Healing Your Life With Dr. Chris Michaels show

Healing Your Life With Dr. Chris Michaels

Summary: You've seen reality TV. Well, now get ready for reality radio. It's raw, unpredictable, and completely unscripted. Healing Your Life With Dr. Chris Michaels follows the lives of two people for five weeks as they face their fears and overcome their challenges. Listen in weekly and follow along, as they take each faithful step on their journey. Learn what it takes to really heal your life. Dr. Chris Michaels shows you how to expect specific and measureable results from prayer. He says: "We must place a demand upon consciousness. We don't hope to get what we pray for. We expect it." As a 25-year veteran in the New Thought movement, Dr. Chris has helped thousands of people find their way to success and healing. "Like" Healing Your Life on Facebook and join in the discussion. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Reunion: Ross and Jeanne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We are very excited to introduce our reunion shows for the next three weeks! We love our reunion shows and the chance to catch up with our former guests and hear how they are doing. Ross and Jeanne will join us for our first reunion show. You'll remember them from this time a year ago and again in March of this year. They had so much to share with us and were such an interesting couple, I was thrilled when they agreed to join us. It will be wonderful to visit with them again! Don't miss the chance to catch up and be inspired on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris!

 Kathy and Ralph, Final Week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

It is hard to imagine, but four weeks have passed and it is finale week with Kathy and Ralph on Healing Your Life! Kathy shared her week with us and it was an emotional and stressful week that just wasn't fun for her. Her sister is moving away and that is uncomfortable for Kathy, who has a close bond with her sister. She found herself in several situations that were stressful so she turned to computer games, once more, to numb her emotions. She forgot the advice from Dr. Chris to sit with her emotions and feel them. Kathy is having growing pains. She is actively committed to her spiritual growth, but it is a process and takes time. Ralph is having a wonderful time. He feels that he has made the perfect choice for his future and Life is showing up to support him. People are offering advice, suggestions, and invitations that all link to his dream of a new life as a yoga instructor. To Ralph, everything is clear and the path is an easy stride down hill. Dr. Chris gave him some pointers for the times that he might not feel so encouraged. Join us this week to say goodbye to Kathy and Ralph, knowing that Spirit will be there to guide them.

 Kathy and Ralph, Week Three | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Our guests, Kathy and Ralph, are making great progress while working with Dr. Chris on Healing Your Life! Kathy agreed to not play computer games while she is working with Dr. Chris. That gave her hours of time to fill that otherwise would have been spent playing. So what did she do? She spent her time in a different, more productive way. She worked on home projects, read, gardened, made lunch dates with friends, and enjoyed herself. Admittedly, she missed gaming. There were times she felt empty without her addictive pastime. Dr. Chris suggested she make time to feel all her emotions. Be bored, upset, empty, or however she feels, just feel it. When it is time, she can fill the empty space constructively. Ralph had a very emotional week. He said goodbye to the former corporate, white-collar Ralph and re-enforced the farewell by discarding all his suits, ties, and business awards. That was bold and brave! He began telling his friends he was going to be a yoga instructor. He started the process necessary to bring his dreams and vision into full fruition. He has taken the first steps on the path to his new life! Join us today as Kathy and Ralph bravely share their experiences with us. They are fully committed to healing their lives, and Spirit will be there to support and guide them along the way.

 Kathy and Ralph, Week Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

A week ago, we met two new guests on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris. Kathy and Ralph will be working with Dr. Chris for four weeks to expose and heal a concern in their lives. Kathy discussed her history with addictive behavior. For most of her life, she can recall being addicted to something. Shopping, food, sex, and smoking are all on her list of addictions she has experienced. Today, her addiction of choice is computer games. She can easily spend 6-8 hours daily engrossed in her current favorite. She is troubled by this and believes her behavior is unhealthy and limiting. Dr. Chris has asked that she not play computer games for the next few weeks. Her assignment is to fill her free time with something new, constructive, and fun. Ralph joined us at a very interesting and exhilarating time in his life. He is 67 years old, and after losing his corporate job, he has decided to change his life! Ralph has discovered meditation and yoga in his recent years. He is embracing the vision of himself as a meditation and yoga instructor. He feels passionately about the practice and the value it brings to life. Dr. Chris has asked Ralph to bring us a clearer picture of what his life would look like as an instructor. A more detailed picture of his new life will assist in bringing his vision into full fruition. Join Dr. Chris, Kathy, and Ralph as they intensify their work and increase their commitment to renew and heal their lives.

 New Guests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

As the producer of Healing Your Life, I am always fascinated to witness the healings that take place and the wide diversity of subject matter presented on our show. Our next segment will be no exception. Dr. Chris will have the next four weeks to guide and counsel our new guests on their journey to healing. Join us as Dr. Chris introduces you to our guests and reminds us that all healing is possible through Spirit!

 First Guests of the Season | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

It's always exciting to meet new guests on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris! Please join us for our fall/winter season and listen in as Dr. Chris leads our new guests through five weeks of personal healing and spiritual growth. We never know what will unfold on Healing Your Life, but we know nothing is beyond the reach and renewal of Spirit. It is always an inspiring journey of truth, prayer, and a commitment to spiritual practice. As Dr. Chris has said, "We must place a demand upon consciousness. We don't hope to get what we pray for. We expect it." So join us as we greet new friends and expect great things on Healing Your Life!

 Kenya and Kim, Week Four | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Our time with Kenya and Kim has flown by! But they have both made progress and shown their commitment to their healing and spiritual practice. Kenya has been looking for employment. She feels she would have been hired by now if not for her pregnancy. This has upset her plans, but she is determined to move forward with the best of her ability. She is going to work on creating the life she wants to live through the use of a vision board. She is very creative, so I expect she will have a lot to share with us this week. Kim has found success using her new mantra to control her anger. She is taking back her authority and making great strides on her path to peace and healing. She has written powerful letters to people who have caused her great pain. Dr. Chris has asked her for one more letter. She has worked through a great deal of anger and many emotions by writing these letters. Maybe with this last letter she will experience a breakthrough and find it within herself to forgive the man who molested her as a child. We know forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves. Maybe then she could live in peace without anger as a companion. Join us for the final week with Dr. Chris, Kenya, and Kim. We appreciate their bravery for sharing their lives with us, and all of you who listen weekly to Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris.

 Kenya and Kim, Week Three | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Our guests, Kim and Kenya, have made real progress while working with Dr. Chris. They have made strong commitments to themselves and their healing through spiritual guidance. Kenya was not able to join us on the show this past week. Part of her challenge has been to find employment. This past Monday she had two job interviews. She is making progress and taking the steps necessary to improve her life. Kim shared two powerful letters with us as part of her healing process. She wrote a letter to her mother and the relative who caused her so much grief and pain in her childhood. Dr. Chris assigned her the task of writing additional letters to release the pain and anger she still harbors for these people and events. She has a talent for expressing her feelings in this manner. The question remains: Will she mail them? Join us this week to follow their progress and support these brave women on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris.

 Kenya and Kim, Week Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

It was great to meet Kenya and Kim for their first week on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris. They determined a plan of action and are moving in the direction of their healing. Kenya is distraught that her decisions have brought her to where she is now. She is 32, pregnant, jobless, and living in subsidized housing. She has been successful in her life; how did this happen? Assuredly, some poor choices were made and now she is on a correction course. She has a baby due in five months, and she wants more for herself and her child. Kim loves her family and her partner. But her old habits and learned behaviors from her abusive, anger-filled childhood could potentially destroy her current relationships. Kim has been through therapy to heal and forgive, but she still has anger to deal with. Anger has been her companion for years. She is looking for guidance to move through her anger, the inevitable sadness, and embrace forgiveness and healing. Kenya, Kim, and Dr. Chris will have a great deal of work to do in the next three weeks. But they have set an intention and have placed a demand on consciousness for healing and spiritual renewal. Please join us and pray for their success!

 Two New Guests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

It is always hard to say goodbye to our guests after they have shared their lives with all of us. But when one door closes, another one opens! And now it is time to meet our new guests on Healing Your Life. Dr. Chris will lead two people on a four-week journey of truth, commitment to prayer, meditation, and a reminder of their true nature as spiritual beings. As Dr. Chris has said, "We must place a demand upon consciousness. We don't hope to get what we pray for. We expect it." So join us as we greet new friends and expect great things on Healing Your Life!

 Maggie and Angie, Week Five | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Maggie and Angie have made wonderful progress working with Dr. Chris the past five weeks. They have achieved powerful and measurable results thanks to their commitment to their healing and spiritual practice. Maggie is a happier person today than she was five weeks ago. In her own words, she is joyful, loves herself more, is present, and her voice is coming back! With her doctor's approval, she has reduced her intake of Paxil without negative side effects. She is back to work and engaged in the career that she had avoided while she was struggling with depression. We are thrilled for her and very proud of the hard work she has demonstrated. Angie was having a hard time with her love and joy challenge so she decided to write about it. Writing unleashed her feelings and helped her to get in touch with what makes her happy. She is a very creative person who needs a creative outlet that is about receiving good instead of service to others. She is a master at service to others but she will strive to practice the art of receiving until it is comfortable and integrated into her life. It has been a pleasure to work with these two women on Healing Your Life. Don't miss the last show with Maggie, Angie, and Dr. Chris!

 Maggie and Angie, Week Four | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Maggie and Angie have seen great improvement and are committed to their spiritual practice. Maggie believes she is ready to face life without daily medication to ease her depression. She remembers a time when she felt much stronger and she seemed happier. She is taking steps to regain her sense of well-being. Caring for herself and finding joy in her daily activities is important to her recovery. Angie surprised us with her decision to create boundaries for herself with her family. This is a huge leap forward and one that required her strength and determination. Her family is not happy with her, but Angie knows she has taken the correct steps on her path to health and wellness. We appreciate our guests for their commitment to spiritual healing and bravery for sharing it on the air with us each week. And our thanks to our faithful listeners for joining us weekly on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris!

 Maggie and Angie, Week Three | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Last week we heard from Maggie and Angie, who were very open and candid about their lives and what they are seeking to heal. They are seeking support for multiple challenges that are very similar. They both have had trouble meeting their core issues head-on and moving forward. These women have something to share that will touch every person in our listening audience.

 Maggie and Angie, Week Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

This past week we met Maggie and Angie, who were very open and candid about their lives. They are brave, compassionate survivors who are struggling to build a quality life from a background of repeated abuse. Maggie feels she is losing herself and is depressed with the quality of her life. She has healed so many wounds from her childhood but is still so far from the peace she longs for. Now she is even losing her voice! She believes it is from the stress of her life and not a physical issue. Angie has a long history with food addiction and codependency. She did not come from a family that offered a good example to an impressionable child. She was the oldest child in a household with a workaholic father and a seriously depressed mother. It was Angie's job to take care of everybody. No wonder she did not learn to care for herself. She found her comfort in food. These women have a great deal in common, from sexual, emotional abuse to parents who had no parenting skills, and a childhood scarce in nurturing. Their five weeks with Dr. Chris will be intensive. But they are committed to their healing and brave enough to share their experiences with you on Healing Your Life with Dr. Chris!

 Two New Guests Join the Program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Join us this week as Dr. Chris introduces you to our new special guests on Healing Your Life. We welcome the opportunity to meet new people and appreciate that they are willing to share their experiences with us on live radio. On Healing Your Life, we seek the truth and find great value in an expressed commitment to prayer, spiritual practice, and personal healing. As Dr. Chris says, "We must place a demand upon consciousness. We don't hope to get what we pray for. We expect it." Join us as our guests work with Dr. Chris, seeking results that will improve and bless their lives.


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