Right to Life Radio show

Right to Life Radio

Summary: This is the podcast for Right to Life of Central California's weekly, pro-life radio show, broadcast every Saturday from 9-10 AM on Power Talk FM 96.7 and AM 1400 in Fresno. Our host (and RLCC executive director) John Gerardi gives all the latest news on the pro-life movement in Fresno, throughout California, and nationally. Subscribe today!

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  • Artist: John Gerardi
  • Copyright: Life Report is produced by Right to Life of Central California. Copyright 2017


 Behind The Scenes Audio: Recording the New "Pro-Life Celebrity Interview" Intro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:03

Listen to Jason Tatham recording the new "british" voice-over for the Pro-Life Celebrity Interview shows. After doing a few takes, Jason goes on to say the line with the following accents: Irish, Cockney, French, Scottish, Texan, Virginian AND Russian!

 #68: Interview: Jay Watts, Life Training Institute | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:57

Jay Watts, Vice-President of Development and Communications of Life Training Institute takes on the Life Report Questionnaire. Highlight: In response to question #9, Jay talks about the need for pro-lifers to be culturally relevant. Right before we recorded this interview, I had been debating my wife Hannah about whether we should include "silly" questions like #1 and #2, and Jay says Hannah's right because people need to know that pro-lifers are like them. We watch movies. We're not weirdos. We just found out about something so horrible that some of us spend our lives talking about it in an effort to stop the injustice.

 #67: SPECIAL REPORT: What's REALLY Going On with Abortion and Health Care Reform? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:32

LINKS AT BLOG.PROLIFEPODCAST.NET Josh and Jon sat down yesterday to address the abortion/health care debate, using, get ready for this, facts and sound reason only. Would abortion be covered in the public option health insurance even if the word "abortion" is not included? (Yes.) Has Planned Parenthood been disingenuous in their talking points on the issue? (Yes.) Have any pro-lifers (hint: Sarah Palin) exaggerated any of their claims on this issue? (Yes.) What about the Capps Amendment compromise? Is the White House now backing off on the public option? These questions and more are answered in today's show. It's longer than usual, but we wanted to be sure to be as factual and unbiased as possible, and as always, we're exposing the fibs on both sides of this debate! (Oh, and don't miss Josh's head exploding near the end of the episode over the guy who brought a gun to an Obama event.)

 #66: Youth Pastor & Student Discuss Josh's New Presentation: "The Devil's Advocate" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:52

Jeff Zimmerman, Junior High Youth Pastor at The Bridge Church brings one of his students to join Josh and Kyle in today's podcast. They're discussing a new presentation "experiment" Josh has been doing around Fresno called "The Devil's Advocate," where the youth pastor introduces Josh to the student group as a pro-choice person, and Josh debates the youth for 10-20 minutes. It is only then that the youth pastor stands up, and informs the students that Josh is actually a full-time pro-life advocate, and this has been a mock debate. Josh then comments on what the students did well at as well as the areas that could use some improvement, and helps fill in the gaps. The purpose is to prepare the students for discussions they will have on college campuses and elsewhere, and to have these discussions in a gracious manner, learning to both stand for truth AND respect the other person.

 #65: iPod Winner; Josh Was Wrong & What Terms Should Pro-Lifers Use in the Abortion Debate? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:56

The iPod winner is announced; we were included in OnlineBibleColleges list of "100 Incredibly Inspiring Christian Blogs;" Josh may have been wrong for nitpicking about the term "moment or fertilization" AND we discuss the use of the terms "pro-abortion," "pro-choice" and "pro-life." Relevant links at blog.prolifepodcast.net.

 #64: Listener Mail - Post-Roe Punishments and Stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:25

The Life Report team responds to listener emails that have been piling up lately. Listener Mail: 1. Responses to CatholicVote.org debate (from episode 58) 2. Responses to article condemning women for regretting their abortions (from episode 59) 3. "I think I have an alternative illustration to Francis Beckwith's on the question of when life begins." 4. "I think the issue of capital punishment will be very divisive in the pro-life community if Roe vs. Wade is overturned." (includes discussion of how pro-lifers should respond when asked how women should be punished if abortion became illegal!)

 #63: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:26

It's part 8 of the continuing series responding to Kenna's pro-choice video: "Pro-Life Lies." The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" she's heard, and in this series, we're responding to them all! (And pro-lifers are often surprised by our stance on some of these...) In this episode, we respond to the statements: "Women are meant to have babies." "An aborted child could have cured cancer." "Abortion promotes promiscuity." "Abortion promotes eugenics."

 #62: Interview: Rich Poupard, Life Training Institute | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:37

Rich Poupard, apologist and master blogger of Life Training Institute takes on the Life Report Questionnaire. Highlight: In response to question #5, Rich gives a thoughtful case for the use of graphic pictures, which leads into a discussion on the pros and cons of driving trucks down the highway with large graphic pictures posted on them.

 #61: Our Starbucks Screw-Up; Josh at UCSD; Using Pop Culture to Beat Abortion Arguments. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:53

What?! Josh screwed something up? Yup. He tells all. Includes a discussion on the most effective ways to make a difference when someone accidentally promotes a company that donates to Planned Parenthood. Josh also shares some experiences from debating pro-choice college students at UCSD last month, participating in an exhibit with Justice For All. Includes an example from pop culture you can use when discussing back-alley "coat hanger" abortions. Find out what popular pro-choice celebrity just doesn't buy into this argument.

 #60: Listener Mail - Pro-Life Atheists, Auditing Pro-Life Internet Commenter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:44

Listener Mail Questions: 1: "Is Randy Alcorn out of line when he implies in his book that it's surprising when some atheists become pro-life?" 2: "Can you audit my internet debating skills on abortion?"

 #59: Josh Comments on Pro-Choice Blog; Article Condemns Women Who Regret Abortion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:49

Josh recounts commenting on RHRealityCheck's blog after a recent bit of abortion-related violence, and why you should do that too! Than Carrie reacts to an article written by a pro-choicer condemning women who say publicly that they regret their personal abortion! SLIGHT DISCLAIMER: The first 5 minutes of this show are probably about the funniest 5 minutes we've ever recorded, but they have little if anything to do with pro-life issues. If you just want to hear the intellectual side of our podcast, start the show at about 6 minutes in.

 #58: Howard Stern Show Doesn't Like Us/Debating the Banned Superbowl Ad by CatholicVote.org | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:50

Surprise, the Howard Stern show, (or at least one of their members,) is not a big fan of our show. Shocking. Josh explains. After telling that story, Josh and Jon get into a spirited debate about the popular second CatholicVote.org commercial. (The ad that was not allowed to air during the last Superbowl.) Josh's position is that while the commercial makes an effective emotional appeal, it sends the wrong message. Jon argues that most people won't think about it in the way Josh is and that the commercial should be supported in absence of better alternatives. Listen to the debate and then tell us what you think!

 #57: Did He Just Say That? Obama at Notre Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:09

Johnny Gerardi, President-Elect of Notre Dame Right to Life stays for one more show on Obama at Notre Dame. This time, Josh, Johnny and Liz respond to 5 audio clips from Obama's speech at Notre Dame.

 #56: Notre Dame Pro-Life Leader Speaks Out On What REALLY Happened | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:21

What really went on behind the scenes at Notre Dame before Obama's speech? What did the media NOT tell you? How effective were the more "fringe" pro-lifers at reaching the other Notre Dame students and faculty? Johnny Gerardi, President-Elect of Notre Dame Right to Life comes on the show to tell all. One of the best interviews we've ever had on the show. Don't miss this!

 #55: Interview: Bryan Kemper, Stand True Ministries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:02

Bryan Kemper of Stand True Ministries takes on the Life Report Questionnaire. Highlight: In response to question #8, Bryan gives a passionate appeal for pro-lifers to treat abortion advocates the same way we would treat anybody else, based on his personal testimony.


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