Where Did the Road Go? show

Where Did the Road Go?

Summary: Every week, we talk about various subjects that are off the beaten path, interviewing various authors and researchers to delve deeper into what really makes up our reality.

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  • Artist: Seriah Azkath
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 Aethyric Productions


 Researching the Paranormal with Joshua and Taylor - Oct 28, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah welcomes Joshua Cutchin and Taylor Bell. Engaging discussion ensues, focusing around the hands-on techniques involved in doing paranormal research and content-creation. Topics include citing sources, the "paranormal web" of connected subjects, Indo-European horse sacrifice, choosing and narrowing topics, communicating to audiences with varying levels of knowledge, endnotes, spoken vs. written material, witness testimony, evaluating sources, bibliography requirements, apocryphal stories, multiple pillars of support for researching a paranormal topic, authenticity, Graham Hancock, accessing library and archival resources, locating the context of a quote, "Communion" and the Gray Face, serendipitous book finds, speculative non-fiction, high strangeness, reports from Eastern Europe circa the collapse of the Soviet empire, examining subjective experiences, replicating themes in paranormal reports, mytho-poetic similarities, post-modernism, gnosis, the real/unreal binary, the Fortean concept of societal dominants, Terrence McKenna, "Timewave Zero", 2012, 2016, acceleration of societal change, Yuga cycle, cyclical change vs. evolutionary progress, reincarnation, Darwinism, memory palaces, monuments in America vs. Ireland, fate and effort, tantra, changing book prices online, manipulation of "best seller" status, algorithms, problems with consumer polling, internet privacy dangers, online image searching, crowdsourcing, "Don't F*ck With Cats", internet-driven vigilantism, SWATing, alien-human hybrids, recognizing biases, Star Wars, pre-incarnation memories and memories of time spent unborn, reptilians, an anthropological approach to the paranormal, underground bases and underground Fairy Folk, conspiracy theories and their origins, "gazing into the abyss", the economic realities of an artistic career, creative destruction, societal effects of the pandemic, practical advice for would-be creative producers, and much more! This is an engrossing conversation between three very different artists immersed in the paranormal! Recap by Vincent Treewell Download  

 Kundalini and High Strangeness - Oct 16, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah interviews Lindsay on a deep dive into her kundalini experiences. Topics include meditation, a shadow person, the "red glowing eyes effect", chakras, uncontrollable bursts of energy in the body, hot and cold symptoms, OBEs and the silver cord, the 3 knots, energy blocks, psychological issues, transfers of information by touch, a transparent apparition, entities who seem surprised to be seen by humans, a mechanical cuckoo/strange sphere experience, an oddly behaving static globe, electrical phenomenon, the SLI "slider" phenomena, kundalini effecting vehicles, pulsation experiences, strange sounds and voices, distant transmissions of words, the brain's role as filter, universal energy field theory, empathy, Jane Roberts channeling Seth, reincarnation, intuition, energy attracting strangers, encounters with a strange shape-shifting animal, black dog phenomenon, and much more! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music is Mouth of God by Meka-Nism Download

 Ghosts of Atlantis: Part 2 with JD Kenyon - Oct 9, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah interviews author, researcher, and long-time "Atlantis Rising" publisher J. Douglas Kenyon. Topics include decay of stars, crystals, Kurt Vonnegut, Neanderthals, Colin Wilson, Stan Gooch, the Carpathian Sphinx, Dr. Robert Schoch, Romanian and central European esoterica, Atlantis and the historical Jesus, parallels between Christianity and ancient Egyptian religion, Atlantis as a global socio-political order, Plato, Minoan civilization, end of the last ice age, Rose and Rand Flem-Ath, Charles Hapgood, ancient maps, Antarctica, alignment of ancient temples, pole shifts, Scott Creighton, live organisms in Antarctica ice cores, the Caribbean, Edgar Cayce, Dr. Greg and Lora Little, the Bimini Road, Pauline Zalitzki, ocean floor formations off of Cuba, sunken ruins near India and Indonesia, alleged "Bosnian Pyramids", Japanese "Yonaguni" structures, Graham Hancock, extremely ancient petrified wheel ruts, Dr. Alexander Koltypin, Malta, Gobekli Tepe, multi-level underground structures in Turkey, Incan monuments and older civilizations, structures on Mars, Richard C. Hoagland, Dr. John Brandenburg, nuclear war on Mars, possible destroyed planet between Mars and Jupitor, cosmic catastrophism, Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impact, Dr. Avi Loeb and Oumuamua object, crop circles, Australian "saucer nests", fakery and media, Andrew Colllins, academic/scientific peer review and its problems, bias on Wikipedia, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Luc Montagnier, homeopathy, holy water, morphic resonance, "Eye of Africa" formation, cyclical climate of the Sahara, Jimmy Bright, Edgar Cayce's hall(s) of records, alternative Egyptology, reincarnation, Association for Research and Enlightenment, the "Forbidden" series of books, and more. This is entrancing discussion that connects to so many subjects! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music is War by High Council Donwload  

 The Warrens with Adam Sayne - Oct 2, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah hosts Adam Sayne for a deep dive into the work of Ed and Lorraine Warren, their influence in pop culture, and their very interesting connections. Topics include the film "A Haunting in Connecticut", Snedeker family, paranormal reality TV, the book "In a Dark Place", Ray Garton, perception of demons everywhere, the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican II, the Tridentine (Latin) Mass, Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul XI, ecumenism, the Traditionalist Catholic movement, Malachi Martin, the Rite of Exorcism, the Protestant Reformation, translations of the Bible, Society of Saint Pius X, Marcel Lefebvre, the "Orthodox Roman Catholic Church", Robert McKenna, Francis E. Fenton, John Birch Society, anti-communism, Biblical examples of exorcism, Enfield Poltergeist, parapsychological research, Maurice Grosse, Guy Lyon Playfair, "Demons in Seattle" case, apports, Roland Doe, "Exorcism in St. Louis", William Peter Blatty, Spiritualism, Ouija boards, Dr. J.B. Rhine, Rhine Institute, "Exorcism of Emily Rose", "Exorcism of Anneliese Michel", temporal lobe epilepsy, Whitley Strieber, the film "The Exorcist", the "Conjuring" movies as propaganda, the apparitions and prophecies of Fatima, the concept of perfect possession, the book "Michelle Remembers", Satanic Panic, John Zaffis, "Paranormal State" and "Ghost Hunters" TV shows, Detective Ralph Sarchie, Sally Jessy Raphael, skeptic Joe Nickell, people claiming to be sexually assaulted by demons, Perron family haunting, Amityville, Amityville ghost boy photo, Smurl family haunting, book "American Exorcism" by Michael Cuneo, Father Robert McKenna and Ed Warren, and more. This is a fascinating conversation, packed with information! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro by Just a Memory "For the Love of Pity" Download

 Talking Robert Anton Wilson with Greg Bishop and Adam Gorightly - Sept 25, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah hosts Greg Bishop and Adam Gorightly. The discussion begins with iconic writer/philosopher Robert Anton Wilson and Discordianism- and quickly goes... a lot of places! Topics include: 1960's and 70's counter-cuture, RAW's "Winners Scripts" and changing suicidal negativity, "The Illuminatus! Trilogy", Kerry Thornley, Greg Hill, Dr. Robert Newport, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jim Garrison, JFK assassination investigations and conspiracies, the summer of love, psychedelics, libertarianism, Playboy magazine, Discordian names, pranking important people and organizations, the Illuminati, the John Birch Society, paranoia, Live Action Role Playing, Timothy Leery, Disinfo.Con, RAW's unique funeral, zines and the early internet, model agnosticism, Information Awareness Office, John Poindexter, Operation Mindf****, fake Illuminati chart, Robert Shay, "Principia Discordia", Loompanics Publishing, Discordian Popes, Church of the SubGenius, slack, true skepticism vs. anti-belief, CSICOP, James Randi, dogmatism, reality tunnels, ritual magick, RAW's encounter with possible non-human entities, experience of a number of unconnected people with beings from the Sirius star system, Philip K. Dick, Dorris Lessing, Jim Moseley's "Saucer Smear", artist David Huggins, Susan Demeter-St. Clair, temporarily adopting belief systems, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Aleister Crowley, "Mirage Men", strange phone calls and opened mail, magick and co-creation of reality, Dr. Karla Turner, surveilance and mail manipulation of activists, liminal experiences, Dean Radin, laboratory testing of ESP, Lou Elizondo, remote viewing, ego/greed limiting results, drug testing in today's world, people's unease with uncertainty and ambiguity, David Weatherly, Bigfoot, Lyle Blackburn, the paranormal conference circuit and groupthink, UFOs, and more. This is fascinating conversation, loaded with information and unexpected connections! Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by Unverkalt with "Solitude II" Download

 Great Pyramid Void Enigma with Scott Creighton: Part 2 - Sept 19, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is a recap of both this episode and the Patreon one for this show... Seriah continues his deep-dive interview with author, historical researcher, and alternative Egyptologist Scott Creighton. Topics include the symbolic positions of the pyramid and their link to Osiris, the Pharaoh Khufu, cataclysmic events in ancient times, pole shifts, post-ice age flooding, Project Osiris, huge missing chunks of ancient Egyptian history, hieratic script vs. hieroglyphics, Hans Goedicke, Ahmed Saeed, the possible forgeries of Colonel Vyse in the 1830's, John Shae Perring, J.R. Hill, discrepancies between Vyse's published works and his field notes, the British Museum, anomalies in the Great Pyramid, John Gardner Wilkinson, the true purpose of the pyramids, ancient Egyptian religion and the reason for mummification, missing bodies of pharaohs, Giovanni Battista Belzoni, ritual of Osiris, George Andrew Reisner, empty royal sarcophagi, Egyptian oral tradition, possible uses of statues in the pyramids, Giza power plant theory, Houdin's theory of a spiral ramp to build the pyramids, the "Dendera lightbulb", possible ancient Egyptian balloon technology, apparent Dakota fire pits in ancient Egypt, Montgolfier brothers, evidence the pyramids were under water for an extended time, Sherif El Morsi, grain storage in the Great Pyramid, evidence of an ancient explosion inside the Pyramid and its possible cause, Graham Hancock, Herodotus, Dominique Goerlitz and Stephan Erdmann, problems of carbon dating, Walter Cruttenden's theory of Earth's Sun being in a binary star relationship, celestial procession, the predictive purpose of the Great Pyramid, Earth's rotation changed by a cosmic body, lost history, and much more. This is a fascinating discussion loaded with information! Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by Snaig Tharta with "On Remembering" Download

 The Great Pyramid Void Enigma - Sept 11, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah interviews Scott Creighton, alternative Egyptologist, historian, and author of "The Great Pyramid Void Enigma: The Mystery of the Hall of the Ancestors". This is a tightly focused, riveting discussion! Topics include possible alternative purposes for the building of the pyramids (instead of just tombs for pharaohs), British Colonel Vyce's possible forgeries in the 1830's, electronic scanning of chambers within the Great Pyramid of Giza, Zahi Hawass, traditional knowledge of the Coptic Egyptians, medieval Islamic scholars, ancient Egyptian texts destroyed by repeated invasions, the value of oral traditions/legends/folklore, the science of "Geomythology", ancient peoples' memories of celestial and geological events, the world-wide great flood, the ice age, polar shifts and reversals, long-ago cataclysms and extremely drastic planetary changes, Peter Warlow's Tippe-Top Theory, cyclical "flipping" of the Earth, sphinxes, the meaning of east and west, symbolism of the pyramids' locations, the Atomic Core Explosion, Chan Thomas's book "The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms" and its censorship by the CIA, Flavio Barbiero's theory of the Earth being inverted by a relatively small comet, the Dzhanibekov effect of objects in space, the rapid melting of ancient ice caps, the massive concentric rings in the "Eye of Africa", Atlantis, ancient monuments' meaningful positions relative to each other, Charles Hapgood's Earth Crustal Displacement Theory, ancient monuments connected by an algorithmic spiral, Mark Gaffney, the Giza pyramids alignment to the constellation Orion, Robert Bauval, astronomer Ed Krupp, Graham Hancock, inverted star map in ancient Egyptian architect's tomb, the allegorical myths of Isis/Osiris/ Seth, Dr. Virginia Trimble, Alexander Badawy, massively different estimated ages for the Great Pyramid of Giza, passages beneath the pyramids and what they held, messages contained in the construction of the Great Pyramid, Project Osiris, and more. This is fascinating, information-packed conversation! Recap by Vincent Treewell Download

 Wandering the Silver Screen - Sept 16, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Movie review show with Adam Sayne and Katie of the Night... Download Movie List; * Malignant * Prince of Darkness * Prisoner of the Ghostland * Wrong Turn - Remake * The Conjuring Movies * Things Heard and Seen * Southland Tales * The Witch * The Lighthouse * The Empty Man * For All Mankind * Autopsy of Jane doe * Giallo movies * Midsommer and Hereditary * Resolution * The Endless * Brand New Cherry Flavor * John and the Hole * The Field * The Hum * Katla * Gaia * Army of the Dead * Castle Freak 2020 * In the Earth * Spontaneous * The Curse of Professor Zardonicus * Doors * You cant kill David Arquette * Tomb raider * Willy's Wonderland * Butt Boy * Synchronic * Cold Skin    

 Wandering the Road with Joshua Cutchin and Red Pill - Sept 4, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah hosts Joshua Cutchin and Red Pill Junkie. A wide-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include phenomenology, "making the cut", Jeffrey Kripal, non-judgmental research without getting stuck on the true/false dichotomy, the importance of broad trends in the paranormal vs. singular incidents, recurring motifs and archetypes in the paranormal and folklore, efforts to purge serious study of the paranormal of falsehoods, Roswell, phenomena appearing in fiction before being experienced by witnesses, the imaginal vs. the imaginary, Betty and Barney Hill, "The Outer Limits", co-creation, dogmatic skepticism, morphogenic field theory, medieval European explorers' descriptions of distant animals, psi research, Anjali, fakery and scams in the paranormal community, George Adamski, George P. Hansen, the concept of a gray basket, "Dr. Jonathan Reed" and his screaming alien, Steven Greer, shamans and sleight of hand, ritual in medicine, folk remedies, the power of belief, Edgar Cayce, Stanley Krippner, Patrick Harpur, non-physical entities leaving physical effects, synchronicities, Jung's "plum pudding synchronicity", Josh's most intense personal synchronicity, a fascinating deep dive into Travis Walton's abduction story and ongoing controversies (including a similar story from France in the 1500's), and more. This is highly interesting discussion between three aficionados of the strange with great chemistry! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Download

 Adam Gorightly - Saucers, Spooks and Kooks - Aug 28, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah and Chris host Adam Gorightly and discuss his most recent book "Saucers, Spooks and Kooks: UFO Disinformation in the Age of Aquarius". In the information-packed discussion, topics include: government disinformation operations, Paul Bennewitz, the Cash-Landrum incident, U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Richard Doty, National Security Administration, APRO, Bill Moore, cattle mutilation, Gabe Valdez, Linda Moulton Howe, the mythos of an underground joint U.S. government/alien base near Dulce New Mexico, hypnotic regression, Myrna Hansen, tinfoil, orbs as (human) military technology, John Leer, Gulf Breeze UFO sightings, Ed Walters, the "Gulf Breeze Six" military personnel, William Leer, David Perkins, Tom Adams, the "Dulce Papers", MJ-12, Ann West, MUFON, William Cooper, government infiltration and manipulation of the UFO community, Bill English, Bob Lazar, anti-government politics in ufology, To The Stars Academy, "disclosure", the Aviary, Robert Bigelow, black projects, foreign intelligence and counter-intelligence, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation. No matter how much you know about this stuff, it's virtually certain you will learn something new! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music is Haven by Divinity Destroyed Download

 Lost Star of Myth and Time with Walter Cruttenden REDUX - Sept 2, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Originally Aired on May 4, 2013 Walter Cruttenden's book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time is a groundbreaking piece of work dealing with the cycles of time and the possibility that precession is driven by a binary companion of our own sun. Walter is also the founder of the Binary Research Institute, and host of the CPAK conference. He has a documentary out called The Great Year, and even a children's book on this topic called, The Great Year Adventures with Tommy the Time Travelling Turtle. In this interview, we discuss; Cycles of Time. The Rise and Fall of Civilizations. How Ancient Cultures viewed Time. Precession and it's possible causes. Binary Star Systems. Whether or not we could have a binary companion. The possibility of being connected to Sirius. The unusual behavior of Sirius. What the ancients said about Sirius. Ancient technology. Golden Ages. Yuga Cycles. The Great Year. Out of place artifacts. And plenty more. Walter's work is unique in many ways. The book is really a must read, and although we get speculative at times, Walter is very grounded and scientific in his work. Download  

 Paranormal Explorations with Colin Kerris - Aug 21, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah interviews Scottish author and paranormal researcher Colin Kerris. Fascinating conversation ensues. Topics include personal experiences with apparitions, UFOs in the UK, bedroom invaders, poltergeist phenomena, ghost armies, reality media and greater public acceptance of strange experiences, charlatans, crypto-fascism in the paranormal community, claims of self-described "super soldiers", misuse of "Occam's Razor", brain hemispheric dominance in the dream state, "Hauntology" as an academic discipline, scientific psi research- including Colin's personal experience, emotion and psi, psychics and solar activity, Colin's shamanic sickness hallucinatory journey/visitation, sightings in a Scottish hot spot, unexplained ambient music, channeling and creativity, Sun-Ra, allegations of back-masking in music, commercialism vs. art, modern marketing and musical production in the case of Kid Rock, "Disney Rock", music's primal roots and pagan ritual, British coverage of U.S. "UAP Disclosure", materialist scientific dogmatism, the individual nature of paranormal experience, and much more! This is a very interesting discussion. The section on Hauntology alone is worth listening to the whole thing! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by The Plankboys - Drinking Song from the Tomb Download

 Legends of Lost Lands - Aug 14, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah is joined by Super Inframan AKA Saxon, and Taylor Bell of the Green Lion Podcast. A wide-ranging conversation ensues. Topics include heavy metal music, Mount Shasta, Lemuria, space brothers, the Shaver mysteries, H.P. Lovecraft and material that seems to "want" to be written, lizard people, Bigfoot as "Keepers of the Woods", Native American folklore, ancient Polynesian immigration, Atlantis and other lost civilizations, "The Lost Continent of Pan", Gobekli Tepe, bicameral mind theory, history lost at the end of the last ice age, "Hamlet's Mill", archeoastronomy and mythology, pole-shift and pole-reversal, Velikovsky's Venus theory, the power of the entrenched status quo in science and academia, Egyptology, giants in the Americas, fact suppression by both science and religion, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, the value of questioning one's own beliefs, "Seth Speaks", scientific knowledge in Hindu ancient texts, and much more! Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by Andrew McKee with Hourglass Download

 Wandering the Road - August 7, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Natalie. A wide-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include personal experiences in cemeteries, high-energy spots, a "moving" Buddhist monastery, ghost theories, brain-synching among people working cooperatively in a scientific study, brain-monitoring tools, the French band "Air" and their mystical/Fae connections, materialist-reductionism vs. non-physical consciousness, abuse of "Occam's Razor", Adam Gorightly, psychedelic's, perception vs. reality, the various types of human "bodies" (physical, subtle, mental, etc.) in mystical belief systems, OBEs, astral projection, Lovecraftian mythos, Natalie and Heathers' entity appearing to others, Christian Science and New Thought, Stephanie Quick, sickness/trauma as a gateway to spiritual contact, the ubiquitous mystery lights, "god-forms", archetypes, experiences with a Welsh god, reincarnation, past-life memories, the self as a collective, the Hindu concept of spiritual evolution, Seth channeled material, Ouija encounters, the "oversoul" and fractional selves reincarnations, ascended masters/secret chiefs, the current time of mass transitions, Vedic cosmology and Yuga cycles, Sirius as a second sun and its consequences, dreams and electronics, Australian Aboriginal dream life, Deja Vu vs. Deja Reve, cultural appropriation vs. inter-cultural reverence in Witchcraft and the occult, and much more! This episode connects to SO much! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by Polyethylene with Thurman Wood Warmed Nights Download

 Wandering the Stars - August 11, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This show was recorded on July 16, 2021 Seriah hosts Chris Ernst, Super Infra Man, and Red Pill Junkie. A fascinating discussion occurs. Topics include the "official UAP disclosure report", the militarization of space, reasons why humankind has not returned to the Moon, secret space programs and break-away civilization theories, billionaires' private space hobbies, the difficulties of keeping humans alive off of Earth, the "Star Trek" universe as post-capitalist, Moon landing denial, questions about Stanley Kubrik and the lunar footage, Robert C. Hoagland and "edited lunar material", Ingo Swann, structures on the Moon, legends of an Asian female mummy found on the Moon, rather odd reactions by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin's UFO sightings, Sedona and the face on Mars, George Lucas's esoteric references, climate change, the "Star Wars" universe, art vs. business, the phenomenon of being so rich/successful that no one can question you, Star Wars vs. Star Trek in philosophy/ideology, "The Nine", Andrija Puharich, D. G. Vinod, Gene Roddenberry, Trekkies, the 1960 French book "The Morning of the Magicians" and the 9 Unknowns, the power of narratives, the 17th century Rosicrucians, John Dee's Enochian magick and the British Empire, the Masonic origins of the United States, Netflix series from Iceland "Katla", "Sasquatch" series, Jacques Vallee's experiences with hippies and bikers, the archetype of the Wild Man, and much more! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Download


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