AutoPilot Your Business- Internet Marketing Business and Social Media Podcast show

AutoPilot Your Business- Internet Marketing Business and Social Media Podcast

Summary: Andrew McCauley and Heather Porter have travelled around the world managing systems and events for some of the world's top brands. Now they are Co-Founders of a full service digital agency called Autopilot Your Business. Simply put? They are like an outsourced marketing department for your Internet marketing Business and Social Media.Their clients are getting some seriously rockin' results using a "map" they have developed. Doing business online is no longer about having a website. When you listen to these Internet marketing Business and Social Media podcasts, you will get their coveted map on how to launch, grow or simply dominate your space on the internet. Get ready to put your business on autopilot!

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  • Artist: Andrew McCauley & Heather Porter | Internet Marketing and Social Media Strategists
  • Copyright: Autopilot Your Business


 #27 Changes on LinkedIn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:47

Here we are at podcast #27! Andrew and Heather are here today to catch you up on recent changes on LinkedIn  to make sure you stay up to date and have an effective profile. First up, what have they learned in the last week? Heather is excited because she learnt a new tool called This tool allows you to input your URL and check out what your website looks like on different browsers and devices. It is amazing for anyone who has a website and wants to check up on what it looks like on different platforms or those who put together websites for clients. Your website may appear differently on different browsers or devices, you want to make sure it looks good and that it is mobile friendly. Andrew has also learnt a new tool this week. He is currently re-inventing his website … and came across This means that if you come across a WordPress based website and you love the theme or look of it, you can plug it into and see what theme and what plug-ins they are using. So onto LinkedIn: one of our most popular podcasts has been number #8 which was all about LinkedIn for business. There have been so many changes since then that we wanted to bring you up to date. Firstly, the layout has changed a little bit. There tends to be less in the drop-down menus from the top and some functionality has been removed. The search bar has moved to the center of the page and has changed how it works. Where it used to ask you what category to search under (e.g. people etc) it has now groups all of those categories together to give you more results. You can narrow down the field with filters once you have your results. For example, narrowing down by location or proximity to where you live. This is a powerful search engine tool now and should be used more than what people are using it for now. With the premium version, you have even more filters available such as narrowing down to groups or years of experience in a field. There are currently 225 million active LinkedIn users who spend an average of 17 minutes each per month on LinkedIn. This represents large growth in LinkedIn and there are many opportunities coming to people who use it. Within your profile, it is no longer a bunch of text. You are now able to use multi-media options and include photos and videos to garner interest. You can move around sections in your profile (except for name and description) so that you have what you feel are the most important sections for people to see near the top. Get creative and include pictures of projects you have completed to showcase your work. Also new, the connections that you have are now under a tab called networks. When you click on contacts, it puts those near the top who have birthdays etc., it also shows you when you last had contact with people. You can link in your gmail account etc. so that it grabs this information. When you click on a contact’s profile, it will tell you what kind of relationship you have with them. You can set reminders to yourself such as where/how you met them and when you are next contacting them. Another cool thing in the contact info is that you can edit it privately for you. For example if you have extra notes on the contact such as another email address which you use to contact them, you can add it in there. In terms of tools that are now gone, the answers section has been taken away. This means you really want to take part in the groups within your area to establish your expertise. Added in is ‘interests and influencers’ which are people who LinkedIn considers to be top in their area and you can go and follow them. Influencers have also been combined into channels so that you can easily see the latest news in a topic area from the ‘movers and shakers’. Another change is that if you are on the free version, you cannot post a job anymore. You can search and apply for jobs but will need a premium account if you wish to post them.

 #26 How to Decrease Bounce Rate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:22

Welcome back for our 26th podcast! This is the final podcast in our ‘cool stats for cool people’ series where we have been looking at all the stats and numbers you need to keep a handle on to improve the success of your website. Today we are looking at...

 #25 Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:09

Welcome aboard for podcast #25! This is the sixth in our ‘Cool Stats For Cool People’ series and we will be looking at shopping cart abandonment solutions.  What is shopping cart abandonment rate? Well picture this; you are in a shopping mall with a cart full of goodies, you get to the checkout, leave the cart there full and run out of the store! That is essentially what people are doing when they abandon their shopping cart on your website; they get all the way to check-out and for whatever reason, don’t proceed with the transaction. But first up, what have Andrew and Heather learnt this week? Heather was filming a video with a client when she was reminded of the importance of toning back jargon when addressing an audience. Remember that you are probably very used to the lingo in your niche but other people may not know what you mean. A good rule can be to think about how you would explain it to a 10 year old child. The chances are then that anyone will understand! In fact, when Andrew and Heather published on Amazon, they were told that content that sits at about a 4th Grade level does the best. Last week, Andrew was presenting to a group of business owners on LinkedIn. Right before going on stage he realized that LinkedIn had made two significant changes that very morning. What he learnt was that it’s really not that hard when you’re thrown a curve ball to just explain to the audience and turn it to something positive. He turned it around and explained to the audience that they were the first class in the world being taught the new material and that they would learn together. On to solutions for shopping cart abandonment; did you know that between 30% and 70% of people that go through your shopping cart end up leaving before purchasing? That’s a lot of lost revenue potential! We have action items for you today to help you reduce cart abandonment. 1)      Put all of your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) up front. For example; do you offer a return policy? What is the guarantee? How long does the guarantee last? Include information on shipping and delivery timing. The best FAQ pages cover every possible objection that a customer may have in their mind. 2)      Where possible, include the cost of shipping in your item price. Often people abandon the cart when they realize that the shipping for that $15 item is $50. Around 44% of abandonments are due to shipping costs. For a great example of a website done well, check out 3)      It’s all about credibility! Remember customers will be very concerned that their credit card information is safe. If you are familiar with encrypting, you will know to look for https in the URL which indicates that it is secure. However many people will not know to look for that so make sure you clearly display seals on your site and around the ‘pay now’ button that show payment is secure. Testimonials are also a good thing to have. These show that others have used your product and been happy with them. If you have any kind of money-back guarantee, make sure this is clearly displayed. 4)      Have a live chat option. This can be live, or you can use a recorded version. Live chat is great for reassuring people and allowing them to ask their questions in real time, for example to a technical support or customer service person. There are a couple of cool tools for this; Zendesk or Zopim are ones that we like. Small businesses or solo-preneurs may not have the resources to use live chat. This is where you can use recorded messages. There are tools such as Speakpipe which allow you to put an automatic voice message into a system and get alerts for it. You should look into cookies which allow content to remain in the cart when customers go away and come back, as obviously if they leave a message overnight you may not get back to them for a while. 5)      Avoid distractions! Have big buttons that make the steps of the process obvious to your customer.

 #24 Increase Average Time On Site For Your Website and Increase Website Traffic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:10

Buckle up for podcast #24! This is the next in our ‘Cool Stats for Cool People’ series and we are looking at how you can increase website traffic by increasing the average time that people spend on your website …  First up though, what have Andrew and...

 #23 How to Increase Conversion Rates On Your Website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:07

Welcome to Podcast #23! Our next episode in the ‘Cool Stats for Cool People’ series. We’re talking to you about the stats you need to be checking out and taking action on in order to optimize your website performance and this topic is around increase conversion rate  on your website.  What is a conversion rate? Simply put, it is an action that you want your website visitor to take, for example filling in a form or clicking on a link. One of the first ways to increase the conversion rates of your website is to ensure that it is very clear and simple what the intention of the site is and what you want people to do. We browse through so many websites each day that if we don’t understand within milliseconds what a site is about, we tend to click away. So the first question you need to answer for your site is; what do I want people to do on my site? And, more specifically; what do I want people to do on each page of my site? Remember the saying; a confused mind never buys! How do you simplify? One way is to ensure that you have very simple navigation in your bar at the top of the site, less is more! Don’t have too many options up there as it will confuse people. You can always communicate further information with them later on after they have been on your list for a while. Language is another important aspect of simplification. Are you using simple ‘action’ language on your site? Do people easily know what to do? For example ‘download my free trial’ etc. If you have a shopping cart environment, make sure that your ‘add to cart’ and ‘check out’ buttons are very clear and are not getting mixed up with ads or any other items. The number of fields that you ask people to fill out can also put them off from filling out your forms. If you are asking for too much detail, the chances are they will click away. The rule of thumb is again, ‘less is more’. When people first come to your site, we recommend that the most you ask for is first name and email address, or simply an email address. When it comes to someone purchasing from you or signing up with you, take the time to think about what you should have there to make them feel comfortable with your site. For example for sign-ups mention ‘we don’t spam you’ or for purchases ensure that there are obvious ‘support’ tabs on the page. Where can you build trust and credibility on your website? Third party information such as testimonials and case studies are great; make sure these are genuine and from people who have done business with you. You can also slip in some statistics that back up what you are promoting or selling. People like to see that products or services have been tested and proven. Another thing you can do, particularly if you are a service-based business is ensure that your contact phone number and address are displayed prominently on your website. You could also include photos of your team or your office premises. These all help to give people confidence that you are genuine and that their credit card details are not going to a scam! One thing that we have tested and shown to be effective has been using decals that provide a guarantee (e.g. ’30 Day Money Back Guarantee’) or a seal confirming that transactions are secure. Often you can get third-party logos which engender trust in people, such as who shipping is done through or where you have been featured (e.g. ‘featured on CNN’). How do you know what your conversion rate is? Use your analytics (such as Google analytics) to find out how many people are actually visiting your site. From there, you can see how many of those people are filling out your form by checking with the autoresponder provider you use to see how many sign-ups you got. As we have mentioned previously, testing is your best way to see what will work for you. Change one thing at a time and see what affect that has on your conversion rates. If you don’t want to do these things yourself, try a site such as http://fiverr.

 #22 Increase Your Email Open Rates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:50

Welcome to podcast #22! In this episode we continue our “Cool Stats for Cool People” series by focusing on how you can increase email open rates. We want to make these stats really easy for you to understand so you won’t be put off by ‘techy’ talk! Just before we go into increasing your email open rates, Heather wanted to bring you an update on last week’s discussion around pop-ups. While working with a client this week she has found another Wordpress plug-in tool you may find useful ‘Ninja Popups’. Heather likes how it is designed and the settings that are available. Check this and other great tools out on our resources page! So on with email open rates; how do you get people to open your email amongst the sea of emails they get every day? We have a few steps; 1)      Make sure you use a good email system so that your email is less likely to end up in a spam folder. What do we mean by this? Well, it is not a good idea to use systems such as Gmail or Hotmail for your marketing messages; these should be reserved for one-on-one conversations between colleagues and friends. For marketing you want a good system such as MailChimp or AWeber as they are specifically designed and regularly improved to ensure that client emails are delivered.  They also comply with the ‘CAN Spam Act’ (2003) which means that your emails shouldn’t end up in spam folders and should comply by allowing an ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of all of your emails. The other thing about these programs is that they allow you to monitor your email opening stats as well as any unsubscribes you get. 2)      Have a good subject line. What does this mean? Well firstly you should use subject lines that people expect from you and you personality style. How would you talk to your market usually? For example, if you are a professional organisation you need subjects that are congruent with the language of your business (you wouldn’t say ‘hey guys’ if you’re a law firm!). Create some kind of promise in your subject line; something that summarises what the email content will be about. Remember the subject must relate to your actual email content! People will get upset and unsubscribe if you do not deliver as promised. If it fits with your business style, it’s great to use leading subjects such as ‘You won’t believe what just happened to me…’ or ‘I cannot believe I’m telling you this…’. Then discuss a personal story that will resonate with your subscribers. Urgency is another thing that people respond to but use this sparingly and only as long as it is true. For example ‘We only have two spots left!’ Controversial or newsworthy headlines can also be good to use, as long as they fit with your business. A great idea you can use is to create a folder in your inbox where you can save any emails that grab your attention. This way you can look at them and see what they did well and whether you could model that in your emails. 3)      Use the same ‘to’ and ‘from’ name as the site where people signed up with you. For example, if it was a business site then use the business name, if it was a blog then use your name or the blog name. 4)      Think about frequency – as we discussed in Episode #20 you want to build a relationship and communicate more frequently with new subscribers right after they have subscribed. We recommend about 8 emails over a 2 week period. After this time, they know you a bit better and you can drop back the frequency to something like every 3 or 4 days, then to around once per week. This way they don’t get ‘over’ blasted with your emails, possibly putting them off from opening them. As we said in #20, no selling until later on to new people on your list!   Keep an eye-out for our next topic in the “Cool Stats for Cool People series”, all about increasing website conversion rates! Got comments? Do you have a great subject line that has worked for you? Share your thoughts below!  

 #21 Increasing Opt In Rates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:45

Welcome to podcast #21! We’re talking about a topic that is always hot on our minds; how to increase your opt-in rates. This is part #2 of a series we have been doing about improving the important stats on your website. So what is opt-in? This is basically where someone comes into your website and signs up using your opt-in form. You want to be able to get more people into your database so you can communicate with them and that’s what this episode is all about. Placement can increase opt in rates... We have learned a lot of lessons on opt-in placement and design through our work with clients and in our own business, so one of the first things we want to share with you is where you should place your opt-in form for more effective results. Many people put them in the top-right side-bar which does get results, however, our testing has shown us that if you put it horizontally across the page you have better opt-in rates. Some good examples for you to check out are , and for sites that are achieving success with a horizontal opt-in form. Another great tip for increasing the success of your opt-in form is to keep it in the space ‘above the fold’ on your website. What does this mean? It means that all of your most important information should be in the space above where website visitors need to scroll down. Your button can increase opt in rates! As for the actual button that people need to click on to submit their information; it should never say ‘submit’ or ‘submit now’. People do not like to ‘submit’ (usually!) to anything or anyone. This has been tested extensively and it has been shown that buttons that say things such as ‘start my free trial’, ‘create my account’ and ‘get information and prices’ are more effective. Notice the use of ‘my’ instead of ‘your’ so that it is personal to the subscriber. Always test and measure different options for your opt-in form button, different industries tend to prefer different wording. The colour of the button is another thing that matters! Subconsciously, if we see red we think ‘stop’ whereas for ‘green’ we think go. As such, green tends to work better as a button colour than red. Orange is also popular, this comes from way back when Paypal used orange buttons – this has trained us somewhat to click on orange buttons! Of course if green or orange are going to clash violently with your site, you will want to look for a colour that is effective and complementary. There are some great sites that are available to help; Form design can increase opt in rates! What should be inside your form to attract people in the first place? The first thing you should think about is how to visually represent whatever you are giving away. For example, if you are giving away a video show a clean, still image of your video (for example on an iPad screen) with a ‘play’ button over it. You could also use cover images of eBooks or white papers. You can get these things done at sites like – everything $5! Just ensure that you don’t misrepresent what you are giving away with the image you use. The next thing you should have in your opt-in box is an enticing headline. For example (like one of our clients) “The 10 things you should never say in a job interview”. You should then go on to explain what people will get and the benefits of those; for example “get this video and you will learn…” followed by bullet-point benefits. Another graphical image that helps your opt-in box to ‘pop’ is using the starburst shape or decal with a message in it such as “get it today!”. We recommend getting your opt-in box made for you by a professional rather than using the standard code from your email provider such as Mailchimp or iContact. A professionally made image (you can even use oDesk or Fiverr) will look a lot better than the standard opt-in form. Tools to help you increase opt in rates Where you can,

 #20 How To Improve Your Email Click Through Rate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:20

While facts and figures might seem to be the ‘boring’ stuff, this is important for you to know about for the success of your business. This podcast takes a look at how you can increase the click-through rates for your website, including email click thr...

 #19 Knowing Your Website Analytics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:29

This podcast is all about ‘cool stats for cool people’. Website analytics don’t sound too exciting, but Andrew and Heather strive to make it fun and bring you the information that is applicable to you (they don’t want to be bored either!). What are the key website analytics you should be looking at in your website? 1. Click through rates This is a great measure of how well people like you and are engaging with you. For example, are people engaged through your emails? You can measure click-through on emails by adding links such as free gifts or podcasts. Then you can find how many people clicked on your link. You can also check on click-through rate on your Google organic search results. You may be on the first page of Google, but are people actually clicking on your link? 2. Opt-in rates How many of your site visitors are filling out your opt-in form? This is one stat you should be measuring if you aim to connect with more people. Knowing your opt-in rate allows you to make adjustments and see what works to increase your rate. 3. Email open rates How many of your emails are being opened in the first place? We know people are bombarded with emails daily and simply can’t open every email they receive. Again, knowing how many of your emails are being opened allows you to make minor adjustments, for example to your subject lines so that you can look to improve your open rate. 4. Website conversion rates This ultimately means that you are getting somebody to do something that you want them to do. This doesn’t have to be a sale; it could be watching a video, clicking on a banner or filling out a questionnaire. 5. Average time spent on your website This is important because you need to understand whether your site is giving people what they want. For example, if people are leaving immediately or very quickly, they obviously have not found what they were looking for. If you can get people to spend more time on your site, this will help to rank higher on search engine results. 6. Bounce rates Almost the inverse of time spent on your site, bounce rates are where someone goes into your site and leaves from the first page they see. The only type of page where it is ok to have a high bounce rate is where you are leading people directly to a sales page without wanting them to click anywhere else. Google wants to see that you don’t have a high bounce rate as they aim to provide the results that people are looking for. If Google finds a high bounce rate it will reduce your ranking on search results. 7. Cart abandonment rates This is where the visitor has gone through the sales process then exited right before hitting the pay button. This is important to know about as you want to ensure that there is nothing about your sales process that puts people off. Look out for future podcasts where we go into further detail about improving these 7 key areas. You may be surprised at how many simple changes there are that you can make that can have a massive impact on your results. We will also talk about the tools you need to have in place to monitor these website analytics. Let us know what you think! Please use the comment field below… MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE.  

 #18 Funnels For Marketing Lead Generation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:06

In this podcast we chat about funnels that will help with your marketing lead generation. We help you define and understand what a lead generating funnel is and reveal the three key components of setting one up for yourself. If you’re worried that things might get a little too ‘techy’, don’t be; we hate that too! We discuss funnels in a way that keeps it simple so that anyone can follow along and not be bored by a whole lot of ‘tech’ talk. Marketing Lead Generation Using funnels is recommended by all of the best websites; so, why is a funnel useful for you? It is one of the best ways to generate leads on your website. Put simply, a lead-generating funnel provides a place for visitors to your site to leave their contact details in return for something, perhaps a free eBook or audio. This allows your ‘shop’ to be open 24 hours a day. The lead generating funnel has three key components; 1) An opt-in form. 2) A great free offer or bonus. 3) Follow up – autoresponder emails. A funnel is a powerful tool as it allows you to gather ‘warm’ leads and gives you the opportunity to contact people as they have expressed an interest in you or your product. The free offer should allow people to have something that they really want, that shows off your capabilities without giving away the ‘kitchen sink’. Give them something they can tangibly action in their life; often people are giving away eBooks, but we have found great success with giving away more succinct products such as ‘cheat sheets’ or snap shots of very useful information. The great thing with these is you can create a ‘teaser’ where people will want to know more information, possibly leading to purchase of more product from you. The key for your free product is giving away small amounts of valuable information that subscribers can consume quickly. Some more examples include; • White papers • Reports • Action programs; e.g. ’30 day program for…’ • Videos • Software Opt-In Form for Marketing Lead Generation The opt-in form is of course very important to get right. There are several programs available to help you generate a great opt-in form, and you can outsource this to someone else if you choose. Some that we use include; • Mailchimp • AWeber • iContact • Get Response When creating your opt-in, less is more. Don’t ask for too much information as this can put potential subscribers off. Ask for just an email address or first name and email address. Remember to include an eye-catching headline and three key benefits beneath it so that people know what they are getting. Make the ‘submit’ button a call to action, such as ‘get report now’ rather than a more passive word such as ‘submit’. If you would like to know more about successful opt-in forms and landing pages, check out Landing Page Autopilot for more useful tips. Autoresponders for Keeping Warm Leads! Using autoresponders to follow-up is the last key component of an effective funnel. This means that when someone fills out your opt-in form, an email program automatically sends them a ‘thank you’ email, then sends out other programmed emails at set intervals. Remember when you are setting these up that you are likely to capture the attention of people more if you keep emails short and include clickable links if they would like to know more. You should use your follow-up emails to build trust with your subscribers, not to sell product. For example you might include videos that go more in depth into one of your key points, or other give-aways along the way. We recommend that your first 8 emails follow this format before sending anything promoting products, services or events for sale. All the best for creating an awesome, lead-generating funnel and check out this latest podcast for more information! MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE.

 #17 Content Creation Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:09

One of our most popular podcasts ever was episode #14 where we brought you some strategies for content creation. Ever since then we have been fielding queries from people interested to know what content creation tools we use to help with our content creation and productivity. Here we take a look at some of those. Our Content Creation Tools Firstly, obviously we make a lot of podcasts in the course of our business. You may think that you need expensive software to achieve this but that is not the case. In fact, we are using Audacity, which you can download for free whether you are a Mac or PC user. Best of all, it’s very simple to use so you don’t need to be overly technically savvy! When we record our podcasts we are literally across the other side of the world from each other. What we do is use Skype so that we can hear each other and each of us records our own end on Audacity. We are then able to merge the two recordings into one podcast and produce an MP3 file. So you don’t need to be in the same room to make your podcast. To give you an idea of what you might then get members of your team to do, we upload the podcast to Amazon S3, have another member of our team go in and listen to it, then produce written content for our blog based on the podcast. Content Creation Tools for Video Another thing we are doing a lot of right now is creating video content and learning through video. One tool we love to speed up the process of video learning is MySpeed. This basically speeds up the video you are watching while still allowing you to understand what’s being said. Again, you can download a free version, although the paid version is only around $30. One thing we like about this is it doesn't make the voice ‘chipmonkey’ but is just a speedier version of the normal voice. We recommend using it at 2.5 to 3 speed as it gets a bit quick after that! On the other side, if you are listening to something quite technical and the speaker is speaking fast, you can slow the pace down to suit you. When we create video, we love to use Screenflow. This is for Mac users so if you use a PC, it is called Camtasia. We love Screenflow because it is a very versatile tool and easy to use. You can edit all sorts of videos including any green screen work you have done. Again, you don’t have to be particularly technically savvy to use it, it is a click and drag kind of tool so you can literally drag elements to where you want them to be. Content Creation Tools for Imagery As we’ve discussed previously, an important element to include with your written content is imagery. When you use images, whether they be for your website, a brochure or to use in your profile on various sites, you often need to re-size your images due to restriction on image size. We found a tool that will do this easily for you – Picresize. Not only can Picresize size your images to how you want them, but you can add filters to change the image; for example you might want it in black and white or with a frame around it. Content Creation Tools for Information Products If you are creating information products such as manuals, one tool we like to use is Screen Steps. This is a great resource because it allows you to drag and drop images into your manuals or lesson plans so that you no longer need to have each image saved in a separate file. It allows you to set up your document as PDF, HTML or Word so you are easily able to get the format you need. Another great feature of Screen Steps is you can grab screen images and add notes, circles, arrows etc to them. This means you could easily train others on something without needing a complicated process. These are just a sample of the great tools available to help you with your content creation. Hopefully you can find something that is of use to you and leads you to great, productive content! Do you use some great content creation tools? Add your comments below...  

 #16 – Cool Marketing and Productivity Apps and Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:25

  Productivity Apps are a great strategy if you want to run your business more efficiently and effectively. We use some great apps here at Autopilot Your Business and want to share some of our secrets with you in our 'Cool tools' episode. Productivity Apps We cover: vine app youtube annotations mailbox app facebook search graph dropbox evernote app You can get the links to these on our resources page. When we talk about apps and 'cool tools' we are not talking about toys or gimmicks. We mean apps that can be of serious help to you in your business; for example they may save you time, get you better reach or enhance an activity that you are doing already. Productivity Apps with 'cool' factor In this podcast, we discuss some apps that are so new you may not have heard of them yet; one of these is Vine App. Created by Twitter, Vine App allows you to make 6 second videos which you can post. Now, you may wonder what you can do with 6 seconds but check out the many videos that have already been made! Bringing new meaning to the concept 'elevator speech' some cool marketing videos have been made. With Vine App, you don't have to record the 6 seconds continuously which means that you can record small parts then stitch them all together. This app has taken off in a very short time with over 100,000 videos made by its' second weekend. Productivity Apps that save you a headache You know when you receive an email and you just don't have time to deal with it right now? A new app that is a buzz amongst our team and helps you to deal with your emails is Mailbox app. What this does is it allows you to have that email resent to you at a later time or date when you do have the time to deal with it. Unlike other apps, you won' t be able to download Mailbox right away; when you sign up for it you go into a queue for downloading, which at the current time may take a few weeks. Why can't you get it right away? Mailbox app is doing this because they want to ensure that nothing goes wrong with your email when you download, so that communication is not interrupted. Productivity Apps that save your head space! We all have a lot of things we need to remember; perhaps you've spotted something cool while you were online and want to remember to reference it in a blogpost, or, perhaps you have a lot of information that you need to share with clients or team members. Evernote is a great file sharing site that allows you to do just that. You can use it like any other file sharing site to share documents with others, or you could use it like a 'swipe file' to store bits and pieces you find online and want to be able to reference later. Another cool thing we love about Evernote is that it can remember places for you. For example, if you are out at a new restaurant you want to remember and have your phone on you, Evernote can use the location services on your phone and store the place for you. This is just a taste of the cool productivity apps and tools we cover in our podcast. Check it out to find out more and leave us your comments below about your experience with them or 'cool tools' that you have found.   Samples We Discuss Check out Facebook Graph Search Here. Vine App Samples   Youtube Annotations     MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE. Click here to learn about Facebook Graph Search  

 #15 – Content Marketing and Content Creation Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:57

  Creating content and putting it in the right places online is known as content marketing, and you are about to learn why you must be using it in your business. In this episode we discuss content creation ideas We will cover: Learn more about the types of content you can use to promote your business: Articles Videos Slide shows Infographics (here are some great examples) Podcasts PDFs Press releases Webinars Teleseminars Newsletter Book   We dig deeper into the topics you can use to promote your business: Tutorials Reviews FAQs News Case studies Inspiration   We will give you specific places you can put your content: Blogs All social sites Article directories Press release sites PDF directories Slide share Podcast directories   Here is how we are using some of these items in our business: Our podcast of course :) Our Blogs - our main site, Andrew's blog and Heather's blog Our itunes newsstand Magazine "Online Footprint" We use transcripts of this podcast and distribute them as PDFs We use videos on our various Youtube channels - AYB's, Heather's and Andrew's Infographics on our blogs Press releases for our book - here is a sample press release We are turning live webinars we are doing for a sales team into a product We have various social media newsletters Our Kindle Book "The Online Treasure Map for Motivational Speakers: 21 Industry Insider Tips to get you Booked as a Speaker Faster"   MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE.  

 #14 Email Marketing Software and Set Up Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:22

  You need to be using an email marketing tool to make sure your emails are delivered. In this episode we discuss how to use email marketing software. We will cover: Why you need it (you should no longer be using Outlook for bulk emails) Complying with anti-spam laws Some platforms we like What is an opt-in form How to manually import people Why the deliverability rates rock!   MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE.  

 #13 How to Create a Membership Site | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:34

  Get ongoing income and leverage your time with a membership site! In this episode we discuss how to create a membership site to sell and share your knowledge. We will cover: What a membership site is and how to use one Membership site ideas Different ways to deliver content What to charge Platforms you can use to set up a membership site   MORE from the Autopilot Your Business Internet Marketing, Business and Social Media Podcast... See our directory of episodes at a glance HERE. Get access to the resources we discuss HERE.    


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