Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 138: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 3 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:24

138: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 3

 138: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 3 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:24

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 138 of Life on Fire TV. Today we’re wrapping up the third installment of your 3 day motivational challenge. Our focus is increasing your performance tenfold by getting into the zone easier and staying there longer! I’ll walk you through how to create a powerful morning ritual to supercharge your day, how to master your calendar and how to stay super motivated no matter what challenge crosses your path. Check it out on today’s episode of Life on Fire TV.

 137: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 2 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 22:56

137: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 2

 137: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 2 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 22:56

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 137 of Life on Fire TV. Today we’re talking about the REAL way to set and achieve your goals. This is exact process I’ve used to sell my business by the time I was 30 AND to meet and soon marry Megan Ann, the love of my life. We’re building off of what we learned in the first day of the motivation challenge: how to change our internal state quickly by tapping into our own life on fire moments. In day two of the motivation challenge we’re discovering how to reach any goal in your business or any other area of your life. Whether it was a New Year’s resolution or any other type of goal almost all of us have set goals at one point in our lives. But how many times have you set a goal and then not reached it? And how discouraged did you feel when that happened? The process I’m sharing with you today is going to change all of that for you; I can say that because it did for me too! In this episode you’ll hear: Why I tattooed my chest (2:45). How I found the love of my life (6:50). Why it’s so important to get your “reps” in when setting goals. (12:40) The importance of public accountability in achieving your goals. (16:15) What are goals on fire? (17:40) And so much more! The first step in this goal setting process is to get into state. By that I mean get into the right frame of mind for setting goals. Get excited! Use that moment on fire technique from day one to get pumped up. Next get clear on what you want; I recommend starting with a monthly set of goals. By the first of the month get those goals written down on paper. When you’re writing them out make them attainable. Don’t say you’re going to go to the gym every day. Life happens and you may not be able to go every day. You want to make your goals attainable so you can begin to build congruence, or what I call getting your reps in. The more goals you write down that you actually reach the stronger your goal-setting muscle will become. You can also stretch yourself even with attainable goals. Sign up to run a 5K or a Tough Mudder. Now you’re motivated to work out because you’ve got a race coming up! Now that your goals are clear and you’ve written them out, print them out so they are visible in your home or at your office. Post them in your bathroom or above your computer. Put them somewhere you will see them every day. You want them to be visible because you’re going to read them every day. You also will be making them publicly known. You can do what I do and add them to a Powerpoint, then take a screen shot of your goals for the month and post that screen shot on Facebook. If you don’t want to post them on your personal page you can post them in our Life on Fire Facebook group where people will hold you accountable. And that’s the key reason for posting your goals in public: accountability! Now that your goals are written, posted where you can see them every day and posted publicly, write a letter to yourself. This letter is going to be about how you feel AFTER you’ve reached those goals. Be vivid, make it emotional and be specific. How do you feel after you’ve reached your goals? What is your life like now? Write it out. And you’re going to read that letter to yourself every day. Imagine how much a difference this letter will make while you’re achieving your goals: how much easier is it going to be to tackle those challenges now that you’re reading how great it feels after you’ve overcome them? That’s why you read your letter every day!

 137: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 2 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 22:56

137: Three Day Motivation Challenge Day 2

 136: Three Day Motivation Challenge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 19:11

136: Three Day Motivation Challenge

 136: Three Day Motivation Challenge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 19:11

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 136 of Life on Fire TV. Today starts day one of a three day motivation challenge we’re hosting for you! By joining the challenge you’ll find out how to tap into your mindset, how to clear your negative thoughts faster and replace them with positive ones to help you stay fired up! This isn’t about motivation that passes and then you go back to your everyday life, this is the kind of motivation and enthusiasm you can tap into whenever and wherever you need it. The purpose of the three day motivation challenge is to help you create sustainable motivation, the kind that has you inspired and fired up to get out of bed in the morning. This is about creating the kind of internal state that you want for yourself no matter the outside circumstances, and tapping into that state when you chose to. In this episode you’ll hear: • Can you change your internal state in a moment? (3:45) • 3 steps to being motivate and energized in any moment. (9:30) • How can you leverage your personal moment on fire? (11:55) • The key to breaking through any challenge. (13:40) • A personal example of how I overcame a fear. (15:45) • And so much more! 
 The first step in creating the internal state you desire is to find your moment on fire. Think back to a time when you accomplished something no one thought you could, or a time in your life when you were incredibly proud of your achievement. It could be sports-related or academic, or a personal thing you did that made you feel like you were on top of the world. Now drill down to a precise moment in that experience when you had that feeling of satisfaction and attainment. What exactly were you feeling? Remember those feelings and take that into step two: your physiology. What was your physiology in that moment? How were you standing, what was your body doing? If you completed a marathon perhaps your arms were stretched out over your head and your smiling as you crossed the finish line. If you earned a degree maybe it was when you were walking across the stage with your head held high and your walk was tall and proud. Take that physiology and put your body into that exact position again, feel those same feelings in this moment. And that will take you to step three: the meaning. Step three is about attaching a meaning to that experience and that moment of achievement. Does that experience mean you can do anything you want and so can anyone else? Does it mean you really are smart, brave and confident? Choose the meaning you want and attach it to that experience. So now you have your life on fire moment, you know how your body was in that moment and you have a meaning attached to it. Combine all three and you have the perfect way to change your internal state and be motivated at any time. And you can apply this technique to give yourself motivation, or energy or focus or any other state you want to create. Want to be energized? Think back to a moment when you were energized, remember how your body was and then attach the meaning of energetic to that experience and body language. Now you have your energized moment on fire and you can tap into it whenever you want more energy! In this episode I give you a concrete example of my own moment on fire and how I’ve used it to create MORE moments on fire, and how I tap into them whenever I need to shift my internal state. You can hear all of that on the 136th episode of Life on Fire TV! Thanks for being here and we’ll see you next time. EPISODE RESOURCES • • 3 Day Motivational Challenge Day 02 • 3 Day Motivational Challenge Day 03

 136: Three Day Motivation Challenge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 19:11

136: Three Day Motivation Challenge

 BONUS: Jet Packing & Paying It Forward with the Firestarters | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

BONUS: Jet Packing & Paying It Forward with the Firestarters

 BONUS: Jet Packing & Paying It Forward with the Firestarters | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

In this bonus episode, we check in with the Firestarters during our May 2015 Life On Fire Mastermind. We spend a day Jetpacking in the San Diego bay and then head down to Belmont Park to recreate our Pay It Forward Friday episode where we hook up kids with ride tickets on the boardwalk. Check it out! EPISODE RESOURCES Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast Write a Review on iTunes

 BONUS: Jet Packing & Paying It Forward with the Firestarters | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

BONUS: Jet Packing & Paying It Forward with the Firestarters

 135: How To Hire A Virtual Assistant | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

135: How To Hire A Virtual Assistant

 135: How To Hire A Virtual Assistant | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 135 of Life on Fire TV. On this episode we’re talking about one of the most important ways to leverage yourself in your business: how to hire a virtual assistant, and how best to work with them. As entrepreneurs we love to do take it all on and do it ourselves! So often we think no one can do it as well as we can. But the truth is hiring someone else to help us is one of the best ways we can grow our businesses. And while we may be very, very good at something if that task isn’t profit-producing and income-generating it is a task someone else can do for us. Early on in my business I hired Donna who you will hear from on this episode. Donna has been with me throughout my entire business journey. I hired her to help me with social media 5 years ago and since then she has grown into greater roles with greater responsibility. She’s been critical to my success and I’m happy she is a significant part of the Life on Fire team. Today Donna talks about how she’s grown into her current role as the hub of our customer support team. She’s also hired and trained several virtual assistants (VAs) over the years and has figured out what to do and what not to do with VAs! She shares all of that on this episode. In this episode you’ll hear: The two tools to make your life easier when training a VA. (18:30) How to be ready to let go and let your VA handle work for you. (31:50) Are VAs employees or contractors and how does that impact your business? (35:00) How to trust your VA with your social media tasks. (42:00) Should you outsource your Facebook ads? (51:00) And so much more! The first step in hiring a VA is to make a list of tasks you would like to give your assistant. Even if you aren’t in a place where you can hire someone right now this is still an important step to take because when you are ready you’ll know what you need help with. When you know what you need done you’ll have a better idea of who you need to hire. And when you’re ready to hire you have many options. To take the guesswork out of what company to use Donna and I share our experiences with several different companies we’ve used. In the past we’ve worked with Employee 123 and had good experiences. We also have worked with Virtual Staff Finder, my friend Chris Ducker’s company. They blew us away with the level of detail and attention they provided. It literally took Donna two days to decide from the candidates they offered us because they gave us so much information on each person - which is a good thing! They made sure we had everything we could possibly need to make the best choice for us, and we did. If you aren’t looking for a part-time or full-time VA but you have a project you need completed you can use a web site like oDesk. I’ve used this in the past and it’s worked out well. You sign up, post your project and how much you’ll pay to have it done and then people apply. You choose from the applicants and once you both agree to the terms they start working for you. Whether you go with oDesk, Employee 123 or Virtual Staff Finder your next step will be to document how you want your tasks completed. You can use a tool like Jing or Snagit to do so. Jing is free and Snagit is inexpensive so they’re both great options for you. Now your VA is ready to work so your only responsibility at this point is to track their progress and manage them. You can track the progress of tasks by using a tool called Asana. You assign, track and manage tasks within Asana so everyone is on the same page; it’s a much simpler and easier way to keep the workflow flowing. And that’s how you hire a virtual assistant and manage them! It’s one of the best practices I’ve implemented in my business and it’s paid off handsomely.

 135: How To Hire A Virtual Assistant | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:15:31

135: How To Hire A Virtual Assistant

 134: How to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:17

134: How to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith


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