Scholars Strategy Network's No Jargon show

Scholars Strategy Network's No Jargon

Summary: No Jargon, the Scholars Strategy Network’s weekly podcast, presents interviews with top university scholars on the politics, policy problems, and social issues facing the nation. Powerful research, intriguing perspectives -- and no jargon. Find show notes and plain-language research briefs on hundreds of topics at

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 Episode 205: Black Teachers Wanted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:43

America is getting more diverse, and that means more children of color are students in our schools. But teachers are still overwhelmingly white, so many of these students rarely see teachers who look like them. Professor Michèle Foster tells the little-known story of why America lost many of its black teachers, what that means for students, and what can be done to change things.

 Episode 204: Battling the Opioid Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:37

We are living in the midst of an epidemic. Over the past 15 years, the number of Americans dying from opioid-related overdoses has skyrocketed. Facing a mounting death toll, policymakers have proposed solutions from needle exchanges to reducing the availability of prescription opioids. But the crisis seems to rage on. Professor Keith Humphreys digs into how we got here, what we know about which policy responses actually work, and what might be next in the never ending fight against addiction.

 Episode 203: Realizing Democracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

What should the next 10 or 20 years look like in the US? Many Americans say we need to go back to the future. They want to restore something, or protect something they’re worried the United States is losing. And that’s not just the Make America Great Again crowd. But others argue that it’s not time to restore democracy -- it’s time to realize democracy. Dr. K. Sabeel Rahman explains what it would take to make America’s democracy work for everyone and why the time for big, structural change is now

 Episode 202: The Fight for Climate Justice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:50

Last year, climate change took center stage. With presidential candidates releasing bold plans, massive protests across the globe, and ever more dire reports coming out of the United Nations, this issue is getting attention unlike ever before. Doctor Fernando Tormos-Aponte discusses where climate organizing stands now, how some organizers are focusing on justice and equity in their work, and how this is all playing out in Puerto Rico after the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017.

 Episode 202: Citizens of Nowhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:27

Everyone is a citizen of somewhere, right? With all the conversation in politics and the media about immigration, one of the assumptions is that, if you aren’t a citizen of the United States, you must be a citizen of somewhere else. But in some parts of the world, you might just not have any real citizenship at all. Professor Noora Lori explores the lives of people who are caught in between countries, the challenges this creates for their lives, and what a better immigration policy could look like.

 Episode 201: Death by a Thousand Cuts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:07

No one likes to believe they would be on the wrong side of history. Most of us prefer to think that in times of crisis, we would do the right thing -- we wouldn’t be complicit in evil. Yet every day, individuals just doing their jobs make decisions that harm people. Professor Ashley Nickels lays out how organizational decisions and structures can lead to real acts of evil, how this played out in Flint, Michigan, and what can be done to prevent tragedy before it strikes.

 Episode 200: Democracy in the States | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:54

This year, millennials officially became the largest generation in America. In passing over Baby Boomers, these young Americans, along with Generation Z, have the potential to change US politics by making their voices heard at the polls. The only problem is, many of them don’t turn out to vote. Professor Jake Grumbach explains what’s behind their low voter turnout, how one policy could change that, and what this all says about the role of states in pushing US policy and democracy forward.

 Episode 199: Empty Wallets, Empty Stomachs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:24

The old saying goes: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And yet, across the country, there are thousands of children who struggle to find a good meal in the morning. In fact, hunger is likely a bigger problem in this country than most people realize. Professor Maureen Berner lays out the problem of food insecurity in American, what it can tell us about the larger issue of poverty, and how we need to reframe our thinking to address the problem.

 Episode 198: What’s My Schedule? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

Imagine you’re a working parent. You make ends meet with a part-time job, but the ever-changing schedule makes life difficult. Some weeks, you work so much that you’re left scrambling for last-minute childcare. Others, you barely get enough hours to cover all your expenses. Professor Susan Lambert describes why this has become the reality for an increasing number of Americans, how these scheduling practices impact both employees and their employers, and what policymakers can do to ease the burden.

 Episode 197: Making Research Matter | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 28:16

What works best to teach children in our schools? How does pollution affect public health? These are just some of the big questions researchers try to answer every day. But all too often, their findings don’t actually help usher in improvements. Why not? The William T. Grant Foundation’s Vivian Tseng shares the history of research use in education policy, how a new approach to research can improve connections between scholars and policymakers, and what further changes are needed to make research matter.

 Episode 196: The Rise of Anti-LGBT Hate Crimes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:08

Twenty-one years ago, a gay University of Wyoming student by the name of Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered. His story brought national attention to anti-LGBT hate crimes and spurred a popular movement for hate crime legislation. Since then, the LGBT community has won major advances - but hateful attacks are on the rise. Professor Liz Coston explores why these crimes keep happening, what they look like in 2019, and what can be done to protect and support the LGBT community in the years to come.

 Episode 195: The Promise of Midwives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:56

America is the richest country on Earth, and yet, every year, hundreds of women die during childbirth, an issue that particularly affects black women. One of the potential solutions that’s being offered: returning to the practice of community midwives. Rachel Applewhite lays out what research can tell us about the effectiveness of midwives and doulas, how they help serve communities left behind by our healthcare system, and what can be done to expand access to their potentially life-saving services.

 Archive Episode 87: NAFTA Winners and Losers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:49

Despite an ongoing impeachment inquiry, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been signaling that a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada is in the final stages of negotiations, and Congress could be ready for a vote in the near future. In this archive episode, Professor Alyshia Gálvez dives into the often overlooked consequences of this trade agreement on food and health in both the U.S. and Mexico. 

 Episode 194: The Science of Science Communication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:25

With a global climate strike on September 20th and waves of protests surrounding the UN summit on climate change, public interest in science seems to be on the rise. And scientists are answering the call, with more researchers than ever taking to social media to share their work with the public and each other. Professor Sara Yeo discusses how different audiences perceive science communication, the ways in which emotions can factor into it, and how scientists can make the most of engaging online.

 Episode 193: The Toll of Stereotypes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:01

America’s schools are supposed to treat all students fairly. But we know that all too often, black students face racial discrimination, stigma, and stereotypes in their schools. And for black girls in particular, that can be compounded by their gender as well. Professor Seanna Leath explains how do these experiences affect the lives and development of black girls, what broader stereotypes and stigmas exist around mental health for black women, and what can be done to improve the situation.


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