Live Awake show

Live Awake

Summary: The Live Awake podcast helps bring you back to your grounded center through reflection and guided meditation. This podcast lends a new outlook to some of life's hard landscape. Perspective is everything, and by choosing to live awake to all that blooms in front of us we begin to live a more empowered life where joy becomes our natural state of being rather than something we occasionally stumble upon. Through living awake we become conscious participants in our life’s unfolding. At the end of each episode you will be guided through a short meditation on the topic at hand to help loosen the spots we can feel victim to. By doing this we come to understand we can choose not our usual, painful unconscious habits but instead to live from a place of grounded awareness, free from suffering. Live awake is for all those devoted to their hearts, devoted to the soul behind their ribs that came here to grow and expand, to all those devoted to learning, respecting and honoring the ways they are being called to do so. It is a place where one can come to close their eyes and rest a while on their breath, and see all they trouble and toil alongside is truly a gold lined cloud, holding a message of great hope and learning cradled within it.

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 PODCAST- FEAR UNMASKED | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:37

This episode tells the story of a girl who learned to stop running from her fear and instead asked it from where it came and what it was wanting her to hear. When anxiety or tension swell in our bodies we often resist, fight or avoid them, we rarely question what what it came to reveal. And even more rarely, consider these emotions as messengers of love. Nothing in our lives is meant to be feared or forced away, acceptance and exploration of these things we experience is our way to find peace in our lives.

 PODCAST - HEEDING THE CALL OF YOUR SOUL | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:32

The calls from your soul hold your greatest wealth, your greatest life, and your very dreams. What is worth more than that recognition? What is worth more than the gifts of life that are seeking to find you? How much longer are you willing to starve your soul? To starve the life that longs to live through you? This episode empowers us to allow our soul to lead the way and guide us to our best possible life.

 PODCAST - LEARNING TO SURRENDER | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:07

Surrender means to give up, abandon, relinquish, to wave the white flag. What a beautifully divine word. A word we should choose at every chance we can remember, for as the story goes, we are not in control, we are floating on a cosmic river carried from the stars, into our mothers womb, out into the world, where we then resume the same course, only now grounded in body. This episode helps let go of our worries and fears. It reminds us that we are supported and that life is unfolding just as it should.

 PODCAST - CHOOSING HARMONY | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:26

Harmony is our most natural and desired form of existence. Often when asked, how we wish our lives could be better or different, at the core we long for a harmonious and nurturing relationship with self, others and with our inner and outer worlds. This episode looks at how we each have the power to restore our health and the health of the world through choosing to live in harmony with everything around us.

 PODCAST - OUR SOULS EXPANSION | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:06

This episode explores the reality that we are here to grow and expand as souls and that everything we experience is serving as our vehicle, our mainline to an expanded version of Self. We are taking part in a brilliant transaction in which put before us in our lifetime is everything our soul has called forth in order to find truth, and liberation from its suffering and confinement.

 PODCAST - INTRODUCTION TO LIVE AWAKE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:02:40

This first episode is a quick introduction to the 'live awake podcast'. The raison d'être.


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