The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being show

The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being

Summary: Temple Hayes is a powerful, dynamic, and energetic presence-a successful author, life coach, motivational speaker, Unity minister, and practicing Shaman-an intentional spirit! For many years, people have asked her to share her views on how to go beyond seeing life to actually being life-being present, being intentional, being alive! Each week, Temple will share tools that will support you in your journey to becoming an intentional spirit. You will learn how to apply these simple practices in purposeful ways that will enable you to thrive in the best and most challenging of times. You will become aware of the how's and why's in your everyday life and how they directly affect your ability to see and be your most magnificent self. The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being is sponsored by First Unity Campus and Temple Hayes Ministries. Temple Hayes joined Unity Online Radio as host of From Good to Amazing in March 2011. In January 2013, the name of the program was changed to The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being to more accurately reflect the content of the program. The archives for both programs are below. "Like" Rev. Temple Hayes on Facebook. "Like" First Unity Campus on Facebook. Follow Rev. Temple Hayes on Twitter. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Joel Fotinos! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

"My Life Contract" is a program for achieving your personal desires, hopes, and dreams. It helps readers to take their life off "pause" and move forward: no more delays! With practical examples and personal stories, My Life Contract is based on Fotinos' popular class, which has been attended by thousands of people across the country. Joel Fotinos is known as the Spiritual Businessman, a vice president at Penguin Group (USA) Inc., the publisher of the Tarcher imprint, and founder of the Putnam Praise publishing program. A cofounder of Sacred Center New York, he is an ordained New Thought minister, motivational speaker, and seminar leader.

 Minx Boren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Minx Boren is a master certified coach, credentialed through the International Coach Federation. Because of her chosen vocation and calling, Minx is always inquiring into what gives LIFE to life, what awakens our creativity and passion, our dreams and resourcefulness, and our will and willingness to do the next best thing. Her writings are the outpourings of both her outward questioning and inner journeying. For more than 20 years, Minx has been developing and presenting innovative programs that support health and balance, creativity and effectiveness, and reflection and achievement. She is the founder of Coach Minx Inc., a founding coach of, and a coach for

 Esther Austin: Wounded Lives, Wounded Healers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Why are so many people walking around carrying so much emotional baggage? What is their fear of putting it down and letting go? Why are so many people afraid to face, speak, and stand in their truth? Wounded Lives, Wounded Healers is a book dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey of facing, dealing with, and healing their emotional pain. This book will offer guidance, suggestions, and tools to help individuals set themselves free, so they can experience a sense of freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. Esther is an International Holistic Healer known as "The 60-Second Soul Liberator" because she gets to the root of problems fast. She runs long weekend Healing Retreats in the U.K.

 Edie Weinstein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Rev. Edie Weinstein, LSW (a.k.a. Bliss Mistress), is an opti-mystic who views life through the eyes of possibility. Her creative, career, and spiritual paths have led her to become a writer, speaker, interfaith minister, Reiki master, clown, greeting card text writer (for Kathy Davis Designs/Recycled Paper Greetings), and social worker. She engages in life fully, inviting others to join her. As a guide, she holds a mirror up to those with whom she works, so they may see their own beauty and discover their own answers. "I view goal setting as part and parcel of focusing intention to create an outcome; whether it be a job, a relationship, or lifestyle change. It is a road map or compass that can be used to measure where we are in the process. It is the first step along the journey ... but it is only the beginning."

 What Can We Learn From the Great Pharaohs of Egypt? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

James Phillips, cofounder of Living in Truth, LLC, has devoted his career to making the sacred wisdom of ancient Egypt relevant for today's contemporary audiences and assisting in the birth of a truth-grounded world for us all. Jim is the creator of the best-selling imaginization series of prerecorded creative visualizations as well as the Total Relax and Super Study CDs, which use multilayered audio guidance systems to support listeners in deep relaxation, rejuvenating sleep cycles, power napping, laser-like concentration, and other extraordinary states of awareness. Jim is a graduate of the prestigious Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, and travels extensively presenting the Living in Truth Lecture as well as the Secrets of the Adepts Workshop.

 Oprah Winfrey’s Ambassador of Hope 2009 Recipient, the Incredible Marala Scott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

As noted by Oprah: "A childhood of abuse almost kept Marala Scott from a life of happiness ... Until she discovered how to use her story to help others." Marala shares her prolific story in her memoir, In Our House: Perception vs. Reality, which chronicles a childhood unlike any other. It is the chilling story of a successful family, and reveals the hidden reality behind appearances. Marala Scott's story is nothing short of remarkable-in the fact that she overcame such a tragic childhood and is now able to capture those experiences through teaching about the indicators of an abuser. More than two years ago, Marala was told by doctors that she only had one week to live. She had suffered from multiple brain aneurysms, in which doctors were afraid to operate due to the complexity of the surgery. The chances of her surviving were slim. Their prognosis-she would become a vegetable. The operation consisted of doctors placing a metal plate in her head. Marala calls this her battle scar. Marala's survival is nothing short of miraculous. With an innate desire to continue her message of inspiration and healing, Marala is determined more than ever to inspire others.

 Are You Ready to Ignite Your Soul-Guided Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Laurel Geise is an inspirational teacher, author, and speaker who empowers people around the world to live an authentic, soul-guided life. When the practicality of real-world examples combine with the awakened energy of her message, the evolutionary impulse ignited by Laurel's teachings will lift and shift your consciousness. Once experienced, you will step beyond what you can imagine to redefine the future of your life. "At the core of every soul, the seeds of truth and grace await the right frequency of light to awaken them. With this activation, they burst open, allowing wisdom to flood the soul and rise to the cognitive level of the mind. In this awakening comes access to the cosmic encyclopedia of life."-Laurel Geise

 Better Than Sex? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Arjuna Ardagh's book Better Than Sex shows us, with many real-life stories and case studies, that when we bring these two things together-life coaching and awakening-we discover a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts, which has the possibility to bring each of these areas to their greatest potential. Ardagh teaches that you don't need to be a yogi, or a guru, or a representative of an ancient tradition in order to make huge contributions to another person-to effect the unfolding of that person's deepest gifts. Instead, he says, it simply requires "an open heart, an open mind, and the willingness to ask powerful questions."

 Twila Cole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Twila is the director of development for Humane Society of Pinellas County, Florida. She shares with donors and supporters the successes, the needs, and the growth of the largest No-Kill animal shelter in the county. She works closely with businesses and donors to create, cultivate, and grow mutually beneficial relationships. She also assists with community outreach and appearances, and media communications, including television and radio interviews and creative input. "I am fortunate to have a career where I can make a difference in the lives of pets and the people that love them."-Twila

 Abundance Waterfall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Joseph Gallenberger, Ph.D., has just released a new CD, which features a meditation for enhanced flow of abundance in all areas of life. This 36-minute CD encourages you to relax, open your heart, and experience your very own Abundance Waterfall. You are guided to imagine a waterfall, celebrating your current flow of abundance, and then to increase the flow in any and all areas of your life where you desire greater blessings-such as health, money, relationships, career, and spiritual life. Most manifestation exercises help you visualize one specific thing you would like to manifest. Abundance Waterfall enhances your awareness of the entire flow of abundance available to you and dramatically increases your capacity to receive it. This opens you to a flow of miracle blessings beyond your current experience.

 Mark Susnow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The radio show host and author of Dancing on the River joins the show. Mark is a former trial lawyer turned meditator, yoga practicer, and life coach. He's bright and fun and open to all possibilities in our world ... yeah!

 Learn How to Take Care of Yourself and Stay Open to Love, With Chandra Alexander | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you have the courage to love yourself first? Chandra reminds us once again-every man knows what to do; it's just whether or not he thinks he needs to do it with you. By delivering a one-two punch, Relationship Therapy On Demand wakes you up-her book reads like the abc's and 123's of relationships, covering topics such as Meeting and Courting, The Relationship, To Leave or To Stay, Breaking Up, Starting Over, and Creating a Real Relationship-with exercises and rewards for each. Women will buy this book for one another and men will secretly buy it for themselves. A woman's book every man should read!

 Joanne DiMaggio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Ask Joanne DiMaggio what is her soul's purpose and she gives her answer with a smile: "I am a reporter for the Universe." Joanne says writing is part of her spiritual DNA and sees her soul's mission in this life to observe, record, and disseminate information about her particular area of expertise in esoteric studies: soul writing and past life exploration. Since she was a teenager, Joanne has been an avid student of metaphysics. A professional writer and author of three books and hundreds of magazine articles for both mainstream and esoteric audiences, she began devoting all her time in 1987 to esoteric studies, specializing in past life exploration, research, and therapy. She eventually combined her passion for soul writing with her knowledge of reincarnation and today is considered a respected expert in both fields. Her first esoteric book, Soul Writing: Conversing With Your Higher Self, was published in 2011 by Olde Souls Press. Its sequel, Your Soul Remembers: Accessing Your Past Lives Through Soul Writing, was published in 2013.

 Philip Comella | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Philip Comella is a practicing lawyer with a philosophy degree as well as a visionary futurist. He has spent more than 35 years researching and developing the arguments in favor of a new scientific worldview that will replace the outdated, matter-world worldview of materialism that today dominates our way of thinking. These efforts have culminated in his new book, The Collapse of Materialism: Visions of Science, Dreams of God. He is also the host of the Internet radio show, Conversations Beyond Science and Religion, podcast at, where he talks with leading-edge thinkers on topics ranging from quantum theory and cosmology, to energy healing and life after death. He lives with his wife and daughter in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

 Bonnie Glass-Coffin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Bonnie Glass-Coffin, Ph.D., is a visionary and a bridge builder who believes that educating the whole person (head and heart) should be at the core of a liberal arts education. She has been inspired to build these bridges because of the transformational experiences that she has had while studying with Peruvian shamans for more than 30 years. She has written about this vision and her experiences of deep personal transformation in academic venues, including Anthropology and Humanism, Anthropology of Consciousness, The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, and in popular venues, including Shaman's Drum and Sacred Fire magazine. She has written two books about her work with Peruvian shamanism, The Gift of Life: Female Spirituality and Healing in Northern Peru and Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life (with don Oscar Miro-Quesada).


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