The Fizzle Show — Heart & Hustle, Self Employment & Creative Business show

The Fizzle Show — Heart & Hustle, Self Employment & Creative Business

Summary: A highly reviewed weekly talk show for those who want to do great work, dent the universe and support yourself doing something you care about. Business essentials, productivity, motivation, growing an audience, marketing, self employment advice, work-life balance and all the modern online business stuff. DISCLAIMER: the hosts are honest, the topics are nuanced and you may find yourself uncomfortably laughing in public as you listen.

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 A Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur (FS166) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:53:58

It’s no secret that the way we structure our days can foster our creativity and discipline. This is how you and I get our work done, the times and places we do the work, the activities we do so we’re in the right headspace to plan and strategize the work. So in this episode I wanted to learn more about how Corbett Barr (founder of Think Traffic and Fizzle) structures his days. This is a zero BS look at the real life of an online entrepreneur and in it you’ll find some hard-earned insights about motivation, productivity and time management. Enjoy! Shownotes:

 3 Hard Things That TRULY Matter to Your Business (FS165) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:02:02

This episode is a whirlwind, we really hit a nerve. What we talk about are the things that we feel are actually easy and actually difficult about building a successful business. After listening to this episode you might realize that something you’re spending a lot of time and energy on right now should actually be a lot easier… … and it’s not because you’re missing a critical piece. I hope that this episode can help you find that critical piece. Show notes:

 How Long Should Your Business Take to Earn Revenue? (FS164) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:45:57

I heard some advice from an entrepreneur about how hopeful entrepreneurs should pursue their first business idea. (That advice is explained in the podcast below.) It made me think about how long it can take before your business starts earning revenue. How long is too long? Should you be fighting for revenue right out of the gate? Should you keep a job so you have some financial stability while you get your own business off the ground? In this episode we share our advice about these question. We’ve been, done and seen a lot in the world of small business, and this episode brings some excellent perspective. Enjoy! Shownotes:

 3 Reasons Why Your Work is NOT Getting Done (FS163) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:03:01

There’s ALL this work we want to do… but it’s not getting done. This is the work that’s going to lead to our success — the ideas and projects and tasks that our careers are built on. … and I’m getting distracted… … and I’m resisting the work… … and you probably are too. It’s ok, you can be honest; this is a safe place. So here’s three reasons why we’re NOT getting our projects and tasks done. Show Notes:

 Why We’re Proud This Guy Gave up on His Business (FS162) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:56:16

Real talk: are you working hard on your business, finding it very difficult and not remembering clearly why you set off to build your own thing in the first place? Bonus points if you’re either a). angry that someone would ask you that, or b). crying right now. On this episode of the show (this is a podcast episode, all the goodies are inside it) the two founders of Fizzle share some hard-won perspective about why this guy — who just quit his business — is NOT a failure… he’s a hero. It’s a great episode for all of us to remember WHY THE HELL WE DO THIS STUFF. Enjoy. Show Notes:

 Antihustle — Why Hustling Hurts You (FS161) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:01:32

There’s an insane amount of hype around hustle these days, from Gary V. telling you not to sleep to shaming instagram posts about how easy it is for some of us to “just be productive.” On the show today we break down this trend, talk about why it’s happening and how your drive to hustle is actually hurting you. Show notes:

 Business Advice & Wisdom for Young Family Entrepreneurs (FS160) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:00:43

burn more candles at more ends (or pour more cups of coffee to get through the day) you’ll find yourself and your family paying a price too high. On the show today, some wisdom and advice for entrepreneurs in young families. Steph’s about to have a baby, Barrett’s about to get married and Chase and Corbett have lived through enough of these experiences to have a valuable vantage point. Regardless of how far down the road of family or business you are, if you want to live well, you’re going to love this episode. Enjoy! Shownotes:

 If I’m so Smart why Aren’t I Successful yet? (FS159) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:59:31

When we compare ourselves to other people our work gets *worse* not better. And yet it’s a totally human experience: * “they have people buying, listening, reading, clicking their stuff, why don’t I have that?”* On the show today we share how to look at this issue from a vantage point that will lead you to *better* work and a more honest way to frame your own path. Enjoy! Show Notes:

 Who am I to Launch a Business? Do I need Expertise? (FS158) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:02:08

“I don’t really have deep expertise in anything. I’m more of a jack of all trades. Do I have any business starting a business?” Show Notes: We’ve heard this question a number of times at Fizzle, so let’s set the record straight and give you some insights about starting a business *without* expertise. Today on the show we’ll cover these two questions: 1. Do I need expertise before I build my business? 2. If I have some expertise, how do i know if it’s enough to warrant a legit business? 3. BONUS: Can Barrett do a Yoda impression?

 Is it Possible to Work on 2 Topics on the Same Time? (FS157) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:04:57

Can you try two business ideas out at the same time or will it just waste your time on both to not focus on either? On the show today we share our thoughts on that question as well as 3 others brought up recently on the Fizzle Forums: - How do you respond to annoying request emails *without* sounding like a jerk? - How can I convert "Feels" to Sales? - What's your experience starting a Podcast? - Is it possible to Work on 2 topics on the same time? Show Notes:

 Help! I Make a Good Product but I Hate Pushy Marketing (FS156) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:02:00

“I just want to make my site and my products and not reach out or communicate as a marketer except minimally…” [Show Notes:] This was in a note we received recently. It was from a Fizzler who was considering giving up. She felt like she had realized that “active marketing” was required in order to succeed… and she wasn’t willing to do that. I loved this question. It felt so human, so natural. So on the show today we talk about how active you really need to be in marketing your product, service, content or website. 
We also talk about how to get into a new mindset about marketing so you don’t build a wall between you and your customers. Your product might be good, your podcast or blog or service may be *literally* the best available, *but people may not know WHY it’s good*. So, click play and let’s learn about the difference between PUSHY marketing and PERSUASIVE story telling and give people a truly compelling reason to buy. Enjoy!

 Use “Learning Styles” to Reach & Retain a Wider Audience (FS155) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:05:07

You probably already know that there are different learning styles. These are the ways people learn best. There’s verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic and many more depending on where you learn about these different styles. What’s important is that you understand this: **not everyone learns and retains information in the same way**. On the show today we talk about these different learning styles and discuss how you, as a content maker, can think about and use different styles to reach *and stick be memorable to* a wider audience. It’s a great episode for anyone out there who makes courses, books, podcasts, videos, articles and other forms of content. Enjoy! Show Notes:

 How to get past the fear of choosing the wrong business idea (FS154) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:05:00

Show Notes: On the show today we share one Fizzler’s story about the fear that comes when you’re choosing between two business ideas. It can feel impossible to choose sometimes. And for good reason — the decision matters. There are consequences no matter what you pick, so what do you need to do to not only make a good decision, but also to feel *confident* about your decision so you won’t second guess yourself later on. We’ll tell you how and walk you through an amazing resource (free to download below) in this episode. Enjoy!

 How to Pace Yourself, Stay Productive & Avoid Burnout (FS153) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:54:08

Show notes ==> How do you deal with the emotional ups and downs of entrepreneurship? Sometimes I’m manic, over-motivated, putting my head down and working everyday until some major milestone is reached. But this, in my experience, is far too often followed by burnout, down in the dumps, [depression]. It’s natural to go through this entrepreneurial rollercoaster, feeling on top of the world — “if I just get this thing done everything will fall into place!” — followed immediately by burnout, depression, looking for any excuse to watch Netflix in bed. On the show today we ask: is there a way to balance that out so we don’t go into despair every 3 to 6 weeks or so? Can we even it out so we don’t experience the highs and lows in the same magnitude? It’s an important conversation for anyone working on their own thing. Enjoy!

 Wants vs Needs — How to Spot the “Pain Point” in Hobby Businesses (FS152) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:48:28

One of the liveliest conversations this week in the Fizzle forums was about how to successfully market when your business topic is a hobby like knitting, book binding, scrap booking. Marketers often talk about finding the “pain point,” but this *pain* language can be misleading when your business addresses desires instead of pain alleviation. For example, I want to know how to knit. It would give me something to do with my hands, I could make gifts for people, I could make some things to use around the house. I don’t NEED to knit; my life doesn’t depend on it. But I WANT to. How can you market effectively when your business focuses on a WANT not a NEED? That’s what we get into today. Enjoy!


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