The Perfecting Church show

The Perfecting Church

Summary: The Perfecting Church produces change in the lives of men, women and children through the transforming power of God's word and presence enabling us to discover and live God's unique plan for our lives emerging as holy, purpose-driven, people of influence who extend the Kingdom of God.

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  • Artist: The Perfecting Church
  • Copyright: © Copyright 2020 The Perfecting Church. All rights reserved.


 The Prodigal Father | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3722

“Prodigal” is expending resources freely, what some might consider recklessly, wastefully or extravagantly. The God of heaven is The Prodigal Father. He uses all kinds of resources, means and approaches to extend His loving, abundant Kingdom to those who are locked in and disfigured by the scarcity of this world. He is determined to see us restored and reconciled to Him and His ways. The Prodigal Father is constantly inviting us into the feast of relationship with Him and a place in His Kingdom.

 One world. Two choices | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4195

The global health crisis has awakened us all to a truth we too often forget. No matter our religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity or culture, we all share one world. In this one world we all live with two choices. We will live and ultimately perish in scarcity or we will live and live abundantly in generosity. We all share this inescapable truth of living in one world with two choices.

 In the Eye of the Beholder | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2275

There’s a popular saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Said differently, beauty is not found in the object, beauty rests in our perception. The same can be said about scarcity and abundance. What one person sees as more than enough, another sees as lack. It’s not about how much or how little we believe we have. It’s absolutely about what we see.

 Primary Abundance & Secondary Success… | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2246

This world is filled with secondary success and governed by primary abundance. Secondary success is what we see, experience, manage and own in the physical realm. Primary Abundance is the triune God and His Kingdom, the source of all we see and experience in this physical world. It’s possible to have secondary success and never experience primary abundance. But God promises if we seek Him and His primary abundance, we will surely experience secondary success.

 The Poverty of Presence | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2845

Texts. Emails. Tweets. Posts. DMs. In a day and age where our pace is driven by our tethered device, how does one find space? Space for rest, space to think, space to create, and even more so, space for the soul to be healthy.

 What We See or What He Says | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2238

Given the choice, most people will choose the riches of a good temporal life over the treasures of the abundant eternal life. Scarcity deceives the human soul so thoroughly, it makes it nearly impossible to get beyond defining what we see as the greatest thing to be possessed. As long as what we see is more valuable than what He says, no matter what we have we will live trapped in a world of scarcity.

 Whole Hearted Devotion | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2475

In our journey of faith, we are often tempted to settle in our comfort zones, satisfied with the blessing we have received thus far and content to wait on rapture or resurrection for our exit. But what if there’s more—a higher call, a deeper surrender, a greater devotion that God requires, and that adds to us the significance we spend so much of this life seeking in other places? What if the path from scarcity to generosity is not lined with more stuff, but more surrender? What if the significance we seek lies in our wholehearted devotion?

 It's Spiritual Before It's Natural | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2163

Everything in the physical realm began in the unseen, spiritual realm. All we can see and handle was once a thought in God’s mind and a word in His mouth. Seeing and experiencing life abundantly is rooted in knowing God as the originator and source of all things. When we live ignorant of this all-encompassing truth, we see and experience life from a scarcity mindset, confined to being in this world and of this world. Functioning solely in the natural realm locks us in the scarcity of this fallen world. We must know and never forget — it’s all spiritual before it’s natural.

 It's Complicated | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2242

God’s rescue and reclaiming of humankind through Jesus Christ is the most exceptional act of love in the history of creation. There will never be another act of love more extravagant than God choosing to willingly give Himself for us. Jonah shows just how hopelessly we are lost in the madness of sin. It’s complicated because we’re loved by a God who is dedicated to our good and more aware of what that is, than we are.

 The American Dream Redefined | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2830

The American Dream has been redefined by the next generation. They no longer want to live lead by a pursuit of provision and security first. They aren’t willing to simply pursue a secure place in the world. The next generation is fueled by a passion to make a difference and change the world.

 Anchored: The Storms Within | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:28

Jonah is a prophet, who believes He’s anchored in the promises and purposes of God, but finds he’s more anchored in his ethnicity and loyalty to his people. God’s call and assignment on Jonah is meant to rescue him, just as much as it is the violent oppressor of his people. Jonah faces storms, is […]

 Straight Out of the Fish’s Belly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:10

Our lives are full of God’s divine interruptions, informing and rerouting our lives. God doesn’t interrupt our lives out of anger, frustration or rage. God interrupts our lives out of a 2nd chance kind of love that refuses to give up on the greatest object of His love — you and me. God is not […]

 Anchored: Divine Interruption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:28

God has an overarching plan for creation and our lives. He has created all things for His glory, that all of creation might reflect His goodness, honoring Him as Lord. When we get off track, departing from the unique plans and purposes for which we were created, God is so fierce in His all encompassing […]

 Divine Interruptions | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2187

God has an overarching plan for creation and our lives. He has created all things for His glory, that all of creation might reflect His goodness, honoring Him as Lord. When we get off track, departing from the unique plans and purposes for which we were created, God is so fierce in His all encompassing love that He interrupts the course of our lives. Our lives are marked by holy interruptions and divine timeouts, God Himself intervening, rerouting and brining us into His glorious designs.

 Show Me Your ID | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:54

We were made to be God’s image bearers. Our lives reflect the image/identity that shapes us in the deepest way. When we truly believe that God has our best interest at heart and knows whats best for us we willingly surrender our lives to Him. And when we give our lives to Him, and others […]


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