went at the age of 20 to fight in the Iraq War believing it was noble, only to discover thedark reality not only of that war but of the U.S.

 Meet Philadelphia’s Progressive Candidate for DA: An Interview with Larry Krasner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 907

Philadelphians are heading to the polls today to pick a Democratic candidate for the city’s top prosecutor job. Turnout will almost certainly be low,but many in the city and beyond are looking at this election as a referendum on the criminal justice system at large, and a vote that could send ripple effects across the country and bring greater scrutiny on prosecutors, the system’s most powerful and unchecked actors.

 The Bizarre Story Behind the FBI’s Fake Documentary About the Bundy Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2705

Ryan Bundy seemed uneasy as he settled into a white leather chair in a private suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. As the eldest son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who had become a national figure for his armed standoff with U.S. government agents in April 2014, Ryan had quite a story to tell.

 Will Freshman Congressman Ro Khanna Chart a New Course for Democrats? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 986

Freshman California Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna rode to anupset victory this past November over long-serving California Democrat Mike Honda on a wave of Silicon Valley support. Among his prominent backers stood titans of the tech industry such as Yahoo executive Marissa Mayer and Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg — as well as Peter Thiel, the billionaire Palantir co-founder who spoke in favor of Donald Trump’s candidacy at the Republican National Convention.

 Can the Anti-Trump Resistance Take Philadelphia’s DA Office? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1296

Larry Krasner, Philadelphia’s insurgent candidate for district attorney, has built his campaign around three pledges: to end mass incarceration, to stand up for people’s rights and liberties, and to resist the Trump administration. In Philadelphia, as in much of 2017 America, those are ambitious plans: The city has the highest incarceration rate in the Northeast and arrests twice as many people on average as other big cities.

 Mother’s Day in an ICE Detention Center | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 558

The woman arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border with her daughter in late April. “From what I had heard about the U.S., it was supposed to be a country that practices showing love to their fellow man. But what I have experienced with my daughter was horrible,” she wrote a few days later, after she was transferred from Border Patrol custody to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.

 Oklahoma Governor Signs Anti-Protest Law Imposing Huge Fines on “Conspirator” Organizations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 543

A statute aimed at suppressing protests against oil and gas pipelines has been signed into law in Oklahoma, as a related bill advances through the state legislature. The two bills are part of a nationwide trend in anti-protest lawsmeant to significantly increase legal penalties for civil disobedience. The Oklahoma law signed this week is unique, however, in its broad targeting of groups “conspiring” with protesters accused of trespassing.

 With James Comey Gone, These Three FBI and DOJ Officials Are Running the Russia-Trump Probe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 563

To serve underDonald Trump is to be a disposable commodity whose value fluctuates with the master’s moods. This was true on “The Apprentice” and it’s true in the administration, where personnel matters have taken on a gameshow quality. Turnover has been especially rapid among those responsible for heading up the investigation into ties between Trump’s circle and the Russian government.

 NYU Accidentally Exposed Military Code-breaking Computer Project to Entire Internet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1299

In early December 2016, Adamwas doing what he’s always doing, somewhere between hobby and profession: looking for things that are on the internet that shouldn’t be. That week, he came across a serverinside New York University’sfamed Institute for Mathematics and Advanced Supercomputing, headed by the brilliant Chudnovsky brothers, David and Gregory. The serverappeared to be an internet-connectedbackup drive.

 Marine Le Pen Flees Hecklers as Her Odds of Victory Shrink in France | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 420

Fears of a victory for the extreme Right in the French presidential election appeared to recede further on Friday, as the campaign drew to a close with Marine Le Pen of the National Front trailing Emmanuel Macron, the former economy minister, by more than 20 points in the polls, just two days before the vote. #Presidentielle2017 Nouvelles intentions de vote (post débat) :?E. #Macron: 61,5% (+2,5)?M. #LePen: 38,5% (-2,5)? https://t.co/pPi1ogwTuJ pic.twitter.

 After James Comey’s Firing, Who Will Stop Trump’s Tinpot Dictatorship? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 603

“YOU’RE FIRED!” That’s what Donald Trump would bark from his boardroom chair at the end of each episode of ‘The Apprentice.” For years, millions of Americans would smile, laugh and even cheer in front of their television sets as the property tycoon performed his signature move. There is little to laugh about this week.

 North Korea Wants to Convince the World It Can Nuke Hawaii. Donald Trump Is Happy to Oblige. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 606

U.S. officials haverepeatedly (and falsely) claimed that North Korea is on the verge of carrying out a nuclear strike on U.S. soil. And the Trump White House has done little to tamp down media speculation about nuclear war, perhaps because the hype plays to its advantage. In fact, President Trump’s rhetorical brinksmanship has some resemblance to the governing style of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator whom Trump recently called “a pretty smart cookie.

 Women Should Not Be Ashamed to Talk About Abortion: A Conversation with Author Carol Sanger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 852

The last couple of weeks have not been good for millions of American women. On May 4, House lawmakers passed their version of a new healthcare law that if adopted would eliminate many of the gender-leveling provisions mandated by the Affordable Care Act. It also includesa measure to defund Planned Parenthood, threatening basic services for more than 1 million womenon Medicaid.


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