TechnologyIQ show


Summary: Learning about technology in all its forms! TechnologyIQ is a show about technology, including, but not limited to computers, home appliances, cell phones and any other technology you might encounter during your day. Join the discussion and ask your most pressing questions.

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 Lewisham Chessmen 3D Print - Prints can help make history come alive via TIkTok [Video] | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

@douglaswelch Lewisham Chessmen 3D Print - prints can help make history come alive ##history ##3dprinting ##chessmen ##chess ##artifact♬ Medival - StreamVibes

 Free Book: Think Python 2e via Green Tea Press | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

Free Book: Think Python 2e via Green Tea Press Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for beginners. It starts with basic concepts of programming, and is carefully designed to define all terms when they are first used and to develop each new concept in a logical progression. Larger pieces, like recursion and object-oriented programming are divided into a sequence of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters. Download Precompiled copies of the book are available in PDF. The LaTeX source code is available from this GitHub repository. Here is the HTML version. Read Free Book: Think Python 2e via Green Tea Press amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "thewelchwritecom"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "More Python Books"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Python"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Books"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b1eca9d7212722180f3dedb30cbfe849"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "283155";

 Apple is giving free e-books and audiobooks to people in the US via Engadget | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Download this video Apple is currently giving out freebies to Books users in the US. The next time you launch the app, you'll see a notification inviting you to "explore free books, read-alongs for kids, cozy mysteries, and audiobooks for the whole family." Tapping on the message will lead you to a featured collection where you can select one book or audiobook from a variety of genres. You can also pick a novel from the company's "First in a Series, Free" section. Read Apple is giving free e-books and audiobooks to people in the US via Engadget An interesting link found among my daily reading

 My Project: Travel time bot with Google Maps API and Python - Part 2 - Making the travel data useful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In Part 1 of this series, I showed you how I found the travel time data I wanted and how I figured out how JSON data files function and how to pull out just the data I need. Now that I have this data, I needed to learn a bit of Python coding to extract is and use it in calculations and present it to the screen and other in other ways. Learning Python As has been the case throughout my technology work history, I learn on-demand. For me, this means coming up against a problem and then researching how to solve that problem on the Internet, adapting sample code and finally getting it all to work. That was exactly what happened in the project. I was not very familiar with Python, so each time I needed to accomplish a task I would head over to Google Search (which almost always led to me Stack Overflow) to find the answer. Let me walk you through my Python code and explain how it works and a little about how I developed it.Learn more about Python with these books from Amazon.comMore Python Books Python Modules Let’s begin at the top. First, I needed to figure out what Python modules I would need to accomplish all I wanted with the Travel Time program. #!/usr/bin/env python import urllib import simplejson from os import system import os import time The urllib module gave me the tools to access web URLs within the program and request web pages — or in this case — a JSON file served up from the Google Maps API server. simplejson — as you might imagine — provided the code to easily manipulate JSON by converting it into easily accessible arrays of information.  os and  system modules allow me to call on basic operating system utilities like curl and — since I am running on a Mac — say, which speaks the information out loud. The time module provides me the ability to add wait times and get the current data and time. Looking back at the code now, I realize I don’t really use it in this version. I originally had the script set to run every 5 minutes or so, instead of on-demand, so that functionality is not longer needed. Getting the JSON Data Next, it was time to get the actual current JSON data from the Google Maps API. Each time this is called, it returns the current travel time based on distance and also traffic loading. Note: I have removed my own personal API key from the URL. You’ll need to add that in in — along with your start and end coordinates — to make this useful to you. # Google Maps API URL api_url = ',-118.4528837&destination=34.057835,-117.8217123&departure_time=now&key=<INSERTKEYHERE> # Get JSON data from Google Maps API response = urllib.urlopen(api_url) data = simplejson.load(response) The api-url variable is simply an easily modifiable placeholder for the url you might use. This is then used to in the call to urllib to pull the actual data from that API url. Note that I have no error checking in whether this actually succeeded or not. This is something you would probably want to add. The data returned by the urllib call is stuffed into a variable called response. This response variable is then used in the call to simplejson which creates an array called data which has all the various key-value pairs sorted out and made easily accessible. My initial version of the program used simple text commands to hack away at the data I needed and was much more difficult and brute force. Once I learned how simplejson worked, though. it open the doors to not only accessing API data for this program, but any API data in JSON format from any API. This was a big step in my learning, for sure. Finding the data I needed in the simplejson array # Get current duration of trip duration = (data['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['duration_in_traffic']['value']) # Get current summary name for trip desc = (data['routes'][0]['summary']) You may remember from Part 1 how I used the JSONViewer to give me a clearer, hierarchical understanding of the returned JSON file. These

 Help Create Maker Faire LA 2017! – Kick-off Meeting: Thu, September 22, 2016 @ 7pm | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

Help Create Maker Faire LA 2017!  Please join Hackerspace LA for a meeting for all individuals and organizations interested in forming the leadership team for Maker Faire Los Angeles 2017!  What is Maker Faire? Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. It’s a venue for makers to show examples of their work and interact with others about it. Many makers say they have no other place to share what they do. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) is often invisible in our communities, taking place in shops, garages and on kitchen tables. It’s typically out of the spotlight of traditional art or science or craft events. Maker Faire makes visible these projects and ideas that we don’t encounter every day Time/Location Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 7PM  Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Service Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 3rd floor conference room RSVP Here We will discuss the Maker Faire Los Angeles Draft Plan and how it might be developed into our final plan. As a guide, we’ll be working from the Maker Faire Playbook. Please review these PDF documents before the meeting. Maker Faire Los Angeles Draft Plan  Maker Faire Play Book Please join with Hackerspace LA in creating this amazing Maker/STEAM/Creativity event right here in our own backyard! Jorge Cornejo, Producer - Douglas E. Welch, Co-Producer -

 Visit to Hackspace Catania! | File Type: application/x-shockwave-flash | Duration: Unknown

While on our recent trip to visit family in Sicily (our 4th trip to this area), we made the time to visit Hackspace Catania, the first makerspace in Italy (if I understood them correctly) which opened 3 years ago in a quiet street in downtown Catania, Sicily. I had found the space during my pre-trip research for interesting places I wanted to see during this visit. With my recent involvement in Hackerspace LA, here in the San Fernando Valley, it made perfect sense to check out as many other makerspaces I could to get some ideas and simply see how other sites were organized. After a couple of emails, we set a time to visit and planned on taking the two older boys in the family along with us. I thought they would find the group very interesting, along with their father and might even provide them a location for classes and events to learn more about technology. Arriving in a relatively quiet street in Catania -- where an old palazzo sits on one corner -- we located the space by its address, but also by the small logo on the door -- an H in a gear -- based on the Open Hardware logo. Yep, this must be the place! We were greeted by several members of Hackspace Catania including  Emilio Messina, Riccardo Puglisi, Massimiliano Marchese and Massimiliano Sapuppo. Here is a picture of our entire group on the Hackspace Catania Facebook Page. Everyone was extremely welcoming -- as is often the case in the makerspace world -- and they eagerly showed off their space and their projects. The space is relatively small, with a main floor and a half-mezzanine above. The main floor holds fold up tables that can be lowered for classes, an amazing DJ-Scratching system designed and built by members, a projector system and the usual eclectic collection of tech and artwork found in most makerspaces.  Main Floor Mezzanine A back workroom included many tools and 2 large homemade CNC machines -- one prototype made of wood and another, in progress, constructed out of aluminum. Upstairs housed a small gaming space with couch, a 3-d printer and an impressive collection of retro computers including a Commodore PET, Commodore 64, Atari 2600 and more. I expressed my dismay -- with a laugh -- that they didn't have an Apple IIe, my first computer. Hackspace Catania performs a lot of outreach around the area, especially with students, and also produces high-end paid classes on topics like Drones, 3-D printing, Arduino and more which help to support the space. After an hour or so, we packed up to head to a family event a little further down the coast, but everyone in my group was very impressed by what they saw and the people they met. The family wasn't really sure exactly what Hackspace Catania was about, but once we started walking around it became very clear and I hope that they will visit and engage with the group whenever they can in the future. Thanks to everyone at Hackspace Catania for making it such a great visit! Keep on making and making the world a better place! The palazzo across the street! Here is a complete slideshow of our day (along with a few other photos) so you can see the entire space I described above. Hackspace Catania Web Site Hackspace Catania Facebook Page Learn more about Makerspaces with these books from More makerspace books on

 Education: Raspberry Pi Releases Free "Learn To Code With Scratch" e-Book | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

I’ve often messed about with the visual Scratch programming language and similar apps like Hopscotch (mentioned earlier in TechnologyIQ and Scratch: Multimedia programming kit for kids) and love how it can help introduce anyone, of any age, to the concept of programming. It offer immediate gratification to the user as they can see interactive and animated results of their coding from the very beginning. With an end to spreading the word about Scratch and giving people yet another reason to buy a Raspberry Pi, the Raspberry Pi foundation has released a new ebook, Learn to Code with Scratch. If you are looking to get started coding then a new free e-book which has been released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation as part of their MagPi Essentials selection might be worth more investigation and downloading. The PDF eBook has been created to teach you the basics of learning to code with Scratch the world’s leading visual programming language that is used throughout schools worldwide to teach children the basics of how to think and program almost anything. Scratch is the world-leading visual programming language, created by the boffins at MIT. It’s designed to help kids of all ages learn about computer science within minutes. We think it’s rather cool, and it’s been a core part of Raspberry Pi’s software offering since day one for very obvious reasons. We’ve been working for a while now to dedicate a new Essentials book to it, and we’re ultra-chuffed to let you know that it’s out now! Jump over to the official Raspberry Pi Foundation website to download it and start learning more about Scratch. Get your free PDF copy of Learn to Code with Scratch here Direct Download Link to Learn to Code with Scratch More about Raspberry Pi: Get Raspberry Pi Boards and Components from Amazon Get Raspberry Pi Boards and Components from eBay

 A Visit to Hexlab Makerspace, Tarzana, California | File Type: application/x-shockwave-flash | Duration: Unknown

We made a quick trip over the Open House at Hexlab Makerspace today in Tarzana, California. A great, funky, and well-equipped membership-based makerspace. They have free introductory classes in 3-d printing and laser cuttings and full memberships available. 3-d printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, equipped tool bench, paint booth and more! Check them out at Hexlab Makerspace. More photos from our visit

 Video: Smartphones, Technology and Your Career with Douglas E. Welch (70 min) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Douglas E. Welch presents "Smartphones, Technology and Your Career" to GLAPros in Canoga Park, CA on March 12, 2015. Apps mentioned in this presentation:WazeApple MapsGoogle MapsApple CalendarGoogle CalendarWaterlogueToonpaintApple RemindersGoogle Search/Google NowApple ClockEvernoteGoogle DocsGoogle SlidesGoogle SheetsGoogle TranslateKindle ReaderFeedlyZinioOverdriveFlipboardApple PodcastsYouTubeApple WeatherWundermapForecast.ioWeather RadioApple HealthMyPlateMovesRunKeeperBreeze  Circle Career-Op on Google+Like Career-Op on Facebook

 Video: Cable management for your computer desktop using Ikea Signum | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Using iKea Signum racks to manage the clutter of cable underneath my computer desktop. Signum organizers from Ikea Music: "Go Cart", Kevin MacLeod,, Used under Creative Commons   Can't see the video above? Watch "Cable management for your computer desktop using Ikea Signum" Download "Cable management for your computer desktop using Ikea Signum" - Podcast Edition Watch all my TechnologyIQ Videos Please Like and/or subscribe to my channel. It directly effects how often this video is suggested to other YouTube viewers. Follow TechnologyIQ on TwitterLike TechnologyIQ on FacebookCircle TechnologyIQ on Google+

 Video: Wordpress Wednesday 6: Using Images in your blog posts | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

This post originally appeared on Careers in New Media, but I think it also relates to TechnologyIQ readers and viewers. -- Douglas Short Wordpress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with Wordpress. How to add images to your Wordpress blog posts   See previous episodes of Wordpress Wednesday in this playlist  Music: "Go Kart" by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons License.Follow New Media Tips on Twitter at Like New Media Interchange on Facebook at Circle New Media Interchange on Google+ at

 Video: Using Voice dictation on your iPad (iPhone and even Android) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Use your iPad (or iPhone or Android device, for that matter) to take voice dictation and even take it directly into a Google Drive document. Douglas gives a quick demo on how to start talking to your iPad. More info on iPad Voice dictation can be found here:How to Use iPad Voice DictationBeyond Siri: Dictation tricks for the iPhone and iPad  Can't see the video above? Watch "TechnologyIQ - Using Voice dictation on your iPad" Download "TechnologyIQ - Using Voice dictation on your iPad" - Podcast Edition Watch all my TechnologyIQ Videos Please Like and/or subscribe to my channel. It directly effects how often this video is suggested to other YouTube viewers. Follow TechnologyIQ on TwitterLike TechnologyIQ on FacebookCircle TechnologyIQ on Google+

 Video: Minefull Gone Technical: Detailed player logs and info with Bukkit and Splunk | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

An interview with George Starcher  about his project using the Splunk indexing system  , Bukkit Server and playerlogger plugin to collect and present amazing statistics about Minecraft worlds. This is one for the geekier/techier Minecraft player and not my standard Let's Play, but I thought what George is doing is very interesting from many standpoints. Watch all past episodes of MineFull Subscribe to my YouTube Channel  Music: "Rocket", Kevin MacLeod,, Creative Commons License

 Video: TechnologyIQ First Impressions: Penultimate | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Penultimate is a notepad analog for the iPad, allowing you to draw and take notes on a variety of virtual papers and automatically sync to your Evernote account.Check out Penultimate in this First Impressions video from TechnologyIQ. Link: Penultimate in the iTunes App Store Can't see the video above? Watch "TechIQ First Impressions 4: Penultimate " on YouTube Download "TechiQ First Impressions 4: Penultimate" - iPod Ready Video Watch all my TechnologyIQ Videos Please Like and/or subscribe to my channel. It directly effects how often this video is suggested to other YouTube viewers. Follow TechnologyIQ on TwitterLike TechnologyIQ on FacebookCircle TechnologyIQ on Google+

 Video: Places LA: Dorkbot at Droplabs - Co-working/Hackerspace/Technology and more! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown (people doing strange things with electricity, mostly in Los Angeles) has begun their SoCal Hackerspace Tour with Droplabs, a co-working/hackerspace in Downtown Los Angeles. Join us on this quick tour of the space and the surrounding collection of artists/engineers/techs and more.   See more Places LA videos in this YouTube Playlist For more information, visit: Dorkbot: Droplabs: Find more technology content on TechnologyIQ with Douglas E. Welch at For more episodes of PlacesLA, visit My Word with Douglas E. Welch ( Music: "Slow Burn" by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons License.


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