The Jefferson Exchange show

The Jefferson Exchange

Summary: This lively two-hour interactive interview program focuses on issues facing the State of Jefferson, the Northwest, the nation and the world.

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 Timber Legislation From O & C Counties Perspective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:15

The Jefferson Exchange: December 3, 2013, Hour 1A: The other shoe just dropped in the plan to reorganize some of Western Oregon's federal forests. The so-called O & C lands were already the focus of a bill passed in the U.S. House earlier this year. Now Sen. Ron Wyden has released his plan--different from the House version--for giving greater protection to a portion of the lands, while managing the remainder more intensively for timber production. Douglas County Commissioner Doug Robertson has labored for decades on issues involving the O & C timberlands; we get his take on the two pieces of legislation. 

 Higher Speeds For Applegate Lake? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:59

The Jefferson Exchange: December 3, 2013, Hour 1B:There's frequently a bit of tension between groups of people who want to enjoy public waterways. That tension is on display over Applegate Lake in Jackson County. The Oregon State Marine Board proposes eliminating a 10 mph speed limit that kept all but the quietest and slowest motorboats off the lake. And lake users who liked the relative quiet are taking issue with the proposal.  We discuss the reasons for the proposal, and the opportunity for public comment.

 Alternative Radio With David Barsamian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:17

The Jefferson Exchange: December 3, 2013, Hour 2:There's mainstream media and lots of stuff that does not fit in the mainstream, and then there's David Barsamian.  He not only considers what he does out of the mainstream, the very name of his media venture is Alternative Radio. David Barsamian will take an hour away from his radio show to come on ours and talk about what he does.

 Getting The Railroad Show On Track | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:56

The Jefferson Exchange: November 27, 2013 Hour 1A:Getting The Railroad Show On TrackWhat IS it about trains? They're just like big trucks and busses on steel rails… but the people who love them think of them as far more than that. And people love trains either a little or a lot can find some thrills at this weekend's Rogue Valley Railroad Show. We visit with one of the organizers to talk about sights and sounds.  We will avoid the term "choo choo."

 VENTSday: PG-13 Violence + You're Thankful For... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:56

The Jefferson Exchange: November 27, 2013 Hour 1B:VENTSday: PG-13 Violence + You're Thankful For...Here we are, just hours before the turkey hits the table, wondering what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving. It's become a holiday tradition, that one of our two VENTSday topics concerns what we are all thankful for. And our other topic?  PG-13 movies and whether there is too much violence in them. We do not schedule guests for Wednesday at 8:30, because that's the time for VENTSday, your chance to vent (politely, please) on a pair of topics in the news.  We bring the topics, you bring the opinions.

 Before The Big Meal, Wine And Cheese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:01

The Jefferson Exchange: November 27, 2013 Hour 2:Before The Big Meal, Wine And CheeseJust in time for Thanksgiving, a chat on food… or two, come to think of it. We'll certainly have the wine and cheese courses covered, as we visit with Melanie Wanger, the author of Hello Wine. And just to make sure the wine doesn't just go to our heads, we'll also bring in Sue Conley and Peggy Smith, the co-authors of Cowgirl Creamery Cooks.

 Children And Health Insurance: CA/OR Look Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:52

The Jefferson Exchange: November 26, 2013, Hour 1A: Even before the Affordable Care Act fully takes effect, children in both of our states are getting more health insurance coverage. A study from the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University shows growth in health insurance coverage for children in both Oregon and California. We'll hear the reasons for the improvement... and what likely happens next.

 Taking On The State Over Raw Milk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:39

The Jefferson Exchange: November 26, 2013, Hour 1B:You can sell raw milk in Oregon, but because of health concerns--the milk is not pasteurized--the state controls such sales tightly.For example, farms can't advertise the fact that they sell raw milk. And so a Willamette Valley farmer who put information about her raw milk sales on her website drew warnings from the state. And now Christine Anderson is suing the state over the advertising ban. The Institute for Justice is giving her legal assistance.  We visit with the dairy farmer and the attorney.  

 "The Boy Who Flies" Lands In Ashland | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:36

The Jefferson Exchange: November 26, 2013, Hour 2: Spend a little time with a parachute, and you can become famous.  Especially if you're the very first person in your country's history to attempt (and succeed) at paragliding.  That is the story of one Godfrey Masauli, the first person to paraglide in the African country of Malawi. He has converted his success into motivational speeches, TED talks, and a film: The Boy Who Flies. Godfrey and his film visit Ashland this week; he'll join us in the studio.

 Major Problems With Minor Smokers In Oregon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:56

The Jefferson Exchange: November 25, 2013 Hour 1A:Major Problems With Minor Smokers In OregonYoung people are smoking cigarettes less in the United States and in Oregon, but Oregon has a particular issue to address: it ranks among the worst states in selling tobacco products to minors. And Lane County ranks high among the counties in cases of minors buying cigarettes in stores. So, county health officials are considering moves--perhaps including license fees to stores--to further discourage teens from smoking.

 Curbing Unnecessary Antibiotic Prescriptions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The Jefferson Exchange: November 25, 2013 Hour 1B:Curbing Unnecessary Antibiotic PrescriptionsThe medical powers-that-be are so concerned about bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics that Oregon has a program in place to discourage the unnecessary use of the drugs. The AWARE program (Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education) can reports some success, too. Oregon ranks way down on the list of states where unneeded antibiotics are prescribed. We'll discuss proper and improper use of antibiotics, and how the AWARE program works.

 Frank Tavares, Fiction Writer/"Voice Of NPR" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The Jefferson Exchange: November 25, 2013 Hour 2:Frank Tavares, Fiction Writer/"Voice Of NPR"Frank Tavares is a professor of communication and a fiction writer, but you probably know him best as the "voice of NPR." Until very recently, all the announcements that began "funding for NPR…" were delivered in the sonorous tones of Mr. Tavares. A lot is happening in his life.  Not only does NPR have a new underwriter voice, but Frank Tavares just released a book collecting some of his short stories, "The Man Who Built Boxes." He joins us to talk about all of his jobs.

 A Day For Survivors Of Suicide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The Jefferson Exchange: November 22, 2013 Hour 1A:A Day For Survivors Of SuicideSaturday, November 23rd is International Survivors of Suicide Day. It's not even in the same month as Suicide Prevention Month (September), and the issues are certainly somewhat different. The pain felt by people who commit suicide ends in death, but it lingers for the loved ones left behind.  We'll explore the issues that arise for survivors, and the current thinking about how to cope with those issues.

 Prep For The Later Years: Vital Aging | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:59

The Jefferson Exchange: November 14, 2013, Hour 1A:Even people born close to the end of the Baby Boom are receiving offers of membership in AARP.The organization will likely swell in members in the coming years. And AARP offers a number of programs, including a conference on "Vital Aging" set for Saturday in Medford.  You'll hear more on how we age with vitality.

 Keeping Carbon Monoxide Out Of The House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

The Jefferson Exchange: November 14, 2013, Hour 1B: Ah, winter.  It can certainly be pretty in the right conditions, but the weather often forces us indoors, windows and doors shut, with some kind of heating system running. What could go wrong?  Carbon monoxide, for one thing. The Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office is issuing its annual warnings about carbon monoxide, the gas you can't see or smell, and its detection and abatement.  


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