Be Well Buzz » Podcast show

Be Well Buzz » Podcast

Summary: Weekly podcast dedicated to educating you on the benefits of natural health. Topics covered will be superfoods, herbs, natural treatments and remedies to ailments, plus much more.


 How To Cleanse Your Skin Naturally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:47

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of the body? It is a living and breathing system that is often taken for granted. Interesting facts:  An adult's skin comprises between 10 to 15 percent of the total body weight. Each square centimeter has 6 million cells, 5,000 sensory points, 100 sweat glands and 15 sebaceous glands. Skin acts as a waterproof, insulating shield, guarding the body against extremes of temperature, prevents dehydration, and gets rid off harmful toxins. Skin additionally is a huge sensor packed with nerves for keeping the brain in touch with the outside world. At the same time, skin allows us free movement, proving itself an amazingly versatile organ. Skin absorbs and uses nutrients applied topically that sometimes include synthetic chemicals often present in soaps, lotions and other skin care products, which at best it has no use for and at worst can be toxic or irritating. Using natural skin care can make a huge difference than most folks realize. That's why this week Shawn Stevenson interviews creator of Prima Natural organic goat milk soap, Heidi Sanner. Help us spread the word by sharing this podcast with your family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Heidi's personal story. Illegalization of raw milk. What soap really is and its discovery. How's conventional soap made. Can you trust labels? Surprising regulations of soap production Truth about neutral pH What's in Prima Natural Soap? And much more. Prima Natural Bar Soap Feel The Difference !

 Self-Care, Self-Education and Self-Government With Don Tolman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:07

Today we dive deep in to 3 major revolutions that are underway: Self-Care, Self-Education and Self-Government. In order for us to evolve and thrive we need to join these revolutions that are taking place. Our goal here at BeWellBuzz is to provide as much information to help you embody these 3 revolutions. There are more drugs and diseases than ever, schools are dumbing our kids down, and the government is taking more and more control over us. It's never been more important to really "get" the information presented in this podcast. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews Don Tolman, known as the Whole Food Medicine Cowboy. For last 17 years he searched the world and let nothing get in his way of hunting down the lost wisdom of the ancients, and discovering the truths about the real potential of human beings which has been kept hidden from the masses. He read and interpreted the most profound ancient scrolls, was given special dispensation rights to pour through hidden ancient libraries, and searched through dusty old catacombs. Don has helped thousands of people world wide from Hollywood stars, peak performance body builders and athletes, people who have been diagnosed with terminal illness, children and much more. And today he shares his knowledge with BeWellBuzz audience. This information is extremely important,  please do your part to share this podcast with your friends, family and the world. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Don's principles of Self Care. The ancient and true definition of: Diagnosis Doctor Symptom Disease Root cause of all diseases. The cause of atomic chaos in the body. How to remove toxicity out of your body. How toxicity and deficiency are connected. How to hydrate the brain properly. What are the most people are deficient of. Importance of fresh moving air. 1 thing to do to electrify and increase absorption of the water. How to eliminate brain fog and headaches. Don's concepts of self-education and what our current system destroys. The leading cause of autism and leukemia? Signature of foods Plus so much more!  ===> Click Here To Get 1 Bag Of Pulse! ===> Click Here To Do The 10-Day Pulse Challenge!  ===> Click Here To Get 1 Bag Of Pulse! ===> Click Here To Do The 10-Day Pulse Challenge!  Listen to the first interview with Don Tolman here

 How To Poop Properly and Eliminate Constipation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:19

We all do it but only few really talk about it. I'm referring to bowel movements. Proper pooping can eliminate many health problems, and especially one that every 5th American suffers from. I'm talking about constipation. This problem can be caused by our diet, lack of water, and also by not properly sitting while you poop. Did you know that you are not supposed to sit on the toilet to defecate? Many studies confirmed that squatting is much more effective than sitting on the toilet, causes less strain on the bowel, and can also protect you from colon cancer. This week Shawn Stevenson talks about this specific topic. You might be surprised with what you hear. The modern day toilet is convenient, but definitely not perfect. While sitting to do our business may be sold to us as civilized, this small change in the way we clear our bodies of waste and toxins has brought on a number of health problems that plague us today. Have you been pooping properly? Listen to this podcast and find out. And don't forget to share this podcast. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Appropriate pooping position. Sitting vs squatting. 6 health dangers that can be caused by wrong sitting position. Why most people are constipated. What can cause blood in your stool? Why squatting is more natural for the body. What causes hemorrhoids and how to treat it. Contributing factors to colon cancer. What is diverticulosis of colon? What can cause prolapse. Tools to eliminate constipation. What is squatty potty? And much more. Poop better with the Squatty Potty

 Self-Sufficiency & Getting All You Need By Going Back To Basics. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:27

We live in an age of fast food, microwave dinners and take out. People are overweight and sick. Today, according to the American Medical Association, one in four of us are overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy and the culprit appears to be diet more than anything else.  So what does a society who grew up on Twinkies and soda to do to turn the tide? The answer is simplicity and it's closer than you think! This week Shawn Stevenson interviews Markus Rothkranz who is flown all over the world to speak in front of thousands about true health, even meeting with heads of government, the military and corporations who know the value of keeping their employees healthy and happy. Having healed himself of multiple life-threatening illnesses, author of the hugely popular book "HEAL YOURSELF 101", Markus Rothkranz is living proof how amazing life can be when we take matters into our own hands. It really works. Markus looks younger at 49 than he did when he was 29. His motion pictures, DVDs and lectures strike a chord in all cultures around the globe. Emails pour in daily as a testimony to how many lives he has touched. It's all about awakening the planet to a new way of living in body, mind and spirit. The only way to heal the planet is to heal ourselves first, and Markus shows us how to do it naturally, the way nature intended. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Why it's important to get in touch with nature Problem with raw foodism Effect of sweet foods on your body The bitter foods to eat to feel better Importance of wind plants Best plants for blood circulation Why most of us get sick Keys of self sufficiency Highly nutritious grasses and roots Abundance that is available in all areas of life How to be self dependent and truly enjoy life. Click Here to Learn More About Heal Yourself 101  

 How to Put The Law of Attraction Into Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:17

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha Last week we explored how thoughts effect our health and today we are diving into how thoughts shape our reality and the secrets of law of attraction. Our mind has an amazing power to create and achieve whatever we desire. We have complete control over our life and nothing comes uninvited. We all are using law of attraction in some way or another, where we are aware of it or not. What we have is a manifestation of our thoughts and feelings. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews the Law of Attraction evangelist, Natalie Ledwell. She positively impacts the lives of thousands of people around the world every day by empowering them to achieve their dreams. Natalie is a co-founder of Mind Movies and a host of an online TV blog called The Inspiration Show. By sharing this information, you make the world a better place. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Natalie's personal story. What is a "mind movie"? Importance of having a clear picture of what we want. Law of attraction system. What is affirmation? Significance of "why" in affirmation. What sabotages goal achievement and happiness. Steps to manifest what you want. Chakra's electromagnetic frequency. THIS is the key to success. How to overcome challenges. Tips on how eliminate negative thoughts. Importance of gratitude and its effects on health. Click Here For Mind Movies 2.1 Click here to check out Natalie's Inspiration Show

 Can Thoughts Affect Your Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:55

Every thought that runs through your mind is responsible for everything that happens in your life and your body. Every effect you see in your physical world has a specific cause which has its origin in your mental world. That's why you have to be really aware and careful of what you think. Thoughts are like a tape that always plays in your mind. What you experience depends on what you play. In order to change anything in your life. you need to change the tape first. Studies have shown that every single thought we have is ingrained into our cells and into our DNA. Over time negative thought patterns can manifest in physical illness. Because these thoughts are in our DNA any disease or illness that manifests in us can be passed on to future generations. Changing your thought patterns to positive ones can improve your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical states. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews researcher, mind-body medicine educator, andspeaker, Dr. Larry Berkelhammer. By sharing this information, you make the world a better place. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: How to live with chronic medical challenges. How our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology. The biochemistry of a stressful thought. The power of negative or positive attributions. The importance of being conscious of our thoughts. What is Dr. Berkelhammer's mindful practice. Scientific basis of the placebo effect. What is the nocebo effect. Who practices modern voodoo. What is Psychoneuroimmunology? What scientific studies discovered about altruism. Want more? You can find Dr. Larry Berkelhammer here:

 The Power of Qigong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:28

Chi or Qi is a vital energy force that keeps our body alive. It is the main element in an ancient art of healing, Gigong. It is a combination of breathing techniques, gentle movement, postures, and meditation that helps cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the Qi energy throughout the body. Qigong is very effective when practiced regularly. It will help reduce stress, build stamina, increase vitality, strengthen the immune system, and improve cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive functions. This practice will keep you younger and give you more energy as it is a perfect mind-body-soul connection. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews this leading authority in the field of natural health and longevity, modern-day shaman, Taoist wizard and Qigong expert, Peter Ragnar. He is an author of 25 books, many of which are best-sellers. This picture of Peter Ragnar is proof of the incredible power of qigong: You'll want to pay close attention to Peter who's a living example of someone who's maintained his youthfulness and strength for countless years!! Please share this valuable information with family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: What is Qi and its purpose? Connection between Qi and kidneys. Electo-magnetic blockages in the body. Difference between Qi and Jing. What is meditative state and its effect on the body. Effects of qigong on cortisol, melatonin and DHEA. Correlation between telomeres and longevity. What is Qi ball? How to keep your mental acuity. And much more. Click play below to listen to the podcast and take advantage of Peter's special offer EXCLUSIVELY for Be Well Buzz readers and subscribers...                            

 How Do You Find Love? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:56

Are you looking for your soulmate, your life partner, the love of your dreams? Many people believe that only a few lucky ones can find their soulmate. And even worse belief is that there is only ONE soulmate for each of us. This is all FALSE! There is no wrong time or place to find the love of your life. Good relationships are essential to our happiness as well as emotional and physical health. But how do you start? How do you know you have found the one? This week Shawn Stevenson interviews a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement, Arielle Ford. She is a book publicist, author, literary agent, TV lifestyle reporter, television producer, Sirius radio host, publishing consultant, relationship expert, speaker, columnist and blogger. You won't want to miss a second of this important podcast!! And don't forget to share this valuable information with family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: What is a soulmate? How does a soulmate effect your health and well-being. Why do most people struggle in manifesting the love of their life? Arielle's soulmate story. Difference between visualization and feelingazation. What is a Love Summit? 5 Steps to manifesting a soulmate. Importance of forgiveness. How to create a soulmate manifestation list. What is "Living as if"? How do you know if your loved one is your soulmate. And much more. Attract your soulmate now (click here) Click play below to listen to the podcast...

 The Power of Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:45

In today's busy world full of distractions and noise it's never been more important to slow down. Because our external world is a reflection of our internal world we must have a practice to tune in and find balance. The most powerful tool to do this is meditation, which is a practice of relaxing the mind, improving thought power and reducing stress. Man has conquered the deepest oceans, the highest mountains and numerous other challenges; but, are we able to conquer our own mind? How often do you find yourself a victim to your own negative thoughts? Through meditation we can bring our unruly mind under control. Numerous research studies report that those who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews Tristan Truscott, who has been studying this mind-body-spirit connection for over 20 years. Tristan is also a founder of the Austin Martial Arts Academy and has spent most of his life practicing and teaching martial arts, self defense, fitness, healing and meditation. You won't want to miss a second of this important podcast!! And don't forget to share this valuable information with family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Tristan's personal story. How the fight or flight response effects the brain? Essential elements of martial arts and meditation. Physical benefits of meditation. Dangers of too much Beta state of the brain. Why the Alpha Brain state is important. How to reach sustained productivity. Difference between relaxation and meditation. The 5 stages of meditation you need to master. Click play below to listen to the podcast... BeWellBuzz Special:

 The “Sugar Free” Hoax! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:29

The average American eats approximately 1,500 pounds of food every year. Of that, 160 pounds are primarily sugar. Sounds crazy, right? Most people don't even realize how much sugar they consume. Government did an amazing job in disguising the amount of sugar in products by requiring printing of nutritional information in grams. Most Americans have no idea how much a gram is, so when they pick up a can of soda that contains 40 grams of sugar, they don't even think twice before drinking it. And that's exactly what soda industry wants you to do! But what if the label said that it contained almost 10 teaspoons of sugar? If you saw someone putting 10 teaspoons of sugar into their coffee, you'd think they were crazy, but that is exactly how much people consume in a typical 12-ounce can. But what about 64-ounce fountain drink that they sell at a movie theater? It's almost two cups of sugar! That is a very sad truth. Thankfully most people are aware of sugar effects on the body and try to limit it in their diet. But what about the hidden sugars like high fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose, lactose, dextrose, sucrose, galactose, maltose and many others? You can find many of them even in "sugar-free" products. That's why this week Shawn Stevenson sheds light on this important issue. Please share this valuable podcast with family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Hidden sugars in "sugar-free" products. List of sweeteners to avoid. Truth about diet sodas. Physiological problems that are caused by sweeteners. Sugars that are derived from corn starch. Dangers of Aspartame. Insulin relationship with LPL and HSL. Hormonal response to sweeteners. How to avoid artificial sugars. Click play below to listen to the podcast... Want more transformative health information? Get my book:

 The Truth About High Blood Pressure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke, heart failure, kidney failure, and heart attack. It is often called the "silent killer" as there are usually no symptoms. Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death among Americans. It's also a leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Projections show that by 2030, an additional 27 million people could have high blood pressure, a 9.9% increase in prevalence from 2010. Many people mistakenly think of stroke as an "old person's disease." But in the United States, about 76.4 million people age 20 and older have high blood pressure. This week Shawn Stevenson explains and shares the real truth about high blood pressure, natural solutions and prevention tips. You might be shocked after listening to this podcast. Please share this important podcast with family and friends. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: The staggering health care cost associated with high blood pressure. Common misconceptions about blood pressure and it's causes. What organs are responisble for regulating blood pressure (not what you think). Why your body elevates blood pressure on purpose? What you blood pressure number REALLY mean. 6 critical steps to lowering your blood pressure naturally. And much, much more Click play below to listen to the podcast... Want more transformative health information? Get my book:    

 Exposed – The Business of Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:43

100 years ago cancer was a rare occurrence. Now 1 in 3 people are at risk of getting one. Cancer industry has also grown into a huge business. There are shockingly now more people making a living off cancer than have cancer. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone, and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology, if a person survives for 5 years after being diagnosed with cancer it is considered a successful case. Also, both organizations admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Interesting, isn't it? This week Shawn Stevenson interviews Ty Bollinger a health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book, Cancer---Step Outside the Box. He has devoted the last decade of  his life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures. We urge you to share this podcast with everyone you know. You doing this can save lives and wake people up to the truth. This is one of our more important podcasts so PLEASE HELP US SPREAD TRUTH ABOUT CANCER FAR AND WIDE. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Ty's personal journey into the world of cancer. What is cancer and its cause. Why three main cancer treatments don't really work. Why a cancer tumor is the symptom but not the cause. What causes the immune system breakdown? How chemotherapy compromises the immune system? The cancer drug still being used that World Health Organization declared a carcinogen 10 years ago. Why cancer patients die from the treatments not the cancer What's creating the condition for cancer to manifest. Why cancer is not genetic? The role your diet plays in the cancer equation. How long people live taking the treatment route (this statistic is SHOCKING). The reason why doctors prescribe commonly accepted (but deadly) solutions. The role of big money within the treatment and its ties to the Flexner Report. The people behind The American Cancer Society (SHOCKING). The mammogram cancer connection. Important nutritional solutions. Use this vitamin to kill cancer cells. Much Much More... Click play below to listen to the podcast...    

 Memory and Learning Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:08

Do you ever walk into a room and forget why you went there? Run into someone you haven't seen recently and can't recall their name? Misplaced your house keys? Most of us are extremely concerned about keeping our body fit and healthy, that's why we eat healthy foods and exercises regularly. But what about the most important part of our body that controls all our physical activities and emotional responses? Yes, we are talking about the BRAIN.  Brain acts like a muscle and gets stronger when we exercise it. This week Shawn Stevenson interviews an expert on memory and learning, Jim Kwik. For the last 18 years, Jim has been working with companies and universities, teaching individuals how to speed read, improve memory and accelerate learning. You will walk away from this interview with tools to improve memory and accelerate your learning. Don't miss it. We work very hard to bring you the this great information. If you appreciate it please share it with everyone you care about. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: Jim Kwik's personal story. How do you learn how to learn. Importance of right-brain reading. How smartphones make us stupid. Why faster readers have better information retention. How to unlearn bad habits. Strategies how to maximize your brain potential. Click play below to listen to the podcast... BeWellBuzz Reader EXCLUSIVE Offer: Watch Dr. Amen speak about brain health at Superhero You  

 Dangers Of Soy Explained | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:39

Soy has become very popular in the last 15 years and it is now a 4 billion dollar industry. Great marketing efforts are definitely paying off but thankfully to many scientific studies we are now aware of the real dangers of soy consumption. 288 studies on the toxic properties and effects of soybeans are listed at the Poisonous Plant Database of the United States FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. It is a great concern that the FDA has this information and knowingly chose to ignore the dangers, that's why it is very important that you educate yourself on this topic. This week Shawn Stevenson exposes the real truth about soy and its effects on human body. You might be shocked after listening to this podcast. Know someone who eats soy? Please share this with them and everyone you care about. When you listen to the podcast below you'll discover: What plant estrogens can do to your body. Cause of fibroid tumors in women. What beverages have 20,000 times more estrogen than birth control pills. Which soy compounds can damage thyroid function. How soy can alter menstrual cycle. What are anti-nutrients. Dangers of vegetable oils. How anti-nutrients can block the absorption of minerals and proteins. Strategies on how to transition away from soy products. How to get bad estrogen out of the body. Click play below to listen to the podcast... Want more transformative health information? Get my book:    


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