Sovereign Man show

Sovereign Man

Summary: Personal liberty is deteriorating, the economy is on life support and can flat line any day now, governments around the world are getting crushed by debt, and it’s all getting worse at an exponential rate. Out of these circumstances Sovereign Man was born, and since 2009 we’ve scoured the globe for information, solutions and contacts that help individuals and companies rise above the problematic politics of bankrupt nation states and the fraudulent and fragile financial system by diversifying elements of their lives across national borders. It's financial suicide to bet your whole life and future on a single country, and so the Sovereign Man podcast covers everything from offshore banking and second passports to finance, frontier investing and international living.

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 015: Prepare to be inspired | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you’re a long term reader of Sovereign Man, you’ll know that my favorite thing each year is our Liberty & Entrepreneurship Camp in Lithuania. For 5 days we bring together 50 up and coming entrepreneurs from all over the world, along with some of the most successful and smartest guys I know. We teach them about business, entrepreneurship and what it takes to be successful. I look forward to this camp all year long, and in today’s podcast I want to tell you all about it. However, I don’t just want to tell you about the details of the camp. I want to share with you some of the lessons that we taught the students that will be tremendously helpful for you as well. Some of our students said that these lessons were more important than anything they learned in 4 years of college. Sit back, enjoy, and prepare to be inspired.

 Podcast 014: Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:43

Ukraine: I can already see it on the street; so many businesses have closed. Hopeless unemployed youths are now roaming the city or joining the war effort. And the entire populace has been mobilized to support the fight. Of course, it’s pretty damn easy to cheer on the bloodshed when it’s not your blood. War can seem glorious when you only have to read about it in the newspapers. There’s so much more I need to tell you about—the only way for me to capture this was in another podcast, probably the most emotional I’ve ever done.

 013: Making sense of Ukraine – Boots-on-the-Ground Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:06

Looking back over the past ten years, I can’t even begin to describe all the experiences I’ve had in Ukraine. For a while, I actually owned a business based here. I’ve been travelling here frequently for years. I still have many friends here. Some of our employees are based here. And Kiev is one of the cities in the world that I know best. Yet even after all of that, I still can’t make heads or tails of this place.

 Podcast 012: Echoes of 1914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:29

Russians aren't exactly known for having a great sense of humor. But the language is full of bizarre, often hilarious expressions like "perebrasyvanie kakashkami". Literally translated this means "throwing shit". And it applies right about now—when a bunch of people is standing around blaming one another for something that has gone heinously wrong. "Heinously wrong" is somewhat of an understatement.

 011: Herd mentality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

China is set to surpass the US in a matter of months. And this shift of wealth and power is, by far, the biggest story of our time. Let’s explore this together in today’s Podcast episode. We’ll go back in time and talk about ancient cities, kings and queens, grand palaces, epic battles, and major crises... real Game of Thrones stuff.

 010: How the Fed Works (and its massive conflict of interest) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:14

Henry Ford once said, "It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." He was right about at least one thing-- it's true that hardly anyone on the planet really understands the monetary system... or the way that central bankers manipulate the entire global economy.

 009: A conversation about entrepreneurship and US real estate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

This podcast features a very special guest. A close friend. One of the most talented real estate investors I know. And someone who I respect beyond measure. J Massey. For the last two years, I brought J to Lithuania to our annual Liberty & Entrepreneurship camp where we teach up and coming entrepreneurs about business, investing, and success. I only bring the best of the best to this camp, and J is definitely in that category. Now, I’m bringing him to you in this podcast. J has owned more than 100 pieces of real estate, so if you’re interested in making money through real estate, or just thinking about buying a new home, then grab a pen and a piece of paper and take some notes. You’re not going to want to miss what J has to say. J has put together a special offer for his book that you can access here.

 008: Observations from my recent travels in the Land of the Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:43

Last week in the Land of the Free, I heard a radio campaign ad for a local political candidate while in Texas. In the ad, he was talking about the debt and excessive government spending. And then he said something along the lines of, "We need to get this under control before America goes bankrupt." 'Buddy,' I remember thinking, 'America isn't going bankrupt. It already IS bankrupt.' Have a listen to my most recent podcast (or watch it below) to hear more about what I saw on my recent trip to the United States.   I highly recommend taking advantage of the resources I share at the end of the podcast — click the links below to learn more: Sovereign Man Starter: If you’re just starting out and you want high quality, fast track intelligence with world class experts to cover all the fundamental areas, Sovereign Man: Starter is a great place to begin. Sovereign Man Master Class: Master Class is for folks who understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution. Your situation may be different. And Master Class brings a number of options to the table so you can figure out which one is right for you. Sovereign Man Confidential: SMC is our flagship intelligence alert service for his inner circle premium members. There is no finer intelligence service out there covering everything from global investment opportunities to international asset protection and diversification.

 007: How to destroy your financial system | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:27

I'm here in the Land of the Free, in New York City. And just as I was wondering what I would say to a high-ranking US politician if they asked me for advice on how to destroy their financial system, Joe Biden's limousine arrived at my hotel accompanied by small army of secret service agents. Alas, he hasn't yet sought me out for my input but if he did want to know how to destroy the US financial system here's what I would tell him:

 006: Are you wearing your seat belt? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:26

In this episode of our podcast, I want to share a story about a pretty nasty car accident I was in a few days ago. The fact is that driving on the highway with thousands of other vehicles is not a consequence-free environment. And just as one idiot can cause massive problems for everyone else, so too politicians and central bankers are setting the stage for a financial disaster. In your car, you have your seat belt. But what about your assets, hard-earned savings, personal liberty, privacy, and future? How are you protecting these? Have a listen for actionable information on how to get your seat belt on. In This Episode * Simon Black takes you through his recent car accident and some valuable lessons he took away from it * the latest stupidity of the United State government that has consequences for everyone * how money printing has become the 'solution' to all of our problems * specific ways to diversify yourself and your assets away from this system I highly recommend taking advantage of the resources I share at the end of the podcast -- click the links below to learn more:   Sovereign Man Starter: If you're just starting out and you want high quality, fast track intelligence with world class experts to cover all the fundamental areas, Sovereign Man: Starter is a great place to begin.   Sovereign Man Master Class: Master Class is for folks who understand that there is no "one size fits all" solution. Your situation may be different. And Master Class brings a number of options to the table so you can figure out which one is right for you.   Sovereign Man Confidential: SMC is Simon Black's flagship intelligence alert service for his inner circle premium members. There is no finer intelligence service out there covering everything from global investment opportunities to international asset protection and diversification.

 003: The coming collapse of the international monetary system | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:21

Jim Rickards, author of one of my favorite books Currency Wars and his upcoming book “The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System”, joins me today to discuss the death of money. You’ll hear about: Why a collapse of the international monetary system is coming Why it will be bigger than last time, and bigger than central banks Why he thinks the Fed can’t print their way out of the next crisis And why you won’t like the solution Liked this? Subscribe on iTunes and share it with a friend below:

 002: Simon Black and Peter Schiff on Gold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:10

For our second Sovereign Man podcast, I'm pleased to bring along a special guest-- my friend Peter Schiff, who I've just spent the last week with darting around the Caribbean. In today's podcast, Peter and I focus on gold: why you should own it, and what's happening in the marketplace right now. If you know anything about Peter, you can probably already tell that this edition will be highly entertaining. Peter and I were both speakers at an investment conference that I'll tell you about. And while I generally turn down all the speaking invitations I receive, this event was really great, and I'm glad I went.

 001: The Inaugural Sovereign Man Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:50

There's a lot going on in the world and sometimes it's just too hard to capture everything in a 500 word missive. In our first podcast episode, we cover a range of topics from the Sovereign Man worldview and the deteriorating personal freedom in America to telling examples from history, and give some very timely advice that rational thinking people ought to be considering right now. I encourage you to download it, put it on your mobile device and listen to it at the gym, in the car, and share it with your friends, and also feel free to let us know what you think. You'll find it on iTunes as well in the very near future, along with more exciting episodes.


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