How To Earn Money Online TV show

How To Earn Money Online TV

Summary: Video Tutorials on How To Earn Money Online

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 Episode 9: Interview with Affiliate Expert Shoemoney | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:57

Jeremy Shoemaker is possibly one of the most well know affiliate marketers on the internet. I had the opportunity at a recent Affiliate Summit West convention to interview Jeremy - better known as Shoemoney. He has been one of the top affiliate marketers and is very popular due to his famous Google Adwords affiliate commission check. He has been making money online and sharing his experiences online for over 10 years now. I have been following from the beginning of his career by checking out his posts on the various affiliate message boards, listening to his podcasts on webmaster radio and frequently checking his blog posts. Back then he was one of the first websites to show up when searching for 'make money online' in the search engines.

 Episode 8: Affiliate Summit 2013. On my way to Vegas! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:13

I thought I would shoot a quick little video about the upcoming Affiliate Summit West convention in Las Vegas. This is the 2nd time I have gone and hope they will have it in Los Angeles or San Diego next year!!! I am getting a little tired of Vegas! Seems like everyone has their conventions out there. Anyways, there is a ton of great information you can learn about affiliate marketing and how to make money blogging, vlogging, creating niche websites and numerous partnership opportunities. I also attend a lot of mastermind meetups and private sessions that are more on the advanced levels and held outside of the normal convention.

 Episode 8: On my way to Vegas! Affiliate Summit 2013 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 20:16

I thought I would shoot a small video about the upcoming Affiliate Summit West 2013 convention in Las Vegas. If you are a beginner or intermediate affiliate marketer, this really is the place to be! Not only can you learn a ton of great information in all of the sessions, the network opportunities really seems to be the big reason to go to the conventions. I go over the different sessions and talk about the parties and how you can benefit from the show if this is the first time you are going. Below is a partial list of the agenda, for the full agenda, please visit: If anyone else is going, just send me an email and maybe we can meet up while you are there! There are a ton of parties going on as well. Bryan Knowlton

 The Best Keyword Research Tool | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:34

By now you know how much I love using Market Samurai for conducting keyword research. You will be doing keyword research prior to: determining a niche market buying a domain name targeting keywords making a blog post identifying top keywords competitive research You don't HAVE to use Market Samurai, but it will help you to identify the best keywords to target way easier than using the google external keyword tool. The main difference is that you can identify hidden opportunities in niche markets. You also do not want to target the most competitive keywords as the chances of you ever ranking for those terms is pretty small. It would be a waste of time, energy and resources to target a keyword or keyword phrase you will never be able to rank for. Maybe the top 10 positions are already taken by Amazon, Ebay, or other large and established companies. The chances of beating them out is fairly small. But there are hundreds of thousands of opportunities to target keywords that might have less traffic, but will be easy to rank for. You can target these related keywords and keyword phrases to bring in the traffic.

 Episode 7: Set Some Goals and Chunk Em Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:58

Before you get started in your Quest to Make Money Online - Set Some Goals! When you are getting started, I really suggest getting organized, set aside some work space and start working on your goals and to-do list. This sounds pretty simple, but a lot of people skip this whole step because they just want to get started. That is a bad plan. That is no plan at all. Set goals to succeed Being an entrepreneur it is sometimes difficult to focus and things just never get done. We are easily distracted and people and shiny-objects are always competing to take our attention away at the task on hand. When I start on a new project, I usually start with some main goals with dates for when I want to get the goals completed. I then move on to creating a to-do list of tasks from the primary list of goals. But I break my to-do list into a series of very small tasks, some that only take a few minutes to complete. This is called chunking. Chunking will help you complete your tasks.

 Episode 7: Setting Goals and Chunking | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 34:37

In this episode I talk about the benefits of setting realistic goals and organizing your TO-DO list in to easy to manage chunks.  I also talk about some Mind Mapping software that will help you organize your thoughts so you have an easy to follow game plan to earn money online. You Need to Set Goals to Earn Money Online As an entrepreneur you know it is sometimes difficult to stay on focused and it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the tasks that need to be completed.  Bright and shiny objects come along all the time taking our focus away from the tasks at hand and causing distractions. By staying »Continue Reading More...»

 Episode 6: How to Install a WordPress Blog in Minutes | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:47

There are many reasons to use WordPress as the foundation for your websites. You can easily set it up as a static website or in the blog format where you have exerpts of your recent blog posts on your main page which usually links to additional categories of blog posts. The best reason to set up wordpress as your website is that it is already formatted to be indexed properly in Google and it is very easy to set up. Easy to set up Easy to use Easy to customize Can Be in blog format Can set up in Static format Basically optimized and ready to go My tutorial will show you how to set up a wordpress website in a matter of minutes. It is super easy, I promise! It is so easy to just get started. You hear me saying that all the time. Don't worry too much about the domain name, keyword research or anything at this point. If you don't have a niche website idea right now, think of a passion or just create a blog for relatives to check out. This will at least get you started with building a blog and learning how the software works. So pick a name, get hosting and install your wordpress blog. Last time I checked, Blue Host gives you a free domain name when you sign up for their hosting. I use blue host and they have very reliable and fast servers. Check them out by going to: MyBlueHosting.Com

 Episode 5: Podcast Interview with Gideon Shalwick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:05

I was dying to interview Gideon Shalwick about creating videos, video blogging and his FREE 92 page Rapid Video Blogging ebook. After finding his videos all around the internet, really all over the place, I knew that I would focus on video blogging instead of traditional text only blogging. Since he is over in Australia, we decided to do an audio interview to avoid pausing skype video problems. So to spice things up I added some silly looking Avatars, make sure to let me know what you think!!! I thought it looked pretty cool.

 Episode 5: Gideon Shalwick and Rapid Video Blogging | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 42:04

In this interview I was able to sit down with Gideon Shalwick and talk to him about his FREE 92 page Rapid Video Blogging ebook. He has inspired me for years and is one of the many reasons I decided to get in to video blogging instead of the traditional text blogging format. Given all the problems you can experience with Skype video interviews from the other side of the world, we decided to go with audio. I decided to use some talking Avatars to make things a little more visually exciting. I thought they were pretty cool, but a little on the silly side! I think if these Avatars are used in the right setting, they can really be of good use for the video marketer. Gideon has really only started his quest to make money online and enjoy the passive income lifestyle within the past 5 years. In that short amount of time he has become one of the most influential bloggers and definitely the video marketing expert. You can find out more about him at and if you want to get straight to the 92 page Rapid Video Blogging ebook, then make sure to check it out at In the beginning of the interview he shares with us his story on how he was tired of doing the 9-5 and making other people money. One day he decided to make some big changes, moved to Australia from New Zealand with his wife to start a new life and new business. He shares with us the reasons why he decided to become an expert at video creation and blogging. In the book he talks about the 7 steps for dominating your niche using the Rapid Video Blogging Method. I will lay out those steps below. Step 1 - Identify the niche you would like to dominate Step 2 - Produce high quality videos easily and FAST! Step 3 - Create a video domination hub Step 4 - Create powerful, response invoking content Step 5 - Optimize your video domination hub for maximum results Step 6 - Use some viral video magic for maximum exposure Step 7 - Monetize $$$ your asset Don't worry, these steps are all explained in detail in his Rapid Video Blogging ebook. We talk about his case study which is also included in his free report and how he helped a magician friend of his dominate the market with the keyword "free magic tricks" and bring in a ton of money as well. One of the last sections you do not want to miss is the 3 methods to make money with your video domination hub. These methods are also explained in detail in the free report. Fast Cash Injection Method The Competition Crushing Method The Passive Income Method And finally at the end of the report there is an excellent 2 page checklist that will help you get your videos and hub created in no time so you can start making money online. Since this was my first interview over Skype, I was very happy with the results and very grateful that it was with the best video marketer on the internet today! I am sure you are going to enjoy it very much. Until next time, just download the 92 page report and DO IT! ~ Bryan

 Episode 4: Keyword Research Tutorial | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 58:15

After months and months of development, we are finally on to my FIRST step-by-step Keyword Research tutorial. This is the very first step you should be taking when identifying a niche, preparing to write a review or posting a new article. It gives you to avoid attempting to target for keywords or phrases that you will never rank for and identify great keywords to target that have both a good amount of traffic and low competition. I am very excited to say the least!!! I can tell you there have been many hurdles I have had to jump through to get to this point, but I have finally overcome them all and should be delivering a ton of new step-by-step videos on how to earn money online! There were many reasons for the delays, but persistence has paid off and I was finally able to find a competent video editor and cut back on my busy work schedule. As I stated in my earlier videos, in addition to being an affiliate marketer with numerous online businesses for over 20 years, I am also a real estate appraiser. I really love being an appraiser and have been making more than ever before doing real estate appraisals for banks and credit unions.Recently I have cut back my hours running the appraisal business to put on live webinars and expand my marketing services to appraisers on my website Appraiser Income. In the beginning of this episode I briefly talked about some quick methods you can use to make some money online. I constantly receive feedback from viewers that need to make some extra cash, RIGHT NOW. I made a quick post about this on how you can make money online fast or at least quicker than you might going through all the techniques to create real wealth in the future. Check out the post to find out how you can make money online fast if you just need to make some extra money online. You can supplement your income or you might hit on something to replace your job. It is definitely worth checking out. Keyword research is the first step you should take when you are looking to buy a domain name, creating a new blog, writing articles or reviews of amazon products. You need to size up your competition if you are looking to rank for a keyword or a keyword phrase and determine if you can get in to the top position of Google. Google has all the traffic. if you are in the top 5 or 10 spots in Google, your page will most likely show up in the top positions on all the other search engines and directories. You can search and find the Google external keyword tool to do a lot of this research and identify how much terms are searched for and a very limited amount of competition data for that keyword or phrase. You can also identify additional keywords to target that you might never have thought about. You can easily spend hours doing keyword research to identify keywords to target, but when it all comes down to it, the Google External keyword tool does not provide you with enough information on the competition. You will need to get some addition plug-ins or manually search the keywords or phrases, check the competitions websites and identify how difficult it will be a keyword or phrase to rank for. Remember, your number one goal is to rank #1 for your keyword phrase, but without spending hours of manual research with the Google External Keyword tool, you won't know if you will ever be able to rank in the top positions. You can quickly size up the competition by using keyword research software like Market Samurai. Saving you hours of research time and possibly months or years attempting to target a keyword or search phrase that is just not possible. In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to use Market Samurai to do keyword research to find the most profitable and obtainable keywords and keyword search phrases. You will then be able to download your free tria...

 Password Management Software | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:43

Access ALL your usernames and passwords from any computer with this awesome password managment software. Fully encrypted and SAFE! Watch this video and go to to download your copy today!

 Episode 3: Two Methods I Use to Earn Money Online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:08

In this episode I show you two simple techniques I have used to make money online. On to episode 3 and I am really excited!  If you don’t have any experience making money online, then this is a great way to start.  One of the methods doesn’t even require you buying a website and setting up a blog!  Either way, you can follow these simple techniques to start making money online now. Two Simple Techniques to earn money online These are some easy to follow techniques that will help you to make enough extra money to possibly get some web hosting or buy some excellent keyword research sofware »Continue Reading More...»

 Episode 3: Two Easy Methods to Make Money Online | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 42:08

In this episode I show you two simple techniques I have used to make money online. I have used this methods in the past, but they are still valid today.  They are not exactly passive income methods, although reviewing Amazon products can continue to become a passive income stream if you are getting enough traffic from your pages.  Remember, you get affiliate sales from amazon no matter what products they purchase during their visit, as long as they follow your link first to get there. On to episode 3 and I am really excited!  If you don’t have any experience making money online, then this »Continue Reading More...»

 Episode 2: Pat Flynn Interview about Smart Passive Income | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:17:03

This is my all time favorite interview with Pat Flynn from the Smart Passive Income Blog and Podcast Probably one of the most popular affiliate marketers out there is Pat Flynn. I have always wanted to interview him from the time that I heard about him and I was finally able to take some time out of his busy schedule for a sit down interview. He is not only a great affiliate marketer, teacher and podcaster, but he is also an awesome family man and all around great guy! He has only been in affiliate marketing and making money online for about 5 years now, but in that short amount of time he has become one of the most popular affiliate marketers out there teaching others by example on how to earn money online, create passive income and lifestyle design using his Podcast and website titled Smart Passive Income. You won't want to miss his blog posts and podcasts, so make sure to check him out.

 Episode 2: Pat Flynn Interview from SPI | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:52

VIDEO VERSION IS ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH ITUNES. Probably one of the most popular affiliate marketers out there is Pat Flynn. I have always wanted to interview him from the time that I heard about him and I was finally able to take some time out of his busy schedule for a sit down interview. He is not only a great affiliate marketer, teacher and podcaster, but he is also an awesome family man and all around great guy! He has only been in affiliate marketing and making money online for about 5 years now, but in that short amount of time he has become one of the most popular affiliate marketers out there teaching others by example on how to earn money online, create passive income and lifestyle design using his Podcast and website titled Smart Passive Income. You won't want to miss his blog posts and podcasts, so make sure to check him out.


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