I Doubt It Podcast show

I Doubt It Podcast

Summary: Tired of the ridiculous and radical sides of issues? So are Jesse Dollemore & Brittany Page. Join them as they discuss today's hottest topics. Along with occasional guests, the skeptical Dollemore cracks-wise with an irreverent attitude and complete disregard for convention.

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 #250 – “Endless Excitement, Bias in Preschool, Trump Foundation, Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump on PTSD, VP Debate, and Trump Tapes.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:31

Jesse and Brittany discuss the endless excitement in their hearts related to both the show and the upcoming debate, research that illustrates bias starts as young as preschool, the Trump Foundation's shady dealings, Joe Biden speaking about Donald Trump's comments on veterans who suffer from PTSD, the uneventful VP debate, the Trump tape featuring discussion of Scott Baio and Ana Navarro. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #249 – “Pumpkin Spice Madness, Betty Shelby Follow-Up, Donald Trump's Creepiness Continues, Rudy Giuliani Is Confusing, New York Times Trump Tax Bombshell, and Brittany Reads Donald Trump.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:10

Jesse and Brittany discuss the pumpkin spice craze and what it looks like when it goes too far, listener feedback on previous episodes, Betty Shelby's defense for killing unarmed Terrence Crutcher, Donald Trump's creepy behavior with women - from pageants to 12-year-old Paris Hilton, Rudy Giuliani's confusing defense of Donald Trump, New York Times' bombshell report about Donald Trump's business failure and failure to pay taxes, and new segment - Brittany Reads Trump! Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #248 – “Celebrity Endorsements, Donald Trump’s Pre and Post Debate Reactions, Rudy Guiliani and Kellyanne Conway are Mad, and Zianna Oliphant is Takin’ Care of Biz.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:36

Jesse and Brittany discuss Donald Trump and his pre and post debate positions, Rudy Giuliani and Kellyanne Conway seem to losing it. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 I Doubt It #BONUS – “1st Presidential Debate - Coverage and Analysis.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:24:20

Jesse and Brittany discuss the 1st Presidential general election debate, hosted by Lester Holt and between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #247 – “Santa Ana Winds, Anthony Weiner's Federal Investigation, Donald Trump's Stop-and-Frisk Policy Advocacy, Kathy Miller & Robert Pittenger's Public Racism, Trump's Shady Foundation, and Tserin Dopchut is Takin' Care of Biz.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:18

Jesse and Brittany discuss the weather and the heat just like our listeners love us to do, listener emails and voicemails, the federal investigation into whether or not Anthony Weiner sexted with a teenage girl, Kathy Miller & Robert Pittenger's racism and support of Donald Trump, Donald Trump's shady behavior as it relates to his foundation's money, Gary Johnson's continued inability to act like a legitimate presidential candidate, and Tserin Dopchut is Takin' Care of Biz! Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #246 – “Brittany’s Emmys, Donald Trump's Birther Fiasco, Donald Trump Jr.'s Punchable Face, Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump Polling, John Kasich's Reason, and Saudi Women Takin' Care of Biz.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:11

Jesse and Brittany discuss Brittany's love of the Emmy's and their past experience at an Emmy after party, listener feedback, Donald Trump's birther comments, Donald Trump Jr.'s attempts to support his father, polling results showing a narrowing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, John Kasich's reasonable reaction to polarization, and Saudi women are Takin' Care of Biz in their fight against #MaleGuardianship. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #245 – “Drop-Dead Jesse, Rape, Donald Trump’s Short Memory, Trump Foundation Investigated, Still No Taxes, Scolded by Black Pastor, Steve King Douchechill, Shame-Happy Cops.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:12

Jesse and Brittany discuss his LOUD voice, an angry caller, rape on campus and North America generally. Donald Trump apparently wants America to forget all the insane and terrible things he’s said, and instead focus on Hillary Clinton single “basket of deplorables” statement. Also discussed is the impending investigation into the Donald J. Trump Foundation, the fact that Donald Trump has still yet to release his taxes and his campaign is not only unapologetic about it, but defiant! Donald Trump gets scolded at a black church in Flint, Michigan. Steve King proves himself an anti-science turd when talking about same-sex couples and global climate change. Also, A$$hole of Today involves some drug-addict-shaming-cops in Ohio who also targeted an innocent four-year-old child.

 #244 – “Home Depot Customer Service, Homeless Props, Hillary Clinton's Health, Basket of Deplorables, Obama on Trump - Again, Trump Loves War, and Gary Johnson on Aleppo”. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:18

Jesse and Brittany discuss their adventure getting a new refrigerator (riveting!), listener feedback, a viral video of a little girl giving her dinner to a homeless man, Dollemocracy '16 featuring Hillary Clinton's health, Kelly Anne Conway's agreement with Hillary Clinton on 'basket of deplorables', Obama's criticism of Donald Trump - again, the latest commercial criticizing Donald Trump, I Love War commercial, and Gary Johnson's gaffe on Aleppo. Gary Johnson, Kelly Anne Conway, Aleppo, Basket of Deplorables, Hillary Clinton health, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Clinton. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #243 – “Sick ‘n Tired, Listeners on Kaepernick and Lahren, RAPIST Brock Turner is on the Loose, Soledad O’Brien on Media, Kids Sue Trump, Pam Bondi, Jake Tapper has Concerns, and Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich AREN’T Doctors.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:21

Jesse and Brittany discuss their respective illnesses like a couple of elderly people, talk about listener voicemails and emails about Colin Kaepernick and Tomi Lahren related to the National Anthem and “respect” for the flag. Follow up this episode is about Rapist Brock Turner being released from jail after 3 months. Soledad O’Brien explains how the media is complicit in normalizing racism and white nationalism. Bill O’Reilly asks Donald Trump if his birther obsession could be the cause of having about 1% support among African Americans – Trump stalls for time. Donald Trump’s illegal campaign contribution to Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi is a problem. Apparently NO ONE cares about Donald Trump’s tax returns… Except for MOST PEOPLE. Jake Tapper and Jesse agree about Trump’s bizarre turn-around about needing/having a plan to fight ISIS and knowing more than the military Generals. Oh yeah… Also, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich have freakishly large heads and try to diagnose Hillary Clinton’s likely non-existent illness without the benefit of medical expertise. Did we mention their heads are MASSIVE? Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #242 – “Chick-Fil-A, Tomi Lahren vs Colin Kaepernick, Paul Le Page, Brock Turner, Anthony Weiner's Sexting Scandal, Donald Trump's Visit to Mexico, and Hillary Clinton's FBI Troubles.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:17

Jesse and Brittany discuss their adventure to Chick-fil-a, listener feedback regarding Colin Kaepernick and Jesse's Tomi Lahren video, Paul Le Page's contemplation of resignation, Brock Turner's release date is three months EARLY, Anthony Weiner is at it again, Donald Trump becomes a real politician, and Hillary Clinton just can't get away from the FBI. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #BONUS – “Nickolas M. Jones, 4th year doctoral student in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior at University of California, Irvine - discusses his trauma research.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:40

Nickolas M. Jones, 4th year doctoral student in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior at University of California, Irvine, joins us to discuss his research on using Twitter data to evaluate reactions to trauma in communities that experience mass shootings. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #241 – “Colin Kaepernick, Pastor Trouble, Burkini Ban, Sanjay Gupta's Take on Donald Trump's Health, Trump's Immigration Flip, Gov. Paul LePage's Racism, and Takin' Care of Biz feat. Mbah Gotho.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:23

Jesse and Brittany discuss their upcoming visit from friends, as well as their general approach to vacations, reactions to Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the national anthem, listener email related to Jesse's voting plans, a pastor who was critical of the victims of the Pulse attack in Orlando gets into some legal trouble, burkini ban overturned, Sanjay Gupta's take on Donald Trump's health, Donald Trump's immigration flip and Ann Coulter's reaction, Gov. Paul LePage's racism, White Lives Matter protesters, and Takin' Care of Biz featuring Mbah Gotho, who may be the oldest living person on Earth. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #240 – “Hope Solo & Ryan Lochte, Consequence-Free Rapist David Becker, EpiPen Madness, Donald Trump's Shady Business Dealings, Hillary Clinton's Secrecy, and Huma Abedin's Liability.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:24

Jesse and Brittany discuss Hope Solo and Ryan Lochte's punishments after their bad behavior during the Olympics, David Becker's lackluster rape punishment, Epi Pen price hikes and Martin Shkreli interview, Donald Trump's use of campaign funds to make himself richer, Hillary Clinton's lack of transparency, and Huma Abedin's problematic past associations. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #239 – “Debate Deets, Clinton Foundation Conflicts, Dr. Drew on Hillary Health, Trump Camp Ignore Polls, Regrets, How NOT to Court African American Vote, Threats Against NYT, Trump Artist is Takin’ Care of Biz.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:03

Jesse and Brittany discuss the Presidential debate schedule and requirements for candidate participation, more issues with Hillary Clinton emails and Clinton Foundation conflicts, Dr. Drew weighs in on Hillary’s health in spite of the fact that he hasn’t examined her, Donald Trump and his surrogates continue to ignore their terrible polls numbers and instead, focus on crowd size and rallies, Donald Trump “apologizes” for poorly chosen words and threatens to pull the New York Times’ press credentials from covering his campaign. And the ‘Fat Trump’ artist talks about his art. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore

 #238 – “LochteGate, Religious Clowns feat. Anjem Choudary and Carol Everett, Hillary Clinton State Dept Emails and Tax Returns, Al Baldasaro, Rudy Giuliani, Lt Gen Michael Flynn, and Fu Yuanhui’s Period is Takin’ Care of Biz!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesse and Brittany discuss Ryan Lochte and his possibly fake story of armed robbery in Rio, as well as the odd media coverage of some of the female athletes and their dominant performance, Anjem Choudary and Carol Everett are religious maniacs. Hillary Clinton’s email problems persist and now there are questions about the cozy relationship between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton’s tax returns show her effective tax rate. Also discussed are several Donald Trump surrogates (Al Baldasaro, Rudy Giuliani, Lt. Gen Michael Flynn) who’ve said RIDICULOUS things. Also, Chinese Olympic swimmer, Fu Yuanhui, and her period-talk is Takin’ Care of Biz. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage Patreon – http://www.patreon.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore


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