StandingWatch | Audio Podcast show

StandingWatch | Audio Podcast

Summary: Each week we release a new commentary on the news in light of Biblical prophecy.

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 America's Self-Inflicted Isolation | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:05

The Syrian debacle shows once more the unparalleled troubles America is facing. Being attacked by its enemies and completely isolated from its allies, President Obama does not seem to know what to do. At the same time, America's spying activities and its policy to assist Egypt's successive governments, while refusing to grant individuals asylum who are being religiously persecuted in other countries is a sad indictment of a nation which has forsaken values which it once possessed.

 Watch Germany as the World's New Leader | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:17

Washington is pushing Germany "to take on a greater global leadership role", while America abrogates its leadership position. Germany's disappointment with the USA and President Obama is growing. Germany is still a reluctant giant, but it has begun to assert itself "with the creeping recovery of self-confidence." It is now being asserted that history has given Germany "a mandate to play an influential role in all of the world's affairs"; that "the role of being an active player falls on" it; and that "the rest of the world is waiting for Germany."

 Alaska in Bible Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:16

Does the Bible say something about the past and future of Alaska? How, when and why did Alaska become a member of the Union? Why is Alaska so blessed with natural resources, and why has it been plagued with natural and man-made disasters? What is in store for Alaska?

 God's Viewpoint on Transgender and Homosexual Individuals | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:41

Bradley Manning says that he is a woman and requests hormone therapy or sex-reassignment surgery. Students in California public schools can now choose their gender. California and New Jersey prohibit gay-conversion therapy for those under age 18. Chris Christie states that homosexuality is not a sin, and that gay people are born that way. Germany is the first European country allowing parents to opt out determining their baby's gender to allow their children to choose later in life whether to become male or female. What does the Bible say about these developments?

 We Told You So-America's Sickness and Egypt's Turmoil | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 14:28

America is sick. Egypt is in turmoil. Beware of false prophets. This program shows how these three concepts are related. It explains why America's behavior towards Egypt is sick, and warns of those who "prophesy" falsely about Egypt's future.

 Are You Following God's Lead? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 12:54

Does God lead you to choose or not to choose a certain course of action? Do you act at times against your better judgment, only to realize that you should have followed your "instincts" or your "first impression"? Do you sometimes feel that you are being motivated to do or not to do something, without fully knowing as to why that is? If you truly know God and are close to Him, you will experience that you are being directed in certain ways, and it is always good to carefully listen to and consider that guidance.

 Where is the Throne of David? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:31

The Bible says much about David and his throne. But does the throne of David really exist today? Will Jesus occupy that very throne when He returns? If so, where is it today, and who is sitting on it?

 Sex between Angels and Women? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:46

Many believe that at the time of Noah, angelic beings had sexual intercourse with women and produced giants. Is this the teaching of the Bible? If not, what are the origins of this concept? And how are we to understand the biblical statement in the book of Genesis, chapter 6, that "sons of God" "took wives for themselves" from the "daughters of men" who "bore children to them"?

 Is Pope Francis Really Changing the Catholic Church? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:10

Recent developments within the Catholic Church should not go unnoticed. It appears as if Pope Francis "truly wants to change the Catholic Church," and some of his decisive actions are of great concern to the "Vatican apparatus." However, his changes do not address core Catholic teachings, such as the unbiblical beliefs in purgatory, indulgences or dead Catholic "saints" who are supposed to work now miracles from heaven. The Vatican is once again "rocked by scandal," pertaining to corruption within the Vatican Bank. What does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

 Race No Issue in the Zimmerman Case | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:30

On July 13, 2013, the jury of six mostly white women found Hispanic George Zimmerman not guilty of murder or manslaughter of black 17-year old teenager Trayvon Martin. The mainstream media had created a nationwide circus and resorted to falsehoods and lies in order to invent a case involving race. Sadly, the real crux of the matter took back stage in view of the hype and hysteria of unsupported allegations of racial profiling.

 No More Justice in the Land? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:35

Have we reached the prophesied time when we are searching for justice, without finding any? Why this terrible increase of criminal prosecutions of noncriminal acts and innocent people, and why the great erosion of the principle that one must have criminal intent in order to commit a crime? Do Scriptures in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Micah, especially challenging the religious and political leadership of ancient Israel and Judah, have any relevance for us today?

 Are Your Loved Ones in Hell? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 14:00

In a recent TV program, Pat Robertson said that the wicked are suffering in hell fire, and that even Samuel was in the darkness of hell at the time of King Saul. But is this true? Where does the concept of an ever-burning hell come from? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the lake of fire where the wicked would be cast into? And what is the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?

 Why Approval of Same-Sex Marriages? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 14:04

The recent change of public opinion regarding same-sex or gay marriages caps "one of the fastest civil rights shifts in US history" (Time). As late as "2010, a majority of Americans opposed them" (New York Times). "12 years ago, gay marriages did not exist anywhere in the world" (Der Spiegel). Why this rapid shift? After all, "only three per cent of America's population is homosexual" (Canada Free Press). Why are Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Baptist Minister Mike Huckabee or Jewish Orthodox Rabbi Yoel Schoenfeld in the minority, when they state that marriage is biblically defined as an exclusive lifelong union between one man and one woman? Why does Rush Limbaugh feel that the gay marriage movement cannot be stopped, and why does Fox moderator Bill O'Reilly scorn at those who use arguments from the Bible to speak out against same-sex marriages? Is the destruction of "American Babylon" inevitable, and can only the arrival of the Messiah help us?

 Egypt, Syria and Iran in Bible Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:33

Egypt is in turmoil again. The Economist describes Iran as "a more dangerous place than it ever was before," and adds that Syria has become "a client of Iran." Does the Bible tell us what is in store for these and other countries? Indeed, it does. We give the biblical evidence in our free booklet, "Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy." We offer proof for the accuracy of our statements, such as: "The king of the north will rule over Egypt." "Syria will fall in the next world war. Damascus will be destroyed and the Syrian people will go into captivity." "Iran will participate in fighting against the state of Israel... Iran will form an alliance with... Russia." And much more.

 Syria, Iran and Turkey...What's Next? | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: 13:38

Events in Syria, Iran and Turkey-as well as the entire Middle East and Africa-are of significance and importance in the light of biblical prophecies. But only very few know where they are leading. Is America's decision to send arms to Syrian rebels a wise move, or will it only cause more problems? Will Iran's new leader bring about real change for the country and the world? Even if he wanted to do this, could he? And why are demonstrating Turks outraged with their leader? Is it just about some trees in a park-or is the cause much deeper? And what does it all mean?


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