The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth show

The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

Summary: Metaphysical / Spiritual Radio Show Features Interviews With Individuals That Are Analyzed By Psychics, Past Life Readers & Astrologers

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  • Artist: The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth
  • Copyright: Copyright Ryan McCormick (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 A Forensic Soul Analysis On Director Oliver Stone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Tonight the Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio show ( did a forensic soul analysis on of the most powerful, provocative, and prestigious directors of all time. Mr. Oliver Stone. We begin the show with three interview with people who’s previously worked with Mr. Stone including a Golden Globe Winner. After that we will feature interviews with four psychics and an astrologer as our regular listeners have come to know as our “Virtues”  Mr. Oliver Stone has directed films that have caused millions of people to question their reality and cast doubt on the quote on “official story” Some of his films like JFK, Platoon, Born on the 4th of July and Wall Street have earned international accolades . Mr. Stone is notoriously passionate about his history and while he reveals to the world an ever evolving perspective on the history of events, the Outer Limit of Inner Truth wishes to honor Mr. Stone by revealing a glimpse into the history of his eternal soul. What other lifetimes has Mr. Stone experienced prior to this one? Who are Mr. Stone’s guardians and guides leading him this lifetime? Was the spirit of the late President Kennedy inspiring & guiding Mr. Stone while he created JFK? What is Mr. Stone’s overall soul purpose. From what we can gauge from his film and previous interviews, Mr. Stone appears to be a spiritual person. He’s discuss taking ayahausca (which is something we’re doing a full show about in the future) and expanding his through a number of other means. I believe that humanity should be very thankful for his contributions and now without further or do a forensic soul analysis on Oliver Stone. 

 EXCLUSIVE: The Future of Humanity & Media Broadcasting with Michael Harrison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Welcome to the Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show, ( I’m your host Ryan. We have a special broadcast for you however, it is not a forensic soul analysis. It is be an exclusive with Mr. Michael Harrison who is the Founder & Editor of Talkers Magazine. TALKERS magazine (  is the leading trade publication serving the talk media industry in America. It was dubbed “The Bible of Talk Radio” by Business Week Magazine. Mr. Harrison talks with us about what he feels are not only the future trends in broadcasting but, also where he feels humanity is evolving towards. Mr. Harrison is a very introspective individual and in our interview, he raises several questions that we should all be asking ourselves. Mr. Harrison is considered both a broadcast visionary and a person who is ahead of his time. He successfully predicted the explosion of Talk Radio across America years before Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, and Sean Hannity came along. Mr. Harrison has also been a passionate advocate of freedom of speech and freedom of broadcast which impacts every single one of us. Word cannot express the deep respect we have for Mr. Harrison.  The fact that our show has caught Mr. Harrison’s attention and the fact that gave us this fantastic interview is as great an honor as it is a surreal moment.  

 Outer Limits of Inner Truth Christmas Special! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show ( presents their Christmas Special featuring gifts to their listeners. The show is lighthearted & fun and delves into the Christmas spirit! Guests Include: Pam Grout ( is a hopeless romantic who still believes the world is a beautiful place, that people are noble and that anything is possible. Bestselling Books: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig, Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How To Lose Weight By Changing The Way You Breathe. Lisa McGarrity (, Psychic Medium & Owner of Envision Crystal Metaphysical Store Laura Lyn (, Psychic Medium & Past Life Reader Lisa Caza (, Pyschic Empath Geno Bisconte ( as "Geno Claus"

 Predictions for 2015 By Top Leaders In Alternative Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:29:00

Will peace or chaos reigh in 2015? What techonoligcal advances will change the face of humanity? Tonight we devoting an entire show to predictions in the year 2015 and we’re all in for a real treat on this one. In addition to the predictions by our Virtues (Kerrie O’Connor, Laura Lyn, Constance Stellas & Lisa Caza), we will also be featuring insights by some of our previous guests as well as some of the most powerful visionaries in alternative media.  These individuals include: Gerald Celente, Chris Duane, Michael Rivero, Gregory Mannarino, Teal Swan, George Kavassalis. The last part of our show will feature what can only be described as an epic painting of humanity’s future by Darryl Robert Schoon. These individuals are not filled with wisdom beyond their years and we personally have a deep love, respect & admiration for every one of them. To offer their insights to you tonight a humbling honor that words cannot describe and we are incredibly grateful. Since we have a lot to cover, let us begin tonight’s show.

 The Essence of Faith Within You / Featuring Scott Suprina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth features a forensic soul analysis on business maverick and CEO of Seating Solutions, Scott Suprina. We bring Mr. Suprina to your attention because in the course of our interview he offers several brief pieces of advice that you can utilize to improve your own life. My favorite part of our interview is when Mr. Suprina discusses the foundations of faith and what it means to have faith in yourself and in your circumstances. If you are seeking to break out of your current energy or life pattern, I feel that Mr. Suprina’s advice on faith can offer a big clue on how to make that happen. Mr. Suprina is also a risk taker, he goes with his gut and he’s not afraid to do what he feels is right despite the consequences. Another thing about Mr. Suprina that we admire is that he’s incredibly successful and he didn’t stomp on the dreams of others to get that way. When nice people reach the peak of the mountain and they actively help others to do the same, I feel they are deserving of both our time and our observation.

 Reverend Sally Perry & The Nature of Human Suffering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

Reverend Sally Perry - Spirit Medicine, of Cherokee lineage, is a visionary, spiritual healer and teacher. She has a unique gift to see the soul and to embrace the all pervading energy of the universe.  She is the author of Chronicles of a Healer: She Who Dances and A Master's Teaching to an American Healer, Immortality.  She leads sweat lodges, spirit medicine wheels, vision quests and world peace dances worldwide for groups and private gatherings.  Through healing herself, Sally Perry found she was able to heal the hurt in others. She has given of herself so freely to her fellow sufferers from all manners of affliction to which the human heart and mind are heir. Her work is her devotion for God's unfolding love for all of humanity.  Sally spent 6 months each year from 1996-2000 living with the saints of India.  During this time, she traveled extensively with Yug Purush Swami Parmanandji Maharaj  as he shared his teachings with thousands.  She lectured, explaining her visions and spiritual insights, as she and Swami created a powerful east-west bridge. Sally is a force for the uplift of mankind. She is the lover of all people of the world.

 A Forensic Soul Analysis On Jane Velez-Mitchell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning television journalist, a bestselling author, and the former host of her own show on HLN. She is frequently in the media as an expert commentator on high-profile court cases, appearing on CNN, HLN, omg! Insider, TRU TV, E!, and other national television programs. We bring Ms. Mitchell to your attention tonight because we feel she is a positive & powerful advocate of humanity. She’s been absolutely fearless when in comes to uncovering the truth. Ms Mitchell has also exemplified several acts of personal courage between publicly revealing her battles with alcoholism, to being a passionate public supporter of same sex rights and even coming out herself on live radio. When is comes to fighting for the rights of animals, Ms. Mitchell is a warrior. She spends a considerable amount of time helping & speaking on behalf of charities that fight against all form of cruelty to animals. Lastly we also bring Ms. Mitchell to your attention tonight because we’ve observed first hand the incredible heart she posses. We personally love & adore her – she’s one of the sweetest people we’ve ever met.

 The Incredible Life of Psychic Healer Lew Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth proudly presents and in depth interview Phillip Smith about his Father, Lew Smith – a psychic healer who helped thousands of individuals. Smith is author of the Bestseller “Walking Though Walls” – a book we thoroughly enjoyed even more that a NY slice of pizza or five minutes of silence in marriage. Philip Smith is an artist with works in the permanent collection of the Whitney, Boston Museum of Fine Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Perez Art Museum among others. The interview with Mr. Smith was one of our favorites and the Virtues do a forensic soul analysis on both Phillip and his Father Lew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running with Scissors meets Bewitched in this irresistible memoir, as Philip Smith describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator father, who one day discovers he has the miraculous power to talk to the dead and heal the sick. After a full day of creating beautiful interiors for the rich and famous, Lew Smith would come home, take off his tie, and get down to his real work as a psychic healer who miraculously cured thousands of people. For his son, Philip, watching his father transform himself, at a moment's notice, from gracious society decorator into a healer with supernatural powers was a bit like living with Clark Kent and Superman. Walking Through Walls is Philip Smith's astonishing memoir of growing up in a household where séances, talking spirits, and exorcisms were daily occurrences, and inexplicable psychic healings resulted in visitors suddenly discarding their crutches and wheelchairs or being cured of fatal diseases.

 The King Of All Media, Howard Stern - A Scientific & Metaphysical Analysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

“We’re going to examine Mr. Stern’s life in a way that we feel has never been done before.” Said Ryan McCormick, Executive Producer of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. “We believe that Howard Stern is a very deep intellectual & spiritual person and that his life can offer humanity a lot of valuable lessons.” Part I: Impact of Howard Stern   Judith Regan /  CEO, Regan Arts & Publisher of Howard Stern’s book “Private Parts” Tony Fox / Former EVP of Viacom Entertainment Group & Comedy Central’s first Public Relations Manager Part II: Psychological Analysis’ These individuals were only given Howard Stern’s reading list found on his website and did not know who they were doing an analysis on until afterwards. Dr. Gayani DeSilva Dr. Frieda Birnbaum Dr. Fran Walfish / Star of the new WE TV Series "Sex Box" Erica Spiegelman / Addiction Counselor Audrey Hope / "Healer to the Stars" Judith Claire & Frank Wiegers / Love and Relationships Experts Vincent Hill / Army Veteran, Retired Police Officer, Private Investigator and True Crime Author Part III: Howard Stern’s Brain A scientific analysis on Mr. Stern’s brain & brainwave frequencies by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler. Part IV: Metaphysical & Spirit Analysis Kerrie O’Connor – Psychic Medium Lisa Caza – Psychic Laura Lyn – Psychic / Past Life Reader Constance Stellas - Astrologer Part V: Howard Stern’s Intern A first hand account of someone who interned for the Howard Stern Show.  

 WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Channeled Spirit "Chung Fu” First Ever Media Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:22:00

EXCLUSIVE: This is the first recorded media interview of Chung Fu. For last thirty years, Chung Fu (a channeled spirit)  has been working through Sally Pullinger. Chung Fu taught that humans have immortal spirits that live through many incarnations. The incarnating process continues until the individual identifies with a God-self during a life on Earth. Such an awareness is developed through the practices of affirmative meditation. Chung Fu said that he was mainly drawing people to him who belonged to a specific soul grouping that had been together in many lives, and due to ego had dropped behind in their group evolution. His presence was a challenge to them to lift their consciousness and progress to where they could take on their allotted spiritual role, and his closed circle was carried out according to very strict principles. Chung Fu, who describes himself as a student of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu and was a teacher of Metaphysical Visionary & "teachers teacher" Stuart Wilde.

 Unlocking The Mystery & Science Behind Brain Wave Frequencies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment (such as an EEG), measuring electricity levels over areas of the scalp. The combination of electrical activity of the brain is commonly called a Brainwave pattern, because of its cyclic, ‘wave-like’ nature. Our mind regulates its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in the brain, emiting tiny electrochemical impulses of varied frequencies, which can be registered by an electroencephalogram. Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler ( is a doctor of psychology with over 45 years of pioneering brain/mind research experience. In addition to teaching mind power methods in universities and corporations, she was invited by former President Jimmy Carter to support his Special Commission on Women in Business, was invited to serve as a Pentagon consultant focused on business communications, and has authored over 30 books, a novel, and hundreds of articles in both business and individual success categories. Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler's sites -,,

 The Life & Spirit of Sam Kinison - Featuring A Rare Interview With Bill Kinison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Formerly a preacher, Sam Kinison became one of the the loudest and rudest comedians of the 20th century. For some, his name conjures up images of a hard-partying, hard-drinking wild thing. His views on religion, women, and world hunger managed to put him on the shock comedy map. However, the fact is this demon from hell was an angel in disguise.Born on December 8th, 1953 in Yakima, Washington, Sam Kinison’s beginnings were fairly innocent. His father was a Pentacostal preacher, and the family lived in a church in Peoria, Illinois. Sam and his brothers followed in their father’s footsteps by touring churches across the Bible Belt and earning a decent living. But that wasn’t enough for Sam. As his preachings became increasingly too much for the average churchgoer, he took his thoughts and ideas to comedy clubs. Sam Kinison became one of the great stand-up comedians of the 1980′s. His life became the classic image of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. With the help of friends like Rodney Dangerfield, his popularity rose to incredible heights with HBO cable specials, frequent appearances on Saturday Night Live and In Living Color, and even a starring role on Charlie Hoover, a short-lived Fox sitcom.Sam’s shows sold out like arena rock concerts, and he quickly earned the respect of the biggest rock acts of the late eighties, like Motley Crue, Guns n’ Roses, and Ozzy Osbourne, most of whom appeared in Sam’s music videos. Hard-drinking and hard-partying became a major part of his act, until it became his downfall. After realizing that drink and drug were killing him, he decided to clean up his life. He sobered up and married beautiful Malika Souiri, who appeared with him in his shows and in his music videos. 

 A Forensic Soul Analysis On The Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth will do a forensic soul analysis on Edgar Cayce (1877-1945).  Cayce has been called the "sleeping prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic "readings" to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. The organization founded by him in 1931 is still in existence today.

 Is Money The Root Of All Evil? The Life Of George Sarris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Georrge Sarris was born in New York City and grew up in New Rochelle NY. After doing ok in high school had no idea what he wanted to do with his life so he went down to the New York Stock Exchange and took a job as a messenger. After about 3 months hustling as a messenger he was hired as a clerk by one of the member firms. After 10 years of extremely hard work, never calling in sick and being in what he calls “Beast Mode” he earned a Seat on The New York Stock Exchange. “Hard Work .. treat everyone right and “treat each day like it was the Super Bowl because it is”  George held a seat on the NYSE for 10 years before finally retiring at 41.

 What Is The Spiritual Meaning Behind Abortion? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio show will explore additional metaphysical & spiritual meanings behind abortion. This special show will respect individuals from all perspectives on the issue and will seek to raise new questions. Will the Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio show provide insight one one of the most divisive issues on American history? Featured guests include: Michael Hichborn, Gina Cloud, Kerrie O’Connor, Liza Caza, Laura Lyn, and Constance Stellas. The show will air on Thurs, August 7th at 10 pm EST


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