Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition show

Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition

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 Right-Wing Donor Adam Milstein Has Spent Millions of Dollars to Stifle the BDS Movement and Attack Critics of Israeli Policy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1481

Adam Milstein, a real estate millionaire and prolific donor to right-wing, pro-Israel causes, had a busy few days on Twitter this month. In one tweet, he accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of being a “terrorist.” In another, he questioned Omar’s and Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s loyalty to the United States. He also accused Tlaib and Omar, the first two Muslim-American women elected to Congress, of having links to the Muslim Brotherhood, indulging a tired trope popular among anti-Muslim bigots.

 How a Movement That Never Killed Anyone Became the FBI’s No. 1 Domestic Terrorism Threat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2687

Joe Dibee’s 12 years on the lam came to an end last August, when Cuban authorities detained the 50-year-old environmental activist during a layover in Havana and turned him over to the UnitedStates. More than a decade earlier, police and FBI agents had arrested a dozen of Dibee’s associates in the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front within the span of a few months.

 New Zealand Suspect’s Actions Are Logical Conclusion of Calling Immigrants “Invaders” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 540

A police officer stands guard near Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 18, 2019. Photo: Carl Court/Getty Images Brenton Tarrant, who stands accused of killing 50 adults and children at two mosques in New Zealand last week, wants us to know what inspired his actions. Before livestreaming his massacre of Muslim worshipers, he composed a lengthy document that proudly advocates the murder of innocent people in the name of racial purity. The manifesto is predictably disturbing.

 Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda Faces Another Setback in Court | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 581

Donald Trump’s plan todeprive noncitizen immigrants of legal protections has suffered another setback. The Trump administration broke the law when it denied hundreds of visa applications for immigrants who had been abused, neglected, or abandoned by a parent as minors under the Special Immigrant Juvenile program, a federal judge ruled on Friday.

 Guantánamo Bay “Forever” Prisoner Speaks Out — to Praise Congress, Lindsey Graham, and Thomas Friedman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 566

For the past 17 years of his imprisonment at Guantánamo Bay, Ghassan al-Sharbi was a mystery to the American public. A prisoner at the notorious prison since his capture in 2002, al-Sharbi has never sought to speak publicly, unlike many other detainees held at the prison. He even refused legal counsel. But now, the Saudi national, known as one of the most defiant prisoners held at Guantánamo, has been moved to speakout for the first time — in order to praise the U.S.

 In El Paso Jails, Immigrants Are Incarcerated Far Past Their Release Dates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1020

In early June 2018, Noe Ortiz walked with two of his young children across a dry riverbed from Mexico into El Paso, Texas. The 33-year-old Guatemalan made the crossing during the height of President Trump’s migrant “family separation” policy, but he left behind a perhaps more perilous fate: death at the hands of the Calle 18 gang, which had extorted him, killed two of his brothers-in-law, and targeted him for murder.

 Inside the Video Surveillance Program IBM Built for Philippine Strongman Rodrigo Duterte | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1841

Jaypee Larosa was standing in front of an internet cafe in Davao City, a metropolitan hub on the Philippine island of Mindanao, when three men in dark jackets pulled up on a motorcycle and opened fire. That summer evening, Larosa, 20, was killed. After the shooting,according to witnesses, one of the men reportedly removed Larosa’s baseball cap and said, “Son of a bitch. This is not the one.” Then they drove off.

 U.S. Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Were Part of a Half-Baked Scheme to Move $80 Million For Embattled President | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 719

Most of the Americans arrived in Port-au-Prince from the U.S. by private jet early on the morning of February 16. They’d packed the eight-passenger charter plane with a stockpile of semiautomatic rifles, handguns, Kevlar bulletproof vests, and knives. Most had been paid already: $10,000 each up front, with another $20,000 promised to each man after they finished the job. A trio of politically connected Haitians greeted the Americans when their plane landed around 5 a.m.

 Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Meets With Donald Trump to Consolidate Their Far-Right Alliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 739

There is perhaps no foreign leader more in tune with Donald Trump than Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Both men are unscripted, uninformed, and unburdened by the truth;they’ve whipped up devoted mass followings by breaking with conventions and using direct, simple language topreach a message of violence, hatred, victimhood, right-wing culture war, anti-science, and “anti-globalism.

 Video: As Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Prepares to Meet Donald Trump, His Family’s Close Ties to Notorious Paramilitary Gangs Draw Scrutiny and Outrage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 712

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonarois in Washingtonto meet U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House onTuesday. While the trip officially is focused on the joint efforts of the U.S. and Brazil to change the government of Venezuela, it is being billed by the Bolsonaro government as a “restart” of his presidency and image after multiple, serious scandals crippled the first three months of his presidency.

 A Federal Civil Rights Office Wants to Limit Access to Emotional-Support Animals That Can Help With Depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 726

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is moving forward with a proposal that could limit people’s right to live with so-called emotional-support animals under the Fair Housing Act. As the landmark civil rights law that protects against discrimination in housing currently stands, individuals can keep emotional-support animals in their homes free of cost, provided that a trained professional certifies that the animal could help them cope with mental or physical issues.

 Syrian Human Rights Lawyers Use Precedent Set in Rohingya Case to Try to Bring Government Officials Before the International Criminal Court | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1060

Syrian activists and lawyers are testing the bounds of international law, making two new attempts to bring the government of Bashar al-Assad before the International Criminal Court. Syrian refugees in Jordan, through London-based lawyers, sent communications to the office of the ICC prosecutor, asking her to exercise jurisdiction over Syria based on a precedent set last year in a case involving Myanmar’s persecution of Rohingya Muslims.

 A GOP Bill in Georgia Would Jail Doctors Who Perform Abortions in a Post-Roe America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 480

When Brett Kavanaugh was named a Supreme Court justice last fall, a world in which access to abortionswould be significantly limited, if not downright illegal, becamemore likely.Late lastmonth, Georgia joined a handful of Republican-led states positioning themselves to lead the charge if Roe v. Wade, the seminal Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, were to be overturned.

 Exxon, Big Pharma, and Wall Street Lobbyists to Host Fundraiser for Mark Kelly in Washington | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 570

Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly will appear later this month at a high-dollar fundraiser in Washington, D.C. hosted by one of the city’s top corporate lobbying firms. The K Street firm represents major fossil fuel companies, including Exxon Mobil and Chevron; Wall Street banks such as JPMorgan Chase; defense industry giant Lockheed Martin; and the lobby group PhRMA.

 Delaware Attorney General Kathleen Jennings Has Unveiled a Startlingly Progressive Reform Agenda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 515

Attorney General-elect Kathleen Jennings addresses supporters during the Democrat watch party in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 06, 2018. Photo: Saquan Stimpson/ZUMA Wire/Cal Sport Media via AP Don’t believe what anybody tells you about “progressive prosecutors.” It’s not the new wave. It should be. Hell, it can be, but it isn’t yet.


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