Uniquely Created Divinely Inspired . . . You show

Uniquely Created Divinely Inspired . . . You

Summary: Let's talk positive (+) about You by letting go of stuff that is done or to come and relaxing in the beauty of right now. Let us envision a world where there are none without. If you want to have a free e-copy of "Uniquely Created Divinely Inspired ... You" e-mail Mara at mkwlawfirm@aol.com and put in the subject line "Uniquely Me."

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  • Artist: YOU ARE ENOUGH---Mara
  • Copyright: Copyright Mara Kemp-Williams (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 BE STILL AND FEEL GOD---NO CHURCH MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

No church nor religion nor philosophy is God's favorite. But YOU are a favorite of God. Many believe individual humans lack a connection with God and require an intermediary. This has resulted in a class of humans getting power and riches that they do not deserve, nor require. Why?, because you do not need an intermediary, God is handling that already. Contrary to popular belief there is enough of God to go around. In saying this I do not discount the great teachers God has sent to us Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, Yogananda are well known, there are others. They speak a common message which makes our life journeys easier---simpler. At the center of these messages is Love is the Way. We have control over our choices through free will: "Love others as you love yourself."The words we choose to say reflect God: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God.'The only moment is now, the past is gone and the future is yet to be: "The Tree in the Garden. To me this coronavirus-19 pandemic is another lesson in love from God. It is not here to show God loves some and not all nor protects some and not all. It is affecting everyone equally: Princes, Princesses, world leaders, ministers, choir members, rich and poor. This pandemic has no favorites and neither does God. You do not need an intermediary between you and God. There's enough God to go around equally. No royalty, upper class, chosen people--- God is there with you always. Just reach out your hand and take the hand of God. Put your hand in God's hand and ask yourself during this time of equalization "What would Love do NOW?" IMAGINE GOD AS BIGGER THAN YOU WERE TAUGHT  

 YOU ARE LOVED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

About 12 years ago I wrote a book "Uniquely Created Divinely Inspired You."  I did it in collaboration with God known by many names: the Divine One---All That Is---the Great I Am.  At some point I forgot it was a collaboration,so I ran off to finish it alone on my computer.  I pressed "save", packed up the computer and moved home to Whittier, California.  When I settled in I opened up my computer to finish the job.  To my surprise, the book was at exactly the same place it was before I took over and moved.  So the collaboration continued, and "we" finished the book.  Even the name was inspired.  In fact I was led to an artist who painted the perfect pictures---exactly 26.    The book is really just 26 short messages based on the alphabet.  I 've had no desire to make money from the book, which is crazy expensive because of all the color ink it takes to produce it.  But last night I woke up thinking the 26 topics are good meditation topics and mantras during this time of crisis and we could do them on the show.   If one person listens and these words help that person, that makes doing the show worthwhile.  A friend reminded me yesterday that one person may listen in the future because the episodes are archived and also podcasts.   The first passage is: Absolute Love is Your birth right.

 GOD IS EVERYTHING OR GOD IS NOTHING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

For some reason Human Beings need ro rank each other as better than, equal to or less than in all things including in how we each see God.  This competition creates an inequality as people all struggle to be the best and judge those who don't meet their standards.  Very few people feel as though they are enough just as they are and constantly struggle to be more.   Right now we are in the middle of a pandemic that is touching everyone equally.  This presents a God given chance to rethink how we have been doing things to this point. Who do you want to be?  How do you answer the question: "WHO AM I AND WHERE AM I GOING?" Do you see more in people than they are showing you? Do You need to feel superior? How do You act when you perceive yourself as less than another? Why do you care? How do You view Kindness? What does treating others like you want to be treated mean to you? Can you reconcile that with your view of others? If so, How? Some things we'll think about, meditate about and ...  


No matter your faith or lack of faith, you experience human emotions, because we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS.  Each of us is part of a divine whole and each of us matters.  Let's talk about what's happening and where we want to grow from here.   We will together overcome this crisis and the fears that come with it but where do we want to end up?  I hope we can let go of blaming, stop looking for who caused our crisis and move into a resolving mode seeing more in others than they show us.  It may be a pipe dream, but "ALL I AM SAYING IS GIVE LOVE A CHANCE."  EACH OF US IS ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, TOGETHER WE CAN MOVE THE WORLD TO LOVE.   Let's work on controlling our anxiety together to create a meme of Love during this time of world wide crisis.  Blaming will not fix anything, only asking "What can I do?" will.  COME JOIN YOUR BREATH WITH GOD'S.

 Come Join Your Breath with God's: Let's Relax in the Chaos---SAFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Let's Re-engage with Now, while exploring the peace of connecting with All that Is.  Let's breathe in the peace of that connection and accept what we can control: ourselves and cannot control: others.  No matter where we are in life, we have made it to this point.  We are enough:  Each of Us and All of us.  The challenge of life is being kind to unkindness because my reaction is about me and yours is about you.  When we are at a point of chaos, student and teacher at one time, do I follow your lead and become your student or do I respond in kindness and become your teacher, which will disrupt my peace?  No matter which I choose,  I can reclaim myself and my peace.  Let's explore how.... Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible.---Dalai Lama   

 YOU'RE INVITED TO LOVE TALK: RELIVE LIFE'S JOYS NOT ITS PAINS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Love ignites a sense of peace that shows your soul. Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.  Let's learn together to be LOVE IN THE MOMENT.  "I put a lot of pressure on myself. I think something's not good enough, and I won't stop until I feel like I've made it. I'm never satisfied."--- J. Cole "If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment." ---Henry David Thoreau Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Namaste Mara

 YOU'RE INVITED TO LOVE TALK: EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Love ignites a sense of peace that shows your soul. Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.  Let's learn together to be LOVE IN THE MOMENT.  “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”---Leonardo da Vinci “A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ---Albert Einstein Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Namaste Mara

 YOU ARE INVITED TO LOVE TALK: SEE MORE IN OTHERS THAN THEY SHOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Love ignites a sense of peace that shows your soul. Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.  Let's learn together to be LOVE IN THE MOMENT.  “True compassion does not stem from the pleasure of feeling close to one person or another, but from the conviction that other people are just like me and want not to suffer but to be happy, and from a commitment to help them overcome what causes them to suffer. I must realize that I can help them suffer less.” - The Dalai Lama, My Spiritual Journey  “Merely thinking that compassion and reason and patience are good will not be enough to develop them. We must wait for difficulties to arise and then attempt to practice them.” - The Dalai Lama, “Compassion and The Individual”  Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Namaste Mara

 YOU ARE INVITED TO LOVE TALK: RESOLVED I WILL BE KIND | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Love ignites a sense of peace that shows your soul. Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.  Let's learn together to be LOVE IN THE MOMENT.  "Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond."   Jalaluddin Rumi "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."   Dalai Lama Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Namaste Mara

 YOU ARE INVITED TO LOVE TALK: GOOD BYE FEAR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Right now there is  a lot of hate talk, but also a lot of people still living in Love.  Love ignites a sense of peace that shows your soul. Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.   "To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him." Buddha “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”  Jalaluddin Rumi Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Let's learn together to Love in the Moment.  Namaste Mara

 YOU ARE INVITED TO LOVE TALK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Right now there is  a lot of hate talk, but also a lot of people still living in Love.  Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.   “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing  and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”  ----Jalaluddin Rumi Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love. Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us. Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Let's learn together to Love in the Moment. 

 You are invited to Love Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Right now there is  a lot of hate talk, but also a lot of people still living in Love.  Let's meditate together to see if we fit and can trust each other enough to talk about ideas that show Love.  Come join Mara to meditate and enrich the meme of Love.  Let's Love in the Moment and watch that Love expand beyond us.  Let's talk and listen for change, to heal, to grow together in LOVE.  You are Loved---trust me IT'S TRUE. Let's learn together to Love in the Moment.  Namaste Mara

 COME JOIN YOUR BREATH WITH GOD'S | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00


 YOU ARE ENOUGH RE-COGNIZE AND BE-COME THAT FACT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join Bob and Mara to be reminded how valuable you are-ENOUGH  We seem to focus on what we are not, the goals we have not accomplished, rather than the ones we have reached. If you are feeling down, it is OK to sit down and recognize your strengths. You will be amazed how quickly God, your ever present companion will join with you in reciting your strengths if  you say I AM before each strength, whatever order you like, as long as you include I AM: I AM A GOOD FRIEND OR A GOOD FRIEND I AMI AM A GOOD MOM OR A GOOD MOM I AMI AM A GOOD DAD OR A GOOD DAD I AMI AM A HAPPY PERSON OR A HAPPY PERSON I AMI AM A GOOD WORKER OR A GOOD WORKER I AM [be sepcific]I AM A GOOD CITIZENI AM KINDI AM ENOUGH TO HAVE MADE IT THIS FARI AM ENOUGHI AM GROWING .... Amazing how this exercise can remind you of your value and Loving You is vital to You Being All You Can Be. I thought I was Somebody until SOMEBODY made clear I was NOBODY which HURT until I remembered EVERYONE IS SOMEBODY. You, me--EQUAL & ENOUGH.  Be gentle with Your thoughts of others ( and You). Be gentle in Your words about others---See more than they are showing. Be kind-- it be-comes You and encourages others to be-come the persons You see.----Mara 2012 Namaste` [ We salute Your inner Divinity---It's Showing]

 YOU TIME IS GOD TIME DO YOU LEAVE YOU ANY? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:00

JOIN BOB AND MARA TO DISCUSS "YOU TIME."  Time you celebrate the things that make You happy, that cause you to pause at peace.  It is during such times you re-connect with all that is, with God, with Allah, with Yahweh, with the Great Spirit, and become ONE with THE GREAT I AM. Many people allow their  lives to get caught up in doing things and DENY themseleves time :   to just stop and smell the roses,to lift your head up and feel the breeze,to send prayers into the wind,to meditate/pray,to breathe and join one's breath with God's breath If you convince yourself you are too busy to do any of these things you are trapped in an illusion, maya, that ignores your immediate, constant, connection with all that is.  It takes a minute to reconnect that's it.  Although the joy of being connected may be addictive and you may want to relax in the presence of the GREAT I AM for longer periods in special places: churches, mosques, synagogues, your prayer room, any spot you recognize as glistening with the energy of God . . .; why deny yourself the pleasure of spontaneous moments of peace and pleasure by stopping even if for a second to reconnect and be-come one with God, known by many names?


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