The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey show

The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

Summary: In a world that tells us that slick and shiny is the only way to go when it comes to building our businesses, I'm here to provide an alternative.I'm Jo Casey and I'm the coach that you come to when you've grown tired of the bro marketers and their obsessions with the size of their funnels are and how early they get up every morningIn this podcast, I'm going to be sharing the Unshiny approach to doing business. And how this can lead to greater connections, more clients, and an all-around lovelier way of doing things. It's all about showing up fully as our genuine selves. Yes. Even with the imperfection and the messiness that can come along with that.I'm going to be having conversations with fellow business owners, but also people who are pioneers in changing our perceptions of success and who we have to be to attain that. So join me each week as we dive into helping you build your Unshiny business. 

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  • Artist: Jo Casey
  • Copyright: © 2023 The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey


 Podcast Ep 53 – How to REALLY use Facebook to Grow Your Coaching Business with Jordana Jaffe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:09

Podcast Ep 53 – How to REALLY use Facebook to Grow Your Coaching Business with Jordana Jaffe

 Podcast 52 – Why Coaches Need To Learn To Love Marketing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:41

In this episode I'm going to tell you why coaches need to learn to love marketing I don't care if you're a life coach, health coach or any other sort of holistic, service based person who uses coaching in their arsenal - if you want to run a successful business - one that makes you money and allows you to do this amazing thing called coaches, you need to market. So you may as well learn to love it - Am I right? Even cooler, I'm going to show you how marketing needn't be the sleazy manipulative thing Bill Hicks railed against - it can be beautiful, heartfelt and a force for social good. In fact, I'm so passionately convinced about just why coaches need learn to love marketing that I've produced a special download that will guide you through a process of falling head over heels in love with the m word. Not only will you still respect yourself in the morning, your business and your clients will thank you too. Bonus I've created a groovy little worksheet for you to bust through any unhelpful beliefs you have around marketing yourself and your coaching. AND it's something you can adapt and use to help clients get past any unhelpful beliefs they're carrying - double whammy!   Listen to the podcast here:

 Podcast 52 – Why Coaches Need To Learn To Love Marketing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:41

Podcast 52 – Why Coaches Need To Learn To Love Marketing

 Podcast Ep 51 – Life Coach Heidi Taylor on How To Break Your Own Rules (& Why You Should) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:03

Podcast Ep 51 – Life Coach Heidi Taylor on How To Break Your Own Rules (& Why You Should)

 Podcast 50 – Remember Why You are Doing This | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:00

Podcast 50 – Remember Why You are Doing This

 Podcast 50 – Remember Why You are Doing This | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  I want you to remember why you are doing this. This crazy, out of step thing that's building a coaching business. I want you to remember why you are doing this - especially when it get's hard or challenging or scary or tiring (all all of them at once)! I'm struck (especially at this time of year) of the importance of reflection - and how it's so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of busy, or task lists and goals and 10 point plans and all of the 'work' that goes into building a business. And how, while that stuff is all important, it's also easy to lose sight of why we're doing this. Why are we stretching our comfort zones like this? Why are we pushing ourselves into places that scare us - but we do them anyway. Why, why WHY???? are we doing this to ourselves when if can feel so hard and so vulnerable and so overwhelming? But there is a very good reason why we're doing this. Remember Why YOU Are Doing This. I want you to remember why you are really, doing this - and why it's more than worth it carry on even though the growth pains and uncertainty that are all part of the  roller coaster of running a coaching business. This episode is a little, heartfelt reminder of that. Listen in here:

 WHP Ep 49 – Why you need to stop talking about your process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:45

WHP Ep 49 – Why you need to stop talking about your process

 How To Have Clarity & Confidence In Your Coaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:35

How To Have Clarity & Confidence In Your Coaching

 Is The Coaching Industry A Pyramid Scheme? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

Is The Coaching Industry A Pyramid Scheme?

 Is The Coaching Industry A Pyramid Scheme? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

When Andrea Owen came on my show late last year, we had a LOT to talk about. the key topic was what it REALLY took to build a successful coaching business. Since then the industry seems to have bloomed/ballooned depending on your perspective with a proliferation of high ticket programs promised 6 figures in ridiculously short timescales. Add in a few scandals and some fairly outrageous claims of success from people telling others how to make it as a coach (without necessarily having a track record to speak of themselves). The fact that for most people, building a coaching business can feel like a lot of hard work with very little to show for it in the beginning causes them to wonder if the only way to make money in coaching is through selling services to coaches. It's prompted more than a few people to ask 'is the coaching industry a pyramid scheme?' Andrea and I are passionate broads - we love coaching and are desperately trying to walk the line between you can SO do this, you go girlfriend! And This is WAY harder than anyone tells you and you need to be prepared for  a LONG. HARD. road ahead. The truth of most people's experience is it's somewhere in the middle. Coaching is a brilliant, nurturing, amazing, industry. We get to do soul feeding work. But it's a business and setting up and running a business is a learning curve that's steep for many of us. It's also something that's not taught very well by coaching schools - after all they're in the business of teaching people how to be great coaches. And honestly, I don't know anyone in this industry who genuinely went from zero to six figures in a few months. No one. Even those people who SAY they've gone from zero to six figures in a few months turn out to have had previous businesses, lots of prior experience or have made that six figures by investing a similar amount (turnover and revenue are two very different things). So what does it take to be a successful life coach? We're so passionate about coaching, and so f*cking frustrated at how great coaches are burning out and giving up before getting chance to do the work they are meant to do in the world that we're running a free class on the 30th June - you can get all the details here: Andrea and I revisit our conversion on what it really takes to be a successful life coach and we cover: * How to decide whether to invest in that big ticket coaching program * Whether the coaching industry is becoming a giant pyramid scheme (hint: It's not - but there are some dodgy characters out there, and we tell you how to avoid them). * The simple brass tacks fundamentals of what you need to start doing. * What advice the Andrea Owen of today would give to the Andrea Owen just starting out * The 1 thing you need to be consistently doing above everything else to make this gig work. Show notes: How To Fascinate by Sally Hogshead Plugins: Opt In Skin Google Analytics Register for the 6 biggest mistakes webinar here Listen in here:

 Podcast ep 45 – Should You Add Group Coaching To Your Services? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:34

Many coaches focus on building up their practice based around working one on one with clients. But there is a lot to be said for introducing group training into your business model. Working with groups can bring it's own rewards - you can reach more people, create a community and add a different aspect to your coaching. But if you've only ever worked one on one working with groups can be a bit intimidating - so I've called in the cavalry. On today's podcast I'm talking with JJ Carolyn, a fellow coach for coaches (although she's thinking of changing that - WAY too much alliteration!)  who specializes in helping coaches get their groove on in the first few weeks out of coach school. She's a big advocate for group coaching and helps coaches develop their practice to include group packages (if that's what works for them.) In this episode we discuss: * Why group coaching can feel so intimidating to new and emerging coaches, * What the challenges really are * How you can develop your confidence and give group coaching a go. About JJ Carolan She's a Certified Professional Coach and BCBA who passionately partners with life coaches who are motivated to buck tradition and live their true lives. You can find out more about JJ by visiting her website, or hooking up on Facebook I want your thoughts! Have you considered group coaching? If so, what stopped you from doing it? If you have tried it, what was your experience? What are your questions? Yes I know I'm a nosy bird but I want to know! Ask me in the comments below - I promise I'll respond personally. Listen in here:

 Podcast ep 45 – Should You Add Group Coaching To Your Services? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:34

Podcast ep 45 – Should You Add Group Coaching To Your Services?

 Ep44 Kicking Ass In Your Coaching Biz – An Interview With Andrea Owen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

I know I don't really have an air of cool about me but I sometimes like to convince myself I'm pulling it off...Until I interview someone like Andrea Owen and my total lack of coolness is exposed for all the world to hear! I love this woman! Funny, smart, author of 52 Ways To Live A Kick Ass Life and all round awesome human (have you seen Shit Life Coaches Say? Genius I tell you!) I love that Andrea doesn't suffer a huge amount of bullsh*t AND that she's got major opinions on what it really takes to make a living as a life coach - and she shares it with us today. Show Notes: Andrea's website Your Kick Ass Life Connect with Andrea on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest I Want Your Thoughts! Do you agree with what Andrea and I have to say? Got a question? Leave a comment below and let me know - I promise I'll reply personally (cross my heart.) Listen in here:    

 How To Find Success Without Being ‘Fearless’ – And Interview With Julie Lowe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:48

There are many myths about fear  - the most pervasive for me it this idea of being 'fearless' - that to be really successful we have to somehow beat fear into submission - or just not experience it at all. Frankly, that's total bollocks (a quaint British expression for my non UK friends meaning , tosh, nonsense, or testicles!) No one gets away without feeling fear (unless they're someone devoid of emotions.) Fear is just one a a range of normal, natural, healthy emotions we as humans experience and Fear is something that comes up for many of us coaches a lot,  and I think that we over-complicate it because it doesn't fit into how we think we 'should' be feeling. An all too common fear is of putting yourself 'out there'. Marketing, networking, even just calling yourself a coach all falls under this banner. And it doesn't stop there - the webinar you've been putting off running? How about the guest post you've been meaning to pitch (I'm not judging here - I wrote 11 guest posts before I had the courage to even send one out to the guest blog.) the mastermind you want to join or the high profile person in your industry you want to interview. Here is the biggest myth about fear - successful people have eradicated it and it will go away when you're 'ready' Fear will always be there. Fear is part of the deal. The only way to overcome fear is to work through it. Step by step. Which is why I'm so excited to interview my guest this week. She's Julie Hagan and in some on the online circles I mix in she's a bit of a goddess. A social medial strategist, she's highly thought of and always seems to have a webinar, course or or teleclass to promote. So I'd made the assumption that fear wasn't an issue for Julie. But I was dead wrong. Here's something she wrote in one of our groups recently: So at the beginning of the year, I was terrified to do webinars, videos of any kind, telecalls, hell, to even talk to people on the phone for free consults! I was terrified to put myself out there and potentially not measure up. As of today, I've recorded well over 100 videos & webinars, talked to LOADS of people on free consults, done 2 virtual group workshops, 2 live events and I have 2 more scheduled, and I've lost count of how many Hangouts and podcast interviews I've done. Kicked that fear in the ass. I still get nervous some times, don't get me wrong, but I'm doing it and it gets easier and easier. In our discussion we dive into just what prompted her to share this very personal journey,  what she's learned over the year and how you can stop fear from holding you back from acquiring the coaching business you crave. I Want Your Thoughts! Leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of this week’s episode Listen in here:  

 Let’s Kick The New Year In The Ass! – Day 5 – Resilience and The Real Key To Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:50

After several years of working in the online world, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the biggest difference between those who ‘succeed’ and those who don’t, is that the successful coaches simply stuck at it for long enough to gain traction, clarity and build a client base. So in today’s final part of this micro audio series, I’m looking at the skills you need to keep going and stay sane, healthy and happy while enjoying the entrepreneurial journey. I’m going to share practical tools to reduce your stress levels and build you resilience so that you can be in it for the long haul. Want More? As I mention at the end of many of the audios in the series, this content is a mini taste of the sort of work I love to do with new and emerging coaches. I'm currently looking for beta testers for a group coaching program. If this is something you'd be interested in learning more about, use the form below to contact me and I'll send you the details:   Listen in here:


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