Reinvention Radio - Dismantling The Status Quo: Business | Politics | Entertainment | Marketing | Internet | Life | Money show

Reinvention Radio - Dismantling The Status Quo: Business | Politics | Entertainment | Marketing | Internet | Life | Money

Summary: Reinvention Radio — where ‘normal’ comes to die; ‘mediocrity’ meets its final demise; and, ‘the status quo’ is unabashedly dismantled. Steve Olsher, New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do; founder and Chairman of; creator of The Reinvention Workshop; and 25+ year entrepreneur who has built several multimillion-dollar businesses; and, co-host Mary Goulet, bestselling author of Go With Your Gut, real estate expert, media veteran and in-demand business consultant, scour the planet to bring you the world’s foremost social, business, political, technology and scientific disruptors. Each guest boldly reinvents average, obliterates the limits of possibility, challenges the accepted, and forges daring, cutting-edge paths. Steve and Mary’s no-holds-barred, unapologetic exploration of what’s new, what’s now and what’s next will unequivocally expand your knowledge, massively impact the trajectory of your business (and your life), and empower you to achieve financial, spiritual, and emotional freedom.

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  • Artist: Reinvention Radio - Dismantling The Status Quo: Business | Politics | Entertainment | Marketing | Internet | If Tony Robbins, Chalene Johnson, Brendon Burchard, Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin & Joe Rogan Had A Baby, It Would Look A Lot Like Steve Olsher
  • Copyright: Copyright ©2009 - Present. All rights reserved by Steve Olsher.


 EP0128: Soundoff on Reinvention Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

In this Soundoff 1. Kelly pulls the trump card on extending guest time to second hour 2. What would you do with $750 million 3. Wade and his bucket loans 4. Lottery winner stories, hookers, and cocaine         Share your thoughts …    

 EP0127: Soundoff on Reinvention Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:47

In this Soundoff 1. Mary’s slow moving piano 2. Where’s the sun in San Diego? 3. Kelly is in da house! 4. Total eclipse experiences         Share your thoughts …    

 REINVENTING BADASS ASSISTANTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:54

Kelly Poelker started her virtual assistant business part-time, while she was still working full-time. Within only 10 months, she was able to leave that full-time job and pursue her dream as an entrepreneur as President of her business, Another 8 Hours, Inc. With over 20 years in retail sales, home party sales, mortgage lending, banking operations, and manufacturing, Kelly’s knowledge and expertise as a support specialist and virtual assistant has afforded her the ability to successfully support a variety of clients in a myriad of industries. An accomplished author, Kelly has written several books: bestseller Virtual Assistant – The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA (Fourth edition) – (first and second editions, published as Up Close and Virtual: A Practical Guide to Starting Your Own Virtual Assistant Business); Virtual Assistant – The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA Workbook Edition (1st edition, revised); Virtual Assistant – The Series: Working Virtually, A Guide to Working Remotely as an Employee; I Now Pronounce You Client… And Service Provider and Bizymoms Cookbook. Notably, Virtual Assistant – The Series is used as training material for VA courses and programs administered by numerous colleges and other higher level learning institutions. The book is the longest standing book in the industry, and is often referred to as the industry “Bible”. Kelly shares her broad knowledge and expertise in the virtual assistant industry as Director of the Academy of Virtual Professionals LLC, through social media, and as an industry speaker. She has also served on the Executive Board of International Virtual Assistants Association (IVAA) and is the co-founder of the first-ever annual VA Conference held from 2001 – 2006. Kelly is also the Producer of the Reinvention Radio show. She manages the entire process from selecting and booking guests, editing audio, creating podcast version to all graphics and social media and more. TUNE IN to this episode as Kelly chats with Steve, Mary and Richard about what makes a badass assistant vs a virtual assistant and why not all virtual assistants are created equal.     In This Episode 1 – Coolest weather and the badass button; What is a Virtual Assistant; Virtual Assistant vs Badass Assistant; We’re not the cheap labor; you’re renting my time 2 – When is the right time to hire a virtual assistant?; Susan Totman of calls in; New VAs don’t tend to charge what they’re worth; Hiring and qualifying a virtual assistant 3 – You don’t need to ‘train’ a VA; VAs work in collaboration; Diana Ennen of specializes in PR/Marketing; A VA ought to lead you through the process of identifying services; Contracts are a must!   Resources Mentioned Virtual Assistant – The Series: Become A Highly Successful, Sought After VA Training:   Previously On Reinvention Radio Reinventing Your Voice – In this episode, Per Bristow chats with Steve, Mary and Richard about how he empowers singers and speakers from around the world to heal, build and free their voices.

 Where Would You Be If You Came Into Money? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:10

In this Episode of What Is Your WHAT?   In light of the recent lottery winner, Steve and the rest of the Reinvention Radio Crew ponder the question ‘if you come into money, would you still be doing what you’re doing?’ The premise of Steve’s New York Times bestselling book,What Is Your WHAT? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do, is directly related to the question of the day as it is all about finding where you truly are at your best.     Book: What Is Your WHAT? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do Download the free book at   Share your thoughts …  

 Audience and Discoverability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:15

In this episode of New Media Minute   Continuing from last week the Reinvention Radio crew discusses audience and discoverability around AI (artificial intelligence). Richard shares tools for discoverability in podcasts and new media, in general. He suggests playing on the fringe. The market is always right.       Meet the Reinvention Radio Crew at New Media Summit:     Share your thoughts …  

 How Do You Satisfy the Ache Inside? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:07

In this episode of Soul-full Sunday   Mary reveals she is writing a new book. She offers advice on creating audio first and speaking the words, then have the audio files transcribed to work into a book. During the writing process it’s been a discovery journey on how to create creativity. She asks of the RR Crew… how do you satisfy that ache inside?   Share your thoughts …  

 EP0126: Soundoff on Reinvention Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:32

In this Soundoff 1. Is the eclipse a big thing? 2. Poke yourself in the eye with that! 3. We rotate in a circle 4. A lesson on the solar system       Tweet this: ”       Share your thoughts …    

 EP0125: Soundoff on Reinvention Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:48

In this Soundoff 1. The strange world we live in 2. George W Bush is looking better 3. The President’s reaction to Charlottsville 4. They came with the intent to be violent         Share your thoughts …    

 REINVENTING YOUR VOICE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:06

Growing up in Sweden, Per Bristow was a prodigy violin player, the youngest ever invited into the city’s symphony orchestra at only 12 years old. Instead of music, however, Per opted to pursue sports during his teens. During this time, after a back injury, he learned some principles that helped him to learn rapidly, such as advanced kinesthetic awareness, mental imagery and visualization techniques, understanding and appying the physical law of least effort, the application of flow and rhythm and an ability to enter a state of “peak performance”. Only two years later, he was a top athlete in the nation in track and field. He began singing and acting, becoming a top performer, as the original rock cat Rum Tum Tugger in the musical Cats – a production that was recognized as one of the top Cats productions in the world, starred in West Side Story as Riff for 350 performance, has sung the role of Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar, sang in rock band, choruses, jazz groups and has had many roles in TV shows and feature films. Also, as creator of The Bristow Voice Method, Per has empowered tens of thousands of singers and speakers from over 132 nations to heal, build and free their voices. The Bristow Voice Method was born out of Per’s vast experience as a performing musician, singer, actor and athlete, his many years of experience as a teacher and coach, and his depth of knowledge in areas of human anatomy, modern training methods, advanced learning strategies, peak performance psychology, advanced mental training techniques, nutrition and more. TUNE IN to this episode as Per chats with Steve, Mary and Richard about how he empowers singers and speakers from around the world to heal, build and free their voices.     In This Episode 1 – Per is a variation of Peter; The internet opened new roads; From prodigy violinist to Rum Tum Tiger; He is constantly evolving and reinventing 2 – Why people want to take his program; We want the freedom; Singing off key is really not your ear; The RR Crew in action with voice exercises 3 – What is that ‘one’ song of all time?; His events are full of surprises; The awareness of fear in successful people; Fitting in and being noticed is important to some   Resources Mentioned Previously On Reinvention Radio Reinventing Resilience – In this episode, Izzy Ezagui chats with Mary and Richard about resilience and how he battled back after losing his arm to return to the battlefield and combat.

 Create Something Universal… or Niche? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:09

In this Episode of What Is Your WHAT?   Steve tells of how his New York Times Bestselling book, “What Is Your WHAT? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do” has been translated into multiple languages, most recently Turkish. His book and teachings are truly universal and serves a broad spectrum audience. His question to the RR Crew is then… do you think you need to niche and serve a subset of the population or can you stay general?     Book: What Is Your WHAT? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do Download the free book at   Share your thoughts …  

 How Artificial Intelligence Plays Into Discoverability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:44

In this episode of New Media Minute   The discussion centers on how voice will become the primary search tool… ala Alexa. And, Richard feels sorry for his friends whose daughter is named Alexa.Steve invites everyone to attend September’s New Media Summit… where you can catch Wade “The Limbo King” on Saturday night. Steve poses the question of how artificial intelligence is going to play into the whole world of discoverability.       Meet the Reinvention Radio Crew at New Media Summit:       Share your thoughts …  

 We Open Ourselves Up to Hurt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:03

In this episode of Soul-full Sunday   Mary starts by sharing that we can immerse ourselves daily in social media, traffic, everything… we open ourselves up to hurt, experiencing judgment, and snarky comments. Most people are not really thinking about you that much… especially on social media you feel like you’re putting yourself out there when the reality is not many people will see your post. So how do you manage your feelings when life hits you sideways maybe with a snarky comment, a deal that doesn’t work out, or something else?   URL:   Share your thoughts …  

 EP0124: Soundoff on Reinvention Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:32

In this Soundoff 1. Steve is off the grid and in the dirt 2. ‘Hello’ bumper sticker and traffic changed my world 3. Mary’s brother is starting a happy movement 4. Kindness is Contagious,         Share your thoughts …    

 REINVENTING RESILIENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:04

Izzy Ezagui is an American-born decorated squad commander in the Israel Defense Forces. Just after finishing his military training in December of 2008, Izzy was guarding the border of Israel and Gaza and was hit by a mortar, ripping his left arm from his body. He underwent emergency surgery immediately at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba. Such an injury would have ended a military career for most men, but not Izzy. Ignoring his doctors, Izzy fought harder than ever before to recover and return to full combat duty. To his knowledge, he is the only soldier with his disability to return to full combat service. Though he had to cut through miles of bureaucratic red tape, his resilience and determination paid off. Taking his family with him, Izzy moved from Miami to Israel in August of 2007. While his family did not immediately become Israeli citizens, Izzy made aliya right away and immediately enlisted in the army. Izzy is an inspiration to friends and soldiers, and now that he has been discharged and returned to civilian life, he’s focused on doing the same for others. Continuing to serve in an elite unit in the reserves, Izzy also delivers inspirational talks across the globe. He’s appeared on The Huffington Post, Al Jazeera America, Fox News, and Israeli National News. He also gives motivational speeches for the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and other organizations, and spends time with young people on birthright Israel trips, just as soldiers did with him. His memoir “Disarmed” is set to release next Spring. TUNE IN to this episode as Izzy chats with Mary and Richard about resilience and how he battled back after losing his arm to return to the battlefield and combat.     In This Episode 1 – Volunteered at age 18 to join the Israeli Defense Forces; Raised in America in a Jewish home; Even after losing a limb he wanted to return to combat 2 – Overcoming his own mind; While qualifying for combat he beat his two-armed record with only one arm; The negative voice never goes away; Israeli Defense Force has divisions for all, including the disabled 3 – Izzy’s story he speaks about to audiences; These people are badasses; If that dork did this — then I can do anything!; A pretty girl still makes him queazy   Resources Mentioned Previously On Reinvention Radio Reinventing the American Dream – In this episode, the Reinvention Radio Crew talks with Toan Lam chats with Steve, Mary and Richard about his family’s escape from Vietnam and creating a new life in America.

 Handling Adversity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:09

In this Episode of What Is Your WHAT?   Mary opens the show with a quote from Wayne Dyer, “There are no accidents in life. Each experience we have, no matter how painful, eventually leads us to something of higher value.” You’re going to have adversity in life, accept that and focus on the good that comes from it. Mary, Richard, and Wade share their thoughts around learning how to handle adversity in the circumstance; how to cope. What do you think of adversity? What is your process for dealing with it in the moment?   Book: What Is Your WHAT? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do Download the free book at   Share your thoughts …


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