FermUp - The Fermented Food Podcast show

FermUp - The Fermented Food Podcast

Summary: FermUp is a weekly conversation about the art, science and history of food fermentation brought to you by two fermentation enthusiasts. We cover the what, why and DIY how-to. Learn the history and ways to ferment common food items such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir and yogurt. We also explore cultures of fermentation from around the world. If it is fermentable and edible, we will discuss it.

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 21: Cheesy Things to Consider | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:09

This week we discuss a few key things to consider when jumping into the world of homemade cheese. How difficult is it to make cheese at home? Is it super expensive? We cover these topics and more in this initial exploration of DIY cheese. In our never-ending quest to more deeply understand our motives behind DIY fermentation projects, we touch on the two major approaches to DIY cheese making. We also ponder the likelihood of mice eating cheese.

 20: Is Coffee Really Fermented? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:43

Coffee is often touted as being fermented but is it really? Can we really consider it a fermented food or beverage? Find out in this week's conversation and decide for yourself. We also discuss a British dairy farmer who makes vodka, a cheese festival in China, a Finnish festival in the US, and a new study that examines the like-ability of food when paired with caffeine.

 19: DIY Fermentation Manifesto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:34

Ginger beer plant, the world's largest mozzarella ball, and Michael Pollan's upcoming book release. This week we further our discussion on why we ferment or spend any time at all caring about food. Inspired by a few articles related to Michael Pollan's upcoming book about cooking and fermenting, we discuss the philosophy and politics behind fermented food choices.

 18: Food Awareness and Fermentation Specialization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:04

This week we discuss the ban on Mimolette cheese due to so-called high levels of mites. Other cheese news includes a UK cheese maker that has gone carbon-neutral. Then we contemplate the importance of food awareness, convenience, specialization and the role of fermented foods in store and home.

 Episode 17: Preserved Lemon Delight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:48

This week we discuss the magical world of preserved lemons; how to make them, how to use them and the amazingness of their flavor transformation. We then provide a little background history on how and where lemons may have originated. We also discuss our thoughts on formal fermentation education and new opportunities at universities across the US. And then we look at alternative options for those wanting to get a deeper understanding of fermentation. Other news includes deer cheese, black garlic, a Greek yogurt lawsuit and CropMobster.

 Episode 16: Fish Sauce was The Original Ketchup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:55

Even thought salt water fish can't jump out of the water and ferment themselves, with a little effort, humans have been preparing fermented fish sauces and pastes for thousands of years. This week we explore fermented fish and the flavor of umami.

 Episode 15: Viili is the Nickelodeon Gak of Yogurts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:41

This week we dive into the thick and viscous world of viili yogurt. If you haven't tried this heirloom yogurt then you are in for a treat. We cover the flavor, texture, origins, and cultural background of this prized heirloom yogurt from Finland. And speaking of slimy ferments, we also talk about natto! Branden is still undecided if his first batch of natto turned out as it was supposed to or if it over-fermented. We also cover a couple of news stories regarding fermented cow dung and chocolate. Yum!

 Episode 14: The Botulism Bogeyman and Other Fermented Fears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:24

This week we confront Botulism and other fears of food fermentation. Can you contract botulism from leaving vegetables to ferment at room temperature? The short answer is no. But listen in for a deeper understanding of why this doesn't happen, where botulism does occur and when these fears originated. Then we finish up with a brief discussion of Chicago's first Kimchi Challenge.

 Episode 13: No Fermentation In Black Garlic? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:07

This week we talk about what not to do with kefir grains, a bit of history behind the people who originally drank kumis, whether marijuana infused kombucha is a gimmick or not, our thoughts on plastic kraut pouches with one-way valves, probiotic steering wheels, water kefir carbonation, and then we share the news that black garlic is not actually fermented.

 Episode 12: Poop Starter Culture for the Gut | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:35

This week we look at the fascinating world of the gut and mouth microbiota, how bacteria may affect health and disease, the similarities between fecal transplants and yogurt starter cultures, and how switching from hunter-gatherers to farmers altered dental hygiene. This is an exciting and lively discussion about bacteria, stool samples and food!

 Episode 11: Do it for the children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:06

Does the "Greek" in Greek yogurt refer to process or place of origin? According to a UK lawsuit by FAGE, it's the latter. This week we talk about the popularity of commercial greek yogurt and how easy and inexpensive it is to ferment it yourself (and how simple it is to make frozen Greek yogurt too). Also this week, have you ever tried black fermented garlic? The concept is old but one Canadian entrepreneur is about to bring high quality black fermented garlic to top chefs in July. If you want some, you can pre-order too. We finish up our conversation with a quick look at the cleanliness of US Children versus Bangladesh children and how that influences gut microbiota.

 Episode 10: To Starter or Not to Starter Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:14

This week we discuss all things starter cultures; when to use them and when you might not want to. We toss around personal opinion (no whey) and research on the effects of backslopping in commercial sauerkraut production. We finish up with a fumbling attempt at sharing an update on Branden's almost koumiss attempts.

 Episode 9: Reasons to Ferment Food and Why We FIY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:26

This week our conversation includes sauerkraut juice powering a water treatment plant, cheese flavor wheels, fermented coleslaw, and probiotic claims settlement. The second half our discussion leads into why people have fermented food throughout history and specifically, why we ferment it ourselves.

 Episode 8: Greek Yogurt and Kombucha Baby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01

This week we discuss greek yogurt in schools, up-cycling of commercial whey waste, the healthiness of kombucha and then we debate whether or not eating a kombucha SCOBY is like eating a placenta.

 Episode 7: Seduce a Prince for Kefir Grains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:55

This weeks conversation includes our thoughts on an opinion we read about commercial production of food often times being superior to small-scale artisanal foods. Plus we take a closer look at Kefir history and microbiology.


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