The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes

Summary: This podcast is designed to help you achieve personal healing, discover your strategic purpose, and lead with maximum impact. In it, Brian Holmes offers a mix of training, interviews, and other relevant content each week that will challenge you to grow your personal and leadership potential.

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 #357: 5 Things Every Person Should Do When Faced With A Major Decision [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:33

Everything in our lives, from the time we're very young, as we go through school and college, and certainly as we become adults, is a series of the results of choices we've made. Relationships, jobs, careers, and even major purchases - are all choices you're faced with. I'm going to share 5 things every person should consider doing when faced with an important decision to be made.

 #356: The Danger of Retreating Into The Familiar [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:18

As you continue along on your journey to fulfill your purpose and live out who you were created to be, you'll be faced with an imminent temptation: the temptation to draw back and retreat into what you've always known. Is that a bad thing? Let's talk about it.

 #355: Real Adventure Requires Real Faith [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

One of my favorite places in the US, Lake City, Colorado, is home of The Alpine Loop. This isn't the safest most secure adventure one can take, so is it worth it to embark to begin with?

 #354: Practicing What I Preach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:55

In this day and age where we're always moving from one project to another, always connected, and always accessible, it is almost too easy to find yourself exhausted, burned out, lacking energy, and not having much to give. The concept of Sabbath (rest) has been paramount to the health of the person, family unit, business, and life, from the beginning of history. For decades now, especially in the western world, we have been conditioned to work hard, sacrifice our family's and our personal health, all at the altar of productivity and accomplishment. There is great danger in this. We are designed to accomplish supernatural things in life; however, we cannot give what we do not possess!

 #353: Monday Mastery – Say Yes to Your Significance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:42

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer.  When you think of people in your life who have tremendous influence - whether it's an author of a book you've read, a speaker at an event you attended, a sports coach, a personal mentor - take a reflective pause. What if that person, or those people, had never said "yes" to pursuing their calling and impacting your life, and the lives of thousands of others? If you're not saying yes to your own significance, who are you withholding impact and influence from? Whose life is missing your message? Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #352: The Process is as Important as the Destination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:14

Our cultural standard of instant gratification can leave us wanting for more than immediate results and ignoring the process by which we obtain them. If life is a journey, are you paying attention to the value of the road you're traveling, or are you simply in a hurry to "arrive"? Sometimes, in order for us to successfully arrive at a new level, there are lessons we need to learn (and apply) along the way. There is a destination, but the true value is in the process it takes to get you there.

 #351: Monday Mastery – To Whom Much Is Given | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:10

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer.  You cannot be a hoarder - not of physical stuff, not of experiences, not of knowledge. If you have been given breakthrough, healing, success, transformation, it would behoove you to pass that on to others as well. Listen in today as Brian unpacks this seemingly simple, yet loaded concept. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #350: From Personal Tragedy to Published Bestseller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:27

Epic failures in life, although they create pain and difficulty for a season, can be the cornerstones of a life of influence and success. There is a calling fulfilled by taking something which may have devastated you or your family, a personal failure or loss, an insurmountable tragedy, and using that as a baseline for helping others who may be going through something similar. Many of you have heard my story. I saw the vast need in the world: countless others who had been abused, raped, tormented by guilt, entangled with emotional connections they could not seem to shake. Tens of thousands have found hope and freedom as a result of me sharing my story, and publishing a book which became accessible around the world. This is also the case of my special guest today!

 #349: No More Excuses! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:01

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer.  We've become a culture of "I can't". For whatever reason, we excuse or talk ourselves out of our possibilities rather than attempting to pursue them. If my own mother can accomplish one of her lifelong dreams at the age of 81, there's no reason you can't do the same with your own dream, today. You really have no more excuses! Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #348: Break Out of the Funk and Level Up Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:47

As life ebbs and flows, there is a great value to be found in those IN-BETWEEN times (transitions). That being understood, how do we navigate those seasons where we find ourselves in a bit of a funk? What are the keys to successfully getting on the other side of the darker seasons, and breaking through to your next level? This is something I have personally been processing the last few months. I am going to share some insights with you that will empower you to focus, reset, and level up in YOUR life and leadership.

 #347: Create. Publish. Profit. Your Ticket To Greater Influence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:23

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. Your influence could be at your fingertips. There is an entire world of people who need the message, story, experience you have to share. It is worthwhile, it is important, and it is imperative you take the time to invest in what you know, to help thousands of others in what they need to know. Listen in to find out more. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #346: The Bennett Factor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:09

In 1881, Otto von Bismarck, the conservative minister-president of Prussia, presented a radical idea to the Reichstag: government-run financial support for older members of society. In other words, retirement. It took eight years, but by the end of the decade, the German government created a retirement system, which provided for living citizens over the age of 70. Since then, the idea that one only works until they reach a qualified age was set in the conscious of our culture. Corporations, investment companies, insurance programs; all of these are built on the premise that one lives, works, retires, dies. BUT WHAT IF…? What if one could live many years being productive and doing what they were born to do? What if it was possible to do what you loved, love what you do, and keep doing it until you couldn’t do it anymore? What if doing that could bring joy, change lives, and leave a legacy that will outlive you? It is possible, and I have seen it!

 #345: Monday Mastery – Be the Influencer You Are Created To Be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:54

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. What you have, what you know, and what you are gifted in are all factors in the exact purpose you were created to fulfill and with benefit to the exact audience you were created to impact. Listen in as Brian shares more about influence, your role in the world, and how to pursue your purpose. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #344: 7 Reasons Why You Should Attend The Create.Publish.Profit Workshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:29

There is nothing that positions you as an authority or expert as effectively as being a published author. You can launch your message, leverage your authority, and establish your position effectively and efficiently as a published author. Then, if you choose, you can parlay that message into an expert platform using audio, video, and online systems expanding your reach and changing more lives. Premise: You have a message, a story, and cause that matters You are drawn to a certain need or people group, and have something of real value to offer You have a desire to write, publish, and produce meaningful content for those you are called to serve If any or all of these are true, you should be at the Create.Publish.Profit. workshop on June 21st!

 #343: Your Pain IS Your Authority | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:41

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. When you experience tragedy in your life, it can be a devastating experience for you during that time. It doesn't, however, have to be the end result of that era of your life. What you've experienced and the pain you have gone through becomes your authority in that arena of life and can open more doors than it closed for you. Listen in today for a more in-depth discussion on how your pain IS your authority. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of the Strategic Living Podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode! SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.


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