Latin Waves Media show

Latin Waves Media

Summary: Another World Is Possible

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  • Artist: Sylvia Richardson,journalist,academic,activist
  • Copyright: Copyright Latin Waves Media


 Dana Lyons, The Great Salish Sea interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:52

Stuart Richardson from Latin Waves Interviews Dana Lyons on his latest album the Great Salish Sea, Dana speaks about the need for citizens to protect this pristine coast from Coal, Oil exports and how this is already happening in Oregon and Washington State. Songs, The Great Salish Sea, The Salmon Come Home, Sometimes,

 Marcelo Saavedra on the notion of rights/role of languages and women in paradigm shift thats happening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:34

A professor at Carleton University, Marcelo Saavedra is an Indigenous Bolivian leader and founder of the Bolivia Action Solidarity Network. He speaks to Latin Waves about the need to protect indigenous languages as these languages change how we view the world. He challenges the western notion of rights and how the paradigm shift that's taking place must have women front and center. "If we can harness that wisdom that is embedded in our ancestral cultures, we can get rid of capitalism, patriarchy , Globalization and colonialism. And Women are a central central piece in this puzzle"

 Michael Albert on the current economic system and need to move to participatory economy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:28

Michael Albert is an American activist, speaker, and writer. He is co-editor of ZNet, and co-editor and co-founder of Z Magazine. He also co-founded South End Press and has written numerous books and articles. Micheal speaks about the structures of society that continually enhance the few at the benefits of the many. And what we need to do to make the changes we need

 Robert Jensen on Palestine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:35

Interview with Robert Jensen - "At least 1,200 Palestinians have been killed so far. As of Monday night (July 21. 2014) nearly 5000 homes have been completely destroyed and more than 200,000 Gazans have become internally displaced refugees. The UN Human Rights Council considers Israel s attack on a UN facility last week a war crime." Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson explores the interlinking relationship of Israeli colonialism and U.S. Imperialism with Dr. Robert Jensen and points the light to the incestuous relationship between American imperialism and Zionist policies. Robert Jensen is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas. His most recent books are Arguing for Our Lives: A User s Guide to Constructive Dialogue (City Lights, 2013); and We Are All Apocalyptic Now: On the Responsibilities of Teaching, Preaching, Reporting, Writing, and Speaking Out (MonkeyWrench Books/CreateSpace, 2013). Plus Song Who would Jesus Bomb by David Rovics.

 Special Coverage on Palestine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:36

Charles Boylan is a Canadian radio broadcaster and political activist. He produced Wake up with co-op and still produces the show Discussion on CFRO 100.5FM; a community-run, co-operatively-owned, non-corporate radio station broadcasting from Vancouver, Charles speaks about why the international community has been unwilling to stop the bombing, he speaks about the legal rights of Occupied people to resist. He also speaks about what simple demands Hamas has for Israel, simple demands that could end this conflict. Something that is never told on the main stream media.

 Dr Lund on his book The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

We speak to Dr Darren Lund, Dr. Lund is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary, where his research examines social justice activism in schools and communities. Since the 1980s Darren has published over 230 articles, poems, books, and book chapters; his most recent books are co-edited with Dr. Paul Carr: He speaks about his most recent book The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in EducationDr Lund has a frank discussion about the challenges of teaching privilege to students who can t even recognize their own privilege, he speaks about the need to problematize the classroom taking take students out of their comfort zones.

 Kinsman on his book The Canadian War on Queers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:29

With the annual Gay Pride celebrations quickly approaching in many cities across the country we speak to Gary Kinsman, one of Canada's leading academics on lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender issues , He speaks about past victories and struggles that we must keep fighting for in regards to his most newest book, The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual.

 The role and potential of the first Canadian Social Forum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:26

Co-host Stuart Richardson speaks to Ana Collins, Indigenous Coordinator for the Peoples Social Forum about the purpose and critical role a social forum can have in social change. The Peoples’ Social Forum, to be held in Ottawa, August 21-24, 2014, is about relationship building, bringing people together who don’t usually work together but who might be working on common causes, changing the nature of future relationships, honouring treaties, changing the structure of how things are done on this land, and respecting the teachings that the land has for us. This historic 4-day gathering will open with traditional Algonquin ceremony on Victoria Island. At the University of Ottawa, and other sites in the city, at hundreds of workshops, presentations, panels, movement assemblies, demonstrations and arts and cultural events we will all teach and we will all learn. We will see the interconnectedness of all our struggles and we will build a better future together in good relationships.  

 PSA promoting historic first Canadian Social Forum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:19

Peoples Social Forum: Ottawa, August 21-24 ,2014 Build together, win together! The Future is Ours! Michael Albert Znet, Haida elder Bill Lightbaum,Marcelo Saavedra an Indigenous Bolivian leader , Sylvia Richarson host of Latin Waves author or Fleshmapping

 Deconstructing Ontario’s political system in response to the clear crisis of low voter turnout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

Democracy Watch called for democratic changes to Ontario’s political system in response to the clear crisis of low voter turnout in the provincial election. Initial results show that the Ontario Liberals have won a majority of 58 of 107 seats with the support of only 19.5% of eligible voters, which raises serious questions about their mandate to govern, let alone implement any specific law or policy. Only 52.1% of eligible voters cast a ballot (the second lowest turnout ever (tied with 2011), and 38% of the ballots cast were for the Liberals. This is a growing trend across Canada, we had similar low voter turnout numbers in BC in 2013 and in 2011 the Federal election turnout was the third lowest in Canadian history. We speak to Duff Conacher, Co-founder of Democracy Watch about this trend, what are the reasons behind it and what can be done to improve the system making voting relevant once again to the millions of Canadians that have become indifferent to the process.

 Michael Albert on the current economic system and need to move to participatory economy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

Michael Albert is an American activist, speaker, and writer. He is co-editor of ZNet, and co-editor and co-founder of Z Magazine. He also co-founded South End Press and has written numerous books and articles.   Micheal speaks about the structures of society that continually enhance the few at the benefits of the many. And what we need to do to make the changes we need

 Host of Latin Waves Sylvia Richardson interviewed on her new book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

Sylvia is interviewed by Charles Boylan from Co-op Radio in Vancouver, she speaks about her book Fleshmapping, Sylvia L. Richardson is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. She is the host and producer of the internationally syndicated radio program Latin Waves and serves as the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)'s Vice President for North America. A Brief Book synopsis What can be learned from a story woven out of fragmented moments of joy, pain, horror, and blissful awareness? Flesh Mapping is an attempt to create a pedagogy of shared narrative, place, and politics; to narratively map the injuries of the material, emotional, and spiritual impact of poverty, displacement, hunger and war on an individual life. The book is an invitation to instructors in education, anthropology, women's studies, and labor studies to re-imagine education as the praxis for liberation, renewal, and hope. It serves as a process of naming the injuries inflicted on real bodies by privilege and power, like sites on a map. The goal is not simply to name and make visible privilege but to simultaneously create emergent spaces of dissonance in education that can challenge and transform power at the site where the personal is political.  Click Here to Order Copy   


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