Being Your Destiny Online show

Being Your Destiny Online

Summary: Uncover the path to Being Your Destiny Online with Wayne Sharer. The Wayne Sharer Show - Being Your Destiny Online is a high impact, nothing held back show to motivate you and guide you away from the failure traps and onto the path of those who succeeded before you. You will discover insights, strategies and tactics along with fun stories and interviews to keep you traveling the road to success in affiliate marketing, multilevel marketing, and virtually any business online today.

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 How to Live the Perfect Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:18

Ever wondered if you could ever live the perfect life? Well I am, and in this episode, I am going to show you how you can, too. You're going to love this especially if your business is an MLM, network marketing, or online business fields. It a whole new twist on magnetic marketing. It has also been called magnetic sponsoring in the multi-level marketing world. But what is magnet marketing or magnetic sponsoring? What does have to do with living the perfect life? Tune in now, and do so with thick skin.

 Danger Does Not Compute | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:03

Flashback... do you know Will Robinson and what he has to do with being your destiny? Yes, it's an odd question, and I think you will enjoy the connection. There is one thing I see over and over again that stops individuals from achieving their dreams and living the destiny they seek and deserve. Are you guilty of this? I'll bet almost with certainty you have been affected by it. Listen in, and find the solution.

 Hype or Passion? How Do You Know? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:21

Have you ever wondered how you can get through the hype and uncover real passion for real programs, services, and tools that can really help you in your business? This episode is all about the secret to eliminating the hype and following the true passion containing quality services, and solutions. They exist. They are real. Here is how you get to them...

 There Just Isn't Enough Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:26

Do you feel you can't achieve your destiny as an online entrepreneur because you don't have enough time? This is a common reason cited by many, and those using this reason never achieve their dream. Some start their business in fields like MLM, multi-level marketing, network marketing, or affiliate marketing despite time restraints, but then get bogged down once again because they feel they don't have enough time. Here's why this happens and how to put an end to it. Listen in now.

 1 Simple Trick to Get More Facebook Followers Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:14

Do think making Facebook work for you is nearly impossible? I know I did. Then something changed. I started paying attention to what experts said. No, not the people with the $7 Warrior Forum Specials. You probably know those are worth about $7. This simple trick will start you realizing more exposure and more followers very fast, and very, very free. Listen in and start mastering Facebook for your marketing.

 Reflections of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:09

Do you know what motivates you? Do you know what doesn't motivate you. Both are very important. In this episode, you'll take a look at what actually is behind creating your drive to success. Whether in network marketing, affiliate marketing, MLM or any other method of online marketing for your business, if you can't identify why you do what you do, you may be feeding your failure. Join Wayne now with some fascinating stories of how he motivates for success.

 How to Know You are Winning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:49

How many people quit their efforts only moments, or days or weeks before they would have actually succeeded? Those numbers are unknown, but it is known that many people just like you and I think we are failing when we really would of succeeded if you had only known this. In this episode, it is time you get off the emotionally driven decision process and start looking at the facts. If you learn this about the numbers, you will not quit when you are really winning. Listen closely.

 The 1 Secret of All Successful Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:14

This episode of the delivers the single most important thing you can do to succeed online in any online business, including your affiliate marketing, network marketing, and multi-level marketing efforts. In fact, anyone who doesn't do this is destined to join the 95-98% of all wanna be entrepreneurs who never be. If you don't want to be a never be entrepreneur, then you just might want to know this. Listen in now, and uncover the secret.

 The Entrepreneur Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:27

What does Independence Day in the United States have to do with you and you being your destiny? Why is it of global importance and part of the reason you and I, where ever you may be, can do things like MLM, multi-level marketing, network marketing, direct marketing or affiliate marketing from our homes? In this episode I will disturb a lot of people, and shake some peoples' boots, but you will see why Independence Day in the USA is important for your online success and living your destiny.

 Your Training Sucks, Here's Why... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:16

Is your training good, or isn't it? Maybe that's not the problem. In this episode training will be looked at in ways you likely never considered. Training is important to your MLM, multi-level markeing, network marketing success, but what makes your training be really good or bad? You might not like the answer...

 I Love New York Because... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:10

Here's how New York matters in ways you never imagined. Maybe even more so if you are from New York. This show is about opening up your mind and how doing so makes being your destiny a reality. In multi-level marketing and network marketing, this kind of thinking will stop you dead in your tracks. So listen and sidetrack it...

 How to Create Time Out of Thin Air | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:28

Building a downline in any internet marketing opportunity can be very demanding. Have you ever found yourself wondering how you would ever have the time for all of this?The rewards include living the life of your dreams, but only if you can turn your time into money. In network marketing and multi-level marketing, as with many other businesses, your downline and/or team members can suck the time right out you. In this episode will look at what you can do to get the time back and literally make time out of thin air.

 The Secret Success Weapon You Already Have But Don't Know It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:31

Everybody has this, and can and must use it in achieving your destiny. Not using this secret weapon can result in dramatic loss and unexpected consequences and I will prove it to you in this Being Your Destiny episode. Listen in, and see how you can easily leverage your secret, unknown weapon, and transform your business efforts into massive success. Tune in now...

 How to Save $6,192 and Make Money Doing It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:23

Typically being your destiny means you must find a way to earn an income on your own. Waiting for you corporate job to make it happen isn't likely to make it happen any time soon, or even at all. However, there are expenses associated with starting an online business or any business where online marketing is a key element of you being your destiny. In this episode, I will show how to save over $20,000 doing this, and how to save up to $6,192 your first year and make a 5 figure monthly income doing it. Listen in now, and get started.

 Does This Really Matter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:23

Thanks again for your listener input. I really appreciate that. In this episode you will hear the most unusual input. I thought maybe it did not relate. Then I did a little thinking and it dawned on me; it is more relevnnt than maybe any of us ever thought.Tune in now and determine for yourself if it really matters at all?Submit your user input to me at support [ at ]


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