Sound Health Options - Richard & Sharry  show

Sound Health Options - Richard & Sharry

Summary: USING THE IDEA THAT FREQUENCIES CONTAINED IN THE VOICE ARE HOLOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF YOUR STATE OF HEALTH, THE FIELD OF HUMAN BIOACOUSTICS WAS PIONEERED. • Each person possesses unique harmonics of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when these complex frequencies of the body become unbalanced, the voice primarily reflects this altered state, and the body manifests it as dis-stress or dis-ease at the structural and biochemical levels. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Frequency, as vibrational medicine, is at the heart of the world of wellness as we know it. Nearly thirty years of development by Sharry Edwards has shown that every muscle, compound, process and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent™ that can be mathematically calculated. The body is a predictable math matrix. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can be used to determine which nutrient frequencies are required by the body. Meet our co-host, Richard Olson. With over 30 years experience Richard Olson is a determined researcher and experienced alternative practitioner. He is a Master Herbalist and expert in a variety of other nutritional systems. Richard has extensive training in many body-energy modalities, including cranial sacral, Bowen Method, Swedish Esalen, and Imagicreation. Many energy healers have benefited from his background in Radio and sound technology; working with Richard in the development of effective use of The Voice. His interesting mix of right brain intuition and left brain education guarantees a transformational and entertaining experience.

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  • Artist: Sharry Edwards
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Very special Guest Dr. Jonathan Wright | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

Dr. Jonathan Wright, author, lecturer and Director of the Tahoma Clinic will be our guest.  Some of the topics we will be discussing include: bio-identical hormones (male and female), ObamaCare, the realities of medical care today, and the nutritional aspects of health & wellness. To join the online meeting:  Go to  If requested, enter your name and email address. Password: april10 Click "Join" Join us Sund at Noon EST on Blog Talk Radio to learn more! To learn more about our Guardians of the People, check out: Be certain to check out our profiles at Missed last Sunday's show?  Tune into our archives at:

 Do you want to know if you've been exposed to radiation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

We will be continuing our presentation of the Radiation threats to America, Canada and Mexico. We are following several people's vocal profiles and will report on our research project using the new InnerSense software - RADIATION RESCUE. We have sent copies of the software to our BioAcoustic Practitioners in Japan and want to share it with our audience. This software, plus an additional software program that identifies stressed vocal frequencies in the voice and a textbook will be provided to our BlogTalk listeners. We will be demonstrating the software LIVE on the air. To join the online meeting 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: april3 4. Click "Join". To learn more about Guardian's Of The People, check out: Be certain to check out our profiles listed on Missed last Sunday's Show? Tune into our archives at:

 Do you want to know if you've been exposed to radiation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

Have you been exposed? Radiation poisoning: is it coming to our shores? How can we protect ourselves? We have something to share that may be beyond what the government wants you to know. Obama announced that no American was in danger from Japan's radiation. Was he telling the truth? Have you been exposed? We have some very important information to share. Audience participation. Be ready to find out if you have been exposed. To join the online meeting ----------------- 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: march27 4. Click "Join". Join us Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio to learn more! To learn more about Guardian's Of The People, check out: Be certain to check out our profiles listed on Missed last Sunday's Show? Tune into our archives at:

 Sound Health Options with Sharry Edwards and Richard Olson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

How to use Vocal Profiling to SELF TEST for food REACTIONS BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST; Richard and Sharry will be asking for listener volunteers to test the theories of Vocal Profiling and food reactions. Using Vocal Profiling to SELF TEST is easy and fun. Go to, download the software and be prepared to save time, money and frustration. We can show you how to produce management reports to share with your wellness provider. For those of you who want to volunteer, please have your suspected food or beverage handy. We will take your vocal print on the air and discuss the results. You can even watch the process if you join us on WebEx via your computer. The WebEx link can be found below: To join the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to We are posting a passage from the Velveteen Rabbit that we use for testing at: Join us Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio to learn more! To learn more about Guardian's Of The People, check out: Be certain to check out our profiles listed on

 Prince Williams and Commoner wife Kate Middleton: What continues to attract them to one another? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

How ready for marriage are Kate Middleton and Prince William? Are they really compatible? How do they get along in private? Join us for the opinions of two experts in Energy Compatibility. Pamala Oslie will be using the Energy Colors of the couple to provide expert advice on how they perceive one another and their best strategies for getting along. Sharry Edwards will examine the Vocal Matrix of the future King of England and his commoner bride to determine how they get along and what their potential is for staying together. From the turmoil of his parent's union, we are sure that Prince William wants far more from his bride than his father, Prince Charles, was ever able to provide to the much loved Princess Diana. This will be audience participation show. WebEx invitations to watch the show can be found at below. Pamala is an author, consultant, lecturer, and professional psychic. She has written three books - Life Colors: What Your Aura Colors Say About You; Love Colors: A New Approach to Love, Relationships, and Auras; and Make Your Dreams Come True. We will be talking about how this all comes together on Pam's newest venture, Sharry is the recognized leader in Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and the Director of the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, an alternative health research center in southern Ohio. They publish a Journal of BioAcoustic Biology that is provide to the public at: To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 Sharry and Richard discuss, GMO's broad effects and do some VP's | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:00

The movie, The Secret, tells us that we can have what we want, but does not tell us how to identify our true inner desires. By request we will be going Beyond The Secret as we evaluate vocal prints for compatibility and self-intention. So ask your significant other to join us; or just find out what kind of partner you are looking for. We are also going to be sharing information about Signature Sounds - how to find yours, what a Signature Sounds means and what you can do about the frequencies that bombard you every day. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 Guest Author: Jennifer Robin-' Growing More Beautiful' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:00

BECOMING more COLOR-FULL with Jennifer Robin Jennifer's new book, Growing More Beautiful, is an artful approach to developing your personal style using all of your available resources. She will share with us the art of using your body and your environment to develop and live your personal philosophy through outward self-expression. Join us to learn how to show the world the REAL you. ------------------------------------------------------- To join the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to

 Guest: Stephen Heuer, of Cocoon Nutrition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Stephen Heuer, of Cocoon Nutrition, believes that the first step in making your body allergy free to taking care of cell permeability. The FDA is trying to stop him from sharing these techniques that have proven efficacious. He has been arrested, detained, threatened and harassed for telling it like it is. Join us for a provocative, in-depth look at the steps to keep you healthy that our own government is attempting to keep buried. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 Guest Lita Lee, Ph.D., Author - The Enzyme Cure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

This Sunday on Sound Health Options, Sharry and Richard welcome Lita Lee, Ph.D.. We will be talking with Dr. Lee about her research in the use of enzymes for allergies and hormonal imbalances. In 1998, Future Medicine published Lita's book, "The Enzyme Cure", which covers 11 years of research and clinical experience in plant enzyme therapy and presents 50 different case histories covering 36 different health conditions linked to enzyme deficiencies. "The Enzyme Cure" book also covers Dr. Lee's work on hormonal balancing and environmental health. Lita Lee, Ph.D. is a chemist, enzyme therapist, nutritionist, author and lecturer and has been in private practice since 1984. Her clients span the globe. People find out about Dr. Lee from her lectures, TV and radio shows plus her books, articles and newsletters as well as the Internet. Dr. Lee has an office in Portland, Oregon. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 Do you have Allergies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:00

Do you have allergies? Do you want to know how allergies are affecting your body? We may be able to help. We are going to spend our SoundHealthOptions hour using Vocal Profiling to test people against items they think may be causing allergic reactions. Join us Sunday at noon EST on BlogTalkRadio for this special edition of SoundHealthOptions. We think there is a time coming, very soon, when medical support will be unattainable either because the government withholds or restricts services, or from the lack of funds to pay for the services you think you need. Health decisions have been taken out of the hands of your personal physician by ObamaCare regulations. Efforts to repeal ObamaCare have failed because of Senate obstructionists even though several Courts have ruled ObamaCare unconstitutional. How does/will ObamaCare affect your health: forced vaccinations, forced medications, rationed care, lack of the right to use to nutritional supplements, lack of unadulterated food, limited access to medications; forced compliance with threat of service suspensions. The threat is so massive that 40% of medical doctors have stated that government dictated medical service, is not medicine they want to practice and state that they will leave medical practice is ObamaCare is implemented. We hope that helping you test yourself for possible allergies will be the first step in helping you create SELF HEALTH using Vocal Profiling software. Our video broadcast of this show will allow you to witness the techniques that promise to be the Medicine of the Future! To join the online meeting: 1. Go to

 Guest Susan Elizabeth Hale, author of "Sacred Space, Sacred Sound" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

What Secrets did they leave for us to find? What did the Ancients know about sound, healing and architecture that escapes our modern pool of knowledge? Our ancestors didn't want us to forget that shapes have the potential to create sites of healing through sound and frequency and so they hid the information in man-made architectures. Susan Hale has visited many of these "holy places" and attempted to unravel many of these Sacred Spaces in terms of Sacred Sounds. Susan Elizabeth Hale M. A., is an internationally renowned music therapist, sound healer and author. Her latest book is "Sacred Space, Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Mysteries of Holy Places" which was recently translated into Italian. She is a seminar leader, teacher and coach, helping people to explore their sacred paths and find and free the natural voice. Susan is also the creator of Earth Day-Sing for the Trees, a global celebration that included over 3,000 people from 39 countries singing to trees. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio Do you have Cancer in your family - would you like a non-intrusive, inexpensive way to test for Cancer biomarkers/biofrequencies? This is just one tiny part of what we have to offer. The Guardian Network, what is it, why it is important to anyone who wants to maintain an optimal quality of life. What we have provided to the public a way of SELF HEALTH and what is planned for the future is the medicine of the future. What BigPharma and BigBrother don't want you to know about cancer prevention, autism and GMO's is incredibly important. If you care about the planet and your children's future, you will join us for another audience participation show. We have discovered the basis for most disease, our goals is to get that information to the public through our public information shows. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 More SEX Factors, Live online profiles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

The Sex Factors Is SEX an emotional or biochemical response? Last week we talked about the biochemicals and organs of SEX in relationship to our Vocal Profiling software program that is designed to evaluate sexual/chemical responses . This week we are going to continue that theme by offering online LIVE profiles for our listeners and viewers. Remember that you can now watch us do Vocal Profiles on the air by using the invitation below. So if you have an issue with sexual desire or performance, tune in, we may have the answer. This is an important issue for millions of people. We want to help by showing you how easy it is to our software program, TheSexFactors to reveal what is going and how our software may be able to offer some helpful suggestions. So Tune- In to Tune-Up Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio. Optimal Health through BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the wave of the future. To join the online meeting 1. Go to

 The SEX FACTORS! ...biochemical aspects of love... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:00

The SEX FACTORS! Join Richard and Sharry as they explore the biochemical aspects of love and affection. We will be doing LIVE Vocal Profiles for those who want to check out their hormones of sex and reproduction. Do you know that has a frequency? This is an important show especially for those who have been exposed to chem-trails, airport scanners and other experiences that influence sperm count and ovulation. Let all of you friends know that Sound Health has the ability to help people protect our genetic code and our future. Join us Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio! To join the online meeting 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: blog2 4. Click "Join". To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

 Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Combining information and education to spread the word and teach the world about Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling. What is hidden in your voice? An audience participation show: what personality are you looking for in a mate. Listeners can phone in, describe their perfect partner and we can determine if what they want is a mere fantasy or their reality. This should be fun! To join the online meeting 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: btr1 4. Click "Join".


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